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Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease affecting several mammalian species, including human beings. In dogs, it is spread mainly by rodents that act as a maintenance host for several Leptospira serovars. Until recently, the most common signs observed in affected dogs consisted of icterus and haemorrhagic diathesis, but today the most prevalent clinical signs are attributed to acute renal failure. The current literature gives a good review of leptospirosis in dogs in the USA and Canada, but less information is available about its occurrence in Europe. This review considers the clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this emerging zoonotic disease.  相似文献   

Outdoor access is an important part of organic and free-range poultry production, yet limited information exists on the effect of various housing and production systems on growth performance and colonization of food-borne pathogens. Therefore, the primary purpose of the current study was to evaluate the influence of different housing systems, particularly fixed versus small, portable houses, with and without outdoor access to pasture, on seasonal growth performance, leg quality, and presence of bacterial food-borne pathogens. In the current study, we used fast-growing broilers, as many small producers use commercial broilers due to their carcass conformation and high breast yield compared with slow-growing hybrids or standard heritage breeds. Although interest in alternative genetics exists because they may be more adapted to outdoor production, they require longer growing periods, with accompanying labor and cost. A pasture containing a mixture of forages was used to simulate the conditions common for small farms in the local region. The experiment had 4 treatment groups: (1) small, portable hoop houses with access to pasture, (2) small, portable hoop houses without access to pasture, (3) a fixed house with access to the outdoors, and (4) a fixed house without access to the outdoors. The present study was repeated at different times of the year to determine if a seasonal effect on the consumption of pasture and carcass quality was present. Overall, raising birds in hoop houses resulted in a reduced growth rate compared with birds raised in the fixed house. None of the production systems altered bone strength or feed conversion. Food-borne pathogens commonly associated with poultry were not found in any of the environments tested. Seasonal production was an issue in the small hoop house birds, as extreme heat in the summer resulted in early termination of that trial. Expanding on forage choice in pastures and customizing hoop houses to deal with weather fluctuations, especially in regions where extreme heat may affect production, are important considerations for these systems.  相似文献   

This article discusses the history of the field of zoo and wildlife pathology, training opportunities for veterinary students and graduate veterinarians, and current and future job opportunities. The niches occupied by veterinarians in this field and their contributions to animal and human health are also highlighted. The field of zoo and wildlife, or "non-traditional" species, pathology has its roots in comparative anatomy, zoology, wildlife biology, and medical pathology in the mid- to late nineteenth century. The initial emphasis was on comparisons between animal and human diseases or on management of game animals. Veterinarians became increasingly involved during the twentieth century, gradually changing the emphasis to improvement of conservation strategies, captive care, and elucidation of diseases of concern for the animals themselves. Currently there are several zoos and wildlife agencies in the United States employing full-time veterinary pathologists. Private and government diagnostic laboratories, veterinary schools, and other academic institutions in the United States with pathology departments are other employers. The field requires post-DVM training by means of a residency program leading to board certification, graduate school (MS or PhD degrees), or both. Veterinary students can gain valuable experience in the field through externships and, at some schools, through elective courses in the curriculum. Current concerns about ecosystem health, bioterrorism, and the recognition that captive and free-ranging wildlife can serve as sentinel species will increase the demand for veterinary pathologists choosing this very rewarding career path specializing in non-traditional species.  相似文献   

未来10年,兽药行业将逐步由高度分散相对集中转变,行业整合格局基本形成.但是,兽药行业的特殊性决定兽药的整合发展明显有别于其他制造行业.那么,未来兽药行业的整合将会呈现怎样的趋向呢?笔者阐述以下3个观点,供商榷.  相似文献   

Infection control entails preventing or minimizing exposure to infectious agents or optimizing resistance to infection at the individual and population levels should exposure occur. The degree to which each of these strategies is applied varies according to the attributes of the disease agent and the population at risk. In developing an infection control, biosecurity, or biocontainment plan, it is important to decide which agent or agents are to be controlled, the method by which they might be introduced to the individual or population, and methods by which they might spread once at a farm or veterinary clinic.  相似文献   

The Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine responded to the Pew-sponsored National Veterinary Education Program by proposing a Center for Government and Corporate Veterinary Medicine. The Center is currently providing, through elective course offerings and practical experiences, a senior clinical curriculum that permits career emphasis in a number of species areas, in addition to a unique program for graduates wishing to enter the field of public and corporate veterinary medicine. The Center is also developing post-veterinary medicine. The Center is also developing post-veterinary school education for advanced degrees (PhD, MS) and residency training in public and corporate fields, and for midcareer updating and changes of career emphasis.  相似文献   

The article provides hands-on advice and scientific background information regarding the management of the equine acute colic patient. It summarizes essential information on the patient's history, clinical examination, and legal aspects. The scope of the history is based on the clinical appearance of the patient. In horses with violent and barely controllable signs of pain, it is limited to colic-associated information such as onset, course and severity of colic signs, and the last time of defecation, as well as prior therapeutic intervention. In these patients, the clinical examination is focussed primarily on the assessment of cardiovascular parameters, rectal temperature, and the patient's behaviour. The nasogastric intubation is an essential part of the examination of a horse with colic to prevent a gastric rupture due to gastric distension. Transrectal palpation is equally important and should always be performed unless there are important reasons to object to this procedure. In most cases, a thorough patient history and clinical examination of an acute colic patient allows the examining veterinarian to make a tentative diagnosis and a prognostic evaluation. This helps with the decision to start a conservative or a surgical therapy. Due to the existing obligatory documentation requirement and the duty to inform patient owners, it is of utmost importance to promptly document one's findings, therapeutic measures, consultations, and information of the patient owner in written form. This supports further therapy and it can also be of relevance in a potentially resulting lawsuit.  相似文献   

陈普青 《中国饲料》2019,(16):119-122
本试验主要研究不同饲养方式对AA肉鸡生产性能和经济效益的影响。试验选取同批次4周龄AA肉鸡100只,随机分为2组,每组5个重复,每个重复10只,两组AA肉鸡个体情况无显著差异(P>0.05),对照组进行生态散养,试验组进行笼养,试验结束后对两组AA肉鸡的生产性能和经济效益进行分析。结果表明,试验组AA肉鸡总增重、日增重和日均采食量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);试验组AA肉鸡料肉比显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。从增重情况来看,笼养AA肉鸡更具有经济价值,且笼养方式占地面积小,饲养密度大,非常适合较大密度的集中饲养。但生态散养AA肉鸡耗料少,能节省一定的饲料费用,再加上生态散养AA肉鸡的肉质、口感和营养等方面都比笼养AA肉鸡更符合市场需求。因此,在本试验条件下,作者建议大规模养殖户采用笼养方式,不仅便于管理,而且增重较多,总体经济效益较好,而小规模饲养AA肉鸡的养殖户建议生态散养,提高单只质量,增加单产来提高总的经济收入。  相似文献   

AIM: To review laboratory aspects of the equine viral arteritis (EVA) control scheme in New Zealand between 1989 and 2002. METHODS: The optimisation and performance of the virus neutralisation test (VNT) for equine arteritis virus (EAV) antibody, and the cell culture test to detect EAV in semen were analysed. Laboratory data and control scheme results were reviewed. RESULTS: Using optimised tests, it has been shown that antibody prevalence in Standardbred horses has steadily declined from 54% to <20%. Prevalences in Thoroughbred horses have remained at a low level of around 3%. The number of horses shedding EAV (all Standardbreds) has steadily declined from a maximum at any one time of 20 to the current figure of three. CONCLUSION: Eradication of EVA from the horse population in New Zealand is achievable in the near future.  相似文献   

