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Owners of 116 farms, whose flocks had been tested for anthelmintic resistance, were interviewed to determine their use of various sheep management and parasite control practices and their knowledge and adoption of recommended procedures for the prevention and control of resistance. Farmers knowledge of current recommendations related mainly to changing drenches and drench groups. Other aspects of the recommended program including reduction of drenching frequency and the use of alternative management strategies were not considered as important by farmers. For most questions a high proportion of farmers (greater than 20%) had no opinion. Associations between various strategies for nematode control and resistance of Trichostrongylus and Teladorsagia to thiabendazole and levamisole were examined. These relationships differed between anthelmintics and nematode genera. A number of factors were related to resistance of one or both nematode genera to one or both anthelmintic groups. These factors included flock size, percentage of ewes in the flock, cattle number, main sheep production activity, grazing strategy, frequency of drenching, changes in the frequency of drenching, number of summer drenches and the method of estimating dose rates. It was concluded that the methods employed to control anthelmintic resistance may vary with the nematode, its resistance status and the anthelmintic to which it is exposed. Modifications to the previously recommended program have been proposed which incorporate selection of the anthelmintic to be used following a test for anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   

The efficacy of fenbendazole against the following gastrointestinal nematodes was tested in experimentally infected lambs: O circumcincta, H contortus, T colubriformis and N filicollis. As low a dose as 0.5 mg per kg reduced the egg output of a patent infection with H contortus and T colubriformis by 85 per cent to 100 per cent. A dose of 3.5 mg per kg has a 100 per cent effect on three or 10-day-old stages of H contortus and one of more than 99 per cent or 100 per cent T colubriformis. The same dose reduces seven-day-old stages of O circumcincta and N filicollis by more than 94 per cent or 100 per cent, while 10 mg per kg produces a 100 per cent elimination of seven-day-old stages of O circumcincta. In field trials and efficacy of more than 99 per cent was determined after oral dosage with 5.0 mg per kg against Ostertagia, Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, Nematodirus and Chabertia. Fenbendazole has a wide therapeutic-toxic dose ratio. Discoloration of the wool does not occur. Fenbendazole can be administered as a drench or with the feed.  相似文献   

Combinations of anthelmintics with a similar spectrum of activity and different mechanisms of action and resistance are widely available in several regions of the world for the control of sheep nematodes. There are two main justifications for the use of such combinations: (1) to enable the effective control of nematodes in the presence of single or multiple drug resistance, and (2) to slow the development of resistance to the component anthelmintic classes. Computer model simulations of sheep nematode populations indicate that the ability of combinations to slow the development of resistance is maximised if certain prerequisite criteria are met, the most important of which appear to concern the opportunity for survival of susceptible nematodes in refugia and the pre-existing levels of resistance to each of the anthelmintics in the combination. Combinations slow the development of a resistant parasite population by reducing the number of resistant genotypes which survive treatment, because multiple alleles conferring resistance to all the component anthelmintic classes must be present in the same parasite for survival. Individuals carrying multiple resistance alleles are rarer than those carrying single resistance alleles. This enhanced efficacy leads to greater dilution of resistant genotypes by the unselected parasites in refugia, thus reducing the proportion of resistant parasites available to reproduce with other resistant adults that have survived treatment. Concerns over the use of anthelmintic combinations include the potential to select for resistance to multiple anthelmintic classes concurrently if there are insufficient parasites in refugia; the potential for shared mechanisms of resistance between chemical classes; and the pre-existing frequency of resistance alleles may be too high on some farms to warrant the introduction of certain combinations. In conclusion, anthelmintic combinations can play an important role in resistance management. However, they are not a panacea and should always be used in accordance with contemporary principles for sustainable anthelmintic use.  相似文献   

