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On the interfluves and in small depressions of the Ryazan forest-steppe, under periodic stagnation of surface water, acid chernozem-like soils with a relatively thick humus horizon, podzolic horizons, and marble-colored gleyed B1 and B2 horizons are formed. The eluvial horizons of these soils contain Mn-Fe nodules, and dark humus coatings occur in the illuvial horizons. In the spring, the eluvial horizons of these soils are excessively moistened and gravitational water stagnates on the soil surface for 3–4 weeks. The formation of the acid light-colored eluvial horizons of the soils on leached rocks is related to gleying under the conditions of the stagnant-percolative regime. Their total thickness is 15–25 cm and more. According to the properties of their solid phase, these horizons are similar to the podzolic horizons of soddy-podzolic gleyed soils. These soils have not been represented in the classification systems of soils of the USSR and Russia. Based on the principles of the substantial-genetic classification, one of the authors of this article [9] referred this soil to gleyed podzolic chernozem-like soils, thus, considering it as an individual genetic soil type. The gleyed podzolic chernozem-like soils differ from the leached chernozems by their low productivity and difficulty of tillage. In humid and moderately moist years, the death of crops or a reduction in yield are probable because of the excess of moisture.  相似文献   

Data on the mineralogical composition of clay in soils of solonetzic complexes of the Priobskoe Plateau and the Kulunda and Baraba lowlands have been generalized. The parent materials predominating in these regions have loamy and clayey textures and are characterized by the association of clay minerals represented by dioctahedral and trioctahedral mica–hydromica, chlorite, kaolinite, and a number of irregular interstratifications. They differ in the proportions between the major mineral phases and in the qualitative composition of the minerals. Mica–hydromica and chlorites with a small amount of smectitic phase predominate on the Priobskoe Plateau and in the Kulunda Lowland; in the Baraba Lowland, the portion of mica–smectite interstratifications is higher. An eluvial–illuvial distribution of clay fraction in solonetzes is accompanied by the acid–alkaline destruction and lessivage of clay minerals, including the smectitic phase in the superdispersed state. This results in the strong transformation of the mineralogical composition of the upper (suprasolonetzic) horizons and in the enrichment of the solonetzic horizons with the products of mineral destruction; superdispersed smectite; and undestroyed particles of hydromica, kaolinite, and chlorite from the suprasolonetzic horizons. A significant decrease in the content of smectitic phase in the surface solodic horizons of solonetzic complexes has different consequences in the studied regions. In the soils of the Priobskoe Plateau and Kulunda Lowland with a relatively low content (10–30%) of smectitic phase represented by chlorite–smectite interstratifications, this phase virtually disappears from the soils (there are only rare cases of its preservation). In the soils of the Baraba Lowland developed from the parent materials with the high content (30–50%) of smectitic phase represented by mica–smectite interstratifications, the similar decrease (by 10–20%) in the content of smectitic phase does not result in its complete disappearance. However, the smectitic phase acquires the superdispersed state and the capacity for migration.  相似文献   

The soils of montane cloud forests (MCF) are still insufficiently studied. A number of researchers report Podzols to be the main soil group for MCF ecosystems; however, a great deal of contradictory data exists. We studied an altitudinal sequence of soils formed on ferrous chlorite shale under natural MCF vegetation in Sierra Juárez, Southern Mexico, from 1500 to 2500 m asl. The soils of the upper part of the toposequence were Folic Stagnic Podzols, with inclusions of Folic Stagnosols in local depressions, while the soils of the lower part of the toposequence were Folic Cambisols (Humic, Hyperdystric). All the soils in the toposequence were extremely acid, and had thick organic surface horizon. Mineral horizons of all soils were poor both in exchangeable and total reserves of bases; the bases were concentrated mainly in organic topsoil. With decreasing altitude both the thickness of albic horizons, the depth of the maximum acid oxalate-extractable Fe and Al concentrations, and the difference in clay content between the eluvial and illuvial horizons decreased. In the upper part of the toposequence the composition of soil clays was similar to that of parent material (chlorite and mica), with some mixed-layered 2:1 minerals. However, gibbsite and kaolinite were also present in the soils of the other site within the same upper MCF belt. The phenomenon was ascribed to parent material heterogenity. In the medium and lower parts of the toposequence gibbsite and kaolinite were the dominant minerals. We consider that the main pedogenic processes in the study area are raw humus accumulation, weathering in situ, podzolization, and iron reduction due to water stagnation in mineral topsoil. The intensity of weathering decreases, while the extent of water stagnation increases with altitude. To a great extent the genesis and altitudinal distribution of the soils in the MCF depends on parent material.  相似文献   

