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A Tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-based virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system was employed to investigate the role of the tomato ethylene receptor ETR4. By comparing wilting symptoms of verticillium wilt in wild-type, ethylene-insensitive Never ripe ( Nr ) mutant tomato plants and ETR4 -silenced plants, it was demonstrated that disease severity in the Nr and ETR4 -silenced plants was statistically reduced compared to wild-type plants. Disease incidence and severity were reduced by 11 and 20%, respectively, in the Nr plants compared to the wild-type plants, at 33 days post-inoculation (d.p.i.). In the ETR4 -silenced plants, disease incidence and severity were reduced by 14 and 15%, respectively, compared to the TRV -only-inoculated plants, at 37 d.p.i. Quantification of Verticillium dahliae by qPCR revealed that the reduction in symptom severity in the Nr plants was associated with significant reduction of growth of the pathogen in the vascular tissues of the Nr plants compared to that in the wild-type plants, suggesting that impaired perception of ethylene via the Never-ripe receptor results in increased disease resistance. Fungal reduction was evident at each sampling day in the Nr plants, ranging from 1·5 to 1·75 times less than that in the wild-type plants. Fungal quantification in the ETR4- silenced and TRV -only-inoculated plants showed similar levels of fungal biomass.  相似文献   

Aggressiveness of Verticillium dahliae isolates from three vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) was tested on potato and tomato. VCG4B was the most aggressive to potato and VCG2A was the most aggressive to tomato; VCG2B was the least aggressive to both potato and tomato. In potato, disease incidence, symptom severity and colonization index of stem segments were significantly higher in plants inoculated with VCG4B isolates than in those inoculated with VCG2B and VCG2A isolates. Inoculation with VCG4B and VCG2A decreased plant height and fresh weight more than inoculation with VCG2B. In tomato, VCG2A caused significantly more severe symptoms than either VCG4B or VCG2B. The colonization index in tomato plants inoculated with VCG2A was also significantly higher than in those inoculated with VCG4B and VCG2B. Similar patterns of relative aggressiveness were observed in potato and tomato when the pathogenicity of isolates of various VCGs, each originating from a specific host (cotton, potato or eggplant), was compared.  相似文献   

