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Determination of chilling and heat requirements of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) cultivars is important for satisfactory growth and development, particularly when large-scale commercial production is desired. This experiment was conducted to determine chilling requirement inducing vegetative and flower buds of Kalle-Ghuchi, Owhadi, Ahmad-Ahgaei, and Akbari pistachio. Shoots with enough vegetative and flower buds were taken from pistachio trees during autumn 2007 and 2008 when temperature reached to 15°C. Cuttings with flower buds were kept under (5 ± 1)°C for 0, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1 000, 1 050, 1 100, 1 150, 1 200, 1 250, and 1 300 h, respectively, and cuttings with vegetative buds were kept at 51°C until 1 500 h. The results indicated that pistachio cultivars requite chilling time between 750-1 400 h and heat requirements between 8 852-15 420 growing degree hours (GDH). Consequently, Kalle-Ghuchi had the lowest chilling (750-950 h), and heat (8 852-9 768 GDH) requirements, Ahmad-Aghaei and Owhadi had intermediate (1 000-1 250 h, 10 656- 13 320 GDH) and Akbari had the highest chilling (1 200-1 400 h) and heat (11 863-15 420 GDH) requirement.  相似文献   

A reliable system was developed for regeneration from mature embryos derived from callus of four maize inbred lines (Liao 7980, Dan 9818, Dan 340, and Dan 5026). The protocol was mainly based on a series of experiments involving the composition of culture medium. We found that 9 pM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in MS medium was optimum for the induction of callus. The induction frequency of primary calli was over 85% for four inbred lines tested. The addition of L- proline (12 mM) in subculture medium significantly promoted the formation of embryogenic callus but it did not significantly enhance growth rate of callus. Efficient shoot regeneration was obtained on regeneration medium containing 2.22 μM 6- benzylaminopurine in combinations with 4.64 μM Kinetin. Regenerated shoots were rooted on half-strength MS medium containing 2.85 μM indole-3-butyric acid. This plant regeneration system provides a foundation for genetic transformation of maize.  相似文献   

Chickpea is a major food crop and the world's third most widely-grown legume after bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) and pea (pisum sativam L.). The yield of chickpea can be improved by planting of optimum density of chickpea cultivars. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of plant density on yield and some characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. var. Philips). A field experiment was conducted on research farm of, Gonbad High Education Center, Iran. The study was laid out factorial in randomized block design with four replications. The treatments were factorial row spacing (A1=35 cm, A2=45 cm and A3=55 cm) and plant spacing in the row (Plant-within-spacing row) (B1=5 cm, B2=7.5 cm and B3=10 cm). AIBI=(35×5)=57.14, AIB2= (35×7.5)=38.09, A1B3=(35×10)=28.57, A2B1=(45×7)=44.44, A2B2=(45×7.5)=29.26, A2B3=(45× 10)=22.23, A3B1=(55×5)=36.36, A3B2=(55 ×.5)=24.24, A3B3=(55 × 10)=18.18 plant.m^-2. At the harvest time, 5 plants of each plot were selected randomly and used for determination of pods per plant, unfilled pod per plant, height and number of branches. Result showed the yield was not affected by density. The maximum yield obtained in row spacing 55 cm and plant spacing in the row 7.5 cm which was equal 1802.87 kg·ha^-1. Row spacing had statistically significant effect on the pod number per plant, branches number per plant and plant height.  相似文献   

Salinity is a major factor limiting rice yield in coastal areas of Asia. To facilitate breeding salt tolerant rice varieties, the wholeplant growth duration salt tolerance(ST) was genetically dissected by phenotyping two sets of BC2F5 introgression lines(ILs) for four yield traits under severe natural salt stress and non-stress filed conditions using SSR markers and the methods of advanced backcross QTL(AB-QTL) analysis and selective introgression. Many QTLs affecting four yield traits under salt stress and nonstress conditions were identified, most(〉90%) of which were clustered in 13 genomic regions of the rice genome and involved in complex epistasis. Most QTLs affecting yield traits were differentially expressed under salt stress and non-stress conditions. Our results suggested that genetics complementarily provides an adequate explanation for the hidden genetic diversity for ST observed in both IL populations. Some promising Huanghuazhan(HHZ) ILs with favorable donor alleles at multiple QTLs and significantly improved yield traits under salt stress and non-stress conditions were identified, providing excellent materials and relevant genetic information for improving rice ST by marker-assisted selection(MAS) or genome selection.  相似文献   

Investigations on the biodiversity of entomophagous fauna of Spilarctia obiqua revealed the occurrence of twelve different natural enemies, out of which five Hymenoptera, four Dipterous parasitoids and three predators viz., two Hemiptera and one Neuroptera were found attacking different stages of the host. Biological notes on four parasitoids viz. Cotesia obliqua, Goniophthalmus halli, Meteorus sp. and Cotesia (glomeratus group) were also made. Estimation of field parasitization of the three species of entomophagous insect viz. C. obliqua, G. halli, and Meteorus sp. revealed that the C. obliqua was the most dominant parasitoid and maximum 21.6 per cent parasitization was observed during the month of October followed by 16% of by Meteorus and 14% by G. halli during February. Conservation of the biodiversity of these entomophagous fauna is advocated for BIPM programme.  相似文献   