In the northern forest-steppe of European Russia, under the conditions of surface waterlogging (freshwater) and a stagnant-percolative regime, gleyic podzolic chernozem-like soils with thick light-colored eluvial horizons are formed. These horizons are close or similar to the podzolic horizons of bog-podzolic soils in many properties of their solid phase. They are bleached in color and characterized by the removal of Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, and Mn and the relative accumulation of quartz SiO2. These soils differ from leached chernozems in their acid reaction and very low CEC, the presence of Fe-Mn concretions and coatings, and the significant decrease in the clay content in the A2 horizon as compared to the parent rock. The soils studied differ significantly from loamy podzolic and bog-podzolic soils by the composition of the clay minerals in the A2 horizons: (1) no essential loss of smectite minerals from this horizon was found as compared to the rest of the solum, (2) pedogenic chlorites (HIV and HIS) are absent, and (3) the distinct accumulation of illites is observed as compared to the subsoil and parent material, probably, due to the process of illitization.  相似文献   

Mineralogy of the fine component of meadow podbel soil in the Central Amur Lowland significantly varies depending on texture differentiation within the profile and clay categories with different binding strengths (water-peptized and aggregated clay). In the eluvial part of the profile, hydromicas are predominant, which are accompanied by kaolinite and mica-smectites with a low content of smectite layers; there are many finely dispersed quartz and feldspars; plagioclases are less abundant. The illuvial part of the profile is characterized by a high content of smectite minerals (mica-smectite and kaolinite-smectite interstratifications). Kaolinite, chlorite, and chlorite-vermiculite are also found. Fragmentary components pass into a peptized state: micas-hydromicas, kaolinite, finely dispersed quartz, feldspars, plagioclases, amphiboles, and diatom skeletons (mainly in the illuvial part of the profile). Aggregated clays are characterized by a high content of interstratifications with smectite layers. The mineral composition of two clay categories is strongly differentiated according to eluvial-illuvial type. The bulk chemical composition confirms the textural differentiation of the finely dispersed component within the profile. The chemistry of silty sand cutans on the faces of structural units in the illuvial part of the profile significantly differs from the chemistry of the enclosing horizon and is analogous to that of the eluvial part of the profile. The involvement of silica in the meadow podbel fractions with different binding strengths has been revealed.  相似文献   

The composition and the regularities of the profile distribution of the clay minerals in the solods of the Baraba Steppe (ground moistening) and the Priobskoe Plateau (atmospheric moistening) were studied. The two profiles have the distinct eluvial-illuvial distribution of the clay fraction. The composition of the clay fraction in the eluvial layer is dominated by illite. The content of chlorite and labile minerals of the montmorillonite group increases downwards in the profile. The revealed regularities in the profile distribution of the clay fraction and some groups of clay minerals are explained by the joint influence of the mineral dissolution under the influence of the gleying and alkaline hydrolysis, as well as the processes of illitization and lessivage. The major differences in the content and distribution of the clay minerals between the solods and the podzolic soils are the following. The solods have a clear illuvial layer in the clay, while the majority of podzolic soil profiles have the eluvial distribution of the silty fraction. The solods in the eluvial part of the profile and sometimes in even the bottom layers have an unusually high content of the illite minerals in the clay fraction due to illitization. The podzolic layers of the solods do not contain soil chlorites common for the eluvial layers of the podzolic soils, which is due here to a less acidic medium that can not provide the proper conditions of aluminum mobilization and migration needed for the development of chloritization.  相似文献   

