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新疆几个品种牛群体遗传结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用垂直聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 ,对 5个品种 14 2个个体牛的血清白蛋白 (Alb)、血清蛋白酶抑制物 - 1(Pi I)、蛋白酶抑制物 - 2 (Pi II)、后白蛋白 - 1(Po I)、后白蛋白 - 2 (Po II)、转铁蛋白 (Tf)前转铁蛋白 (Prt)、后白蛋白 (Po)8个蛋白座位进行了检测 ,以便从蛋白多态性角度来揭示其群体遗传结构。结果表明 :在 5个牛品种中 ,Pi I、Po I均呈单态 ,Prt、Po除新疆褐牛呈单态外 ,均呈多态。Tf、Alb、Po II、Pi II均呈多态。Alb、Po II、Pi II有 3种表现型 ,分别受 2个共显性等位基因的控制 ;Tf有 6种表现型 ,受到 3个共显性基因的控制。计算的群体遗传变异 :安格斯牛(0 .330 4 )、荷斯坦牛 (0 .2 94 3)、西门塔尔 (0 .30 35 )、哈萨克牛 (0 .2 84 3)、新疆褐牛 (0 .1714 )。  相似文献   

Effective population size is an important parameter for the assessment of genetic diversity within a livestock population and its development over time. If pedigree information is not available, linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis might offer an alternative perspective for the estimation of effective population size. In this study, 128 individuals of the Swiss Eringer breed were genotyped using the Illumina BovineSNP50 beadchip. We set bin size at 50 kb for LD analysis, assuming that LD for proximal single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐pairs reflects distant breeding history while LD from distal SNP‐pairs would reflect near history. Recombination rates varied among different regions of the genome. The use of physical distances as an approximation of genetic distances (e.g. setting 1 Mb = 0.01 Morgan) led to an upward bias in LD‐based estimates of effective population size for generations beyond 50, while estimates for recent history were unaffected. Correction for restricted sample size did not substantially affect these results. LD‐based actual effective population size was estimated in the range of 87–149, whereas pedigree‐based effective population size resulted in 321 individuals. For conservation purposes, requiring knowledge of recent history (<50 generations), approximation assuming constant recombination rate seemed adequate.  相似文献   

To assess the paternal gene pool in the Lidia bovine breed (or fighting bull), a total of 603 animals belonging to 81 herds classified in 33 lineages were genotyped for six Y chromosome microsatellites, one single nucleotide polymorphism and one indel. A total of 10 haplotypes were determined with a high level of frequency variation between them, ranging from 0.2 to 74%. All the haplotypes identified belong to two previously defined major haplogroups (Y1 and Y2). Two major paternal influences were identified, corresponding to the two most common haplotypes (H1Y1 and H3Y2) with frequencies of 74 and 18%, respectively. The detection of the INRA189-104 allele evidenced an African influence in the Lidia bovine breed. Low levels of haplotype diversity have been achieved and only eight lineages showed more than one haplotype. Analysis of molecular variance showed a high level of interlineage variance (F(ST) = 86%). Network results evidenced two main clusters made for those haplotypes belonging to Y1 and Y2 haplogroups, respectively. The findings support a high level of genetic structure together with a low level of genetic diversity in the Lidia bovine breed.  相似文献   

