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冬小麦-春玉米间作模式下光合有效辐射特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对单作和间作种植模式下作物冠层入射和透射光合有效辐射的观测,研究了不同种植模式下冠层光合有效辐射截获量(IPAR)的日变化规律及其与叶面积指数的关系以及冬小麦对预留行的遮荫作用。结果表明:2种种植模式下光合有效辐射截获量日变化均为双峰曲线;叶面积指数<2时,间作冬小麦日平均光合有效辐射截获量约为单作的50%,叶面积指数>2时,2种种植模式下的日平均光合有效辐射截获量相近;2种种植模式下光合有效辐射截获量与叶面积指数均有较好的相关性;间作冬小麦预留行遮荫率(FS)的日变化为双峰曲线,遮荫率与株高(H)有很好的相关性。  相似文献   

In this study, the angular transmittances over the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) range of two types of glass (single glass (SG) and low emissivity glass (LEG)) and three types of plastic films (low density polyethylene (LDPE), anti-drop condensation polyethylene (ADCPE) and photoselective diffusive polyethylene (DPE)) were determined experimentally in the laboratory. The measurements were performed on dry as well as on condensate covered materials, since condensate frequently occurs on a greenhouse cladding material. Based on the angular measurements, the transmittance of diffuse PAR incident on a 25° inclined slab was calculated. For the dry state, it was found that the PAR transmittance decreased with increasing photoselectivity of the materials. When covered with condensate, the PAR transmittance of the glass plates was only reduced at incidence angles higher than 15° by at most 20% on a relative scale, while the transmittance of non-anti-drop condensation films was especially reduced at small angles of incidence by at most 25%. Due to the addition of anti-drop condensation agents to a plastic film, the PAR transmittance of the film was not affected by the condensate and, therefore, showed the highest PAR transmittance in the wet state. For the photoselective cladding materials, the spectral dependency of the transmittance was only slightly changed by the condensate.  相似文献   

紫外辐射对农田生态系统的影响研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从作物群体角度、农田其它非作物类生物种群角度及农田小气候系统角度综合论述了紫外辐射增加农田生态系统(主要是麦田生态系统)的影响。  相似文献   

2005年7月19日-2006年9月30日,在河北栾城对太阳辐射包括光合有效辐射QPAR、可见光辐射QVIS、总辐射Q等气象参数开展了4次综合观测,初步得到了QPAR、QVIS等的变化特征。观测表明,小时累计之比QPAR/Q、QVIS/Q、QPAR/QVIS相对稳定,其平均值分别为1.94mol.MJ-1、0.39、4.95mol.MJ-1,同时它们均表现出明显的日、逐日、季节变化特征,并受到水汽、气溶胶、云等因素的影响。建立了计算实际天气QPAR、QVIS小时累计的经验公式及QPAR与QVIS转换关系式,计算值与观测值均吻合较好。在考虑水汽和散射因子时,QPAR、QVIS计算值与观测值的相对偏差分别为14.4%、13.9%;限于资料缺乏,也可仅考虑水汽因子的作用,此时QPAR、QVIS的相对偏差分别为15.2%、14.2%。利用比值法计算QPAR、QVIS时,水汽因子具有重要作用,气溶胶因子的作用远弱于水汽因子,但仍需要考虑。  相似文献   

