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近几年来,我国鹌鹑饲养业发展迅速,各地饲养蛋用鹌鹑的数量已十分可观。所以急需一个适合我国实际情况的蛋用型鹌鹑饲养标准,以便实行标准化饲养和科学管理。日本鹌鹑饲养标准规定,育成期蛋白质24%代谢能12552kj/kg,结果部分鹌鹑在35—40日龄开产时出现难产而造成大批死亡。产  相似文献   

不同营养水平对蛋鹌鹑生产性能影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在产蛋鹌鹑日粮中,不同营养水平对产蛋率有不同的效果。为了探索这一规律,提高产蛋率和饲料报酬,并为制定产蛋鹌鹑的饲养标准提供依据,我院在卢龙县科委的支持下,于1986年5月至6月,在相公庄养鹌鹑示范乡,会同畜牧局用不同营养水平的饲料配方对产蛋母鹑进行了试验。现将试验结果叙述如下: 一、试验方法卢龙县相公庄乡养鹌鹑12万多只,分布  相似文献   

采用单因子实验设计,将饲粮粗蛋白质设为3个水平,分别为18%、20%、22%,将鹌鹑分为6个组,每组4个重复,每个重复30只鹌鹑,实验阶段为33~40周龄,研究日粮中蛋白质水平对产蛋性能的影响.结果表明:第2组鹌鹑的产蛋量显著高于第1、3组(P<0.05),产蛋率显著高于第1、3组(P<0.05),第3组的平均蛋重显著高于第1、2组(P<0.05);第2组的料蛋比显著低于第1、3组(P<0.01).说明饲料蛋白质水平为20%时,产蛋性能是最佳的,提高蛋白质水平并没有促进鹌鹑的产蛋性能.  相似文献   

不同营养水平对蛋鹌鹑生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 饲料成本占鹌鹑饲养总成本的60~70%。饲料成本的高低直接影响鹌鹑业的效益,营养水平的高低影响着饲料成本。本试验的目的是制定适应蛋鹌鹑的营养标准,减少进口鱼粉的用量,降低饲料成本,提高经济效益。1 材料和方法  相似文献   

近年来,鹌鹑饲养业发展很快,蛋鹌鹑具有开产早、投入省、饲料报酬高等特点,但对其营养需要尚缺乏较系统的研究。我们从1991年10月至1992年7月,对蛋鹌鹑产蛋期间喂以不同粗蛋白水平日粮进行试验。为研制蛋鹌鹑产蛋期的配合日粮提供依据。一、材料与方法挑选生长发育好、体重基本一致的40日龄朝鲜龙城鹌鹑1200羽,随机分成三组,每组400羽。分别喂以不同粗蛋白质水平日粮,1组为20%、2组为22%、3组为24%,其它营养水平三组一致(代谢能为2800kcal/kg、赖氨酸1.2%、含硫氨基酸0.85%)。  相似文献   

饲粮粗蛋白质水平对鹌鹑产蛋性能的影响郦智佩(浙江省绍兴市饲料公司312000)前言近年来,蛋鹌鹑饲养业生产很快,蛋鹌鹑具有开产早、投入省、饲料报酬高等特点,但是对其营养需要尚缺乏较系统的研究。我们从1991年10月28日至1992年7月12日对蛋鹌鹑...  相似文献   

为了研究肉用种鸭在产蛋期间的营养水平及饲料配方问题,我们于1991年6月26日至7月25日在广西南宁市天雹水库种鸭场,用不同营养水平的饲料配方,对同一品种的肉用种鸭产蛋性能进行研究,结果如下: 一、材料与方法  相似文献   

不同营养水平的饲料对肉用种鸭产蛋性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

据市场调查显示,近几年来,珍禽野味逐渐摆上家庭餐桌,成为常见的美味佳肴。目前,不少地方都建起一定规模的珍禽养殖场,但因缺少珍禽饲料专业生产厂,一些珍禽养殖场只能以普通家禽饲料“取而代之”。为了尽快为珍珠鸡饲养者提供科学依据,笔者特进行了珍珠鸡产蛋期不同营养...  相似文献   

