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Soil carbon (C) content in agro‐ecosystems is important in a global context because of the potential for soil to act as a sink for atmospheric CO2. However, soil C storage in agro‐ecosystems can be sensitive to land management practices. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of land management systems on C and nitrogen (N) cycling in an Ultisol in Alabama. Soil samples (0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm depths) were collected from a Marvyn sandy loam soil (fine‐loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Hapludults) under five different farm scale management systems for at least 5 years. The five systems were cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production managed with 1) conventional tillage only, 2) conventional tillage with a grazed winter cover crop (wheat, Triticum aestivum L.), 3) conservation tillage with a winter cover crop grown for cover only with strip tillage; or taken out of cotton production with either 4) long‐term fallow (mowed), or 5) Conservation Reserve Program with loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) (CRP‐pine). Total N, total organic C (TOC), total P, and soil C:N ratios were determined. Potential C mineralization, N mineralization, C turnover and C:N mineralization ratios were determined on samples during a 30‐day laboratory incubation study. The fallow system had significantly higher TOC concentration (7.7 g kg‐1 C) while the CRP‐pine system had lower TOC concentration (3.1 g kg‐1 C) compared with the farmed management systems (=4.7 g kg‐1 C). The fallow system had a significantly lower C turnover at all three soil depths compared with the other management systems. At the 0–10 cm depth, the highest C:N mineralization ratio levels were observed in management systems receiving the most tillage. Our results indicate that for Ultisols in the Southeast the use of surface tillage in land management systems is a controlling factor which may limit soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

To explore the effects of long-term organic and mineral fertilization practices on the physical properties in Ultisol of south China, a study was conducted since 1998 to investigate the effects of a control (CK), application of chemical fertilizers (NPK), application of organic manure (OM), and NPK fertilizer plus straw returning (NPK + straw). Results showed that OM significantly increased soil water retention capacity at all tensions but with larger increment in low tension at depths of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm (p < 0.05) when compared with the CK. On the contrary, NPK and NPK + straw led to a decrease in soil water retention capacity under chemical treatments. In the field both in wet and dry periods, soil water content was significantly higher in OM than in NPK + straw and NPK (p < 0.05) since soil hydraulic conductivity (saturated and unsaturated) are lower in OM than in other treatments (p < 0.05). OM was also found to have the lowest soil bulk density and penetration resistance of the four treatments. A high negative correlation was observed between the soil organic carbon and the bulk density and the penetration resistance (p < 0.01). In this way, the application of OM improved the clayey soil physical properties.  相似文献   

Precompression stress has been proposed as a criterion for subsoil compression sensitivity in regulations, limiting mechanical loads by vehicles, trafficking on agricultural and forest soils. In this study we investigated the applicability of this criterion to the field situation in the case of tracked heavy construction machinery. ‘Wet’ and ‘dry’ test plots at three different test sites (soil types: Eutric Cambisol and Haplic Luvisol under crop rotation and Dystric Cambisol under forest) along an overland gas pipeline construction site were experimentally trafficked with heavy tracked machines used for the construction work. The comparison of samples taken from beneath the tracks with samples taken from non-trafficked areas beside the tracks showed that no significant increase in precompression stress occurred in the subsoil. Comparing calculated mean and peak vertical stresses with precompression stress in the subsoil, only little compaction effects could have been expected. Precompression stress was determined by the Casagrande procedure from confined uniaxial compression tests carried out in the laboratory on undisturbed samples at −6 kPa initial soil water potential. Dye tracer experiments showed little differences between flow pattern of trafficked and non-trafficked subsoils, in agreement with the results of the precompression stress, bulk density and macroporosity measurements. The results indicate that Casagrande precompression stress may be a suitable criterion to define the maximum allowable peak stresses in the contact area of a rigid track in order to protect agricultural and forest subsoils against compaction.  相似文献   

