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Serum samples from 191 ostriches (Struthio camelus) in Japan were tested for antibodies to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV). Twenty-two (12%) contained NDV-specific neutralizing antibodies by a virus-neutralization (VN) test without vaccination. Antibodies to AIV were not detected in the any sera by an agar gel precipitation test. Seven serum samples that had vaccinated with live NDV by eye drop were all positive by the VN test at 1 month post vaccination. A haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test for NDV seemed not to be suitable for ostriches because of non-specific agglutination of chicken red blood cells. No haemagglutinating viruses were isolated. This is the first report on detection of antibodies against NDV in ostriches in Japan.  相似文献   

Summary An evaluation was undertaken of the efficacy of vaccination of day-old chicks with the Blacksburg (B1) strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) followed at various times by vaccination with the Komarov (K) strain. Antibody was detected by the haemagglutination inhibition (HAI) test one week after vaccination with B1 and titres peaked at three weeks and had declined to undetectable levels by nine weeks.After subsequent vaccination with K strain at five, seven or eight weeks of age levels of HAI antibody (titre 80 to 640) were detected after three weeks. Birds vaccinated at seven weeks were tested for antibody and resistance to challenge beyond 19 weeks of age. In this group the HAI titres remained constant (80 to 640) up to 32 weeks of age and then steadily declined to 10 to 20 at 44 weeks of age.A linear relationship between HAI titre and virus neutralising index (VNI) was demonstrated with a range of selected sera. Only birds with an HAI titre of 80 or greater resisted artificial challenge. It is recommended that, following B1 vaccincation at day-old and K vaccination at seven weeks old, revaccination with K strain should be performed at intervals of not more than seven months.
Proteccion Conferida Mediante Vacunacion Con Las Cepas Blacksburg Komarov Del Virus De Newcastle En Bangladesh
Resumen Se llevó a cabo una evaluación de la eficacia de la vacunación de pollitos de un día, con la cepa Blacksburg (B1) del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle, seguida de varias aplicaciones vacunales periódicas con la cepa Komarov (K). Se detectaron anticuerpos mediante la prueba de inhibición de la hemaglutinación, una semana después de la vacunación con B1, los títulos alcanzando el pico a las tres semanas y declinaron a niveles no detectables a las nueve semanas.Después de aplicaciones vacunales periódicas con la cepa K, a las cinco, siete u ocho semanas de edad, se detectaron anticuerpos mediante la prueba de inhibición de la hemaglutinación (títulos 80 a 640), después de tres semanas. Las aves vacunadas a las siete semanas, recibieron una descarga y se les hizo prueba de anticuerpos, después de las 19 semanas de edad. En este grupo los títulos de anticuerpos permanecieron constantes (80 to 640) hasta las 32 semanas de edad y después declinaron lentamente a 10 ó 20 a las 44 semanas de edad.Se demostró una relación lineal entre los títulos hallados y el índice viral neutralizante, en un rango de sueros seleccionados. Solamente las aves con títulos de 80 o más altos resistieron la descarga artificial. Se recomienda que, seguidamente a la vacunación con B1 a un día de edad y con K a las siete semanas, las revacunaciones con la cepa K debería hacerse con intervalos de no más de siete meses.

Protection Conferee Contre La Maladie De Newcastle Au Bangladesh Par La Vaccination A L'Aide Des Souches Blacksburg Et Komarov De Virus De La Maladie De Newcastle
Résumé Une evaluation de l'efficacité de la vaccination de poussins d'un jour à l'aide des souches Blackburg (B1) du virus de la maladie de Newcastle, suivie à différents moments par la vaccination à l'aide de la souche Komarov (K), a été entreprise. Les anticorps furent détéctés par inhibition de l'hemagglutination (HAI), une semaine après la vaccination avec la souche B1 et le titre atteignit un pic à 3 semaines pour décliner jusqu'à des niveaux indétectables à neuf semaines. A la suite de vaccinations consécutives avec la souche K à cinq, sept ou huit semaines, les niveaux d'anticorps HAI furent détectés après trois semaines. Les oiseaux vaccinés à sept semaines furent examinés pour les anticorps et la résistance à une épreuve au delà de 19 semaines d'âge. Dans ce groupe les titres HAI sont restés constants (80 à 640) jusqu'à l'àge 32 semaines, puis ont diminué régulièrement jusqu'à 10 à 20 à l'âge de 44 semaines.Une relation linéaire entre le titre HAI et l'index de neutralisation du virus (VNI) a été démontrée sur une gamme de sérums choisis. Seuls les oiseaux ayant un titre HAI de 80 ou plus ont résisté à l'épreuve artificielle. On recommande que, après une vaccination B1 à un jour, et une vaccination K à l'âge de sept semaines, une revaccination K soit réalisée à des intervalles n'excédant pas sept mois.

