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A quantitative HPLC analysis of the major triterpenoids present in an aqueous extract of powdered neem kernels prepared in the traditional manner was undertaken. The study shows that water extracts contain all the principal triterpenoids in neem kernel though the quantities extracted are much less than in the subsequent extraction with methanol.  相似文献   

Cuttage propagation of Aesculus indica was tested by treatments with different concentrations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm), indolebutyric acid (IBA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm) and naphthlcetic acid (NAA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm) in dry formulation in the Forest Nursery, Faculty of Forestry, SKUAST-K, Shalimar. The cuttings treated with IBA @ 4000 ppm and IBA @ 2000 ppm had a sprouting rate of 75% and 50%, respectively, which was significantly higher than that of control and other treatments. The highest rooting rate (50%) was recorded in the cuttings with the application of IBA @ 4000 ppm. The cuttings treated with IBA @ 2000 ppm had 25% rooting rate. All other treatments along with control (talc powder) failed to induce rooting. It was concluded that IBA @ 4000 ppm was a better-applied concentration for vegetative propagation of A. indica under Kashmir conditions. Biography: Mumtaz Majeed (1980– ), male, post graduate in Faculty of Forestry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science & Technology, Shalimar, Srinagar - 191 121, J&K, India.  相似文献   

Methanol extracts of Azadirachta indica leaves at concentration from 0.1 to 40 microg/ml showed in vitro an stimulatory activity in stem cell reproduction. These results suggest that the effect of methanol leaf extracts on stem cell reproduction could be of benefit to improve health.  相似文献   

Murthy  Ramesh  Goldfarb  Barry 《New Forests》2001,21(3):217-230
Two experiments were conducted to determine theeffect of handling, short-term storage, andinitial water stress on cutting water potential (W) and rooting of loblolly pine(Pinus taeda L.) stem cuttings. First,stock plants and cuttings were measured forW at predawn (04:00 a.m.) and earlymorning (09:00 a.m.). Cuttings were thensevered, wrapped in wet paper towels, andplaced in insulated containers for 2 or 7 h atapproximately 30 °C or for 21 h in coldstorage (4 °C). Water potentials ofcuttings were measured at the end of eachstorage period. Second, effects of initialwater stress on rooting performance of cuttingswere tested by withholding water from dormant(winter) and succulent (summer) cuttings forvarying periods of time. After each dryingtreatment, W was measured on asample of cuttings and the remainder of thecuttings were transferred to a greenhouse withintermittent mist for 12 weeks.Storage of cuttings for long periods (7 to 21h) of time under low vapor pressure deficitconditions resulted in less negative waterpotentials of the cuttings. Dormant cuttingsrooted at higher percentages, even after beingexposed to lower values of W Thelower values of W in dormantcuttings could be attributed to higher ambientvapor pressure deficit during the drying phase. Results suggest that subjecting cuttings tomoderate water stress for a short period oftime does not adversely affect the rooting ofcuttings. Cutting water potentials below –1.7MPa appeared to reduce rooting of succulentcuttings and water potentials below –2.0 MPaaffected rooting in dormant cuttings.  相似文献   

Effects of IBA and NAA treatments on rooting Douglas-fir stem cuttings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Copes  D.L.  Mandel  N.L. 《New Forests》2000,20(3):249-257
The effectiveness of six IBA and fourNAA concentrations, four combinations of IBA and NAAconcentrations, and control were tested for theirability to enhance rooting frequency (%) ofDouglas-fir cuttings. Two IBA and one NAA treatmentswere also compared to the control for quality of rootsystem. Between 1984 and 1998, six independentstudies were conducted in mist or fog environmentswith the same 11 or 14 clones. Auxin concentrationstested ranged from 0 to 123 mM IBA and 0 to 10 mM NAA. Auxin, clone, and auxin by clone effects weresignificant in every study, although individual cloneanalyses showed only two clones to differsignificantly for auxin. All auxin treatments but the10 uM NAA treatment induced significantly greaterrooting percentage than the control, but no singleauxin, auxin concentration or combination of auxinswas clearly superior in every study. The 10 mM NAAconcentration was the only concentration tested thatreduced rooting percentage to less than the control. Both NAA and IBA appeared to have broad ranges ofroot-enhancing activity. However, within theeffective range of IBA evaluated, 24.6 mM produced thegreatest rooting percentage in four of five studiestesting IBA. NAA solutions with concentrationsbetween 2.5 and 7.4 mM NAA generally resulted insimilar rooting success. Rooting responses toincreased IBA and NAA were both nonlinear; rootingdecreased with both too little and too much auxin. Combinations of IBA and NAA in the same solution didnot increase rooting percentage above what wasachieved with one auxin. For root system quality,auxin treated cuttings in one study, had significantlybetter root systems than control, but there was nodifference in the other study in which root qualitywas estimated.  相似文献   