The use of the heat pumps connected to ground coils wins widespread interest in the heating of buildings, but in cases of leakage it may involve a risk of ground water pollution caused by anti-freeze mixture components. The adsorption of individual components, such as ethylene glycol, ethanol, methanol, and benzoic acid onto different soil types was studied at 6 °C by use of a batch procedure. No adsorption (or only slight) was observed for any of the test compounds onto samples of subhorizons of sandy till, clayey till, and melt water sand. Leaching experiments with undisturbed soil cores of sandy till showed that 14C-labelled ethylene glycol or ethanol closely followed the movement of water when cloride was used as a tracer. The percolation experiments were conducted during 79 to 154 day periods at 10 °C and under anaerobic conditions. Darcy velocities varied between 1 and 3 mm day?1. About 100% of the added amounts of 14C were recovered in the effluents, although only 74 to 77% of ethylene glycol and 84 to 89% of ethanol were determined as the parent compounds by gas chromatography. Experiments on leaching of ethanol under controlled oxygen supply showed that degradation took place dependent on oxygen availability.  相似文献   



Hydroxyl ion release by maize (Zea mays L.) roots under acidic conditions was investigated with a view to develop a bioremediation method for ameliorating acid soils in tropical and subtropical regions.

Materials and methods

Two hydroponic culture experiments and one pot experiment were conducted: pH, nitrogen state, and rhizobox condition, which investigated the effects of different nitrogen forms on hydroxyl release by maize roots under acidic conditions.

Results and discussion

The pH of the culture solution increased as culture time rose. The gradient of change increased with rising NO3 ?/NH4 + molar ratios. Maize roots released more hydroxyl ions at pH 4.0 than at pH 5.0. The amount of hydroxyl ions released by maize roots at a constant pH was greater than those at a nonconstant pH. Application of calcium nitrate reduced exchangeable acidity and increased the pH in an Ultisol rhizosphere, compared with bulk soil. The increasing magnitude of soil pH was greater at higher doses of N. The absorption of NO3 ?–N increased as the NO3 ?/NH4 + molar ratios rose, which was responsible for hydroxyl ion release and pH increases in culture solutions and rhizosphere.


Root-induced alkalization in the rhizosphere resulting from nitrate absorption by maize plants can be used to ameliorate acidic Ultisols.  相似文献   

The adsorption of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn from 0.025 M NaClO4 solutions by two ferruginous subsoils, Christiana silty clay loam and Dothan sandy clay, was investigated. Under acidic conditions, selective dissolution and removal of the Fe oxide soil component by dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (DCB) generally increased heavy metal adsorption by the soils. This effect was attributed to increased electrostatic attraction of cations to the DCB-washed soils as evidenced by substantial reduction in the zero point of charge (ZPC) for the Dothan soil following DCB extraction. Alternately, the DCB extraction stripped Fe and Al species bound to structural exchange sites or eliminated coatings which reduce cation accessibility to such sites. Addition of low levels (10?6 M) of ferric iron suppressed heavy metal adsorption capacity of the DCB-extracted Christiana soil to values comparable to the unmodified whole soil system. While hydrous oxide surfaces represent highly reactive sites for cation binding, Fe oxides can modify both the pH-dependent and structural exchange sites in a manner which hinders heavy metal adsorption. Thus, a soil's Fe-oxide content is unlikely to be a reliable guide to heavy metal adsorption capacity.  相似文献   

Sustainable agricultural practices have been steadily increasing in the last couple of decades. These management practices frequently involve cover crops, less or no-tillage, and organic fertilization. In this study, we evaluated the effects of cropping systems,tillage and no-tillage, and the application of poultry litter(PL) on selected soil physicochemical properties and soil test nutrients. Soil samples were collected from the topmost surface(0–5 cm) and subsurface(5–10 cm) layers. The general effect trend was PL application no-tillage cover crop cropping type. There were more statistically significant(P ≤ 0.05) correlations between the 18 soil attributes at the topmost surface than at the subsurface. This could be due to the accumulation of external C inputs and nutrients by crop residues and PL application as well as the retaining effects of no-tillage on less mobile nutrient components. Because of their high mobility and volatile nature, total nitrogen(N), ammonia-N(NH_4~+-N), and nitrate-N(NO_3~--N) levels varied greatly(high standard deviations), showing no consistent patterns among the treatments. Compared to the soybean cropping system, corn, especially with the wheat cover crop, contributed more to the total carbon(C) and sulfur(S) in the topmost surface soils(0–5 cm). Poultry litter application greatly increased pH, cation exchange capacity(CEC), base saturation, magnesium(Mg), phosphorus(P), calcium(Ca),sodium(Na), potassium(K), manganese(Mn), copper(Cu), and zinc(Zn) in both soil layers. Contrast comparisons revealed that PL application had more of an effect on these soil chemical properties than no-tillage and cropping systems. These results will shed light on developing better nutrient management practices while reducing their runoff potentials.  相似文献   