Verticillium dahliae infecting tomato can be differentiated into races 1 and 2 based on differential pathogenicity on tomato cultivars carrying resistance gene Ve1. Although no commercial cultivars resistant to race 2 are available, race 2‐resistant rootstock cultivars Aibou and Ganbarune‐Karis have been bred in Japan. Nevertheless, the resistance of these rootstocks appears to be unstable in commercial tomato fields. Pathogenicity assays conducted under controlled conditions revealed that these rootstock cultivars are resistant to some isolates of race 2; this resistance is controlled by a single dominant locus, denoted by V2, based on segregation of resistance in F2 populations from selfed rootstock cultivars. However, some other isolates of race 2 can overcome this resistance. Therefore it is proposed that the current race 2 of V. dahliae should be divided into two races, i.e. ‘race 2’ (nonpathogenic on Aibou) and ‘race 3’ (pathogenic on Aibou). The distribution of these races was surveyed in 70 commercial tomato fields in Hida, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Race 3 was found in 45 fields, indicating that race 3 had already spread throughout the region. On the other hand, 25 fields had only race 2, and thus race 2‐resistant rootstocks would be effective for disease management in these fields. Races 2 and 3 could not be identified by genomic Southern hybridization probed with a telomere sequence, nor with previously reported race‐specific PCR assays. Elucidation of race‐determining mechanisms and development of methods for quick race identification should be made in future studies.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ) is caused primarily by Verticillium longisporum and has become a serious problem in northern Europe. In order to evaluate whether V. longisporum and V. dahliae differ in their interaction with oilseed rape, phenotypical and molecular assessments were made. Oilseed rape plants for fungal assessments were inoculated with V. longisporum and V. dahliae via root-dipping and samples were taken from roots, stems, leaves, flowers, pods and seeds during plant development. The infection by V. longisporum was found to start mainly in lateral roots and root-hairs, followed by colonization of the xylem vessels and extensive spread in stems and leaves, whereas V. dahliae infected the main roots and remained in the region below the cotyledon node of the plants. Re-isolation studies, together with PCR analysis of samples taken from early growth stages through to fully ripe plants, showed that the onset of flowering was a critical phase for V . longisporum to colonize plants. No seeds infected with V. longisporum were found. Mycelial growth from V. dahliae but not V. longisporum was significantly reduced on media containing tissue from a low glucosinolate B. napus genotype compared with growth on media containing tissue from a high glucosinolate cultivar. The results of this study suggest that V. longisporum favours B. napus as host and that the transition from the vegetative to the generative phase is of importance for the spread of the fungus in oilseed rape plants.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed in two consecutive years to test whether isolates of different vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) differ in their ability to cause disease in woody ornamentals, to study the host specificity of the isolates and to get an insight into disease development in woody hosts. A range of woody ornamental plant species, including Acer campestre, Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, Catalpa bignonioides, Cotinus coggygria, Robinia pseudoacacia, Rosa canina, Syringa vulgaris and Tilia cordata, were root-dip inoculated with six isolates of Verticillium dahliae, belonging to the two VCGs that occur in the Netherlands (VCG NL-1 and VCG NL-2). Isolates belonging to each VCG caused severe symptoms of verticillium wilt in most plant species tested. Disease progress differed between plant species, but was generally the same for the two VCGs. No overall differences in virulence were observed between the two VCGs for external wilt symptoms, number of dead plants, or shoot length. No significant VCG × plant species interactions were present for these characteristics. However, isolates of VCG NL-1 caused more vascular discolouration than did isolates of VCG NL-2. Isolates within VCGs often differed considerably in their virulence to certain hosts, as shown by highly significant isolate × plant species interactions. Isolates were more virulent on their original host. These findings imply that VCG identification does not contribute to disease prediction for a range of woody hosts.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop new polymorphic markers for analysis of genetic diversity in the fungal soilborne plant pathogen Verticillium dahliae. Twelve polymorphic markers (five microsatellites and seven polymorphic sequences) were developed from a genomic library enriched for microsatellites. Screening of polymorphic loci was done using a collection of 25 V. dahliae isolates of diverse geographic origins, host sources and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Three methods were used to score alleles: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), sequencing of PCR‐amplified loci, and capillary electrophoresis. The new markers were used to assess genetic differentiation between isolates associated with different host plants. Two collections of isolates were analysed, obtained from artichoke (30 isolates) and potato (20 isolates) from crops grown in rotation located in the same area in eastern‐central Spain. The resolution of genetic differentiation between these two collections using the new markers was compared to that provided by other often‐used markers (SCARs and VCGs). Sequence analysis of the alleles proved to be the most unambiguous technique for scoring microsatellite data. The relatively high genetic differentiation observed between isolates from different crops (genetic differentiation coefficient, GST = 0·24) and their high genotypic diversity suggest a divergence between V. dahliae from artichoke and potato. It is hypothesized that evolution of V. dahliae from the local resident population in association with the two host crops has occurred. The new markers are useful for resolving population structure within V. dahliae and may contribute to a better understanding of the population biology of this fungus.  相似文献   

The soilborne pathogen Verticillium dahliae invades its host via the root, and spreads systemically throughout the plant. Although a functional root system of appropriate size is essential for water and nutrient uptake, to date, effects of pathogens on root morphology have not been frequently investigated. Therefore, this study aims to improve knowledge of how V. dahliae infection impairs root morphological characteristics of tomato, considering plant growth and physiological responses, particularly those involved in defence in roots and leaves over a growing period of up to 28 days post‐inoculation. Verticillium dahliae infection suppressed the growth of both shoot and root. Diseased plants developed a smaller leaf area, and exhibited a reduction in the rate of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. An early response to pathogen invasion in the host root was the up‐regulation of several defence‐related genes, such as proteinase inhibitor II (Pin2), β‐1,3‐glucanase A (GluA) and two pathogenesis‐related genes (PR‐1a, PR‐1b). However, this response did not prevent colonization of the roots by the pathogen. Although a high variability in pathogen density was found within the root system, a significant increase of both the specific root length and surface area was observed in response to pathogen invasion; these traits correlated with water use efficiency. Morphological changes of the root may represent an adaptive response evolved to sustain the supply of both water and nutrients in the presence of the pathogen.  相似文献   