Presented here are results of rooting studies using hedges established from juvenile seedlings of blue and green foliaged bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don) from Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, California. Rootability, averaged over all clones and all setting dates, was 88%. The average time for 50% of the cuttings to root was 6 months. In general, cuttings began to root rapidly in late winter/early spring. The time of year when cuttings were set determined how soon they began a phase of rapid rooting, with cuttings set in winter and early spring beginning faster than other setting dates. The period of rapid rooting lasted 2–3 months until mid/late summer, beyond which time, rooting was slow. Population and family differences in rooting were not significant; differences in rooting among clones, however, were large and significant. Analyses of clones in two experiments indicated that rooting was heritable.  相似文献   

Hedged stock plants of four full-sib families [27-2 × 27-5, 27-3× 27-1, 27-2 × 27-1, and 27-6 × 27-1 (designated B, G, R, andW)] of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) were fertilizeddailywith a complete nutrient solution containing N at either 10, 25, 40, 55, or 70mg·L–1. May (spring softwood), July(summersoftwood), and January (winter hardwood) terminal stem cuttings were taken fortissue analysis and rooting studies. Spring cuttings rooted in the highestpercentages (59.5%), followed by winter (40.5%), and summer (34.7%). Maximumrooting for spring (70.0%), summer (48.6%), and winter (55.6%) occurred withcuttings taken from hedges that received N at 55mg·L–1. Genetic differences among familieswere evident as families G and W rooted in greater percentages at lower appliedN rates and family B was the best rooting family at the highest applied N rate.When internal N levels were considered families G and W also rooted best at lowinternal N levels, while family B was the best rooting family at high internalNlevels. Neither total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) nor any of severalspecific carbohydrates were correlated with rooting and an optimal TNC : Nratiofor rooting was not found. Root counts generally increased with increases inapplied N. Root number was weakly correlated with TNC (R = 0.29, P 0.01) and several specific sugars, but was not correlated with internal N.Totalroot dry weight, total root length, and total root area responded similarly.  相似文献   

Applied auxin, node position, leaf area and cutting length were examined to investigate the requirements for rooting stem cuttings of Khaya ivorensis. All these variables were shown to be important factors affecting rooting, confirming the hypothesis that successful rooting can be achieved if these primary variables are optimised.The best concentration of the auxin IBA was found to be 200 g per cutting, which hastened rooting, increased the percentage of cuttings rooted and increased the number of roots per cutting. One clone (8013) was unresponsive to auxins in terms of the percentage of cuttings rooted, but was the most responsive in terms of the numbers of roots per cutting. A greater percentage of cuttings from basal nodes were rooted than from apical nodes. Cuttings cut squarely at the base produced a radially-arranged root system, whereas an oblique cut resulted in a one-sided root system.Trimming the leaf area of cuttings to 10 cm2 gave greater rooting percentages than trimming to 100 cm2. In general, long cuttings (39 mm) rooted better than short cuttings (19 mm), however, there was an interaction between leaf area and cutting length, in which cuttings with short stems and large leaves had the lowest rooting percentage.  相似文献   

Rooting of cuttings is an important part of many components of agroforestry and horticultural research. A technique for rooting cuttings in which the frequency between misting is controlled by environmental sensors is reported here. In developing countries variability in water pressure (or lack thereof) and voltage levels for mist systems often greatly comprises research involved with rooting of cuttings. These problems were overcome with an electrical system comprised of a permanently charged truck battery with a DC mist controller and a high pressure pump. An 800 l ground level storage tank with float valve provided a water reservoir. This system was capable of operating a 2.2 m by 2.2 m, high-pressure, mist bench for about 8 h completely independent of water and electricity. As an added advantage, the mist frequency was proportional to light intensity (and air temperature), thus avoiding over watering.  相似文献   

Four ligneous species from the tropical forest in the east of Madagascar, with a proven or potentially high economic value, were subject to ‘low-tech’ vegetative propagation tests from stem cuttings. The species concerned were Aphloia theiformis, Ilex mitis, Prunus africana and Ravensara aromatica. The cuttings were three-node segments of stems on which one leaf was retained. All the species proved amenable to rooting. The maximum percentage of rooting ranged from 33% for P. africana to 60% for I. mitis. Rooting success was dependant on the season of cutting (high in the hot season, from October to May, and null in cold season). This study is the first successful attempt at propagating cuttings from Malagasy forest species. This result is of particular importance to P. africana, threatened by destructive exploitation in Madagascar. It goes a step further in the domestication of this species by demonstrating the ability of cutting from 10 year old ortets collected in natural forest to root as it offers the possibility of a reliable and effective method of reintroduction for the species in overexploited zones.  相似文献   