Fibres from a variety of sources are a common constituent of pig feeds. They provide a means to utilise locallyproduced plant materials which are often a by-product of the food or drink industry. The value of a high fibre diet in terms of producing satiety has long been recognised. However the addition of fibre can reduce feed intake, which is clearly detrimental during stages of the production cycle when nutrient needs are high, for example in growing piglets and during lactation. More recently, fibre has been found to promote novel benefits to pig production systems,particularly given the reduction in antimicrobial use world-wide, concern for the welfare of animals fed a restricted diet and the need to ensure that such systems are more environmentally friendly. For example, inclusion of dietary fibre can alter the gut microbiota in ways that could reduce the need for antibiotics, while controlled addition of certain fibre types may reduce nitrogen losses into the environment and so reduce the environmental cost of pig production.Of particular potential value is the opportunity to use crude fibre concentrates as 'functional' feed additives to improve young pig growth and welfare. Perhaps the greatest opportunity for the use of high fibre diets is to improve the reproductive efficiency of pigs. Increased dietary fibre before mating improves oocyte maturation, prenatal survival and litter size; providing a consumer-acceptable means of increasing the amount of saleable meat produced per sow. The mechanisms responsible for these beneficial effects remain to be elucidated. However, changes in plasma and follicular fluid concentrations of key hormones and metabolites, as well as effects of the hypothalamic satiety centre on gonadotrophin secretion and epigenetic effects are strong candidates.  相似文献   

Among a vast number of forage trees, Vachellia karroo (Acacia karroo) remains one of the most widely distributed indigenous plant legumes in Southern Africa. The plant possesses some striking attributes, such as rapid growth rate, drought tolerance, adaptation to alkaline and acidic sterile soils, and resistance to a variety of edaphic and temperature changes. In past years V. karroo was recognised to be a major threat to rangeland productivity owing to its invasive nature. Research interest has shifted from its eradication as an unwanted plant to its utilisation as a feed resource for livestock. Extensive utilisation of V. karroo is mainly hindered by the presence of tannins and spines. Prospects to lessen the adverse effects of the anti-nutritional influences are now recognised. Vachellia karroo possesses desirable fatty acid profiles, and high protein and mineral contents that can improve animal performance. Presently, the use of V. karroo for goat production in communal areas is restricted owing to limited evidence for its nutritional value as animal feed. The present review, therefore, seeks to demonstrate the utility potential of V. karroo to improve growth performance, carcass characteristics, chevon quality, meat fatty acid profiles and as a natural anti-helminth for goats raised under an extensive system of production.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) emerged in late 1970s causing severe epizootics in kennels and dog shelters worldwide. Soon after its emergence, CPV-2 underwent genetic evolution giving rise consecutively to two antigenic variants, CPV-2a and CPV-2b that replaced progressively the original type. In 2000, a new antigenic variant, CPV-2c, was detected in Italy and rapidly spread to several countries. In comparison to the original type CPV-2, the antigenic variants display increased pathogenicity in dogs and extended host range, being able to infect and cause disease in cats. Epidemiological survey indicate that the newest type CPV-2c is becoming prevalent in different geographic regions and is often associated to severe disease in adult dogs and also in dogs that have completed the vaccination protocols. However, the primary cause of failure of CPV vaccination is interference by maternally derived immunity. Diagnosis of CPV infection by traditional methods has been shown to be poorly sensitive, especially in the late stages of infections. New diagnostic approaches based on molecular methods have been developed for sensitive detection of CPV in clinical samples and rapid characterisation of the viral type. Continuous surveillance will help assess whether there is a real need to update currently available vaccines and diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe the changes prompted by conversion to organic farming for milk production and fertility of first parity Holstein cows.

Data was collected for Dutch organic farms, with a distinction made between long-standing-organic farms, converted organic farms and a reference group of conventional farms. The percentage Holstein blood in the herds, milk production (kg milk, % milk fat, % milk protein), somatic cell scores (SCS), calving interval (CI) and age at first calving (AFC) were described over time. An animal model was used to estimate the effects of conversion on different traits based on data from converted organic farms.

Milk production was lower and somatic cell counts were higher on long-standing-organic farms than on conventional and converted organic farms. Interestingly, at pre-organic farms, i.e. before their conversion, the milk production level was already lower than at conventional farms.

The estimates from our statistical analysis showed a highly significant decrease in milk yield and protein percentage due to conversion. Also fat content decreased, SCS increased and AFC increased significantly.