Summary Previous work in our laboratory indicated that the slow rate of denitrification in Iowa subsoils is not due to a lack of denitrifying microorganisms, but to a lack of organic C that can be utilized by these microorganisms for reduction of NO 3 . This conclusion was supported by studies showing that drainage water from tile drains under agricultural research plots contained only trace amounts of organic C and had very little, if any, effect on denitrification in subsoils. Aqueous extracts of surface soils promoted denitrification when added to subsoils, and their ability to do so increased with increase in their organic C content. Amendment of surface soils with corn and soybean residues initially led to a marked increase in the amounts of organic C in aqueous extracts of these soils and in the ability of these extracts to promote denitrification in subsoils, but these effects were short-lived and could not be detected after incubation of residue-treated soils for a few days. We conclude from these observations that water-soluble organic C derived from plant residues is decomposed so rapidly in surface soils that very little of this C is leached into subsoils, and that this largely accounts for the slow rate of denitrification of nitrate in subsoils.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) solubility and transformation in soils determine its availability to plants and loss potential to the environment, and soil P dynamics is impacted by fertilization and soil properties. A Ultisol sample was interacted with 20 mg L?1 P solution from one to ten times. The P-reacted soils were then analyzed for water-soluble P (0.01 M calcium chloride (CaCl2)–extractable P); plant-available P (Olsen P); ammonium chloride P, aluminum P, iron P (NH4Cl-P, Al-P, Fe-P, respectively); and occluded P (Oc-P). The degree of P saturation (DPS) was calculated from ammonium oxalate–extractable Al, Fe, and P. The amount of P sorbed by the soil was highly correlated with the frequency of P addition with high percentage of P adsorbed initially and gradually decreased as the P addition continued. The relative abundance of the five P fractions in the P-reacted soil was in the order of Fe-P (36.5 percent) > Al-P (35.6 percent) > Oc-P (22.8 percent) > Ca-P (2.7 percent) > NH4Cl-P (2.3 percent). Both Olsen P and CaCl2-P were significantly increased by the repeated P addition process and highly correlated in an exponential function. The DPS was increased above the so-called critical point of 25 percent after the first P saturation process and kept increasing as the P addition continued. The P availability and adsorption in the soil were controlled by soil free and amorphous Al and Fe. The results suggest that repeated P application will build soil P to an excessive level, and consequently result in poor P-use efficiency and high P-loss potential to surface and groundwater.  相似文献   

In recent years, agricultural land in Switzerland has been increasingly used as temporary access ways for heavy machinery in road and pipeline construction operations. The Swiss soil protection law requires that measures are taken to prevent soil compaction in such operations, but gives no criteria to determine tolerable loads. We studied the compaction sensitivity of a loess soil (Haplic Luvisol) at different soil moisture conditions in a field traffic experiment and by a numerical model on the computer using finite element analysis. Two plots, one wetted by sprinkling and one left dry (no sprinkling), were traversed by heavy caterpillar vehicles during construction of a large overland gas pipeline. Compaction effects were determined by comparing precompression stresses of samples taken from trafficked and non-trafficked soil. A finite element model with a constitutive relation, based on the concept of critical state soil mechanics, was used to interpret the outcome of the field trials.

We found significantly higher precompression stresses in the trafficked (median 97 kPa) compared with the non-trafficked (median 41 kPa) topsoil of the wet plot. No effect was evident in the topsoil of the dry plot as well as in the subsoils of the wet and the dry plot. The observed compaction effects were in agreement with the model predictions if the soil was assumed to be partially drained, but disagreed for the wet subsoil if fully drained conditions were assumed. Agreement between model and experimental results also required that the moisture dependence of the precompression stress was taken into account.  相似文献   