Control of nematode parasites with reduced reliance on the use of anthelmintics was studied in 16 ewes with suckling twin lambs on contaminated pasture in Denmark. Ewes and lambs were treated with albendazole at turn-out 3 May. Ewes were removed from the groups on 26 July, and lambs were slaughtered on 11 October. The animals were allocated to 4 groups of 8 lambs and their 4 ewes. Group TS was treated with albendazole at weeks 3, 6 and 8 after turnout and set-stocked; group TM was similarly treated but moved to clean pasture in conjunction with the last drenching; group US was untreated and set-stocked, and group UM was left untreated but moved to clean pasture week 8 after turn-out. Supplementary feed was offered in June and August due to scarcity of pasture. Strategic treatments of ewes and lambs weeks 3, 6 and 8 after turn-out, with or without a move to clean pasture, were highly effective in controlling nematode infections for most of the season. This was reflected in better weight gains and carcass characteristics in the treated compared to untreated lambs, resulting in an average increase in the value of the product by 36%. The effect of moving without treatment (UM) on faecal egg counts was limited but peak pasture infectivity was reduced to less than 10% compared to the set-stocked group and weight gains of lambs were significantly better despite poor feed availability in late season. The study showed that under set-stocked conditions repeated anthelmintic treatments of both ewes and lambs in early season may ensure sufficient nematode control whereas moving animals to clean pasture without dosing was less efficient. The latter may, however, still be a viable option in organic and other production systems where routine use of anthelmintics is banned, particularly if weaning and moving are combined or a second move is performed.  相似文献   

A microlarval development test for the detection of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes is described. Haemonchus contortus, Teladorsagia circumcincta and Trichostrongylus colubriformis eggs were cultured to third stage larvae in the presence of Earle's balanced salt solution, yeast extract and bacteria in a total volume of 150 microliters. Good dose-response data were obtained with thiabendazole, levamisole, pyrantel tartrate and ivermectin allowing the determination of the 50 per cent lethal concentration and of resistance factors when resistant strains were available. The test was found to be accurate, sensitive, easy to carry out and applicable to the routine detection of resistance.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal parasitism is a widely recognised problem in sheep production, particularly for lambs. While anthelmintics have a pivotal role in controlling the effects of parasites, there is a paucity of data on how farmers use anthelmintics. A representative sample of Irish lowland farmers were surveyed regarding their parasite control practices and risk factors that may contribute to the development of anthelmintic resistance. Questionnaires were distributed to 166 lowland Irish sheep producers. The vast majority of respondents treated their sheep with anthelmintics. Lambs were the cohort treated most frequently, the majority of farmers followed a set programme as opposed to treating at sign of disease. A substantial proportion (61%) administered four or more treatments to lambs in a 'normal' year. Departures from best practice in anthelmintic administration that would encourage the development of anthelmintic resistance were observed. In conclusion, in the light of anthelmintic resistance, there is a need for a greater awareness of the principles that underpin the sustainable use of anthelmintics and practices that preserve anthelmintic efficacy should be given a very high priority in the design of helminth control programmes on each farm. To this end, given that veterinary practitioners and agricultural advisors were considered to be the farmer's most popular information resource, the capacity of these professions to communicate information relating to best practice in parasite control should be targeted.  相似文献   

Between July 1981 and December 1983, 116 randomly selected sheep farms in the south west of Western Australian were surveyed for resistance to anthelmintics. A faecal worm egg count reduction test was carried out on each farm. Anthelmintics tested were thiabendazole (44 mg/kg) and levamisole (7.5 mg/kg) given by intra-ruminal injection and comparisons were made with an untreated group on each farm. Successful tests were carried out on 84 farms and 68% of these had resistant worms present. The prevalence of thiabendazole resistant populations was for H. contortus 18%; Teladorsagia, 41% and Trichostrongylus, 48% and for levamisole resistant populations H. contortus, 10%; Teladorsagia, 41%; Trichostrongylus, 24%, and Nematodirus, 10%. Multiple resistant populations were found on 17% of farms. Although the distribution of nematode genera varied between the 400 to 750 mm and the greater than 750 mm rainfall zones there was no significant difference in the prevalence of resistance between zones. About one third of resistant populations were severely resistant (less than 60% reduction). It is likely that resistant worms were present on many farms without causing clinical disease and continued anthelmintic selection pressure will result in further development of resistance.  相似文献   

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