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Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy is a well‐recognized cause of equine neurologic disease. Temporal bone fractures associated with temporohyoid osteoarthropathy have been recognized with CT, however, little information is available regarding these fractures. The aims of this retrospective analytical study were to assess the prevalence of these fractures and to describe the specific configurations and associated imaging and clinical features. Fracture of the temporal bone was identified with CT in 16 of 39 included horses. All fractures were unilateral, minimally displaced and extended through the temporal bone in a rostrodorsal to caudoventral orientation. Two fracture configurations were identified: in nine cases, the fracture extended the full width of the petrous pyramid into the cranial vault and in seven cases, the fracture only extended through the lateral part of the petrous temporal bone, not involving the cranial vault. Fusion of the temporohyoid joint was present in 13 of the 16 fracture cases. Quarter Horses were over‐represented in the fractured population (14/16). All horses with fractures had ipsilateral neurologic deficits. Patient outcomes were not significantly different between temporohyoid osteoarthropathy horses with and without temporal bone fractures (P = 0.68). However, six of the nine patients with cranial vault involvement did not return to their previous use. Findings support previous studies indicating that temporal bones should be carefully assessed for concurrent fractures when temporohyoid osteoarthropathy is identified in CT images, especially when there is fusion of the temporohyoid joint. An improved awareness of specific fracture configurations will help with detection of these fractures.  相似文献   

Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is a progressive bilateral disease of unknown aetiology that most commonly affects adult horses. Irrespective of aetiology, THO frequently results in pain or fracture of the petrous temporal bone during normal movement of the tongue and larynx. In an effort to decrease pain and reduce the likelihood of petrous temporal bone fracture, partial stylohyoidectomy and ceratohyoidectomy have been developed. Serious complications have been reported following stylohyoidectomy and therefore the current recommendation is to perform unilateral ceratohyoidectomy. Benefits of ceratohyoidectomy include a lower risk of vascular and nerve damage and a reduced risk of clinical signs recurrence when compared with stylohyoidectomy. This report describes a case of THO in which clinical signs recurred approximately 2 years after unilateral ceratohyoidectomy was performed. Due to this complication, resection of the contralateral ceratohyoid bone was performed, which resulted in complete resolution of clinical signs. Although the clinical signs are frequently unilateral, the disease is most commonly a progressive bilateral condition and some horses may not have complete resolution of clinical signs when unilateral ceratohyoidectomy is performed. Therefore, if clinical signs persist after unilateral ceratohyoidectomy, a therapeutic consideration should include bilateral ceratohyoidectomy. This report suggests a favourable short‐term prognosis for a horse treated with bilateral ceratohyoidectomy.  相似文献   

Normal anatomic variation in the amount of fat within the petrous temporal bone of dogs can result in a magnetic resonance (MR) imaging pseudolesion. Focal hyperintense areas in the region of the hippocampus on T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging sequences were noted in a dog being imaged for seizure activity. Further investigation of this region, aided by the use of cadaveric specimens, led to the identification of normal anatomic variability in the amount of fat in the substantia spongiosa of the petrous temporal bone. The presence of normal adipose tissue was confirmed histopathologically. Fat suppression MR imaging sequences can be used to differentiate whether hyperintensity ventral to the hippocampus is a result of a pathologic process, or fat in the substantia spongiosa of the petrous temporal bone.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The aetiology of temporohyoid osteoarthropathy (THO) is unknown; both primary infectious and degenerative causes have been suggested. Hypothesis: There is a significant association between increasing age and severity of temporohyoid joint degeneration. To examine the histopathology of the temporohyoid articulation in aged horses and to compare the appearance of the joint with computed tomography (CT) and peripheral quantitative CT (pQCT). Methods: pQCT scans of the temporohyoid articulations were obtained bilaterally from 31 horses (range age 1–44 years) post mortem and images were graded by 2 blinded observers on 2 occasions for the presence of osteophytes, irregularity of the joint surface and mineralisation. Eight heads had been examined previously by CT, with the images similarly graded for the shape and density of the proximal stylohyoid bones, bone proliferation surrounding the joint, mineralisation of the tympanohyoid cartilage and the relationship of the petrous temporal bone to the stylohyoid bone. Sixteen temporohyoid joints were then evaluated histologically. Results: There was significant association between the mean pQCT degeneration score and age (rho = 0.75; P<0.0001), between the pQCT and CT score (rho = 0.63; P = 0.01) and between the degenerative changes identified within each temporohyoid joint within each horse (rho = 0.81; P<0.0001). Age‐associated changes included the development of a club shape by the proximal stylohyoid bone, rounding of the synostosis with the petrous temporal bone and extension of osteophytes from the petrous temporal bone to envelope the stylohyoid head and bridge the joint. In no horse was there any evidence of osteomyelitis within the petrous temporal bone, stylohyoid bone or tympanohyoid cartilage. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that age is associated with increasing severity of degenerative changes in the equine temporohyoid joint and that similar changes are commonly found bilaterally. Potential relevance: The changes identified appear similar, albeit milder to the changes reported in horses with THO, suggesting that degenerative, rather than infectious causes may underlie the aetiology of THO. Future work should be directed at examining the histopathology of clinical THO cases.  相似文献   