The Martina Franca (MF) donkey, an ancient native breed of Apulia, was mostly famous for mule production. The breed was at serious risk of extinction in the 1980s following the decrease in demand for draft animals because they were increasingly replaced by agricultural machinery. Much has been done in the last few decades to safeguard the existing donkey breeds, but the situation remains critical. Successful implementation of conservation measures includes an evaluation of the present degree of breed endangerment, so the aim of this work was to analyze the demographic and genetic parameters of this breed to suggest effective conservation strategies. With a current breed register counting less than 500 recorded animals, the pedigree data set included 1,658 MF donkeys born between 1929 and 2006. Analyses were carried out on the whole data set as well as on a smaller one consisting of 422 living animals. Demographic and genetic variability parameters were evaluated using the ENDOG (v4.6) software. The pedigree completeness level was evaluated as well as the generation length, which was calculated for each of the 4 gametic pathways. This information was obtained from animal birth date records together with those of their fathers and mothers. The effective number of founders (f(e)), the effective number of ancestors (f(a)), the founder genome (f(g)), individual inbreeding (F), average relatedness (AR), and the rate of inbreeding per generation were analyzed to describe the genetic variability of the population. Because pedigree depth and completeness were appropriate, especially regarding the current population, the parameters defining genetic variability, namely, f(e), f(a), f(g), F, and AR, could be reliably estimated. Analysis of these parameters highlighted the endangerment status of the MF donkey. Our special concern was with the increased percentage of males and females exhibiting increased AR values. Moreover, the effective size of the current population, 48.08, is slightly less than the range of the minimum effective size, and the rates of inbreeding per generation found in the current MF population exceed the maximum recommended level of 1%. Such a scenario heightens concerns over the endangered status of the MF breed and calls for proper conservation measures and breeding strategies, such as selecting individuals for mating when relationships are below 12.5%.  相似文献   

Docility is very important for cattle production, and many behavioural tests to measure this trait have been developed. However, very few objective behavioural tests to measure the opposite approach ‘ aggressive behaviour’ have been described. Therefore, the aim of this work was to validate in the Lidia cattle breed a behavioural linear standardized scoring system that measure the aggressiveness and enable genetic analysis of behavioural traits expressing fearless and fighting ability. Reproducibility and repeatability measures were calculated for the 12 linear traits of this scoring system to assess its accuracy, and ranged from 85.3 and 94.2%, and from 66.7 to 97.9%, respectively. Genetic parameters were estimated using an animal model with a Bayesian approach. A total of 1202 behavioural records were used. The pedigree matrix contained 5001 individuals. Heritability values (with standard deviations) ranged between 0.13 (0.04) (Falls of the bull) and 0.41 (0.08) (Speed of approach to horse). Genetic correlations varied from 0.01 (0.07) to 0.90 (0.13). Finally, an exploratory factor analysis using the genetic correlation matrix was calculated. Three main factors were retained to describe the traditional genetic indexes aggressiveness, strength and mobility.  相似文献   

Ten type traits and a final score were analysed in 5868 records of the Asturiana de los Valles beef cattle breed. Traits were grouped into two classes: (i) traits scoring skeletal and muscular development and (ii) traits scoring adjustment to the breed standard. Heritabilities were moderate to low, ranging from 0.04 to 0.26. Genetic correlations among traits were, in general, in the same direction as, but higher than, phenotypic correlations. The genetic variability shown, in general, for the analysed traits would justify the inclusion of morphological assessment in the Asturiana de los Valles beef cattle breed sire selection programme. Main characteristics of the current type classification system are criticized. The knowledge of (co)variances among type and economically important productive and reproductive traits is recommended before revision of the classification methodology.  相似文献   

Milk somatic cell count is an indicator trait for mastitis resistance. Genetic parameters for somatic cell score in the Portuguese Holstein-Friesian population were estimated by modeling the pattern of genetic correlation over the first 3 lactations (days in milk) with a random regression model. Data records from the first 3 lactations were from the national database of the Portuguese Holstein Association herds. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.05 at the beginning of the lactation for the 3 lactations, to 0.07 at the end of the lactation period for the first and third lactations, to 0.09 for the second lactation. This increase in the heritability values was due to an increase in the genetic variance and a decrease in the residual variances. Genetic correlations evaluated for monthly time points were high (0.65 to 0.99) for all 3 lactations, whereas phenotypic correlations were much less than the genetic correlations (0.13 to 0.62).  相似文献   