Effect of cutting position on rooting and shoot growth of two poplar clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One-year-old shoots from stooling beds of Populus × deltoides Walker and Populus jackii Northwest were collected in late fall to determine the effect of cutting position on rooting and growth of hardwood poplar cuttings. Cuttings with a minimum diameter of 9.0 mm were obtained from basal, middle and distal locations on the poplar shoot. Rooting and shoot growth were assessed in the greenhouse and under field conditions. Walker poplar cuttings collected from basal portions of the shoot and planted in the field had 87.6% rooting and 103.8 cm growth compared to 78.8% and 103.4 cm and 67.6% and 88.8 cm for middle and distal locations respectively. For Northwest rooting and growth under field conditions was 84.4% and 94.7 cm for basal, 78.4% and 90.5 cm for mid and 64.4% and 84.3 cm for distal locations. Rooting in the greenhouse was superior to the field. Walker cuttings had fewer roots and buds per cutting than Northwest, however, growth of Walker in the field was superior.  相似文献   

The components of the essential oils from seeds of Azadirachta indica, Azadirachta siamensis, and Azadi-rachta excelsa were studied by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The main components of A. indica oil were hexadecanoic acid (34.0%), oleic acid (15.7%), 5,6-dihydro-2,4,6-triethyl-(4H)-1,3,5-dithiazine (11.7%), methyl oleate (3.8%), and eudesm-7(11)-en-4-ol (2.7%). The major components of A. siamensis oil were hexadecanoic acid (52.2%), tricosane (10.5%), tetradecanoic acid (6.8%), oleic acid (4.9%), and pentacosane (4.9%). Azadirachta excelsa oil contained oleic acid (31.3%), hexadecanoic acid (14.2%), octadecanoic acid (13.0%), 4-octylphenol (9.7%), and O-methyloximedecanal (6.8%) as the main constituents. The essential oils from A. indica, A. siamensis, and A. excelsa were found to contain fatty acids (52.6%–72.3%) as major components. The minor components of the oils were n-alkanes, aromatics, esters, sulfur and nitrogen compounds, and terpenoids. Differences in oil composition were observed between the three species.  相似文献   

Swamy  S.L.  Puri  S.  Singh  A.K. 《New Forests》2002,23(2):143-157
Juvenile (2 year old trees) and mature hardwood (15 year old trees) cuttings of Robinia pseudoacacia and Grewia optiva were tested for their capacity to form roots. Cuttings were prepared in spring, monsoon and winter seasons and treated with different concentrations (250, 500 and 750 mg/l) of IBA and NAA. These were planted in a mist chamber maintained at 25±1°C with relative humidity >70%. Juvenile cuttings of both species rooted significantly better than mature hardwood cuttings in all three seasons, and the age effect was more pronounced in auxin treated cuttings. The highest rooting in juvenile (83.3%) and mature (66.6%) cuttings was observed with the NAA (500 mg/l) treatment in R. pseudoacacia during the spring season. In G. optiva, IBA (250 mg/l) in the monsoon season was most effective and yielding a maximum of 80% and 70% rooting in juvenile and mature cuttings, respectively. Auxin treatments also significantly enhanced the number of roots, root length, leaf number and leaf area. Statistical analysis of data revealed that interactions between age, season and treatments were significant at P <0.05 level for R. pseudoacacia and non-significant for G. optiva.  相似文献   