An adult female North American bison (Bison bison) with a chronic otitis externa/media of the right ear was examined because of a 4-mo history of intermittent anorexia, apparent painful behavior, and auricular discharge from the right ear. Computerized tomography (CT) demonstrated osteolysis of the tympanic, petrous, and squamous aspects of the temporal bone with soft tissue replacement and sclerosis of the right bulla. A total ear canal ablation with bulla curettage was performed, and cefazolin-impregnated polymethacrylate beads were left within the right bulla and the remnant temporal bone. Six months after the surgery, the bison had no clinical signs of otitis media.  相似文献   

对北极狐骨骼系统进行解训观察,同时与革食动物马、牛及杂食动物猪的骨骼作形态学上的比较。由于生活习性所致,北极狐骨骼形态结构具有如下特征:北极狐的骨骼由头骨、躯干骨和四肢骨组成。头骨的主要特征是:枕骨的颈交不发达,眶上突不与颧弓相连,无眶上孔;颞骨岩部形成半球形鼓泡,鼻骨与颌前骨的鼻突之间不形成鼻颌切迹;泪骨几乎无颜面部;颌前骨的鼻突发达;上颌骨外面无面嵴;腭骨发达;犁骨腹缘后部不与鼻腔底壁接触;下颌骨支下缘无血管切迹、垂直部后下方有一角突。四肢骨的主要特征是:肩胛岗下端形成肩峰;臂骨未见三角肌结节和圆肌结节;尺骨比桡骨细长;腕骨7块;掌骨5块;指骨5指;左右髋骨几乎平行排列,坐骨弓宽平,荐结节高出荐骨;股骨有发达的大转子和较发达的小转子,缺第三转子;腓骨与胫骨等长;跗骨7块;躯干骨由7个颈椎、13个胸椎、7个腰椎、3个荐椎、15—17个尾椎组成;肋骨13对;胸骨由8个长柱状的胸骨节片和剑状软骨构成。  相似文献   