Some form of deep tillage is required in the coarse‐textured sandy soils of the Southeast in order to attain maximum yield of wheat. ‘Slit‐till’ is a tillage system that modifies plowpans and permits root penetration and proliferation into subsoil horizons. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effects of calcium nitrate, calcium phosphate, ammonium phosphate, ammonium nitrate, and dolomitic limestone slurry on wheat (Triticum aestivum sp.) root development through the slit of a compacted acid subsoil, and the effects of injection of chemical amendments on the soil chemical properties of acid subsoil. Soil cylinders were prepared using A and B horizons of Marvyn loamy sand (fine‐loamy, siliceous, thermic, Typic Hapludults) soil by placing 56‐cm of subsoil and 10‐cm of topsoil in PVC tubing. A 6‐cm‐thick hardpan was created at the top of the subsoil. Leaf and root concentrations of P were increased by chemical injections in the slit. All amendments increased plant height, but tillering was not affected by chemical amendments. Gypsum blocks placed at 10, 20, and 45 cm indicated a decrease in soil water at the 20‐cm depth 25 days after plant emergence with all amendments except ammonium phosphate. Soil pH was increased and KCl‐extractable aluminum was decreased by dolomitic limestone up to 3.0 cm from zone of injection.  相似文献   

不同地区油菜秸秆制备的生物质炭对酸性红壤的改良效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董颖  邵捷  徐仁扣  王辉  赵震杰  姜军 《土壤》2020,52(1):134-138
从江西鹰潭、安徽宣城、江苏南京和淮阴等4个地区收集油菜秸秆,在500℃下厌氧热解制备生物质炭,比较生物质炭的pH、盐基离子和碳酸盐含量的差异,并在20g/kg加入量下考察其对安徽宣城pH4.1的酸性红壤改良效果。结果表明,江西鹰潭油菜秸秆炭pH、盐基离子和碳酸盐含量最低,安徽宣城油菜秸秆炭次之,江苏淮阴和南京油菜秸秆炭的相应参数值最高。当用这4种油菜秸秆炭改良土壤酸度时,改良效果表现为江苏淮阴>江苏南京>安徽宣城>江西鹰潭,与生物质炭pH、盐基离子和碳酸盐含量一致。因此,利用秸秆生物质炭改良土壤酸度时,不仅需要考虑炭化条件和秸秆类型,作物的产地差异也需要进行考量。  相似文献   

The Rothamsted long‐term field experiments, started more than 150 years ago, provide unique material for the study of carbon turnover in subsoils. Total organic C, 14C and 13C were measured on soil profiles taken from these experiments, before and after the thermonuclear bomb tests of the mid‐20th century. Four contrasting systems of land management were sampled: land cultivated every year for winter wheat; regenerating woodland on acid soil; regenerating woodland on calcareous soil; and old grassland. The mean radiocarbon ages of all the pre‐bomb samples from cultivated land were 1210 years (0–23 cm), 2040 years (23–46 cm), 3610 years (46–69 cm) and 5520 years (69–92 cm). Bomb radiocarbon derived from thermonuclear tests was present throughout the profile in all the post‐bomb samples, although below 23 cm the amounts were small and the pre‐ and post‐bomb radiocarbon measurements were often not significantly different. Values of δ13C increased down the profile, from ?26.3‰ (0–23 cm layer, mean of all measurements) to ?25.2‰ for the 69–92 cm layer. The C/N ratios decreased with depth in virtually all of the profiles sampled. Excluding the surface (0–23 cm) soils from the old grassland, the hyperbola m = 152.1 ? 2341/(1 + 0.264n) gave a close fit to the radiocarbon data from all depths, all sampling times and all sites, where n is the organic C content of the soil, in t ha?1, and m is the radiocarbon content of the soil, in Δ14C units, corrected for expansion or contraction of soil layers with time. The aberrant grassland soils almost certainly contained coal: one of them was shown by 13C‐NMR to contain 0.82% coal C. In Part 2 (this issue) of this pair of papers, these radiocarbon and total C measurements are used to develop and test a new model for the turnover of organic C in subsoils.  相似文献   


An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of palm oil mill effluent (POME) application on soil chemical properties. The POME was incorporated into the top 0–30 cm of Batang Merbau soil, an Ultisol. POME was applied at 0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 t ha‐1, both in the presence and absence of 2 t ground magnesian limestone (GML). A succeeding crops of maize and groundnut were planted. The results of the experiment showed that POME application up to the rate of 40 t ha‐1 did not significantly change the topsoil pH and exchangeable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and aluminum (Al). The addition of POME improved the soil fertility, which resulted in an increase of maize yield. The Ca and Mg from the POME accumulated in the topsoil, being held by the negative charge present on the exchange complex. The beneficial effects of POME and/or GML application lasted for about 3 years. The study indicated that application of POME together with GML is a good agronomic option to alleviate soil acidity in Ultisol for maize production.  相似文献   