By propagating lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) cuttings in vivo, we obtained after 7 growing cycles (ca 3.5 years) in a greenhouse, sufficient number of cuttings from most families to establish clonal progeny tests. Twenty-one full-sib families with approximately 20 clones per family were studied for five years. Years when cuttings were set, families within latitude and clones within families differed significantly in rooting percentages, with the variance components 4.2%, 8.2% and 9.5%, respectively. One way to get a frequent and uniform rooting is to take cuttings from non-leading shoots since they have higher rooting percentage than leading shoots. Neither total length of the cuttings nor length of the primary needles were significantly correlated to rooting percentage. With appropriate management of the ortets and the cuttings during rooting, most clones could be included in a cutting propagation program.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to test the comparative efficiency of neem (Azadirachta indica) kernel oil, groundnut oil and a synthetic insecticide, K-Othrine®, in protecting stocks of leguminous tree seeds against seed beetles under Sahelian conditions. The following insect/seed combinations were used as models: Caryedon acaciae/Acacia nilotica, C. longispinosus/A. raddiana and C. serratus/Tamarindus indica. Neem oil, when used at concentrations of 5 to 20 ml per kg of seeds, had pronounced adulticidal and ovicidal effects which were maintained for five months. No significant fall in seed viability was observed except in the case of C. acaciae/A. nilotica. Groundnut oil, when used at concentrations of 5 to 20 ml per kg of seeds, had pronounced adulticidal and ovicidal effects which were relatively short-lived. A significant fall in seed viability was observed over five months. K-Othrine®, when used at concentrations ranging from 25 to 100 mg per kg, had high adulticidal effects which were maintained for five months. However, K-Othrine® was found to have no ovicide properties. No significant fall in seed viability was observed. This study concluded that it is possible to use neem oil, a product that can be obtained locally at low cost, to efficiently protect tree seed stocks in the Sahel.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

不同处理对梅叶冬青插穗生根的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高梅叶冬青扦插育苗的成活率以及扦插苗质量,研究了插穗粗度、基质类型、ABT-1生根粉浓度、植物生长调节剂类型(NAA、IBA)及其浓度、细胞活性成分(二甲亚砜DMSO)和抗氧化剂(抗坏血酸VC、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮PVP)的添加对梅叶冬青扦插育苗的影响。结果表明:插穗粗度、基质种类和生长调节剂浓度对梅叶冬青扦插生根影响显著。插穗粗度以直径0.9~1.6 cm的生根效果最好。黄土、河沙、园土3种基质中,黄土基质生根效果最好。就生长调节剂浓度而言,以低浓度(50 mg/L NAA、50 mg/L IBA、100 mg/L IBA或200 mg/L ABT-1)处理最佳。ABT-1、IBA、NAA的使用均显著提高了梅叶冬青的生根率,但2种生长调节剂IBA和NAA对生根率的影响差异不显著。以黄土为基质,在50 mg/L NAA的基础上添加抗氧化剂VC(抗坏血酸)显著抑制了梅叶冬青的扦插生根,添加抗氧化剂PVP和细胞活性组分DMSO显著促进了梅叶冬青生根。在所有的处理中,50 mg/L NAA+600 mg/L PVP+0.5%DMSO的处理生根率最高,达到48.89%。  相似文献   

Foster  G.S.  Stelzer  H.E.  McRae  J.B. 《New Forests》2000,19(3):291-306
Shoot cuttings were harvested fromfour-year-old, loblolly pine hedges in March andSeptember of 1987, and placed into a series offactorial combinations of cutting length, diameterclass, and the presence/absence of a terminal bud toassess effects on rooting and field performance.Average rooting in the March trial was 50 percent andonly 20 percent for the September trial; however, thebest treatment in March yielded 100 percent rooting.Terminal bud status did not appear to influencepercent rooting. Shorter cuttings (5.1 or 7.6 cm)with an average diameter of 2 or 3 mm tended to rootbetter and develop more roots. Field performance ofthe rooted cuttings through age five suggests that theoriginal cutting does not require a terminal bud, butthe best set of morphological traits differ dependingon bud status. Considering both rooting ability andfield growth with an original tip bud present, thebest cutting dimensions were 5.1 or 7.6 cm long and 2or 3 mm in diameter. Without a tip bud present,cutting dimensions were restricted to 7.6 or 10.2 cmlong and 3 mm in diameter. Number of main roots wasa weak predictor of tree height or dbh at age five.  相似文献   

The effect of auxins (IAA or IBA at 100,200,500 mg L 1) on rooting and sprouting parameters differed significantly (p < 0.05).Rooting and sprouting percentages were higher in some treatments while other parameters were significantly higher in other treatments.The results of the present study revealed that rooting was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the length of cuttings,as well as the position of shoots and type of cuttings.On average,86.0 per cent rooting was observed in the 30-cm long cuttings compared to the other two lengths of cuttings,i.e.,20 and 25 cm,irrespective of any auxin treatment.In a control set,without any auxin treatment,a maximum of 60.0% rooting was recorded in the 30-cm long cuttings and a minimum of 40.0% of the cuttings rooted in the 20-cm long cuttings.Similarly,cuttings collected from the lower and upper portions of shoots resulted in 72.5 and 52.5 per cent rooting respectively,irrespective of auxin treatments.Maximum rooting was observed in the lower portion (40.0%) of cutting compared to the upper portion (30.0%) in the control set without auxin treatment.Leafless branches produced maximum (72.0%) rooting compared to the leafy cuttings (35.0%),irrespective of the auxin treatment.The leafy cuttings produces a minimum of 15.0% sprouting and rooting in the control set.  相似文献   