An 8-month-old thoroughbred colt presented with sudden onset right forelimb lameness. A radiographic series of the right carpus was performed, and it revealed a slab fracture of the fourth carpal bone and fracture of the proximal part of the third metacarpal bone. Arthroscopically guided repair of the slab fracture of the fourth carpal bone with a 3.5 mm cortex screw and lag screw fixation of the fracture of the proximal part of the third metacarpal bone were performed. The horse started to race at 32 months old and started in 65 races over three years without any trouble associated with the right carpus.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis VII was diagnosed in a domestic shorthair cat from California. The cat was small and had multiple abnormalities, including a small body disproportionate to the size of the skull, angular deformities of the ribs, abnormally short forelimbs, luxating patellas, generalized epiphyseal dysplasia involving the vertebrae and long bones, cuboidal vertebrae, pectus excavatum, subluxation of both hips, osteosclerosis of the tentorium cerebelli and left petrous temporal bone, tracheal hypoplasia, and corneal clouding. Beta-glucuronidase activity was markedly decreased in peripheral blood leukocytes. The cat died at 21 months of age, and a complete necropsy was performed. Tissues were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Large clear, round vacuoles representing distended lysosomes were present in many epithelial and connective tissue cells, including fibrocytes, chondrocytes, smooth muscle cells, hepatocytes, astrocytes, and macrophages.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The equine temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and its surrounding structures can be difficult to investigate in cases with a clinical problem related to the region. Little previous attention has been given either to a computed tomographic (CT) imaging protocol for the joint or an interpretation of the structures displayed in CT images of the normal joint. Objectives: To provide a CT atlas of the normal cross‐sectional anatomy of the equine TMJ using frozen and plastinated sections as anatomical reference. Methods: Eight TMJs from 4 immature pure‐bred Spanish horses were examined by helical CT. Scans were processed with a detailed algorithm to enhance bony and soft tissue. Transverse CT images were reformatted into sagittal and dorsal planes. Transverse, sagittal and dorsal cryosections were then obtained, photographed and plastinated. Relevant anatomic structures were identified in the CT images and corresponding anatomical sections. Results: In the CT images, a bone window provided excellent bone detail, however, the soft tissue components of the TMJ were not as well visualised using a soft tissue window. The articular cartilage was observed as a hyperattenuating stripe over the low attenuated subchondral bone and good delineation was obtained between cortex and medulla. The tympanic and petrous part of the temporal bone (middle and inner ear) and the temporohyoid joint were seen in close proximity to the TMJ. Conclusions: Helical CT provided excellent images of the TMJ bone components to characterise the CT anatomy of the normal joint. Potential relevance: Detailed information is provided that may be used as a reference by equine veterinarians for the CT investigation of the equine TMJ and serve to assist them in the diagnosis of disorders of the TMJ and related structures (middle and inner ear). The study was performed at an immature stage and further studies of mature individuals are required in order to confirm that the clinical interpretation is not affected by changes occurring with age.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE : To examine the fracture failure surfaces from Thoroughbred horses that had sustained a catastrophic condylar fracture. SAMPLE POPULATION : Bone specimens from the failure surface were obtained from 12 Thoroughbred racehorses with catastrophic injury and 2 non-racing horses with accidental long bone fracture. METHODS : Bone specimens from the failure surface of each fracture were incubated with gold microspheres to label microcracks before examination at x50 to x60,000 using scanning electron microscopy. Microcracking at the failure surface was assessed using a visual analog scale. RESULTS : Branching arrays or clusters of microcracks were seen over a range of magnifications in adapted subchondral bone in the distal end of the MC3/MT3 bone from racing Thoroughbreds with a catastrophic displaced condylar fracture. In the palmar/plantar region, microcracking was associated with the formation of an array of macroscopic cracks in the condylar groove. A different pattern of microcracking was seen in specimens of bone from distal metaphyseal and diaphyseal MC3/MT3 failure surfaces from Thoroughbred racehorses with catastrophic fracture and non-racing horses with an accidental diaphyseal long bone fracture. Few microcracks were seen and typically did not form branching arrays. CONCLUSION : These data suggest that propagation of condylar fracture in Thoroughbred racehorses is initiated by the formation of nanoscale microcracks in adapted subchondral bone that form during exercise-induced bone adaptation. CLINICAL RELEVANCE : Accumulation and coalescence of branching microcracks into arrays or clusters appears to eventually lead to the development of macroscopic subchondral cracks in the condylar groove and initiation of a condylar fracture.  相似文献   

A goat with neurologic signs had multifocal abscesses containing sulfur granules in the right brain and temporal bone. Histologically, the lesions consisted of pyogranulomas with several radiating bacterial colonies of various sizes. A tangled mass of filamentous and gram-positive bacteria was recognized in the central part of the colony. Actinomyces naeslundii antigen was detected in the colonies of bacteria in the brain and neighboring bone tissue by immunohistochemistry. Actinomycosis involving the central nervous system (CNS) and temporal bone is rare in animals. Cerebral infection with A. naeslundii may have resulted from direct extension from cervicofacial regions because the CNS lesions were distributed asymmetrically and were continuous with the right temporal bone.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the murine temporal bone and to provide a survey atlas of the temporal bone structures in mice. The temporal bones of adult BALB/c mice were examined and 3D high-resolution reconstructions of the temporal bone were obtained using a micro-CT system. Using the system described here, the bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth could be investigated in a non-destructive manner. The turning rate of the cochlea was two (human rate: two and a half). The shapes of the superior and posterior semicircular canals were more flexed than those in humans. The malleus manubrium was directed anteriorly and was thin and fan-shaped like a Persian sword. The size of the incus relative to the malleus was smaller than that in the human ossicles. The 3D reconstruction of murine temporal bone described in this study provides anatomical information that will be useful in future studies using mouse model.  相似文献   

Disorders of the vestibular system are common in veterinary practice and result in a clinical syndrome characterized by head tilt, asymmetric ataxia, and nystagmus. These signs may occur with lesions involving the peripheral or central vestibular structures. Careful neurologic evaluation of the animal and knowledge of surrounding neuroanatomic structures and their functions enable the clinician to differentiate between peripheral and central disorders. Conditions resulting in peripheral vestibular symptoms include idiopathic syndromes, otitis interna, trauma, neoplasia, drug-induced ototoxicity, and congenital disorders. Radiographs of the petrous temporal bone and tympanic bulla and examination of the tympanic membrane are useful in determining the specific etiology. Central vestibular dysfunction may result from inflammatory CNS diseases, neoplasia, trauma, thiamine deficiency, and storage diseases. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis, skull radiographs, and computed tomography are diagnostic tests useful in animals with central vestibular symptoms. Once the etiology is identified, specific therapy may be provided and a more accurate prognosis can be determined.  相似文献   