为研究Kisspeptin-10(Kp-10)对禽类生殖内分泌的影响,将75羽22日龄雌鹌鹑随机分为3组,分别腹腔注射300μL生理盐水(对照组),注射0.1 nmol Kp-10(低剂量组)和1 nmol Kp-10(高剂量组),每日注射1次,连续注射3周。记录鹌鹑开产情况,并于60日龄时采集血液和卵泡组织,测定生殖激素与受体的mRNA表达。结果:与对照组相比,注射Kp-10组鹌鹑产蛋率显著提高,且大卵泡数显著增加,血液中雌激素水平显著升高;低剂量组输卵管重显著增加,但体重、肝脏重和小卵泡重无显著变化。Real-time PCR结果显示,Kp-10处理显著下调小卵泡及F1级卵泡上促黄体激素受体(LHR)、促卵泡激素受体(FSHR)和促性腺激素释放激素Ⅰ(GnRH-Ⅰ)的基因表达。  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to study the effectiveness of dried milky sludge (DMS) as a feed source for laying Japanese quails. The DMS was incorporated into the experimental diets at levels of 0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0%. Four hundred quails were used in a completely randomized design. The results revealed that the daily egg-laying rate, feed cost/100 egg weight, egg width, egg length, egg weight, shell quality characteristics in terms of breaking time, Young's modulus, work, max force, fracturability, breaking stress, stiffness and power, as well as color intensity and yolk height improved significantly with increasing levels of DMS in the diet ( P  < 0.05), while feed intake/bird/day, mortality and eggshell thickness showed no significant differences ( P  > 0.05). From this experiment, it was found that DMS incorporated into the experimental diet at the 20.0% level yielded the most productive performance and best egg quality.  相似文献   

The present study is aimed to evaluate the effects of different levels of earthworm (EW) powder and vermihumus (VH) on the growth performance, humoral immunity response, plasma constituents and reproductive performance of Japanese breeder quails. A total of 336 birds were assigned to seven treatments in a completely randomized design from day 30 to 90 of age. The dietary treatments were carried out, one without any addition of EW and VH, the second had a standard rate of VH at 0.8%, while a range of EW additions was supplied from 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5%. The effects of treatments on body weight and mortality were not significant (p > .05). The highest feed intake was observed in birds fed the diets supplemented with 1% and 1.5% EW (p < .05). The highest titre of antibodies against influenza virus and sheep red blood cells belonged to the EW and VH treatments (p < .05). The antibody titre against Newcastle disease virus vaccine was not affected by the treatments. In general, the birds receiving EW and VH had the highest egg weight, egg production and egg mass weight (p < .05). Nonetheless, various levels of EW powder negatively affected hatchability and increased mortality and leg disorders (p < .05). The results showed that the levels of dietary 1% and 1.5% of EW powder gave the best growth and reproductive performance to birds respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if the negative effects of high ambient temperature (34 degrees C) on egg production, egg quality, digestibility of nutrients, and mineral content of egg yolk could be alleviated by dietary vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) supplementation in laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japanica). Japanese quails (n=240; 7-week-old) were divided into eight groups, 30 birds per group. The quails were fed either a basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with either 125, 250 or 500 mg of dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate/kg of diet. Birds were kept at 22 degrees C and 55% relative humidity (RH). At 14 weeks of age, the thermo-neutral (TN) group remained in the same temperature as at the beginning of the experiment, whereas the heat stress (HS) group was kept at an environment-controlled room at 34 degrees C and 44% RH for 3 weeks. Heat exposure decreased performance when basal diet was fed (P=0.001). With 250 and 500 mg/kg of diet, an increase in body weight (P=0.01), feed intake (P=0.01), egg production (P=0.001), and improvement in feed efficiency (P=0.01) was found with vitamin E supplementation in quails reared under heat stress conditions (HS). Similarly, egg weight (P=0.01), egg specific gravity (P=0.01), egg shell thickness (P=0.05) and Haugh unit (P=0.01) were positively influenced by vitamin E supplementation. Heat exposure decreased digestibility of dry matter (DM) (P=0.03), organic matter (OM) (P=0.05), crude protein (CP) (P=0.02), ether extract (EE) (P=0.05) and were elevated by supplemental vitamin E (P相似文献   