Using a combined multi‐breed reference population, this study explored the influence of model specification and the effect of including a polygenic effect on the reliability of genomic breeding values (DGV and GEBV). The combined reference population consisted of 2986 Swedish Red Breed (SRB) and Finnish Ayrshire (FAY) dairy cattle. Bayesian methodology (common prior and mixture models with different prior distribution settings for the marker effects) as well as a best linear unbiased prediction with a genomic relationship matrix [genomic best linear unbiased predictor (GBLUP)] was used in the prediction of DGV. Mixture models including a polygenic effect were used to predict GEBV. In total, five traits with low, high and medium heritability were analysed. For the models using a mixture prior distribution, reliabilities of DGV tended to decrease with an increasing proportion of markers with small effects. The influence of the inclusion of a polygenic effect on the reliability of DGV varied across traits and model specifications. Average correlation between DGV with the Mendelian sampling term, across traits, was highest (R2 = 0.25) for the GBLUP model and decreased with increasing proportion of markers with large effects. Reliabilities increased when DGV and parent average information were combined in an index. The GBLUP model with the largest gain across traits in the reliability of the index achieved the highest DGV mean reliability. However, the polygenic models showed to be less biased and more consistent in the estimation of DGV regardless of the model specifications compared with the mixture models without the polygenic effect.  相似文献   

An autosomal translocation in the Charolais breed of cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Catalonian donkey is one of the most endangered donkey breeds in the world. At present, five main subpopulations exist: AFRAC, which consists of many genetically connected Catalonian localities; Berga, which consists of a single herd located also in Catalunya but under private management; and three minor non‐Catalonian subpopulations (Huesca, Sevilla and Toledo). In this study, we analysed the pedigree information of the Catalonian donkey herdbook to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of the breed. We found that the Catalonian donkey has suffered an important loss of genetic diversity and moderate to high increases of inbreeding because of the abuse of a few individuals in matings. This scenario is mainly characterized by the fact that both the effective number of founders and ancestors for the whole population was 70.6 and 27, respectively, while the equivalent number of founders was 146.5 and the number of ancestors explaining overall genetic variability was 93. In addition, only 14% of animals born between the 1960s and 1970s were significantly represented in the pedigree. Our results also show that subpopulations where breeders exchanged reproductive individuals had low levels of inbreeding and average relatedness. One subpopulation, Berga, was reproductively isolated and showed high levels of inbreeding (F = 7.22%), with average relatedness (AR = 6.61%) playing an important role in increasing the values of these coefficients in the whole pedigree. Using genealogical F‐statistics we have found little evidence of population structuring (FST = 0.0083) with major genetic differences among non‐Catalonian subpopulations.  相似文献   

试验综合利用微卫星多重PCR、DNA池、复合点样和快速银染技术对5个品种牛的群体遗传变异情况进行了分析,建立了一套快速分析家兔群体遗传变异的方法,大大提高了分析效率,缩短了试验时间。试验的各群体家兔遗传变异结果与实际育种事实相符。  相似文献   

Both Bos indicus (zebu) and Bos javanicus (banteng) contribute to the Indonesian indigenous livestock, which is supposedly of a mixed species origin, not by direct breeding but by secondary cross-breeding. Here, the analysis of mitochondrial, Y-chromosomal and microsatellite DNA showed banteng introgression of 10-16% in Indonesian zebu breeds with East-Javanese Madura and Galekan cattle having higher levels of autosomal banteng introgression (20-30%) and combine a zebu paternal lineage with a predominant (Madura) or even complete (Galekan) maternal banteng origin. Two Madura bulls carried taurine Y-chromosomal haplotypes, presumably of French Limousin origin. There was no evidence for zebu introgression in five populations of the Bali cattle, a domestic form of the banteng.  相似文献   

Preweaning data collected at two locations (Kentucky, Louisiana) were utilized to evaluate breed-of-sire comparisons involving the Senepol breed of cattle. For the Kentucky study, calves sired by Senepol bulls were 1.3 kg heavier (P less than .05) at birth than calves sired by Hereford bulls; however, weaning weights were similar for the two sire groups. For the Louisiana study, calves sired by Longhorn bulls were 5.3 kg lighter (P less than .01) at birth, 20 kg lighter (P less than .01) at weaning and had weaning condition scores .5 unit less (P less than .01) than the average of calves sired by Red Poll and Senepol bulls. Also, heifers exposed to Longhorn bulls weaned 23 kg less (P less than .01) calf per heifer exposed than the average of heifers exposed to Red Poll and Senepol bulls. Calves sired by Red Poll bulls were 1.2 kg heavier (P less than .01) at birth and 12 kg heavier (P less than .01) at weaning than those sired by Senepol bulls; however, the Senepol-sired calves received higher (P less than .01) condition scores at weaning. Heifers exposed to Red Poll bulls weaned 20 kg more (P less than .05) calf per heifer exposed than did heifers exposed to Senepol bulls.  相似文献   