Eleven strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) genotypes from the University of California breeding programme known to be resistant to verticillium wilt were inoculated with Verticillium dahliae. Individual plants were given a resistance score based on the severity of visual symptoms, and the extent of colonization was quantified as the percentage of petioles not colonized by the pathogen. Both resistance scores and the percentage of pathogen‐free petioles decreased significantly from May to June (P < 0·05) during each of two growing seasons, indicating a progression of both colonization and symptom expression. Even the most resistant genotypes had plants with some infected petioles, and manifested some symptoms of verticillium wilt. Significant (P < 0·05) genotypic variance was detected for the percentage of pathogen‐free petioles, but not for resistance score. The percentage of pathogen‐free petioles had a strongly positive genotypic correlation (rg = 0·77, P < 0·01) with resistance score, indicating that about 60% of the genotypic variation for visual symptoms in this set of resistant genotypes was explained by the extent of colonization of individual plants by V. dahliae. Conversely, the genotypic correlation between the percentage of pathogen‐free petioles and the resistance score for plants sampled in May (rg = 0·74, P < 0·01) was smaller than that for plants harvested in July (rg = 0·93, P < 0·01). Together, these results suggest that the overall performance of strawberry genotypes in the presence of V. dahliae can be enhanced by both resistance and tolerance, but that tolerance may be less stable over the course of a season. Distinguishing between these two mechanisms may require evaluations that supplement visual assessments of resistance.  相似文献   

Controlling Verticillium dahliae through irrigation systems should be an important measure within integrated management of verticillium wilt of olive in Spain. Pathogen content of water infested by V. dahliae conidia and sclerotia can be diminished following in vitro treatments with the disinfectants OX-VIRIN and OX-AGUA AL25. Three concentrations per disinfectant were assessed for their effectiveness under operational conditions of modern irrigated olive orchards. Sterilized potted soil was drip-irrigated with conidia- or sclerotia-containing water that was pumped from a storage tank and disinfected (or not, control) within the pipelines via metering pumps. The trial was carried out in autumn and spring for each type of propagule infesting the water. The inoculum dispensed through drippers and the total inoculum density accumulated in soil were estimated. Furthermore, the treated residual inoculum in soil was assessed for pathogenicity on olive plants. Conidial incorporation in soil was prevented by most disinfectant treatments in spring; while for sclerotia, prevention was observed only at the highest OX-VIRIN (51.2 mL L−1; in both seasons) and OX-AGUA AL25 (11.27 mL L−1; in autumn) concentration. The remaining disinfectant treatments reduced conidia and sclerotia accumulation in soil by over 99% and 95%, respectively. Season particularly impacted the efficacy of lower concentrations. Expression of symptoms was not observed in olive plants grown in previously treated soils. The infectivity of the residual inoculum present in some treated soils was prevented, markedly reduced or limited to the roots. These results provide a novel, interesting and feasible approach in the management of the disease.  相似文献   

 由大丽轮枝菌引起的棉花黄萎病是一种难以防治的土传病害,西兰花残体还对其有一定的防治作用,防效为62.82%。为解析西兰花残体对棉花黄萎病的防治机制,本研究通过土壤杆菌转化的方法构建了大丽轮枝菌的绿色荧光标记菌株,采用共聚焦显微镜观察标记菌株在添加西兰花残体营养基质中和空白对照营养基质种植的棉花体内的侵染和扩展情况。结果表明构建的标记菌株gfp-wx-1与野生菌株wx-1的生物学特性无显著性差异。同时发现大丽轮枝菌在添加西兰花残体营养基质中棉花体内扩展较慢,具体表现为:在空白营养基质种植的棉花体内,大丽轮枝菌在接种第2 d时就可侵染根尖表层及根内部,第3 d到达茎部维管束,第5 d叶片可观察到少量病原菌,第7 d第一片子叶呈现大量病原菌,后期迅速扩展,叶片出现黄萎病斑;而在营养基质中添加西兰花残体种植的棉花体内,大丽轮枝菌在接种第2 d时就可侵染根尖表层,第3 d侵染根尖内部,第5 d侵染茎部维管束,直到第7 d第一片子叶才出现少量病原菌,后期扩展慢,叶片病斑较少。本研究通过荧光定量PCR方法检测了大丽轮枝菌在两个处理棉花根部定殖情况,结果表明西兰花残体能够显著降低大丽轮枝菌在棉花根部定殖的量。该研究初步明确了西兰花残体对棉花黄萎病的防治机制,为棉花黄萎病的绿色防治提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