Quantifying carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems is critical for better understanding of global carbon cycling and observed changes in climate. This study examined year-round temporal variations of CO2 fluxes in two biennial crop rotations during 4 year of corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production. We monitored CO2 fluxes using eddy-covariance (EC) and soil chambers in adjacent production fields near Ames, Iowa. Under the non-limiting soil water availability conditions predominant in these fields, diel and seasonal variations of CO2 fluxes were mostly controlled by ambient temperature and available light. Air temperature explained up to 81% of the variability of soil respiratory losses during fallow periods. In contrast, with full-developed canopies, available light was the main driver of daytime CO2 uptake for both crops. Furthermore, a combined additive effect of both available light and temperature on enhanced CO2 uptake was identified only for corn. Moreover, diurnal hysteresis of net CO2 uptake with available light was also found for both crops with consistently greater CO2 uptake in the mornings than afternoons perhaps primarily owing to delay in peak of soil respiration relative to the time of maximum plant photosynthesis. Annual cumulative CO2 exchange was mainly determined by crop species with consistently greater net uptake for corn and near neutral exchange for soybean (−466 ± 38 and −13 ± 39 g C m−2 year−1). Concomitantly, within growing seasons, CO2 sink periods were approximately 106 days for corn and 90 days for soybean, and peak rates of CO2 uptake were roughly 1.7-fold higher for corn than soybean. Apparent changes in soil organic carbon estimated after accounting for grain carbon removal suggested soil carbon depletion following soybean years and neutral carbon balance for corn. Overall, results suggest changes in land use and cropping systems have a substantial impact on dynamics of CO2 exchange.  相似文献   

核麦间作系统小气候效应及其对小麦产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用KS4000手持气象站和SUNSCAN冠层分析系统,测定了核桃一小麦间作系统的田间小气候,并以单作田小麦为对照,对间作小麦的产量及其构成因素进行分析。结果表明,相对于单作田,核麦间作系统明显降低了小麦冠层的风速和温度,增大了小麦冠层的相对湿度,但核麦间作系统也明显降低了小麦冠层顶部入射的光合有效辐射量和冠层截获的光合有效辐射量;核麦间作系统小麦的生物量、穗粒数、穗粒重、收获指数、公顷穗数、千粒重和产量均显著低于单作系统(P〈0.05)。可见,虽然核麦间作系统在一定程度上改善了田间小气候,但由于核桃树对小麦遮荫作用较大,光合有效辐射透过率较低,导致了间作小麦产量的显著降低(P〈0.05)。因此,通过对核麦间作复合群体中主要气象因素变化特点的探讨,找出影响小麦生长的主要原因,有利于采取相应的栽培调控措施,优化间作群体结构。  相似文献   

为探究杨树与栓皮栎光合光能利用率(LUEp)和荧光光能利用率(LUEf)关系的日内变化及种间差异,从光能分配的角度进一步深入理解日光诱导叶绿素荧光(SIF)与总初级生产力(GPP)的关系,以典型落叶阔叶林树种杨树(Populus alba×Populus gllandulosa)和栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis BI.)幼苗为对象,在相同土壤水分和养分条件下,观测研究不同树种SIF、净光合速率(Pn)与LUEp/LUEf对光合有效辐射(PAR)响应的异同。结果表明:(1)SIF受PAR驱动,二者呈显著正相关关系,杨树和栓皮栎线性拟合决定系数(R2)分别为0.965和0.973,且杨树具有更高的LUEf;Pn随PAR的增加逐渐饱和,杨树光饱和点明显高于栓皮栎,分别为998.59和674μmol CO2·m-2·s-1。(2)杨树和栓皮栎...  相似文献   

选取云南省玉溪市红塔区和通海县两个不同海拔烟区连续3a(2008-2010年)烤烟主要大田生长期(5-8月),利用逐日正午(11:30-12:30)紫外辐射强度和同期光照度、部分气候要素值的观测资料,分析紫外辐射强度变化与气候要素之间的关系,并选取光照度和云量两个要素对紫外辐射强度进行模拟预测。结果表明,烤烟大田生长期紫外辐射强度均值的年际变化不显著,同时期气象条件中,云量是影响烤烟生长期紫外辐射强度均值的主要因子。光照度、云量与紫外辐射强度变化的关系较密切,紫外辐射强度与光照度的比值较恒定,紫外辐射强度随云量的增加而降低。统计回归模型模拟表明,可用光照度和云量对紫外辐射强度进行估算,模拟值较准确。  相似文献   