Properties and mineralogy of fine fractions separated from agrochernozems forming a three-component noncontrasting soil combination in the Kamennaya Steppe have been characterized. The soil cover consists of zooturbated (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic, Calcaric)), migrational-mycelial (Haplic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic)), and clay-illuvial (Luvic Chernozems (Clayic, Aric, Pachic)) agrochernozems. All the soils are deeply quasi-gleyed because of periodical groundwater rise. The mineralogy of the fraction <1μm includes irregular mica–smectite interstratifications, di- and trioctahedral hydromicas, imperfect kaolinite, and magnesium–iron chlorite. The profile distribution of these minerals slightly varies depending on the subtype of spot-forming soils. A uniform distribution of clay minerals is observed in zooturbated agrochernozem; a poorly manifested eluvial–illuvial distribution of the smectite phase is observed in the clay-illuvial agrochernozem. The fractions of fine (1–5 μm) and medium (5–10 μm) silt consist of quartz, micas, potassium feldspars, plagioclases, kaolinite, and chlorite. There is no dominant mineral, because the share of each mineral is lower than 35–45%. The silt fractions differ in the quartz-to-mica ratio. The medium silt fraction contains more quartz, and the fine silt fraction contains more micas.  相似文献   

Statistical data on the bulk contents of iron and aluminum oxides in iron-depleted and iron-enriched horizons of a wide range of taiga and tundra soils were compared. It was found that the soils could be arranged into the following sequence characterized by an increase in the relative contribution of iron oxides and a decrease in the relative contribution of aluminum oxides to the differentiation of sesquioxides in the soil profiles: sandy podzols—soddy-podzolic soils—loamy micropodzols and iron-illuvial svetlozems—cryogenic ferruginated gleyzems. It was concluded that the bleaching of eluvial horizons and the depletion of sesquioxides from them, as well as the accumulation of sesquioxides in the illuvial horizons, are controlled by different processes in different soils. In sandy podzols, the differentiation of sesquioxides is due to the Al-Fe-humus podzolization; in loamy micropodzols and iron-illuvial svetlozems, due to the redox-Al-Fe-humus podzolization; in podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils, due to the selective podzolization and lessivage; and, in cryogenic ferruginated gleyzems, due to the reduction-oxidation processes.  相似文献   

A database for the main genetic horizons of loamy automorphic soddy-podzolic, typical podzolic, gley-podzolic, and surface-gley tundra soils of the Komi Republic was developed on the basis of the available archive and literature data and unpublished results of the authors. The database included the following parameters: the pHwater and pHKCl, the exchangeable and total acidity, and the degree of SEC saturation. All the parameters were characterized by normal distribution types. The variation coefficients V for the pHwater and pHKCl were <10%. For the exchangeable and total acidities and the degree of SEC saturation, the V values varied among the soils and horizons in the range of 10–50%. The greatest differences in the acid-base properties of all the soils were revealed between the groups of organic horizons, the eluvial horizons, and the B horizon by the cluster analysis. Between the separate subtypes of podzolic soils, the maximum differences were observed in the organic and, to a lesser extent, eluvial horizons; the B horizons of the different soils in the taiga and tundra zones did not significantly differ in these terms. For the entire profiles, the highest similarity was found between the typical podzolic and gley-podzolic soils, which were more similar to the automorphic soils of the tundra zone than to soddy-podzolic soils.  相似文献   



The impacts of fly ash on the chemistry of forest floors were previously described in literature, while impacts on soil properties were less recognised. Soil investigations were focussed mainly on increases of pH and base saturations in surface horizons. The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of alkaline fly ash blown out from the dumping site of a lignite-fired power plant on pH changes of ectohumus horizons of Podzols and the morphology of deeper horizons.

Materials and methods

We investigated the soil profiles of Podzols derived from loose quartz sand and developed under pine forest surrounding the dumping site of the power plant Be?chatów, central Poland. In the vicinity of the fly ash dumping site, five Podzol profiles located at a distance of 50 m from the dumping site were investigated, as well as soil profiles located along the transect set at distances of 50, 300, 800 and 2000 m from the dumping site. Control profiles were located at a distance of 7.3 km from the dumping site. Soil morphology was described in the field and the following properties were determined: soil texture, hydrolytic acidity, exchangeable cations, total organic carbon and total nitrogen content.

Results and discussion

The pH values of Podzol ectohumus horizons located close to the dumping site ranged from 6.01 to 7.34 compared to a range of 3.08–3.72 in the control. Ectohumus horizon located 300 m from the dumping site showed a pH range of 4.13–4.26, while at a distance of 800 m, the pH values did not differ from those of the control site. The upper part of the eluvial soil horizons located close to the dumping site had been transformed into transitional AE horizons in which humic substances translocated from ectohumus horizons were accumulated. Moreover, the organic carbon content of this horizon increased compared to the carbon content of the illuvial Bs horizon located below it. Under the influence of alkalisation of upper horizons, the illuvial Bhs horizons vanished and were transformed into Bs horizons.