A pedigree including 1538 individuals of the endangered pig breed ‘Bunte Bentheimer’ and 3008 records of the fertility traits ‘number of piglets born alive’ (NBA) and ‘number of piglets weaned’ (NW) were used to i) characterize the population structure, ii) to estimate genetic (co)variance components and estimated breeding values (EBVs) and iii) to use EBVs for the application of the concept of optimal genetic contributions. The average coefficient of inbreeding increased from F = 0.103 to = 0.121 within the two recent cohorts. Average rate of inbreeding amounted to 1.66%, which resulted in an effective population size of Ne = 30 animals in the recent cohort. Average generation interval was 3.07 years considering the whole pedigree, and in total, only 612 sows and boars generated offspring. Estimated heritabilities for both traits NBA and NW were 0.12, and the estimated genetic correlation between both traits was 0.96. The variance component due to the service sire was higher than in commercial pig breeds, presumably due to the widespread use of natural service boars. The EBVs for NBA from 333 selection candidates (63 boars and 270 sows) were used to determine optimal genetic contributions. Based on selected animals and their optimal genetic contributions, specific mating designs were evaluated to minimize inbreeding in the next generation. Best results were achieved when using a simulated annealing algorithm and allowing artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Twenty‐five subpopulations (i.e. populations of prefectures) of more than 2000 Japanese Black cows younger than or equal to 10 years of age were analyzed to evaluate the genetic relationships in the current population. The total number of cows analyzed was 392 346 and their pedigrees were traced back to 1944 or before. Using the pedigree records, the genetic relationships among the subpopulations were estimated by the two different measurements: (i) the average additive relationship coefficients and (ii) Nei's standard genetic distances. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to the matrix of the average additive relationship coefficients, and the factor loadings of subpopulations were plotted on the plane to visualize the genetic configuration of subpopulations. To understand the grouping process of the subpopulations, cluster analysis was applied to the matrix of the Nei's genetic distances, and a dendrogram was constructed. There was a high consistency between the results from PCA and cluster analysis. Eight subpopulations with relatively low migration rates showed their unique genetic compositions, and the other 17 subpopulations with high migration rates formed a single cluster. The major cause of the genetic similarity among the 17 subpopulations was inferred to be the strong genetic influence from one subpopulation (Hyogo prefecture) with prominent characteristics for meat quality.  相似文献   

The Japanese Brown is the second most common domestic beef breed in Japan. However, nowadays this breed is facing reduction in numbers because of pressure from a profitable domestic breed. This breed is uniformly characterized by its brown coat colour, but is comprised of two isolated sub‐breeds, Kumamoto and Kouchi, each possessing a different gene pool. Pedigree analyses were carried out for the two sub‐breeds using the pedigree records of animals born from 1970 to 2000. The effective population size has been found to be consistently reducing during the last three decades in both sub‐breeds. The current effective sizes were estimated to be 25.5 and 6.0 for the Kumamoto and Kouchi sub‐breeds, respectively. The estimate of the effective number of founders (Nef) in the Kumamoto sub‐breed decreased from 152.1 to 74.4; that of non‐founders (Nenf), from 41.7 to 5.3; and that of founder genome equivalents (Nge), from 32.7 to 4.9. The corresponding changes in the Kouchi sub‐breed were from 108.2 to 79.4, 16.2 to 4.1, and 14.1 to 3.9. Increasing differences between the two genetic diversity indices in the sub‐breeds indicate that the greater part of the reduction of genetic diversity can be attributed to genetic drift that accumulated in the non‐founder generations. A comparison with published estimates for several cattle breeds suggests the extremely limited genetic diversity of Japanese Brown. In addition to the avoidance of further reduction of genetic diversity, it will be important to counteract the process of breed decline by establishing a production system to efficiently utilize the unique characteristics of this breed and by developing links between the breed and products with market value.  相似文献   

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