The short-term (4-year period) effects of different management regimes on the response of calcareous grassland vegetation to increased nitrogen were investigated. Four levels of nitrogen and two levels of management were applied in a factorial design. Besides, the effects of management practices alone on species diversity were also studied. Species diversity was investigated at different levels of sub-sampling using a nested plot design. In this way, both species saturation and accumulation curves could be established. The effect of community structure, as reflected by the light regimes at various heights in the vegetation, on species diversity was also investigated. Species diversity at all levels of sub-sampling decreased significantly with management regimes and nitrogen supply rates. Percent light penetration differed significantly among management regimes and nitrogen supply rates. Grazing proved to be most efficient in countering the negative effects of nitrogen supply, but could not prevent competitors from becoming dominant. In the absence of any form of disturbance, species diversity decreased relatively rapidly. Decreased light availability, the loss of gap formation, a decrease in small-scale environmental heterogeneity and proliferation of strong competitors, all may have contributed to the observed decrease in species richness. The results of this study highlight the importance of management in maintaining high species diversity in the studied calcareous grassland.  相似文献   

枣麦间作系统中冬小麦的冠层光分布特征及产量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对近年来"林农生产争地争光"的问题,以株行距为3 m?4 m南北行向栽植的枣树||冬小麦间作系统为研究对象,大田条件下设置枣麦间作(JZ)和冬小麦单作对照(CK)两个处理,以2013—2014年生长季冬小麦光合生理参数和冠层光照强度为基础,以两棵枣树的定植点连成1条测定样线,在样线上以距枣树的东(E)、西(W)距离为基准,每50 cm设置1个测定点,设E50 cm、E100 cm、E150 cm、E200 cm(W200 cm)、W150 cm、W100 cm、W50 cm共7个测定位置,在不同调查时期测定各测定位置的冬小麦冠层光合有效辐射(PAR),并在冬小麦成熟期调查各测定位置上的产量。采用多项式回归和定区间积分等方法计算冬小麦分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期、扬花期、灌浆期和成熟期冠层达到饱和PAR的时长与时空窗,探讨枣麦间作系统中枣树遮光对间作作物冬小麦冠层光照分布及产量的影响。结果显示,间作系统中冬小麦冠层光照强度及产量整体呈现出不同的时空分布特征,且相较于单作小麦系统均有一定程度的衰减。单作冬小麦冠层的饱和PAR时空窗比间作处理大56.1%,穗粒数、有效穗数、千粒重和产量分别比间作小麦高14.7%、15.9%、33.5%和53.0%。相对于单作对照,间作物冬小麦整个生育时期内在距枣树E50~E100 cm、E100~E150 cm、E150~E200 cm、W150~W200 cm、W100~W150 cm、W50~W100 cm处的冠层PAR时空窗损失严重,分别达92.5%、45.7%、7.0%、5.4%、10.9%、54.0%。冠层PAR时空窗损失导致冬小麦减产,在以上各处减产程度分别达46.2%、39.6%、26.3%、24.7%、32.4%和37.6%。故枣树遮阴程度的差异导致间作物冬小麦不同程度减产,且间作巷道内西侧光照质量整体优于东侧。这就要求在冬小麦扬花期后对枣树进行适当修剪,且适当增加巷道东侧枣树株距,以避免枣树新生枝徒长,提高冬小麦冠层光合有效辐射截获量,使间作系统获得更高产量。  相似文献   


Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars differ in their root morphology and their nutrient uptake capabilities. The relation between root growth, P and K uptake, and grain yield was investigated using eight cultivars grown in the field on Raub (Aquic Argiudoll) silt loam which received 49 kg P/ha and 93 kg K/ha. Hobbit (maturity group III, determinate) was among the highest in grain yield, P and K uptakes, and root system length. However, this cultivar was intermediate in its relative efficiency to utilize P and K to produce grain yield; among the most efficient cultivars were Asgrow 3127 (maturity group II) and Williams‐79 (maturity group III). The hay cultivar, Wilson‐6, was the least efficient. It was concluded that even though grain yield was correlated with nutrient uptake, selection for higher yields was not necessarily a selection for higher efficiency in utilization of fertilizer for grain production.  相似文献   