克萎星对棉花黄萎病的防治效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
克萎星可溶性粉剂是河南省濮阳农业科学研究所研制生产的防治棉花黄萎病的新农药,田间药效试验结果表明:克萎星防治棉花黄萎病,发病初期叶面喷施,防效71.7%~100%,最佳施用浓度500~1000倍液,间隔期7~10d,棉花安全。  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt (VW) in olive is best managed by an integrated disease management strategy, of which use of host resistance is a key element. The widespread occurrence of a highly virulent defoliating (D) Verticillium dahliae pathotype has jeopardized the use of commercial olive cultivars lacking sufficient resistance to this pathogen. However, the combined use of resistant wild olive rootstocks and Trichoderma spp. effective in the biocontrol of VW can improve the management of VW in olive. In vivo interactions between D V. dahliae and Trichoderma harzianum were studied in olive and wild olive plants displaying different degrees of resistance against this pathogen using confocal microscopy. This multitrophic system included wild olive clones Ac‐4 and Ac‐15, olive cv. Picual, and the fungal fluorescent transformants T. harzianum GFP22 and V. dahliae V138I‐YFP, the latter being obtained in this study. In planta observations indicated that V138I‐YFP colonizes the roots and stems of the olive and wild olive genotypes, and that GFP22 grows endophytically within the roots of them all. YFP fluorescence signal quantifications showed that: (i) the degree of root and stem colonization by the pathogen varied depending upon the susceptibility of the tested wild olive genotype, being higher in Ac‐15 than in Ac‐4 plants; and (ii) treatment with T. harzianum GFP22 reduced the extent of pathogen growth in both clones. Moreover, root colonization by strain GFP22 reduced the percentage of pathogen colonies recovered from stems of olive and wild olive plants.  相似文献   

Elemental sulphur levels, sulphur localization in stems, and levels of sulphate, glutathione and cysteine were studied in pepper ( Capsicum annuum ) cvs Yolo Wonder (higher resistance) and Luesia (lower resistance) after inoculation with Verticillium dahliae , the cause of vascular wilt. Accumulation of elemental sulphur (S0) was first detected 10 days after inoculation in Yolo Wonder (mean S0 level 7·3  µ g g−1 DW), and 15 days after inoculation in Luesia (mean S0 level 3·3  µ g g−1 DW). The maximum level was reached 21 days after inoculation in Yolo Wonder (14·1  µ g g−1 DW). In control plants, elemental sulphur was not detected. SEM-EDX (scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis) indicated that the sulphur was not restricted to a specific location, but was dispersed throughout the vascular tissue. Sulphate levels showed a decline at the end of the experiment in inoculated plants, possibly related to the increase in sulphur levels seen in the two cultivars. The differences in sulphate levels between the two cultivars may be due to faster sulphate breakdown in cv. Yolo Wonder.  相似文献   

A multiplex-nested-PCR procedure was developed for in planta detection of Verticillium dahliae isolates infecting artichoke and assessment of their vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). PCR markers were identified and assigned to V. dahliae VCGs, including: i) a 334 bp marker amplified from VCG1A or VCG2B334 isolates; ii) a 688 bp marker amplified from VCG2A or VCG4B isolates; and iii) a 688 bp and a 964 bp PCR marker amplified from VCG2B824 isolates. The infecting V. dahliae VCGs were identified in artichoke tissues according to specific patterns of amplified markers after two rounds of PCR. The PCR-based 'molecular tool box' was first optimized using DNA extracted from artichoke plants artificially inoculated with isolates representative of known VCGs. Thereafter, the efficiency of the molecular procedure was tested using DNA extracted from naturally-infected artichoke plants showing a range of symptom severity as well as from symptomless plants. The novel multiplex-nested-PCR assay was clearly superior in detecting the pathogen compared to conventional isolation procedures, and in addition was informative about the VCGs. Moreover, the PCR method allowed the detection and VCG identification of V. dahliae infections in symptomless but infected plants, which had yielded false negatives when checked by microbiological isolation procedures. This 'molecular tool box' has uncovered the presence of several V. dahliae VCGs infecting the same artichoke plants in the Comunidad Valenciana Region. In addition, it is useful for genetic and pathogenicity diversity studies of V. dahliae populations infecting artichoke, and may help in predicting the severity of verticillium wilt epidemics.  相似文献   