Sodium alginate is a polysaccharide that is largely obtained from the brown algae (Sargassum sp.).It has been used as a wonderful growth promoting substance in its depolymerized form for various plants.The aim of this study was to find out the effects of various concentrations of γ-irradiated sodium alginate (ISA),viz.,deionized water (control,T0),20 (T1),40 (T2),60 (T3),80 (T4),and 100 ppm (T5) on the agricultural performance of Catharanthus roseus L.(Rosea) in terms of growth attributes,photosynthesis,physiological activities,and alkaloid production.The present work revealed that ISA applied as leaf-sprays at concentrations from 20 to 100 ppm might improve growth,photosynthesis,physiological activities,and alkaloid production in C.roseus L.significantly.Of the various ISA concentrations,80 ppm proved to be the best one compared to other concentrations applied.  相似文献   

Trichomes (plant hairs) are present on nearly all land plants and are known to play important roles in plant protection, specifically against insect herbivory, drought, and UV radiation. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with trichome density should help to interpret the molecular genetic mechanism of soybean trichome density. 184 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from a cross between soybean cultivars Kefeng 1 and Nannong 1138-2 were used as segregating population for evaluation of TDU (trichome density on the upper surface of leaf blade) and TDD (trichome density on the downer surface of leaf blade). A total of 15 QTL were detected on molecular linkage groups (MLG) A2, Dla, Dlb, E and H by composite interval mapping (CIM) and among all the QTL, qtuA2-1, qtuD 1 a-1, qtuD lb-2, qtuH-2 qtuE-1, qtdDlb-2, and qtdH- 2 were affirmed by multiple interval mapping (MIM). The contribution ofphenotypic variance of qtuH-2 was 31.81 and 29.4% by CIM and MIM, respectively, suggesting it might be major gene Ps loci. Only 10 pairs of main QTL interactions for TDU were detected, explained a range of 0.2-5.1% of phenotypic variations for each pair for a total of 22.8%. The QTL on MLG Dlb affecting trichome density were mapped near to Rsc-7 conditioning resistance to SMV (soybean mosaic virus). This study showed that the genetic mechanism of trichome density was the mixed major gene and polygene inheritance, and also suggested that the causal nature between trichome density and other agronomic traits.  相似文献   

目的研究施加吲哚-3-丁酸(indole-3-butyric acid, IBA)对南川大茶树(Camellia sinensis)扦插生根能力、相关生理指标和茶树生长素应答因子(CsARFs)表达的影响。方法施用不同质量浓度的IBA (0、20、40、80、160和320 mg/L)对南川大茶树插穗进行处理,在扦插后30、60、90和120 d,分别测定根部吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)、过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性,150 d时检测生根能力。同时,测定80 mg/L IBA处理组扦插30、60、90和120 d后,根部CsARFs基因mRNA表达量。结果20、40、80和160 mg/L的IBA具有促进生根作用,并伴随着POD、PPO活性增加和IAAO活性降低,而320 mg/L IBA显著抑制生根(P<0.05)。在80 mg/L处理组中,生根数、愈伤诱导率、生根率、最长根长和平均根长效果最优;且除120 d外,与对照组相比,CsARF 2-12-23-13-28911的mRNA水平显著上调。结论南川大茶树扦插时IBA的最佳质量浓度为80 mg/L。  相似文献   

为探讨NO对渗透胁迫下茶树(Camellia sinensis(L.)O.Kuntze)种子萌发的影响,用20%PEG6000模拟干旱处理,分别添加0、20、50、100、200和300μmol·L~(-1)硝普钠(SNP,NO外源供体)。结果表明,外源NO能显著促进渗透胁迫下茶树种子的萌发,且呈现一定的浓度效应,在NO供体SNP浓度为100μmol·L~(-1)时效果最佳。随着外源SNP浓度的增加,茶树种子的萌发及生长受到了抑制,种子的发芽率、发芽指数、根长和活力指数均呈降低的趋势。进一步研究表明100μmol·L~(-1)的SNP能促进SOD、POD、CAT、APX、GR和GPX等抗氧化酶活性的提高,降低MDA含量及相对电导率。推测添加外源NO后,抗氧化酶活性提高,降低了茶树种子的氧化损伤,从而缓解了渗透胁迫对茶树种子萌发的抑制作用。  相似文献   

很多研究表明,茶树花含有和茶叶相似的丰富的内含物质,是一种附加价值很高的茶资源。现就近年来对茶树花在化学成分及开发利用等方面的研究进展进行了较为全面的综述,并对其研究和开发前景进行了展望,以期为今后茶树花资源的研究和开发提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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