Changes in soils affected by fly ashes are connected with alkalinisation of ectohumus horizons. Podzolisation processes can be reduced or even completely stopped regarding the distance from the dumping site. Eluvial Podzol horizons located close to the dumping site may be transformed into AE horizons in which humic substances translocated from ectohumus horizons are accumulated. Due to transformation and translocation of organic components, Bhs horizons can be transformed into Bs horizons.

Mineralogical composition of silt and clay fractions (<1.1–5 and 5–10 µm) in heavy loamy agrogrey soils (Luvic Retic Phaeozems) considerably changes both in the vertical (along the soil profile) and horizontal (along soil microcatenas) directions. The eluvial–illuvial distribution pattern of the clay fraction in the podzolized agrogrey soils with the second humus horizon is replaced by the homogeneous distribution in the agrogrey soils with residual carbonates. The distribution of silt fractions in the soil profiles is relatively homogeneous. The clay (<1 µm) fraction of the parent material is represented by the poorly ordered micasmectite interstratifications minerals, the proportion between which changes in the soil profiles in dependence on the particular pedogenetic processes. Hydromicas represent the second important component of the clay fraction. They consist of di- and trioctahedral varieties, the proportion between which changes in the soil profiles. Kaolinite and iron–magnesium chlorite are present in smaller amounts. The second humus horizon is characterized by the lowest content of mica-smectite interstratifications minerals with the high content of smectitic layers and by the lowest content of the clay fraction. Silt fractions are composed of quartz, micas, potassium feldspars, and plagioclases.  相似文献   

Chernozem-like soils with light-colored acid eluvial horizons are widespread in the forest-steppe zone of European Russia. Their formation is related to gleying under the conditions of a stagnant-percolative water regime on leached rocks. It is closely associated with the evolution of salinized soils (Gedroits’s scheme). However, these soils have not been included in the soil classifications of the Soviet Union and Russia. Based on the principles of substantial-genetic classification, one of the authors of this article [3–5, 10] referred them to gleyed podzolic chernozem-like soils, which are considered as an individual genetic soil type. With respect to agroecological aspects, they are different from the leached chernozems in their low productivity and difficulty of tillage. This article covers the problems of genesis, classification, and melioration of gleyed podzolic chernozem-like soils in the north of the forest-steppe zone of European Russia and their possible association with dark-colored podbels.  相似文献   

Data on the mineralogical composition of clay (<1 μm), fine silt (1–5 μm), medium silt (5–10 μm), and coarser (>10 μm) fractions of meadow solonchakous solonetzes (Calcic Gypsic Salic Stagnic Solonetz (Albic, Siltic, Columnic, Cutanic, Differentic)) developing from loesslike loam and clay in the North Crimean Lowland are presented. Fractions >5 μm constitute nearly 50% of the soil mass and are characterized by the same mineralogical composition in the entire profile; they consist of quartz, plagioclases, potassium feldspars, and micas (biotite and muscovite). The eluvial-illuvial redistribution of clay in the course of solonetzic process is accompanied by changes in the portion of mixed-layer minerals and hydromicas in the upper part of the profile; a larger part of the smectitic phase is transformed into the superdisperse state. In the eluvial SEL horizon and in the illuvial BSN horizon, the clay fraction is impoverished in smectitic phase and enriched in trioctahedral hydromicas. Upon calculation of the content of clay minerals per bulk soil mass, the distribution of mixed-layer minerals is either eluvial, or eluvial-illuvial, whereas the distribution of hydromicas has an illuvial pattern without distinct eluvial minimum in the SEL horizons. The eluvial-illuvial distribution pattern of clay minerals in solonetzes of the North Crimean Lowland is compared with the distribution pattern of clay minerals in solonetzes of the West Siberian Lowland. Coefficients characterizing differentiation of solonetzes by the contents of particular mineral components are suggested.  相似文献   