Nuclear scintigraphy was used to evaluate healing of third metacarpal bone (MC III) fractures in 2 horses (horses 1 and 2) and a third metatarsal bone fracture in 1 horse (horse 3) after stabilization of each fracture with 2 broad dynamic compression plates. In horse 1, the fracture had uniform uptake of 99mTc methylene diphosphonate on days 1, 15, and 30 after surgery. The fracture healed, and the horse was discharged from the clinic on day 52. In horse 2, a 6-cm photopenic region (ie, area of low radioactivity) was seen over the diaphysis of MC III on day 3. The region persisted and became more distinct by day 32. The diaphysis of MC III sequestered, and horse 2 was euthanatized on day 44. In horse 3, vascularity was seen bridging the fracture on day 5, with a 3-cm photopenic region over the dorsal diaphysis of the third metatarsal bone. By days 18 and 32, uptake of 99mTc methylene diphosphonate in the region had increased, indicating vascularization of the site. the fracture healed, and horse 3 was discharged from the clinic on day 47. Our findings indicated that serial nuclear scintigraphy can be used to evaluate fracture vascularization after surgery in horses.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggested that many cases of third tarsal bone (T3) fracture encountered clinically were associated with an abnormal shape to this bone. The radiographs of 10 normal horses and 10 horses affected with slab fracture of T3 were therefore examined to ascertain if any pre-existent radiological abnormality was present in cases of fracture. Measurement of the maximum and minimum width between the proximal and distal articular surfaces of the dorsolateral aspect of this bone was carried out on a standardised dorso-50 degrees medial-palmarolateral radiographic projection of the tarsus of each horse. To avoid artefacts produced by possible image magnification, ratios of these values were used for comparison between horses. The results showed that wedge shaped conformation of T3, in which the articular surfaces of the bone converge and then diverge again on the dorsolateral aspect, was over-represented in the population of horses sustaining T3 fracture when compared to controls. This information may be important in making judgements on the suitability of horses during prepurchase examination for racing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether bone biomarkers (osteocalcin, PICP, ICTP and CTX‐I) could be used to identify 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds at increased risk of fracture in the subsequent flat racing season. It was concluded that these bone biomarkers cannot be used to identify 2‐ and 3‐year‐olds that sustain a fracture. Whether bone biomarkers have better predictive value in older horses or when measured serially in the same animal remains to be determined.  相似文献   

A 23-month-old castrated male Cavalier King Charles spaniel was evaluated because of a 6-month history of unusual rippling/undulating movements of the right facial muscles that were continuous and persisted during sleep. Neurological examination revealed narrowing of the right palpebral fissure and unilateral right-sided facial myokymia that was characterised by myokymic, and to a lesser degree, neuromyotonic discharges on concentric needle electromyographic examination. After persisting unchanged for almost 2.5 years from its onset, the facial myokymia gradually disappeared over a 6-month period concomitant with the emergence of a persistent ipsilateral facial paralysis and head tilt. At 5 years and 9 months after the first examination, signs of ipsilateral lacrimal, pharyngeal and laryngeal dysfunction became evident and the dog was euthanased. Postmortem examination identified a malignant (WHO grade III) meningioma in the right cerebellopontomedullary angle that compressed the ventrolateral cranial medulla, effaced the jugular foramen and internal acoustic meatus and extended into the facial canal of the petrous temporal bone. Novel findings were the unique observation of isolated unilateral facial myokymia preceding diagnosis of a meningioma affecting facial nerve function within the caudal cranial fossa and the remarkably long duration of neurological signs (75 months) attributable to the neoplasm.  相似文献   

A grossly displaced segmental zygomatic arch fracture with marked ventro-lateral deviation of the left globe was diagnosed in a 3-month-old male German Shepherd dog following a bite injury. The fracture was approached via a modified lateral orbitotomy and a fragment of the lacrimal bone removed. The rostral portion of the fracture was stabilized with a 5-hole 2.0 dynamic compression plate bone plate. The surgical correction achieved sufficient skeletal fixation for proper anatomical reduction of the globe and excellent cosmetic and functional outcomes.  相似文献   

A four‐year‐old female French bulldog was presented for evaluation of acute, left‐sided peripheral vestibular syndrome. Computed tomographic (CT) examination of the head revealed the presence of air within the left cochlea and vestibule, consistent with pneumolabyrinth. This was concurrent with ipsilateral otitis media and externa. Pneumolabyrinth is an uncommon finding in humans and is most frequently due to head trauma and temporal bone fracture. This is the first report describing pneumolabyrinth in a dog, apparently of nontraumatic origin in this case.  相似文献   

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