Studies were performed to determine if passive immunization with hyperimmune sera generated to specific Newcastle disease virus (NDV) proteins conferred protection against virus challenge. Six groups of 3-wk-old chickens were passively immunized with antiserum against either hemagglutinin-neuraminidase/fusion, (HN/F) protein, nucleoprotein/phosphoprotein (NP/P), Matrix (M) protein, a mixture of all NDV proteins (ALL), intact ultraviolet-inactivated NDV (UVNDV), or negative sera. Blood samples were collected 2 days postimmunization, and the birds were challenged with Texas GB strain of NDV. Antibody titers were detected from those recipient birds that had received the antisera against the HN/F, ALL, or UVNDV by a hemagglutination inhibition test, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and a virus neutralization test. Antibodies were detected only by the ELISA from the birds that had received antisera against NP/P and M protein. Antibody titers in the recipient birds dropped by two dilutions (log2) after 2 days postinjection. Birds passively immunized with antisera against HN/F, ALL, and UVNDV were protected from challenge, whereas chickens passively immunized with antisera against NP/P and M protein and specific-pathogen-free sera developed clinical signs of Newcastle disease. The challenge virus was recovered from the tracheas of all passively immunized groups. The presence of neutralizing antibodies to NDV provided protection from clinical disease but was unable to prevent virus shedding from the trachea.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The low potency of genetic immunization has to date impeded development of commercial vaccines against major infectious diseases. The aim of this study was...  相似文献   

Serum samples from 163 slaughter-age ostriches (Struthio camelus) in Ohio and Indiana were tested for antibodies to avian influenza virus (AIV), Newcastle disease virus (NDV), paramyxovirus (PMV) 2, PMV3, PMV7, infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), Bordetella avium, Mycoplasma synoviae, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, Salmonella pullorum, Salmonella gallinarum, and Salmonella typhimurium. One ostrich had antibodies to AIV H5N9, 57% of the ostriches had antibodies to NDV, four ostriches had antibodies to both NDV and PMV2, and one ostrich had antibodies to NDV, PMV2, PMV3, and PMV7. None of the ostriches had antibodies to IBDV, B. avium, M. synoviae, M. gallisepticum, O. rhinotracheale, S. pullorum, S. gallinarum, and S. typhimurium. This is the first report of antibodies to avian influenza and PMV7 in ostriches in the United States.  相似文献   

Summary Micro-haemagglutination inhibition tests (Micro-HI) were used to measure the level of maternal IgG in the tears of chicks and also to measure the levels of HI antibodies in the tears and serum after vaccination with F strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and in the face of an outbreak of Newcastle disease. There was a 1·4 fold difference between the maternal IgG concentration in the serum and tears. The ratio of serum IgG to lachrymal IgG after maternal transfer was 4 to 5 : 1 on day 4 to 9 and decreased to 2·6 : 1 on day 12 post-hatch. The intra-ocular vaccination of chicks with F strain of NDV resulted in the highest titre of HI antibodies in the tears though there was no significant difference in the response of chicks vaccinated through intranasal, oral and intravenous routes.In the face of an ND outbreak, the level of HI antibodies in the tears during the acute phase was very high and persisted at the same level for 14 days.
Determinacion De Anticuerpos Frente Al Virus De Newcastle En Lagrimas
Resumen Se utilizaron tests de inhibición de la microhemoaglutinación (micro-HI) para medir el nivel de IgG maternas en las lágrimas de pollitos y también para medir los niveles de anticuerpos HI en las lágrimas y en el suero después de vacunar con la estirpe F del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle (NDV) y durante una epidemia de la enfermedad de Newcastle. Hubo una diferencia de 1·4 veces entre la concentración de IgG maternas en el suero y en las lágrimas. El cociente entre las IgG del suero y de las lágrimas tras la transferencia materna fue 4–5: 1 entre los días 4 y 9 y disminuyó a 2·6 : 1 el día 12 posteclosión. La vacunación intraocular de los pollitos con la estirpe F del NDV dió lugar al título más elevado de anticuerpos HI en las lágrimas, si bien las differencias entre animales vacunados por vía intranasal, oral y endovenosa no fueron significativas. Durante una epidemia de la enfermedad de Newcastle, el nivel de anticuerpos HI en las lágrimas durante la fase aguda fue muy alto y se mantuvo constante durante 14 días.