干旱、半干旱地区紫外线辐射强度及其预报方法的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
依据大气辐射学原理和内蒙古高原干旱,半干旱地区实测的太阳总辐射。太阳紫外辐射值,结合当地的气候特征确定了预报参数,研究了紫外辐射通量密度的预报方法,并就当地的紫外线辐射特点进行了阐述。  相似文献   

浮尘天气对墨玉河流域葡萄叶片光合及水势的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
新疆墨玉河流域春、夏季浮尘天气频发,加之春季葡萄供水短缺,对葡萄生产影响较大,为了解浮尘天气对墨玉河流域葡萄光合作用和叶片水势的影响以及不同品种对当地气候的适应性,本文分析了2011—2017年墨玉县浮尘天气发生情况,并以‘和田红’、‘木纳格’、‘无核白’和‘无核白鸡心’等葡萄品种为试验材料,研究春季浮尘天气和尘土自然覆盖对葡萄叶片光合与水势的影响。结果表明:2011—2017年的4—5月,新疆墨玉县扬沙、浮尘多达23.7 d,占同期总天数的38.9%;浮尘天气研究区10:00—20:00期间平均光合有效辐射强度下降71.8%,几个品种葡萄叶片净光合速率明显下降,除‘木纳格’葡萄外,其他品种叶片净光合速率午间均下降;晴朗天气,葡萄叶片水势日变化先上升后下降,浮尘天气叶片水势日变化不明显,总体低于晴朗天气,蒸腾速率变化趋势总体相似,略有滞后;持续的浮尘天气使葡萄叶面被尘土覆盖,‘无核白’和‘无核白鸡心’单位面积叶幕滞尘量分别为8.64 g×m~(-2)和10.93 g×m~(-2);尘土覆盖显著降低了‘无核白’和‘无核白鸡心’葡萄叶片净光合速率,明显增加了叶片胞间CO_2浓度,提高了饱和光强、光补偿点、内禀量子效率、表观量子产额和暗呼吸速率。本研究表明浮尘天气降低了光合有效辐射强度,使葡萄叶片受到尘土覆盖,进一步降低了叶片净光合速率,同时显著增大了暗呼吸速率。本研究认为,清除葡萄叶面滞尘,可有效改善葡萄叶片光合作用。浮尘天气条件下,葡萄叶片蒸腾速率下降,叶片水势得到了保持,从这一角度讲,墨玉河流域浮尘天气延缓了葡萄春季水分亏缺、缓解了该地区用水矛盾。  相似文献   

套作大豆形态、光合特征对玉米荫蔽及光照恢复的响应   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为探寻大豆在荫蔽胁迫及光照恢复后的形态建成和光合生理的响应策略,选用‘简阳九月黄’、‘江浦黑豆’和‘永胜黑豆’3个大豆材料,以单作和玉米?大豆带状套作种植模式为研究对象,分析套作荫蔽及光照恢复后大豆形态特征、光合速率、叶片解剖结构、光合色素含量等参数的响应特征。结果表明:套作种植下,大豆在第5片复叶展开(V5)期明显受玉米荫蔽胁迫,与单作大豆相比,株高显著增加,茎粗和地上部分生物量显著降低;其茎、叶和柄生物量分别是地上部生物量的58%、37%和6%,而单作下分别为36%、50%和14%,套作荫蔽下大豆的地上部分生物量分配中心由叶片改变为茎秆。同时,叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、叶绿素a含量、叶绿素a/b及净光合速率下降,但叶绿素b含量和栅栏组织厚度/海绵组织厚度比值增加。玉米收获解除荫蔽胁迫后,在大豆鼓粒期(R6),株高、茎粗、叶面积和地上部分生物量积累与单作的差异缩小,茎、叶和柄生物量为地上部生物量的41%、49%和10%;叶片、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度比V5期(玉豆共生期)分别增加117%、99%和81%;光合色素与单作相比差异不显著,但净光合速率显著低于单作。玉米?大豆带状套作下的3个大豆材料的单株产量差异较大,‘简阳九月黄’、‘江浦黑豆’和‘永胜黑豆’的单株产量分别较单作下降33%、64%和40%。因此,大豆能够通过形态、光合生理特征的可塑性来适应光环境,但品种间存在差异。  相似文献   