棉花组织结构与黄萎病抗性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 黄萎病严重危害棉花生产。本试验以温室种植31 个不同抗性的棉花品种为材料,通过对供试品种的组织结构研究,使用根系扫描法和石蜡切片法,了解棉花对黄萎病的抗性机制。结果如下:棉花根系的吸收根根长密度与相对病指呈显著正相关,相关系数为0. 923;抗病品种与耐病品种、感病品种的总长度、总投影面积、总表面积和吸收根根长密度差异显著,但耐病品种与感病品种的这4 个指标差异不显著。抗病材料根、茎的组织中薄层细胞密度大于感病材料,耐病品种根、茎的薄层细胞密度介于两者之间;抗病品种的根和茎的导管数最多,导管直径最小,其次是耐病品种,感病品种的根和茎中导管数最少,但是导管直径最大。棉花根系的吸收根根长密度,根和茎的薄层细胞密度,导管数可以作为对黄萎病抗性的检测指标。  相似文献   

Understanding pathogenic variation in plant pathogen populations is key for the development and use of host resistance for managing verticillium wilt diseases. A highly virulent defoliating (D) pathotype in Verticillium dahliae has previously been shown to occur only in one clonal lineage (lineage 1A). By contrast, no clear association has yet been shown for race 1 with clonal lineages. Race 1 carries the effector gene Ave1 and is avirulent on hosts that carry resistance gene Ve1 or its homologues. The hypothesis tested was that race 1 arose once in a single clonal lineage, which might be expected if V. dahliae acquired Ave1 by horizontal gene transfer from plants, as hypothesized previously. In a diverse sample of 195 V. dahliae isolates from nine clonal lineages, all race 1 isolates were present only in lineage 2A. Conversely, all lineage 2A isolates displayed the race 1 phenotype. Moreover, 900‐bp nucleotide sequences from Ave1 were identical among 27 lineage 2A isolates and identical to sequences from other V. dahliae race 1 isolates in GenBank. The finding of race 1 in a single clonal lineage, with identical Ave1 sequences, is consistent with the hypothesis that race 1 arose once in V. dahliae. Molecular markers and virulence assays also confirmed the well‐established finding that the D pathotype is found only in lineage 1A. Pathogenicity assays indicated that cotton and olive isolates of the D pathotype (lineage 1A) were highly virulent on cotton and olive, but had low virulence on tomato.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the causal agent(s) of internal discoloration of horseradish roots. In 1999, 133 roots from 31 fields, and in 2000, 108 roots from nine fields, were assayed to determine the incidence and severity of internal discoloration of horseradish roots as well as the pathogen(s) associated with discoloured tissue. Verticillium dahliae , Verticillium longisporum and Fusarium solani were isolated from 14, 16 and 23% of roots in 1999, and from 24, 20 and 19% of roots in 2000, respectively. Verticillium longisporum on horseradish was identified for the first time. Pathogenicity tests of isolated microorganisms were conducted on horseradish in the glasshouse. In one experiment on the susceptible cultivar 1573, roots (sets) were inoculated by dipping the sets in a suspension of either V. dahliae microsclerotia, V. longisporum microsclerotia, or F. solani conidia and then grown in a soil mix over 5 months. Plants inoculated with any of the three species developed root discoloration similar to that observed in commercial fields. Internal root discoloration symptoms developed over a period of 5 months. For all three pathogens, severity of root discoloration was significantly higher after 5 months compared with 2 months from inoculation. In another experiment on cultivar 1590, tissue culture-generated seedlings and sets were planted in an infested soil mix with V. dahliae or V. longisporum and grown in the glasshouse. Plants developed root discoloration, as observed in the field. The pathogens were reisolated from inoculated plants in both experiments. No pathogen was isolated from the control plants in the experiments. The results of this study suggest that internal discoloration of horseradish roots is a disease complex caused by at least three fungal species.  相似文献   