Estimation Du Taux d'Anticorps Contre Le Virus De La Maladie De Newcastle Dans Les Larmes
Résumé Des tests d'inhibition par micro-hemoagglutination (Micro-Hi) furent utilisés pour mesurer, soit les taux d'IgG maternelles dans les larmes des poussins, soit les taux d'anticorps Hi dans les larmes et les sérums après vaccination avec une souche F du virus de la maladie de Newcastle (NDV) et dans le cas d'une épidémie de la maladie de Newcastle. Le ratio entre les IgG maternelles dans le sérum et les larmes fut de 1,4. Le ratio entre les IgG dans le sérum et les IgG dans les larmes était de 4 à 5 pour 4 entre le jours 4 et 9 et diminua à 2,6; 12 jours après éclosion. La vaccination intra-oculaire des poussins avec une souche F du virus de la maladie de Newcastle donna les plus hauts taux d'anticorps Hi dans les larmes, cependant il n'y eut pas de différence significative dans la réaction des poussins après vaccination intranasale, orale ou intraveineuse.Durant une épidémie de la maladie de Newcastle, le niveau des anticorps Hi dans les larmes pendant la phase auguë fut très élevé et persista à ce niveau pendant 14 jours.

Summary Different vaccination programmes commonly used in Moroccan poultry farms were tested for their capacity to protect chickens against two representative Moroccan strains of velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease virus under controlled conditions. All vaccination programmes protected the chickens against mortality and the inactivated vaccine gave the highest antibody titres and the best protection against respiratory symptoms.
Vacunacion Contra Cepas Marroquies Del Virus De La Enfermedad De Newcastle
Resumen Se ensayaron bajo condiciones controladas, diferentes programas de vacunación para detectar la capacidad de estos de proteger pollos contra dos cepas marroquíes representativas del virus velogénico viscerotrópico de la enfermedad de Newcastle. Todos los programas de vacunación fueron efectivos, protegiendo las aves contra mortalidad. La vacuna inactivada fue la mejor, produciendo los títulos más altos de anticuerpos y protegiendo las aves contra síntomas respiratorios.

Vaccination Contre Les Souches Marocaines Du Virus De La Maladie De Newcastle
Résumé On a testé différents programmes de vaccination communément mis en oeuvre dans les élevages avicoles du Maroc quant à leur capacité de protéger les poulets vis-à-vis de deux souches marocaines représentatives du virus de Newcastle vélogène-viscérotrope. Les poulets ont été protégés dans tous les programmes de vaccination à l'encontre de la mortalité; le vaccin inactivé confère les plus hauts titres en anticorps et la meilleure protection vis-à-vis des symptômes respiratoires.

为制备基因Ⅶ型新城疫病毒(NDV)血凝素-神经氨酸酶蛋白(HN)的单克隆抗体(MAb),本研究利用JS/17病毒株的HN重组蛋白和活病毒分别免疫BALB/c小鼠,取其脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞(SP2/0)融合,并通过ELISA、间接免疫荧光和western blot方法筛选,制备了3株特异性识别HN蛋白的单克隆抗体(MAb)。其中,MAb1D4和4D9具有病毒中和活性(VN)及血凝抑制作用(HI),可以识别多种基因型的Ⅱ类NDV,但与Ⅰ类NDV病毒株无反应。MAb 2G8识别线性表位131DYIGGIGKE139,该表位在各病毒株中高度保守。获得的3株MAb可以用于NDV的鉴定及HN蛋白的功能研究。  相似文献   

