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shape Byrsonima sericea DC. (Malpighiaceae), shape Cordia verbenacea DC. (Boraginaceae) and shape Psidium guineense SW. (Myrtaceae) were studied in two experimental sites: a restinga forest fragment, near an iron pelletization factory (mining area) and a restinga conservation unit “Paulo César Vinha State Park”. The aims were verify the effects of emissions from a pelletization factory on some anatomical and physiological parameters and on absorption and accumulation of particulate iron by the leaves. A protocol was adjusted using Prussian blue reaction to histochemical detection of iron. Comparing the same species in two locals, shape C. verbenacea was the greatest accumulator of metallic iron, whereas shape B. sericea presented greater content of sulphur in mining area. The greater leaf contents of metallic iron may be related to the adhesion of the particles deposited on the leaves and to the characteristics of the covering tissue and the leaf. The foliar parameters evaluated in addition to soil analysis and atmospheric precipitation data indicated that the effects of particulate deposition occurred due foliar uptake. Structural characteristics such as peltate trichomes of leaf abaxial surface in shape B. sericea and hypodermis observed in shape B. sericea (one layer) and shape P. guineense (3--4 layers), probably formed a barrier lessening the penetration of metallic iron into the mesophyll as evidenced by the lower iron leaf content and iron accumulation in trichomes observed in these two species. In leaves of shape C. verbenacea occurred a positive reaction for iron in trichomes, epidermic cells at both faces, stomata, some xylem cells, collenchyma and endodermis at the midrib, and mesophyll tissues. The obtained data indicated that the unit conservation is also under pollution impact.  相似文献   

Red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) seedlings were exposed repeatedly at a field site or in a greenhouse to acidic mist containing the major sulfur and nitrogen pollutants of wet deposition in the eastern U.S.: sulfate alone, nitrate alone or with ammonium ion, and a combination of these ions. Acidities and ion concentrations ranged from below the mean to above the maximum concentration for cloudwater in the eastern U.S. Effects on elements in current-year foliage were examined after continuous or intermittent overnight exposures to mist performed over periods of 6 to 19 weeks. Principal findings from five experiments conducted over a three-year period were that acidic mist 1) increased the foliar S and/or N content when exposures were intermittent with repeated opportunities for drying of liquid on foliage; 2) decreased foliar calcium, and/or magnesium content, especially when exposures to acidic mist were continuous rather than intermittent; and 3) gave inconsistent results for foliar iron and aluminum probably because of deposition of soil particles and contamination with metals from the mist delivery system. These results indicate that long-duration exposures to cloudwater with pH below 3 may alter foliar nutrient composition and change relationships between N, S, Ca, and Mg, with potential consequences for growth and resistance to natural stress factors.  相似文献   

We conducted field monitoring of bedload transport rate associated with experimental sediment release in a natural channel to clarify behavior of the supplied sediment on mixed size bed. Observation of bedload rate at two sites along the 30 m channel reach revealed that downstream migration of finer particles delay compared with coarser particles. Ratio of the bedload sediment that deposited during the migration was higher for finer sediments. These behaviors of the mixed size particles were clear during passage of the sediment wave without changes in water discharge. Flashing peak of discharge that caused artificially by opening of the dam gate did not destroy channel bed structure including steps and pools formed by coarser sediments, and only small amount of bedload was mobilized. Both reach scale channel features including steps, pools, and riffles as well as fine scale features (i.e., armour coat) likely increased critical shear stress of particles and decreased bedload rate during our experiment. Extreme sediment supply induced two types of sediment deposition; (1) filling the pools in reach sales and (2) the intrusion of fine particles into the coarser sediment that formed an armour layer. The all grain size fractions can deposit as type (1) when shear stress of stream water is not enough to entrain bedload particles, while deposition type (2) occurs when finer sediment pass over channel bed on which armour coat is well-developed. Deposition of finer sediment into coarser sediment that forms armour coat is affected by grain size distribution of bed surface sediment. Thus, impact of the sediment supply on downstream channel depends on both bedforms and grain size distribution of bed surface sediment over which the supplied sediment pass.  相似文献   