1材料与方法1.1试验鸡的选择与分组选取豫州褐壳蛋鸡Ⅲ系蛋种鸡684只,随机分为3组,每组228只。每笼3只鸡,随机抽取两组作为试验组,另一组为对照组,各组饲喂的日粮分别为:对照组只喂给基础日粮;试验Ⅰ组即0.3%组,在基础日粮中添加0.3%的NaHCO3;试验Ⅱ组即0.5%组,在基础日粮中添加0.5%的NaHCO3。其中基础日粮的主要营养成分含量为:粗蛋白17.30%,代谢能11.25MJ/kg,钙3.38%,磷0.79%,赖氨酸0.84%,蛋氨酸0.29%,食盐0.35%。1.2饲养管理试验鸡各组饲养在同一鸡舍、同排的3层全阶梯笼内,专人饲养。每日定时喂干粉料,自动饮水器供水,每日保持16h光…  相似文献   

在我国传统养殖生产中,抗生素一直被用作饲料添加剂来控制畜禽疾病和提高生产性能。但随着抗生素的大量使用,其带来的负面影响日趋严重。药物残留和耐药菌株的产生及畜禽产品质量的下降,已对畜牧业可持续发展和人类健康带来严重的影响。研制开发无公害和无残留的饲料添加剂替代  相似文献   

1. The effect of replacing dietary cholecalciferol (D3) by 1 alpha,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25-(OH)2D3) on egg shell quality and egg production was tested on 32-week-old White Leghorn laying hens over 9 weeks. 2. Hens fed on a diet supplemented with 5 micrograms 1,25-(OH)2D3/kg diet, tended to lay more eggs, and the eggs had significantly higher specific gravity and percentage shell than eggs from control hens fed on a diet supplemented with 27.5 micrograms D3/kg diet. 3. The effect became apparent after about 4 weeks of treatment and persisted until the end of the test. 4. Hens fed on a diet without D3 supplement started to lay very thin or soft shelled eggs within 4 weeks, suggesting that the birds' reserves of D3 or its metabolites were depleted within this period. 5. The results suggest that 1,25-(OH)2D3 can be substituted for D3 in layer diets to improve egg shell quality.  相似文献   

大豆脂肪磷脂粉在产蛋鹌鹑日粮中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择450只132日龄的健康产蛋鹌鹑随机分为3组,每组6个重复,每重复25只鹌鹑进行了为期30d的饲养对比试验.对照组、试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组3种日粮分别按照0%、1.5%、3.0%水平以大豆脂肪磷脂粉替代日粮中的玉米,其他日粮组成均相同.以每重复为单位分别测定各组的产蛋数、总蛋重、平均蛋重、产蛋率、平均日采食量、料蛋比、蛋黄颜色、蛋壳厚度和经济效益指标,经单因素方差分析结果表明:总蛋重、平均蛋重、料蛋比和蛋黄颜色组间差异显著(P<0.05),试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组与对照组间差异显著(P<0.05),两处理间差异不显著(P>0.05),其中,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组分别较对照组改善了2.5%、4.6%(总蛋重),7.5%、5.2%(平均蛋重),5.2%、6.3%(料蛋比),35.7%、35.7%(蛋黄颜色);产蛋数、产蛋率、平均日采食量、蛋壳厚度和总经济效益组间差异不显著(P>0.05),平均产蛋率和经济效益有提高趋势,平均日采食量和蛋壳厚度有降低趋势,总经济效益试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组分别较对照组提高了11.1%、16.3%.结论:在产蛋期鹌鹑日粮中添加1.5%~3%的大豆脂肪磷脂粉不仅可显著改善产蛋鹌鹑的产蛋性能,还能直接提高经济效益和提高蛋产品的商品性能,值得在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

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