Interactions between Verticillium dahliae and Colletotrichum coccodes , major causal agents of potato early dying (PED) syndrome, were studied in four potato cultivars that differ in their susceptibility to these pathogens . Aseptic plantlets of Nicola, Desiree, Alpha and Cara were inoculated with identical concentrations of each pathogen or with a mixture of the pathogens, and grown for 4 weeks in a monitored growth chamber. Coinoculation of Nicola with both pathogens caused more severe foliar disease symptoms and crown rot and greater C. coccodes colonization, than inoculation with each pathogen separately. Significant reductions in weight and height were also observed in plants coinoculated with both pathogens, as compared with plants inoculated with each pathogen separately or noninoculated plants. In Desiree, more roots were covered with C. coccodes sclerotia and disease symptoms were significantly more severe in plants inoculated with both pathogens together. However, plant weight and height were similar to those of plants inoculated with C. coccodes only. In Alpha, disease symptoms and levels of sclerotia in the roots were not affected by simultaneous inoculation with both pathogens. Weight and height of all plants were similar, whether inoculated with each pathogen separately or with both pathogens together. In Cara, plants inoculated with the mixture or either pathogen alone were smaller than the noninoculated control. Disease symptoms and occurrence of sclerotia were similar in plants inoculated with the combination and with a single pathogen. Compared with the effects of inoculation with either pathogen, simultaneous inoculation with both pathogens can, in some cultivars, increase the incidence of PED syndrome and thus severely decrease yields.  相似文献   

Resistance of 23 important olive cultivars to Verticillium dahliae has been evaluated in four experiments under controlled conditions. Nine-month-old nursery olive plants were inoculated with a cotton non-defoliating (ND) (V4) or a cotton defoliating (D) (V117) isolate of V. dahliae. Resistance was evaluated by assessing symptom severity using a 0–4 rating scale and estimating the area under disease progress curves. The percentage of plants killed and of those which recovered from the disease were used as additional parameters for including a particular cultivar into a defined category. Most of the evaluated cultivars were susceptible, although at different levels, to both isolates of V. dahliae. All cultivars were more susceptible to the D pathotype than to the ND one. A group of 11 cultivars, including several important Spanish cultivars, were susceptible or extremely susceptible to both pathotypes of V. dahliae. A second group showed differences of resistance depending on the pathotype used. They were susceptible or extremely susceptible to the D pathotype but resistant or moderately susceptible to the ND one. Finally, 'Frantoio', 'Oblonga' and 'Empeltre' were moderately susceptible to the D isolate of V. dahliae and resistant to the ND one. The resistance of 'Empeltre' was evident by the plant ability to recover from infection with either isolates. 'Empeltre' is considered to be a valuable cultivar for inclusion in breeding programmes for resistance to Verticillium wilt.  相似文献   

Haploid and amphihaploid Verticillium dahliae isolates were studied using PCR-based molecular markers which: (i) discriminate the defoliating and nondefoliating pathotypes (two primer pairs INTD2f/r and INTND2f/r), and (ii) are species-specific (primer pair 19/22). The results were compared with some known biological and other molecular properties of the isolates. Five discrete sequences of the 19/22 amplicon were found. Sequence 4 was associated with both defoliating isolates from Spain and nondefoliating isolates from Spain and USA; these pathotypes were separated by the primer pairs INTD2f/r and INTND2f/r, but the data showed that the primer espdef01 (derived from the 19/22 amplicon) cannot be used for this purpose. Amplicon sizes and sequences with primers 19/22 divided amphihaploid isolates from crucifers (thought to be interspecific hybrids) into those corresponding to the previously reported α and β groups. The β-group isolates had either sequence 4 or 5 (these two differing by a single base). The distinct amplicon sequence 3 given by the α-group isolates demonstrated that the V. dahliae -like 'parent' of this group was molecularly unlike any haploid isolate yet studied. The overall results are discussed in relation to phytosanitary considerations and the probability of defoliating or crucifer pathotypes arising de novo within Europe, either by selection or by interspecific hybridizations.  相似文献   

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