Results of trace metal concentrations in air and precipitation and the corresponding wet and dry deposition in Ontario in 1982 arc reported. In terms of the spatial patterns, in general, there was a decreasing gradient from south-to-north in both concentration and deposition. Patterns differed with each parameter although certain groups of metals (e.g., Fe and Al; Pb, Zn, and Mn) displayed similar patterns. In general, wet deposition was greater than dry deposition at all sites. Geographically, the variability in the wet to dry deposition ratio for coarse particles (MMD > 2.5 μm) was small. However, it increased from the south to the north for fine particles (MMD < 2.5 μm), being higher away from the source areas. Scavenging ratios (W) have been derived from the precipitation and air concentrations of trace metals. The scatter in W is quite large for all trace metals, up to 2 orders of magnitude. There was little seasonal variability in W for fine particles (Pb, Mn, Zn, and Cd). However, coarse particles (Fe, Al, and Cu) were more efficiently scavenged by snow than by rain.  相似文献   

Understanding the interactions between soil and the organisms that are conducive to decreasing sediment runoff is a great concern on high-elevation ski trails. Intense rainfalls on steep slopes combined with soil formed on gypsum result in recurrent erosion. This study was conducted in the northern French Alps to determine the abilities of species: (1) to make mounds and (2) to trap sediment and thereby to control erosion at the slope scale. We also investigated relevant above-ground plant characteristics related to those abilities. Sediment runoff or deposition was investigated at small and large spatial scales. We assessed whether hoof prints in soil reflect sediment runoff at the slope scale by trapping sediment. Populations of plants growing on two slope angles (25° and 35°) and three vegetation cover densities (15%, 35%, 60%) were surveyed. An experiment was also conducted to measure the sediment deposit upslope of target species and over three months during the autumn. Small mounds were found upslope of the plant and sediment deposit measurements showed that they resulted from a sedimentation process. Nevertheless the species differed in their capacity to make mounds. Sesleria caerulea and Festuca alpina had the highest amount of sediment deposition over the experimental period. Among the plant characteristics, plant length was positively correlated with mound area, while the roundness index of the canopy was negatively correlated with mound height. Mound formation was also positively related to the number of tillers or shoots. Sediment accumulation in cow hoof prints was linked to runoff that occurred at the slope scale. Low deposition in hoof prints means low sediment runoff or a large deposition on mounds, due to the increase in vegetation cover. All the findings stressed that understanding the processes in action at larger scales requires studying processes at smaller scales.  相似文献   

Particulate pollution is a serious concern in developed countries especially in urban and suburban areas where it has adverse effects on human health, exacerbating a wide range of respiratory and vascular illnesses. Data are now available which indicate that similar problems probably occur in countries in transition and may indeed be worse where national air quality standards have been neither set nor monitored. Recently a variety of approaches using both wind tunnel and field measurements have suggested that trees can significantly reduce such adverse effects through their ability to capture pollutant particles. It is clear that species choice, planting design and location relative to pollution source are critical in determining the effectiveness of particle capture by trees. Here we present relative deposition velocities and capture efficiencies of five species used widely in woodland of urban and periurban areas of Europe (Quercus petraea (oak), Alnus glutinosa (alder), Fraxinus excelsior (ash), Acer pseudo-platanus (sycamore) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir)), and for two species being used increasingly in semi-arid regions, (Ficus nitida (weeping fig) and Eucalyptus. globulus (Eucalyptus)). These data are for species not previously worked on and measurements were made at three windspeeds. Deposition velocities and capture efficiencies are compared with those published for other tree species, with the values of deposition velocity ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 cm s-1 at a windspeed of 3 m s-1 to maximum values 2.9 cm s-1 at 9 m s-1 windspeed. Species with more complex stem structure and smaller leaves had greater relative deposition velocities. The use of such data in models to guide species choice and planting design in order to maximise particle removal from urban air are considered.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in order to assess both the deposition of heavy metal and nitrogen in a mountain ecosystem with low levels of metal deposition and its possible interactions with factors such as lithology and topography. For this purpose, samples of Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. and topsoils were collected in a forest catchment within Bertiz Natural Park, an International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring site. Trace metals levels in mosses can be considered low compared with values reported elsewhere in Europe, and the dust soil mineral particles seemed to be the main source of these values. Only Cd and Hg presented external inputs, probably with an anthropic origin, for mosses according to the enrichment factor values, whereas historical pollution-related deposition in soils was determined for Pb, Cu, and Ni, attending to their total/extractable ratio.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2011,47(3):398-404
The inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (CCUG 44857) and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was investigated in two agricultural soils (sandy loam and silty clay) amended with poultry manure, cattle manure slurry or human urine. The study was performed in soil lysimeters placed outdoors, and was repeated over two consecutive years. The amendments, inoculated with E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium, were mixed with soil on the top of the lysimeters. Samples were collected from the top 5-cm layer of each lysimeter at regular intervals, and the inactivation was monitored over 6 months, by the plate spread method and by enrichment. The inactivation was modelled by fitting a non-linear model to the data, and pathogen reduction times were calculated (90 and 99% reduction). The results showed that the inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium varied depending on the manure type used and its carbon content. The longest inactivation time occurred in samples amended with poultry manure, in which both E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium were detected up to day 90 with the spread plate method. The most rapid inactivation for both pathogens occurred in soil amended with urine. However, low amounts of culturable E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium were detected by enrichment throughout the study period (180 days), regardless of manure type.  相似文献   