Clay (< 2 μ) from argillic horizons of sixteen Argids, Xerolls, and Ustalfs having either smectite or mica, or both, was analyzed for CEC, total K, X-ray diffraction peaks, and free swelling. The maximum and minimum limits of CEC and K for the smectite and clay mica were determined from the linear relationships of each of the four variables to the ratio of CEC or K to total charge (CEC + K). The theoretical maximum limits are 100 mequiv. of CEC/100 g for smectite and 5.1% K for clay mica. When the 14 Å peak of smectite is first lost from the suite of the two minerals, the CEC of clay mica is 40 mequiv./100 g and its K content is 3.4%. When the 10 Å peak of clay mica is first lost, the CEC of smectite is 70 mequiv./100 g and its K content is 1.3%. The limits that were set by X-ray peaks can be used for estimating the amounts of clay mica and smectite in soils of dry regions.  相似文献   

A quaternary soil sequence in the Kennet Valley,central southern England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C.J. Chartres 《Geoderma》1980,23(2):125-146
The field characteristics, texture, mineralogy and micromorphology of the soils of four chronologically separate river terraces of the River Kennet are described. The soils on the three uppermost terraces have illuvial (palaeoargillic) horizons, which have been intensely disturbed by periglacial activity. These horizons are overlain by similarly disrupted eluvial horizons mixed with aeolian silts derived from outside the Kennet catchment. The illuvial horizons most probably result from interglacial pedogenesis under climatic conditions warmer and wetter than at present, whilst the aeolian material was probably added to the soils during the last glacial period (Devensian). The lowest and youngest terrace is characterised by an undisturbed (normal argillic) soil developed in loams derived predominantly from the aeolian silts. Consequently, it is postulated that the soils of the lowest terrace owe their characteristics to a phase of postglacial pedogenesis.The results illustrate that several phases of pedogenesis can be recognised, which provide important information on the Quaternary development of the area. This is especially significant where floral, faunal, or archaeological evidence of environmental changes is unavailable.  相似文献   

This study is based on a sequence of soils on a typical slope of the Himalayas in central Nepal from 2300 m to 4000 m. Above 2300 m the land is forested and at 4000 m forest gives way to alpine meadows.The soils have developed in silty loam materials derived from weathering of micaschists. They are humic, acid and strongly desaturated. Their spatial distribution is related to the bioclimatic zonation: acid brown soils and deep humic acid soils occur in the mountain zone and podzols and brown podzolic soils in the subalpine and alpine ones.Biological activity and “maturation” of humus decrease with increasing elevation. The podzolization process dominates. There is intense weathering of ferruginous phyllosilicates in eluvial horizons and accumulation of amorphous products in B horizons.  相似文献   

Genesis and micromorphology of loess-derived soils from central Kansas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H. Gunal  M.D. Ransom 《CATENA》2006,65(3):222-236
The genesis and micromorphology of three Harney soils from different precipitation regions (from 540 mm to 715 mm) (fine, smectitic, mesic Typic Argiustolls) in the Smoky Hills of central Kansas were investigated. The objectives were to (1) examine the morphological, chemical, physical and mineralogical characteristics of Harney soils formed in loess; (2) determine the clay mineral distribution with depth and the origin of the clay minerals present; and (3) investigate the relationship between the clay mineralogy and other soil properties such as soil plasmic fabric, COLE values and fine clay/total clay ratios. Mineralogical and micromorphological techniques were used to evaluate the characteristics of the loess-derived soils. The first pedon was formed in 88 cm of Bignell loess over Peoria loess and the other two pedons were formed from Peoria loess. The chemical properties were similar for the pedons studied. Differences were observed in physical properties, especially in particle size distribution, oven-dry bulk density and coefficient of linear extensibility values. Although the soils were mapped in the same soil series, the geomorphic positions of the pedons and the nature of the parent material affected the characteristics of the soils. Smectite was the predominant clay mineral, especially in the fine clay fraction, regardless of the location in the precipitation gradient. The dominance of smectite increased in the C-horizons. This implies a detrital source of smectite in the B-horizons formed in both Bignell and Peoria loess units. The presence of randomly interstratified mica-smectite and the micromorphological observations of weathering biotite indicate that weathering also plays an important role in the mineralogy of Harney soils. The high content of clay mica in the surface horizons was caused by dust fall in the study area. Thick and continuous argillans were observed when FC/TC and COLE values were low and crystalline smectite was present. In the lower part of the soil profiles, the plasmic fabric was mostly ma-skelsepic (granostriated b-fabric) and smectite was more crystalline as indicated by sharper X-ray diffraction peaks.  相似文献   