From 1988 to 1990, leaves fromAzadirachta indica andAlbizia lebbeck were used as mulch on sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in semi-arid Burkina Faso. Five different application modes, each representing a different combination of application timing and mulch composition, were evaluated. In one of the modes leaves were combined with sorghum straw. Leaf quantities applied corresponded to dosages of 25, 50 and 75 kg N ha–1 in all five modes.Dosage had a significant influence on yield all three years. The mulching effect increased progressively over the years and was more pronounced the higher the dosage. Mean grain yields obtained with the highest dosage, relative to an unmulched control, were 203%, 364% and 422%, for the three years, respectively. Application timing had a significant influence on yields in 1988 and 1989, but the response was not consistent. Differences in response were attributed to variation in the rainfall distribution. Mulch composition did not have a significant influence on yield during any of the three years. Of the five modes evaluated, the ones producing the highest yields over the three-year period of study were azadirachta leaves applied (i) at sowing and (ii) 4–6 weeks after sowing. Yields decreased on both the treated and untreated plots between 1988 and 1989. On the treated plots, yield generally increased again in 1990. This increase was attributed to a residual effect of the mulch. The residual effect probably only explained part of the large difference in yield between treated and untreated plots. It is therefore suggested that most of the nutrients released from the mulch were used by the plants during the same season, which increased production. Furthermore, the mulch layer could have reduced evaporation and thus increased the retention of soil water.
Résumé De 1988 à 1990, des feuilles d'Azadirachta indica et d'Albizia lebbeck ont été utilisées comme mulch sur une culture de sorgho blanc (Sorghum bicolor) au Burkina Faso, en climat semi-aride. Cinq modes d'application ont été évalués, chacun répresentant une compinaison différente en temps d'application et composition de mulch. Dans un des modes, les feuilles ont été combinées avec des tiges de sorgho. Les quantités de feuilles utilisées ont été équivalentes aux dosages de 25, 50 et 75 kg N ha–1 et ceci dans tous les cinq modes.Le dosage a eu une influence significative sur la récolte pendant toutes les trois années. Leffet a augmenté progressivement d'année en année et a été plus prononcé pour le dosage le plus élevé. Les moyennes de rendement de graines par rapport au témoin sans mulch, obtenues avec la dose de 75 kg N ha–1, ont été 203% pour la première année, 364% pour la seconde et 422% pour la troisième. Le temps d'application a eu une influence significative en 1988 et 1989, mais les résultats ont varié entre les années. Les différents résultats ont été attribués à la variation en distribution de la pluie. La composition de mulch n'a pas eu d'influence significative sur aucune des trois années. Parmi les cinq modes évalués, les deux qui ont assurés les récoltes les plus élevées sur la période entière de trois ans, étaient les feuilles d'azadirachta appliquées (i) au semis et (ii) 4–6 semaines après le semis. Les rendements ont baissés entre 1988 et 1989, tant sur les parcelles traitées que sur les parcelles non-traitées. Sur les parcelles traitées, les rendements ont de nouveau augmentés en 1990. Cette augmentation a été attribuée a un effet résiduel du mulch. Cet effet résiduel probablement n'explique qu'une partie de la grande différence en rendement entre les parcelles traitées et non-traitées. Il paraît donc que la plupart des élements nutritifs libérés par le mulch ont été utilisés par les plantes au cours de la même saison, et qu'ils ont ainsi augmenté la production. De plus, la couche de mulch a probablement réduit l'évaporation, résultant en une augmentation de la rétention d'eau dans le sol.

Twenty-four provenances of two species (Azadirachta siamensis and Azadirachta indica) have been introduced to China from South Asia, Southeast Asia and Africa Since 1995. This paper summarizes the researches on the introduction and planting of Azadirachta indica and analyzes the morphological, phenological characteristics, the growth rhythm, pollinating and seed yielding features of the intro- duced 24 provenances of the two species as well as the variations of filial generation plants. The experiments showed that most of the prove- nances of,4. indica have normal growth and can blossom and fruit in the dry-hot valleys with tropical climate conditions in Yunnan Province, China. The normal regions for A. indica were classified and the selection criteria for superior plants were put forward in this paper, more- over, the major contents of industry planning and technical approaches for A. indica plantation establishment were discussed and the countermeasures to reduce the neem-based pesticide products were also proposed.  相似文献   

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