Aeolian dynamics were measured during a wind erosion event on an agricultural field in Northern Germany. Because the topsoil was loamy sand, particle flow behaved as a sand–dust mixture and not as pure sand (>63 μm) or pure dust (<63 μm). Although generally similar, the erosion, transportation and deposition patterns were not identical for the two particle fractions. The difference was most pronounced for accumulation (defined as deposition minus erosion). For dust, accumulation was negative all over the field because grains were removed in dust clouds. For sand, spots of negative accumulation (erosion) alternated with spots of positive accumulation (accretion) and the net result for the field as a whole was close to zero. The study shows that accumulation maps cannot be used to reconstruct the areas of high aeolian activity. It also demonstrates that during wind erosion, the wind behaves as a selective medium. In topsoil with a median grain diameter between 40 and 160 μm, fine particles are more easily eroded than coarse. In topsoil with a median grain diameter <40 μm, the coarsest particles are more easily eroded. Topsoil with a median grain diameter around 90 μm is very susceptible to granulometric selectivity. The results show that soil lost through wind erosion in NW Germany can amount to several tons per hectare per erosion event, which suggests that wind erosion of soil is more important than water erosion in this region.  相似文献   

Two strains of bacteria (Burkholderia sp., strain FeGL01, and Burkholderia caribiensis, strain FeGL03) were isolated from a Brazilian high phosphorus iron ore. The capacity of both strains to solubilize hydroxyapatite, Ca5(PO4)3(OH), was assessed in plate and batch cultures. In batch cultures, the concentration of solution-P showed two kinetics: an initial one, characterized by a continuously increasing kinetics and a second one, characterized by oscillatory kinetics. To understand the nature of these oscillations, phosphatic residues in the spent broth were collected before, during and after the oscillations, and characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray chemical microanalyses (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). From these studies, it was found that drops in P concentration were related to the formation of an intermediate phosphate in the residues, identified as brushite, CaHPO4·2H2O. Later increase of available P in the solution was found to be a consequence of re-dissolution of brushite crystals previously formed. Re-crystallization of brushite was also detected in plate cultures after 12-14 days of incubation  相似文献   

Measurements were made of concentrations and vertical flux densities (using the eddy correlation technique) for SO2 over a deciduous forest during March and April 1990. These were compared with estimates of dry deposition velocities, obtained from resistance analogue models that employ measured meteorological data as input. The models include: (1) the dry deposition module that forms part of a larger Eulerian air quality model, known as ADOM (Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model), (2) a modified version of ADOM and (3) a new parameterization for R c . The observations yielded V d values of about 0.5 cm s?1 for the daytime and 0.1 cm s?1 at night. ADOM's estimates were much larger, averaging about 3.0 cm s?1 during the daytime and about 2.0 cm s?1 at night. When the ADOM canopy resistance was increased by modifying its formulation, the modified dry deposition estimates were slightly larger during the day than at night, averaging about 0.5 cm s?1. The new parameterization for R c yielded smaller V d estimates with no diurnal variation. An attempt is made to relate the observed diurnal cycle of the dry deposition velocity to meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