It can be concluded that the conversion to organic farming is a gradual process over years. Dutch farmers who decided during the late 1990s to convert to organic farming, represented a specific group of farmers distinct from conventional farmers, which was reflected by lower milk yields, milk fat percentage and protein percentage before conversion as compared to conventional farms. During conversion, significant changes in milk production, protein and fat contents and somatic cell scores took place. Age of first calving is an important difference between organic and conventional farming.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence suggests that veterinary surgeons' mental health is often poorer than comparable populations and that the incidence of suicide is higher among veterinary surgeons than the general public. Veterinary students also appear to suffer from high levels of anxiety and stress, and may possess inadequate coping strategies when faced with adversity. Veterinary students may find it difficult to access central university support systems due to their heavy workload and geographical isolation on some veterinary campuses. A previous study of University of Edinburgh fourth-year veterinary students found that support services located several miles from the main veterinary campus was a barrier to students accessing counselling services. Consequently, a pilot project was initiated, which provided a counselling service at the University of Edinburgh's rural Easter Bush veterinary campus one afternoon a week during 2010. As part of the evaluation of this service, web-based questionnaires were delivered via e-mail to all veterinary staff and students towards the end of the 12-month pilot period to evaluate perceptions of barriers to student counselling and to investigate student-valued support services. Questionnaire responses were received from 35 per cent of veterinary students and 52 per cent of staff. Stigmatisation of being unable to cope was a potent inhibitor of seeking support within the veterinary environment, but counselling was perceived as valuable by the majority of staff and students. Provision of an on-site counselling service was considered important for increasing ease of access; however, students viewed friends and family as their most important support mechanism. Workload was cited as the main cause of veterinary student stress. The majority of staff and student respondents perceived veterinary students as having an increased need for counselling support compared with other students.  相似文献   

Novel approaches to the clinical training of veterinary students in many disciplines are being sought by veterinary colleges. In 2004, the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine approached the Small Animal Department and Florida Veterinary Specialists (FVS) in Tampa with a proposal to jointly design and run an elective clerkship in emergency medicine. The program would focus on providing increased emergency case exposure in a real-world environment to interested third- and fourth-year veterinary students. The purpose would be to better prepare these students for emergent cases while increasing their overall level of clinical confidence. This article reviews in detail the clerkship structure, its objectives, and the logistics of training and support at FVS. In this instance, the academic-private institution partnership has been successful in providing effective learning for veterinary students over the last three years. This clerkship structure may serve as a template for other institutions exploring alternatives to the traditional clinical training of veterinary students.  相似文献   

王显 《中国饲料》2021,1(6):21-24
文章旨在评估不同饲养方式对蛋鸡生产性能、蛋品质和血清生化指标的影响.试验选择产蛋性能接近的22周龄海兰褐壳蛋鸡540只,随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复36只.笼养组蛋鸡采用三层阶梯饲养(0.6?m2/只),网上平养组蛋鸡在金属网丝上饲养(1.5?m2/只),垫料平养组在平铺20?cm稻壳的水泥地板上平养(1.8?...  相似文献   

Global livestock production is going to be more and more sophisticated in order to improve efficiency needed to supply the rising demand for animal protein of a growing, more urban and affluent population.To cope with the rising public importance of sustainability is a big challenge for all animal farmers and more industrialized operations especially. Confined animal farming operations(CAFO) are seen very critical by many consumers with regard to their sustainability performance, however, the need to improve the sustainability performance especially in the ecological and social dimension exists at both ends of the intensity, i.e., also for the small holder and family owned animal farming models. As in livestock operations, feed and manure contribute the majority to the three most critical environmental impact categories global warming potential(GWP), acidification(AP) and eutrophication potential(EP)any effort for improvement should start there. Intelligent combination of nutrient-, emission-and waste management in an integrated low emission farm(LEF) concept not only significantly reduces the environmental footprint in the ecological dimension of sustainability, but by producing renewable energy(heat, electricity, biomethane) with animal manure as major feedstock in an anaerobic digester also the economic dimension can be improved. Model calculations using new software show the ecological improvement potential of low protein diets using more supplemented amino acids for the Chinese pig production. The ecological impact of producing biogas or upgraded biomethane, of further treatment of the digestate and producing defined fertilizers is discussed. Finally, the LEF concept allows the integration of an insect protein plant module which offers additional ecological and economical sustainability improvement potential in the future. Active stakeholder communication about implementation steps of LEF examples improves also the social aspect of sustainability.  相似文献   

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