The aims of this work were to investigate possible reasons for root mortality of maize plants at the reproductive stage and relationships between root mortality and internal sugar and external nitrogen (N) supply. Maize (Zea mays L.) plants were grown in the field in fertile soil and in a greenhouse in quartz sand with sufficient or deficient N supply. Deficient N supply reduced plant growth and total N uptake by 38% and 52%, respectively. The lengths of the seminal roots and of the early initiated adventitious roots of the first two whorls declined after reaching their maximum values before silking, no matter whether the plants were grown in the field or in quartz sand in the greenhouse. The lengths of the adventitious roots from higher nodes of plants grown in quartz sand, irrespective of N supply, did not decrease at the reproductive stage despite of decreasing sugar concentrations. In contrast, under field conditions, the length of adventitious roots from higher nodes decreased during grain filling. Total activity of all roots of greenhouse‐grown plants as deduced from translocation of N and cytokinins in the xylem exudate reached peak values at the end of the growing period, whereas in field‐grown plants N translocation decreased and cytokinin translocation did not change toward the end of the growing period. The results indicate that the pattern of root growth and mortality of maize plants in the reproductive stage was not affected by external N supply. Differences between glasshouse‐ and field‐grown plants are possibly due to effects of soil biota, which have to be further studied.  相似文献   

本研究以黄淮海平原地区重要的农林复合经营模式泡桐-小麦林网复合生态系统为对象,通过对2013—2015年系统内光合有效辐射(PAR)的连续定位观测及小麦产量的调查,结合对小麦不同生育期内的PAR与小麦产量、千粒重、粒数的相关性分析,研究了系统内PAR的分布状况及小麦产量对其的响应。结果表明:PAR、透光率均随着与林带距离的增加而增加,且在10 m(约1倍树高)范围内变化显著,10 m之后增加缓慢。在所有生育期、所有测点中,透光率的最小值出现在灌浆成熟期2 m处观测点。单位面积小麦产量与小麦全生育期内的PAR、粒数和小麦扬花期内的PAR、千粒重及小麦灌浆成熟期内的PAR的相关关系均达极显著水平(r=0.918,P=0.000;r=0.926,P=0.000;r=0.922,P=0.000)。扬花期林带对小麦的遮荫直接影响小麦的粒数,灌浆成熟期林带对小麦的遮荫直接影响小麦的千粒重,系统内小麦产量的空间差异性可以通过小麦粒数和千粒重的差异来解释。小麦产量(y)与全生育期内PAR(x)的线性回归方程为:y=0.121 3x+95.117(R2=0.842)。经检验,方程的模拟值和实测值无显著差异(P=0.609),预测精度达91.8%。可以根据此方程,结合PAR观测值对系统内各点的小麦产量进行预测。本研究结果为建立泡桐-小麦林网复合生态系统整体生产力的预测模型奠定了基础,为优化泡桐林网复合生态系统结构提供理论依据。  相似文献   


The ontogenetic changes of N, P, and K contents in leaves of rice, maize, soybean, adzuki bean, potato, and sugar beet were studied as the following results were obtained.

1. N content of rice and maize drastically changed at the primordia formation stage, while that of other crops did not show clear changes depending on the stage of growth.