137Caesium was measured in soils sampled from 101 locationsdistributed across the Piemonte Region (North-West of Italy). The contamination levels found ranged from a few kBq m-2 to about 60 kBq m-2, the regional average being of the order of 15 kBq m-2. The data obtained were interpolated with geostatistical functions in order to obtain a detailed mapof radioactive contamination for the whole region. A second map,representing the rainfall for the period of Chernobyl atmospheric contamination, weighted with the estimated values of air contamination, was produced.The comparison of the two maps and a statistical analysis of the data show that 84% of the 137Cs global inventory is due to wet deposition, associated with 9% pre-Chernobyl fallout and a 7% attributed to Chernobyl dry deposition.A deposition model based on a linear relationship betweenwet deposition (D w) and `weighted rainfall'(R w) isproposed, applied and tested with available data. On this basisthe following parameters were estimated: scavenging factor, washout ratio, cloud height, dry deposition velocity, mediandiameter of the particles.  相似文献   

Elevated nitrogen (N) deposition can affect litter decomposition directly, by raising soil N availability and the quantity and quality of litter inputs, and indirectly by altering plant community composition. We investigated the importance of these controls on litter decomposition using litter bags placed in annual herb based microcosm ecosystems that had been subject to two rates of N deposition (which raised soil inorganic N availability and stimulated litter inputs) and two planting regimes, namely the plant species compositions of low and high N deposition environments. In each microcosm, we harvested litter bags of 10 annual plant species, over an 8-week period, to determine mass loss from decomposition. Our data showed that species differed greatly in their decomposability, but that these differences were unlikely to affect decomposition at the ecosystem level because there was no correlation between a species’ decomposability and its response to N deposition (measured as population seed production under high N, relative to low N, deposition). Litter mass loss was ~2% greater in high N deposition microcosms. Using a comprehensive set of measurements of the microcosm soil environments, we found that the most statistically likely explanation for this effect was increased soil enzyme activity (cellobiosidase, β-glucosidase and β-xylosidase), which appears to have occurred in response to a combination of raised soil inorganic N availability and stimulated litter inputs. Our data indicate that direct effects of N deposition on litter input and soil N availability significantly affected decomposition but indirect effects did not. We argue that indirect effects of changes to plant species composition could be stronger in natural ecosystems, which often contain a greater diversity of plant functional types than those considered here.  相似文献   

There has been less concern about soil mineralogical alteration than about soil physical, chemical and biological changes induced by termite nest-building activity. Furthermore, much less attention has been paid to free sesquioxides than to phyllosilicate minerals. In the present study, we conducted field morphological observations and selective dissolution analysis to characterize free sesquioxides in termite (Macrotermes bellicosus) mounds as compared with surrounding pedons in different toposequence positions, i.e., seasonally flooded valley bottom, hydromorphic fringe and well-drained upland sites. Distinctive redoximorphic features, such as surface yellowish layers on mound structures from the fringe site, indicate possible alteration of iron sesquioxide forms in the mounds due to the transportation of soil from reductive (aquic subsoil) to oxidative (epigeal mound) environments by the nest-building activity of M. bellicosus. On the other hand, the iron-soluble content in the dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (DCB) system (Fed) was generally higher in the mound structures than at the adjacent sub-surface (Ap2) horizon at each toposequence position, while there was less difference in the content of acid ammonium oxalate (AAO) extractable iron (Feo) as compared to Fed. As a consequence, the iron activity index (Fed/Feo ratio) was found for the most part to be lower in the mound structures than in the neighboring Ap2 horizon. In addition, the content of Fed, AAO-soluble Al (Alo) and DCB-extractable Al (Ald) was significantly correlated with clay content in these soils. These findings suggest that M. bellicosus preferentially collects clay particles, probably from the clay-rich subsoils, such as the argillic horizon, which has been formed by the co-migration of phyllosilicate minerals and relatively crystalline sesquioxides. The species then likely incorporates them into the mounds, which induces an increase in the Fed content relative to that of Feo, resulting in a decreased iron activity index in the mound structures.  相似文献   