Identifying the vulnerability of subsoils to compaction damage is an increasingly important issue both in the planning and execution of farming operations and in planning environmental protection measures. Ideally, subsoil vulnerability to compaction should be assessed by direct measurement of soil bearing capacity but currently no direct practical tests are available. Similarly, soil mechanics principles are not suitably far enough advanced to allow extrapolation of likely compaction damage from experimental sites to situations in general. This paper, therefore, proposes a simple classification system for subsoil vulnerability to compaction based for field use on local soil and wetness data at the time of critical trafficking, and, at European level, on related soil and climatic information. Soil data are readily available ‘in Country’ or from the European Soil Database and climatic data are stored in the agrometeorological database of the MARS Project. The vulnerability to compaction is assessed using a two-stage process. First, the inherent susceptibility of the soil to compaction is estimated on the basis of the relatively stable soil properties of texture and packing density. Second, the susceptibility class is then converted into a vulnerability class through consideration of the likely soil moisture status at the time of critical loadings. For use at local level, adjustments are suggested to take account of possible differences in the support strength of the topsoil and specific subsoil structural conditions. The vulnerability classes proposed are based on profile pit observations, on a wide range of soils examined mainly in intensively farmed areas where large-scale field equipment is employed. A map of soil susceptibility to compaction in Europe has been produced, as the first stage in developing a more rigorous quantitative approach to assessing overall vulnerability than has been possible hitherto.  相似文献   


Only a small portion of soil phosphorus (P) is available to plants on a short-term basis, and therefore, P taken up by crops in one growing season is small compared to total P (Pt) content of the soil. A group of soil microorganisms capable of transforming insoluble P into soluble and plant accessible forms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in soil P-pools and P uptake by wheat crops as influenced by inoculation with Bacillus thuringiensis in two soils (Andisol and Ultisol), the experiment was conducted in pots under greenhouse conditions using a completely randomized design. Wheat plants were inoculated and re-inoculated at 20 and 46?days after sowing, respectively, with B. thuringiensis; and, plant sampling were performed after 46, 66 and 87 and soil at 87?days based on the Zadoks growth scale, and the soil was submitted by Hedley’s P fractions. The inoculation with B. thuringiensis affected significantly some P organic P (Po) and inorganic P (Pi) fractions in both soils (Andisol and Ultisol), improved P uptake by wheat crop in (Ultisol) and decreased significantly in (Andisol). The positive effect was more consistent in Ultisol than in Andisol, this strain can be solubilized P fraction extracted with conc. HCl-Po and HCl 1?mol.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal dynamics of microbial community structure and function in subsoils have been rarely studied in the past. In this paper we present data on how bacterial communities as well as selected functional groups of microbes change in the rhizosphere, the drilosphere, and in bulk soil over time in topsoil as well as in subsoil. We show that the overall richness of bacteria and abundance of nitrifiers and denitrifiers decreases in bulk soil with soil depth. However, these effects were not or to a much lower degree observed in the rhizosphere and the drilosphere. Temporal fluctuations contributed by far less than spatial factors to the dynamics of bacterial communities and abundance of nitrifiers and denitrifiers in all compartments independent from the soil depth.  相似文献   


Little is known about the effects of long-term fertilization on pesticide persistence. A long-term field experiment was thus conducted to study the influence of fertilization on soil physicochemical properties, microbial biomass carbon, microbial quotient, enzyme activities, and cypermethrin dissipation. Five fertilization treatments were arranged: organic manure (OM), NPK fertilizer, PK fertilizer, NK fertilizer, and no fertilizer (control). Soil organic C, N, P contents and enzymatic activities were higher in soils with balanced fertilization as opposed to those with unbalanced fertilization, especially fertilization with organic manure. The longest half-life of cypermethrin was in the NK treatment (15.1 d), the least in the PK treatment (9.6 d). Pesticide dissipation in non-sterilized and sterilized soils showed that changes of cypermethrin persistence were caused by biodegradation. Soil N/P ratio (ratio of soil-available N to available P) and available N content positively correlated with half-life (p<0.05), and could limit cypermethrin dissipation greatly. These results indicate that in agricultural practice, oversupplying N should not be advocated. P application may be an efficient way to decrease N/P ratio and enhance cypermethrin dissipation in soil with high available N content. Based on a comprehensive consideration of soil fertility, crop yield, and environment, a mixed application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers is recommended in the region, although balanced fertilization results in slower cypermethrin dissipation than does N-deficiency treatment.  相似文献   