2. P content of rice and maize was higher in upper leaves than lower leaves, but did not change appreciably in other crops.

3. K content of potato and sugar beet remained constant for a long period of time compared to other crops.

4. P-N relationship in rice and maize distinctly differed between upper and lower leaves; ratio of P content to N content of upper leaves was higher than that of lower leaves.

5. K-N relationship in potato and sugar beet was very different from that in other crops; K content remained constant regardless of the decrease in N content except for the lower leaves.

Thus, as the P-N balance of rice and maize (Gramineae crops) and K-N balance of potato and sugar beet (root crops) showed distinctive characteristics compared to other crops, the physiological significance of the mineral balance must be further investigated.  相似文献   

我国4种主要苹果树形冠层结构和辐射三维分布比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
树体结构和辐射分布是影响果树冠层光合生产力和果实产量品质的主要因素。本文以"富士"苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.cv.‘Fuji’)为试材,采用田间调查方法,系统研究了我国苹果生产中4种主要树形的树体结构参数以及叶面积密度(LAD)和光合有效辐射(PAR)的三维分布特征。结果表明,开心形树冠的枝量(894×103·hm-2)和叶面积指数(LAI,2.53)最小,其他3种树形中小冠疏层形分别为2 280×103·hm-2、4.14,疏散分层形分别为2 119×103·hm-2、3.98,纺锤形分别为2 190×103·hm-2、3.88。不同树形LAD三维分布各不相同,小冠疏层形苹果树的叶片主要分布在树冠的0.5~1.5 m之间,疏散分层形和纺锤形主要分布在0.5~2.0 m之间,开心形主要分布在1.0~2.0 m之间。通过对不同树形LAD和PAR三维分布比较发现,每种树形的PAR都随树冠深度的增加而降低,在树冠中部LAD最大部位辐射消减最快,PAR的三维分布主要与叶片分布有关。其中开心形树冠的平均PAR最高,分布最均匀。4种树冠内叶片得到的平均相对PAR小冠疏层形为24.85%,疏散分层形为28.84%,纺锤形为27.71%,开心形为37.28%。开心形树冠内低光区的叶片所占比例只有35%,其他树形都超过50%。研究表明,不同相对PAR范围内的叶片比例能够更好地反映果树冠层的辐射情况,开心形树冠在辐射分布上优于其他3种树形。  相似文献   


Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) and fababean (Vicar faba (L.)) were grown under field conditions on six Orthic Black Chernozemic soils over three years at two levels of fertility. At flowering, full pod and maturity the yield and N, P, K and S composition of harvested plant materials were compared. Application of fertilizer (P, K and S) increased dry matter and seed yields of both crops. At all, growth stages fababeans produced more dry matter than soybean, and at maturity produced higher yields of seed, hull and stalk. However, the ratio of seed: hull: stalk for both crops was similar and constant at 3.8: 1: 4.7 on all soils and at both levels of soil fertility. At the high level of soil fertility, at the flowering and full pod stages, the concentration of N, P, and K in fababean was higher than that in soybean, but both crops had a similar concentration of S. At low fertility both crops had similar concentrations of P, K and S. At maturity, soybean seed had the higher concentrations of the four nutrients. The concentration of P in the hull and stalk of both crops was similar, but fababean hull had a higher concentration of K and soybean stalk a higher concentration of S. Soybean seed also had a higher protein content and yielded more protein per hectare than fababean seed.  相似文献   

种植模式对机采棉冠层光能利用与产量形成的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冠层内部的光辐射传输特征是优化种植模式,促进农机农艺深度融合,实现标准化种植和机械化作业的重要决定因素.然而,机采棉种植模式对冠层内光辐射传输及产量形成的调控机理尚不清晰.为此该研究开展2 a的田间试验,在相同种植密度条件下,设置3种机采棉种植模式:一膜三行(S1)、一膜四行(S2)和一膜六行(S3),研究了冠层结构、...  相似文献   

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