Small fragments of intermeshed fibrous material of high electron density were observed by electron microscopy in the fine (< 0.5 μm) clay taken from an iron-rich cemented layer forming part of the B horizon of a Podzol (Typic Haplorthod). Each fibre was about 5 nm in width and about 100 nm in length. Similar material was also common in larger (0.5–2.0 μm) clay fractions but here it occurred as unbroken particles which resembled bacteria in shape and size. At high magnifications, individual fibres were seen to consist of very small (5 nm) particles aligned along the length of each fibre.Electron microanalysis of the fibrous material showed it to consist of iron, aluminium and silicon. The average composition (water-free basis) of seventeen bacteria-like particles was 66% Fe2O3, 22% Al2O3 and 11% SiO2. The particles were positively identified as aluminium-substituted goethite by selected-area electron diffraction.The fibrous material was completely dissolved by dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate treatment but was only slightly affected, if at all, by ammonium oxalate, pH3, in darkness. Other extraction data and X-ray diffraction results showed that the clay also contained considerable amounts of material of short range order, probably in the form of ferrihydrite and allophane.  相似文献   

Atmospheric fly ash emissions from lignite-fired power plantsin the Upper Lusatian and Turówan mining districts stronglyaffected large forest areas along the German-Polish border. Afield study was conducted in old spruce stands (Piceaabies (L.) Karst.) to assess the stratigraphic distributionof fly ash in the forest floor and mineral topsoil in the St. Marienthal forest area in the eastern part of Saxony,Germany. This forest area is subjected to long-termatmospheric depositions by two German and one Polish powerplants since the early 1900s. The three study sites arelocated along a fly ash deposition gradient of 3, 6 and 15 kmfrom the power plant in Turów (Sites Ia, II and III,respectively). An additional site (Site Ib) at a distance of 3 km from Turów was chosen to study the influence of vegetationtype on fly ash deposition intensity in forest soils. Samplesof the humic layer (Oi (L), Oe (F) and Oa (H) horizons) andmineral soil (0–10 cm) were taken in Spring and Fall 1999 andanalysed for their ferromagnetic susceptibility and total ashcontent. Particle size distribution, magnetic susceptibilityof individual size fractions, scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) wereperformed on selected samples to evaluate the origin ofmineral particles found in the forest floor. High magneticsusceptibility of the Oa and Oe horizons is a result of thelong-term accumulation of lignite-derived atmospheric depositsin the forest floors of the studied area. Pure conifer stands(year-round filtration of airborne pollutants) resulted inhigher inputs of ferromagnetic fly ash particles in forestsoils. Unusually high total ash contents for humic horizons(up to 77%) were determined in the Oa and Oe horizons atSites Ia and IIb, indicating the need for a new classificationsystems for the organic layer in forest soils near coal-firedpower plants. SEM revealed 4 typical phases of persistent flyash deposits formed by combustion of Lusatian lignite: (1) iron-containing `stable glasses’, (2) aluminium-iron-silicate-minerals,(3) slag fragments and (4) lignite-derived fossilcarbon. Particle size analysis, magnetic susceptibilitymeasurements and SEM-EDX techniques indicated that a greatportion of the mineral particles found in the humic horizonsof forests soils are from atmospheric sources. Fly ashaccumulation consisting of ferromagnetic minerals contributesmainly to the 125–63 and <63 μm fractions in soils. EDXanalysis revealed that atmospheric input of lignite-derivedfly ash increases the contents of the following ecologicalrelevant elements in soils: carbon, iron, aluminium, calcium,potassium, sulphur, titanium and sodium.  相似文献   