Different land‐use affects the organization of mineral soil particles and soil organic components into aggregates and the consequent arrangement of the aggregates will influence essential ecosystem functions. We investigated a continuous rubber plantation (forested), land fallowed for 10 y (fallow), 10‐y continuous arable cropping land and cropped land with top soil removed (TSR) for concentrations of C, N, and P in bulk soil and dry aggregates. Results showed that a high level of soil disturbance decreased the proportion of surface (0–15 cm) soil aggregate stability (low mean weight diameter) in TSR by 149% and arable cropping by 125% compared with the forested. Aggregate associated SOC was higher in aggregate‐size fractions of forested land‐use when compared with that in 10‐y fallow, continuous arable cropping, and TSR. For aggregate associated N, fallow and forested land‐use types concentrated higher proportion across aggregate sizes than the arable cropping and TSR. Macro aggregate fractions generally contained higher concentrations of C, N, and P compared with the micro‐aggregates. Water transmission indicators like total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity recorded higher values with forested and fallow land‐use than the others. We can thus conclude that long‐term soil disturbance due to cultivation and removal of top soil reduces the accumulation of soil C, N, and P in bulk soil and decreases water transmission properties. On the other hand, aggregate‐associated C, N and P accumulations are dependent on the level of soil surface disturbance and aggregate sizes.  相似文献   

The importance of subsoil denitrification on the fate of agriculturally derived nitrate (NO3) leached to groundwater is crucial for budgeting N in an ecosystem and for identifying areas where the risk of excess NO3 is reduced. However, the high atmospheric background of di-nitrogen (N2) causes difficulties in assessing denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) and denitrification potential (DP) in soils directly. Here, we apply Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry (MIMS) technique to investigate indirectly DEA and DP in soils by measuring N2/Ar ratio changes in headspace water over soil. Soils were collected from 0-10, 15-25 and 60-70 cm depths of a grazed ryegrass and grass-clover. The samples were amended with helium-flushed deionized water containing ranges of NO3 and carbon (glucose-C) and were incubated for six hours in the dark at 21 °C. The peaks for N2/Ar ratio, declined with increasing soil depth, indicating a reduced substrate requirements to initiate DEA en-masse (15-30 mg NO3-N alone or with 60-120 mg glucose-C, kg−1 soil). The dissolved N2O concentrations were very small (0.004-0.269 μg N kg−1 soil) but responded well to the added N and C, showing a reduction in DEA with soil depth. In three separate studies, only subsoils were incubated for 3 days at 12 °C with 20-30 mg NO3-N ± 40-60 mg glucose-C, kg−1 soil. Denitrification capacity (DC, NO3 only treatment) was not statistically different to the control (no amendment) within a land use (0.03-0.05 vs. 0.07-0.22 mg N kg−1 soil d−1), the highest being in ryegrass subsoils receiving groundwater. The DP was significantly (P < 0.0001) higher in subsoils under ryegrass than under grass-clover (0.50-0.71 vs. 1.15 mg N kg−1 soil d−1). The rates of DP (NO3 + glucose-C) increased significantly (P < 0.0001) in unsaturated and saturated subsoils (0.92 and 2.19 mg N kg−1 soil d−1, respectively) of grass-clover, due to the higher reductive state resulting from the 10 day pre-incubation. Available C accelerated denitrification in soils and superseded the temporary elevation in oxidative state due to NO3 addition. The substrates load differences between the land uses regulated the degree of denitrification rates. Results suggest that both dissolved N2O measured by gas chromatography and N2/Ar ratio measured by MIMS to indirectly determine DEA, and the latter to quantify total DC/DP in soils can be used. However, interference of oxygen in the MIMS system should be considered if available C is added or is naturally elevated in soil or groundwater.  相似文献   

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