Even though Newcastle disease virus (NDV) live vaccine strains can be applied to 1-day-old chickens, they are pathogenic to chicken embryos when given in ovo 3 days before hatch. Based on the reverse genetics system, we modified recombinant NDV (rNDV) established from lentogenic vaccine strain Clone 30 by introducing specific mutations within the fusion (F) and hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) proteins, which have recently been suggested as being responsible for attenuation of selected vaccine variants (Mast et al. Vaccine 24:1756-1765, 2006) resulting in rNDV49. Another recombinant (rNDVGu) was generated to correct sequence differences between rNDV and vaccine strain NDV Clone 30. Recombinant viruses rNDV, rNDV49, and rNDVGu have reduced virulence compared with NDV Clone 30, represented by lower intracerebral pathogenicity indices and elevated mean death time. After in ovo inoculation, hatchability was comparable for all infected groups. However, only one chicken from the NDV Clone 30 group survived a 21-day observation period; whereas, the survival rate of hatched chicks from groups receiving recombinant NDV was between 40% and 80%, with rNDVGu being the most pathogenic virus. Furthermore, recombinant viruses induced protection against challenge infection with virulent NDV 21 days post hatch. Differences in antibody response of recombinant viruses indicate that immunogenicity is correlated to virulence. In summary, our data show that point mutations can reduce virulence of NDV. However, alteration of specific amino acids in F and HN proteins of rNDV did not lead to further attenuation as indicated by their pathogenicity for chicken after in ovo inoculation.  相似文献   

The present study describes the development of DNA vaccines using the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and fusion (F) genes from AF2240 Newcastle disease virus strain, namely pIRES/HN, pIRES/F and pIRES-F/HN. Transient expression analysis of the constructs in Vero cells revealed the successful expression of gene inserts in vitro. Moreover, in vivo experiments showed that single vaccination with the constructed plasmid DNA (pDNA) followed by a boost with inactivated vaccine induced a significant difference in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay antibody levels (p < 0.05) elicited by either pIRES/F, pIRES/F+ pIRES/HN or pIRES-F/HN at one week after the booster in specific pathogen free chickens when compared with the inactivated vaccine alone. Taken together, these results indicated that recombinant pDNA could be used to increase the efficacy of the inactivated vaccine immunization procedure.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of breeder vaccination program and maternal antibody on the efficacy of Newcastle disease immunization of 1-day-old chicks. Experimental protocol was the same for both. In the first experiment, broilers were from breeders that were 32 weeks old, and in the second experiment, broilers were from breeders 50 weeks old. Breeders received three live Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccines and either a killed vaccine at 18 weeks or continual live boosting at 60-to-70-day intervals through lay. Broilers were vaccinated at 1 day of age with a commercial coarse-spray machine; they were bled, sera were examined for antibody against NDV, and broilers were challenged with virulent NDV at 2, 4, and 6 weeks of age. In the first experiment, maternal antibody was higher in chicks from the younger breeders given the inactivated vaccine, and in the second experiment maternal antibody was higher in chicks from older breeders given continual live vaccines. Higher antibody in 1-day-old broilers resulted in fewer vaccine-induced reactions, less vaccine virus shed, and decreased duration of vaccine-induced immunity from coarse-spray vaccination.  相似文献   

On June 20th 1984 appeared the first FMD-Type ASIA 1 outbreak in Greece. Around the outbreak all susceptible animals were vaccinated with ASIA 1 vaccine produced by IFFA Mereiux. Three weeks after this first vaccination blood samples have been collected and examined for neutralizing antibodies. From 101 examined calves 37 were younger than 6 months, 63 between 6-11 months and one was 12 months old. The titer of the first group was less than 1.2 in 14 and greater than 1.8 in 8 calves. By the second group (63 animals) the titer was less than 1.2 in 28 and greater than 1.8 in 11 calves. The 12 months old calf had a titer of 2.1. Generally the titer only of 59 out of the 101 examined calves was greater than or equal to 1.2 (59%). That means that the vaccine used had a weak immunogenicity.  相似文献   

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