We measured atmospheric nutrient deposition as wet deposition and dry deposition to dry and wet surfaces. Our analyses offer estimates of atmospheric transport of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and silicon (Si) in an agricultural region. Annual dry and wet deposition (ha?1 year?1) was 0.3 kg of P, 7.7 kg of N, and 6.1 kg of Si; lower than or similar to values seen in other landscapes. N:P and Si:N imply that atmospheric deposition enhances P and Si limitation. Most P and soluble reactive P (SRP) deposition occurred as dryfall and most dry-deposited P was SRP so would be more readily assimilable by plant life than rainfall P. Dry deposition of N to wet surfaces was several times greater than to dry surfaces, suggesting that ammonia (NH x ) gas absorbtion by water associated with wet surfaces is an important N transport mechanism. Deposition of all nutrients peaked when agricultural planting and fertilization were active; ratios of NH x :nitrate (NO x ) hbox{reflected} the predominant use of NH x fertilizer. Wet deposition estimates were consistent over hundreds of km, but dry deposition estimates were influenced by animal confinements and construction. Precipitation wash-out of atmospheric nutrients was substantial but larger rain events yielded higher rates of wet deposition. Methodological results showed that local dust contaminated wet deposition more than dry; insects, bird droppings and leaves may have biased past deposition estimates; and estimating dry deposition to dry plastic buckets may underestimate annual deposition of N, especially NH x .  相似文献   

The atmospheric chemistry, deposition and transport of mercury (Hg) in the Upper Great Lakes region is being investigated at a near-remote sampling location in northern Wisconsin. Intensive sampling over two years and various seasons has been completed. A multi-phase collection strategy (gas-, particle- and precipitation-phases) was employed to gain insight into the processes controlling concentrations and chemical/physical speciation of atmospheric Hg. Additional chemical and physical atmospheric determinations (e.g. ozone, particulate constituents, meteorology) were also made during these periods to aid in the interpretation of the Hg determinations. For example, correlations of Hg with ozone, sulfur dioxide and synopticscale meteorological features suggest a regionally discernible signal in Hg. Comparison to isosigma backward air parcel trajectories confirms this regionality and implicates the areas south, southeast and northwest of the site to be sources for Hg. Particle-phase Hg (Hgp) was found to be approximately 40% in an oxidized form, or operationally defined as “reactive”. However, this was quite variable from year-to-year. Hgp and other particle constituents (esp. sulfate) show significant correlation and similarity in behavior (concentration ratios in precipitation and in particles). These observations are part of the growing evidence to support the hypothesis that precipitation-phase Hg arises in large part from the scavenging of atmospheric particulates bearing Hg. Observed concentrations of rain and particle-Hg fit broadly the theoretical expectations for nucleation and below-cloud scavenging. Significant increases in the Hg/aerosol mass ratio appear to take place during transport. Enrichment of aerosols is taken as evidence of gas/particle conversion which could represent the step linking gas-phase Hg with rain. The refined budget indicates ca. 24% of total deposition is from summer particle dry deposition, and that this deposition also contributes ca. 24% of all reactive Hg deposition. Additionally, almost all (86%) deposition (wet and dry) occurs during the summer months.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results from current studies in Norway. One main approach is the application of artificial acid ‘rain’ and of lime to field plots and lysimeters. Application during two growth seasons of 50 mm mo?1 of ‘rain water’ of pH 3 to a podzol soil increased the acidity of the humus and decreased the base saturation. The reduction in base saturation was mainly due to leaching of Ca and Mg. Laboratory experiments revealed that decomposition of pine needles was not affected by any acid ‘rain’ treatment of the field plots. Liming slightly retarded the decomposition. No nitrification occurred in unlimed soils (pH 4.4-4.1). Liming increased nitrification. The soil enchytraeid (Ohgochaeta) fauna was not much affected by the acidification. Germination of spruce seeds in acidified mineral soil was negatively affected when soil pH was 4.0 or lower. Seedling establishment was even more sensitive to increasing soil acidity. Analysis of throughfall and stemflow water in southernmost Norway reveals that the total deposition of H2SO4 beneath spruce and pine is approximately two times the deposition in open terrain. A large part of this increase is probably due to dry deposition. Increased acidity of the rain seems to increase the leaching of cations from the tree crowns. Tree-ring analysis of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has been based on comparisons between regions differently stressed by acid precipitation and also between sites presumed to differ in sensitivity to acidification. No effect that can be related to acid precipitation has yet been detected on diameter growth.  相似文献   

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