Minerals of the pedogenic chlorite group were studied in the clay fractions isolated from the mineral horizons of podzolic and gleyic peat-podzolic soils. In the AE and E horizons of the podzolic soil, pedogenic chlorites are thought to develop from vermiculite, whereas in the E horizon of the gleyic peat-podzolic soil, they can be formed from smectite minerals. For estimating the degree of chloritization (the degree of filling of the interlayer space of 2: 1 minerals with Al hydroxides), a numerical criterion was is proposed. The difference between the values of this criterion before and after the treatment of the preparations with NH4F indicated that the degree of chloritization in the pedogenic chlorites decreases in the following sequence: the E horizon of the podzolic soil > the AE horizon of the podzolic soil > the E horizon of the gleyic peat-podzolic soil. Another numerical criterion was proposed to estimate the degree of polymerization of Al-hydroxy complexes in pedogenic chlorites. This criterion was based on the thermal stability of soil chlorites and represented the temperature at which an increase in the intensity of the 1.0-nm peak after heating the K-saturated preparations exceeds 50% of its initial value. According to this criterion, the degree of polymerization of the Al-hydroxy interlayers in pedogenic chlorites decreases in the following sequence: the E horizon of the podzolic soil > the E horizon of the gleyic peat-podzolic soil ≥ the AE horizon of the podzolic soil. The distinct interrelation between the soil properties and the degrees of chloritization and polymerization of the Al-hydroxy interlayers attests to the modern origin of the pedogenic chlorites.  相似文献   

A beach ridge and dune complex with good radiocarbon control sampling the last 3500 radiocarbon years B.P. provides new insights on the early genesis of clay bands in sandy soils. Soil profiles were sampled by age groups, described in the field, and then subjected to laboratory analyses for particle-size distribution, pH, organic carbon, carbonate minerals, and extractable iron and manganese. This study suggests that small increases in pH, brought about by small increases in carbonate content within the soil profile, are responsible for flocculating small amounts of illuviated clay. This process, along with a transition to a greater hydraulic conductivity with soil depth due to coarser textures in any given profile, partly explains the existence and possible reason for the initiation of illuvial zones and eventually for clay-band horizons. A pronounced increase in the thickness of incipient clay-band horizons in soils older than 2300 years appears due to finer textures in the parent materials than are present in younger soils. Because of slightly reduced porosity and lower permeability, carbonates and a high pH are retained in both illuvial and eluvial horizons of some of these older soils. In addition, only in those profiles older than 2300 years do clay and iron oxide concentrations coincide and is there some suggestion of greater amounts of extractable manganese in horizons of minimum iron and clay. A pronounced segregation of clay-iron bands is not apparent at the study area but should occur in future years as additional amounts of iron and clay are deposited.  相似文献   

Profile-morphological study of the ‘disharmonic’ polygenesis of Podzols Based on the relevant literature and his own research findings the author points out the diversity of soils designated as Podzols in the past and the present. Older Podzols which have passed through several phases of development (polygenesis) not infrequently show illuvial horizons with iron oxides and/or clay minerals which were obviously washed out earlier than the humus substances. This is demonstrated by photographs. Whereas previous attempts to explain these facts were based on changes in pedogenetic parameters (pH, redox potential, density) or vegetation (= harmonic development) the author suggests taking Holocene climatic changes into consideration (= disharmonic development). By analogy with the formation of clay-illuvial horizons of ‘Lessivé-Braunerden’ (so-called ‘Parabraunerde-Braunerden’ after AG Boden, 1994) on till and loess in Central Europe, which the author considers to be relict formations developed under the warm-humid climatic conditions of the Atlanticum, we can — in very sandy soils — assume a similar process of percolative sesquioxide-transfer during this period. If further investigations come to the conclusion that such transport of colloids took place without the participation of organic complex-forming substances this process should no longer be interpreted as a phase of podzolisation, but either attributed to lessivation or designated by a new pedogenetic term (ferralluviation, Ferralluvisol).  相似文献   

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