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One of the principal means of understanding upper mantle dynamics involves inferring mantle flow directions from seismic anisotropy under the assumption that the seismic fast direction (olivine a axis) parallels the regional flow direction. We demonstrate that (i) the presence of melt weakens the alignment of a axes and (ii) when melt segregates and forms networks of weak shear zones, strain partitions between weak and strong zones, resulting in an alignment of a axes 90 degrees from the shear direction in three-dimensional deformation. This orientation of a axes provides a new means of interpreting mantle flow from seismic anisotropy in partially molten deforming regions of Earth.  相似文献   

The 410-kilometer seismic discontinuity is generally considered to be caused by a phase transformation of the main constituent of the upper mantle, olivine, alpha-(Mg,Fe)(2)SiO(4), to beta-(Mg,Fe)(2)SiO(4). Recent data show that H(2)O dissolves in olivine and other nominally anhydrous mantle minerals and that the partitioning of H(2)O between olivine and beta-(Mg,Fe)(2)SiO(4) is about 1:10. Such behavior strongly affects the region over which the alpha to beta phase transformation occurs and hence the seismic discontinuity that results. The observed width of the discontinuity constrains the maximum H(2)O content of upper mantle olivine to about 200 parts per million by weight.  相似文献   

Crystal defects form during tectonic deformation and are reactivated by the shear stress associated with passing seismic waves. Although these defects, known as dislocations, potentially contribute to the attenuation of seismic waves in Earth's upper mantle, evidence for dislocation damping from laboratory studies has been circumstantial. We experimentally determined the shear modulus and associated strain-energy dissipation in pre-deformed synthetic olivine aggregates under high pressures and temperatures. Enhanced high-temperature background dissipation occurred in specimens pre-deformed by dislocation creep in either compression or torsion, the enhancement being greater for prior deformation in torsion. These observations suggest the possibility of anisotropic attenuation in relatively coarse-grained rocks where olivine is or was deformed at relatively high stress by dislocation creep in Earth's upper mantle.  相似文献   

High-pressure and high-temperature torsion experiments on olivine aggregates in dislocation creep show about 15 to 20% strain weakening before steady-state behavior, characterized by subgrain-rotation recrystallization and a strong lattice preferred orientation. Such weakening may provide a way to focus flow in the upper mantle without a change in deformation mechanism. Flow laws derived from low strain data may not be appropriate for use in modeling high strain regions. In such areas, seismic wave propagation will be anisotropic with an axis of approximate rotational symmetry about the shear direction. In contrast to current thinking, the anisotropy will not indicate the orientation of the shear plane in highly strained, recrystallized olivine-rich rocks.  相似文献   

Many volcanic arcs display fast seismic shear-wave velocities parallel to the strike of the trench. This pattern of anisotropy is inconsistent with simple models of corner flow in the mantle wedge. Although several models, including slab rollback, oblique subduction, and deformation of water-rich olivine, have been proposed to explain trench-parallel anisotropy, none of these mechanisms are consistent with all observations. Instead, small-scale convection driven by the foundering of dense arc lower crust provides an explanation for the trench-parallel anisotropy, even in settings with orthogonal convergence and no slab rollback.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution stacks of precursors to the seismic phase SS, we investigated seismic discontinuities associated with mineralogical phase changes approximately 410 and 660 kilometers (km) deep within Earth beneath South America and the surrounding oceans. Detailed maps of phase boundary topography revealed deep 410- and 660-km discontinuities in the down-dip direction of subduction, inconsistent with purely isochemical olivine phase transformation in response to lowered temperatures. Mechanisms invoking chemical heterogeneity within the mantle transition zone were explored to explain this feature. In some regions, multiple reflections from the discontinuities were detected, consistent with partial melt near 410-km depth and/or additional phase changes near 660-km depth. Thus, the origin of upper mantle heterogeneity has both chemical and thermal contributions and is associated with deeply rooted tectonic processes.  相似文献   

The mantle flow field beneath western North America   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Silver PG  Holt WE 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2002,295(5557):1054-1057
Although motions at the surface of tectonic plates are well determined, the accompanying horizontal mantle flow is not. We have combined observations of surface deformation and upper mantle seismic anisotropy to estimate this flow field for western North America. We find that the mantle velocity is 5.5 +/- 1.5 centimeters per year due east in a hot spot reference frame, nearly opposite to the direction of North American plate motion (west-southwest). The flow is only weakly coupled to the motion of the surface plate, producing a small drag force. This flow field is probably due to heterogeneity in mantle density associated with the former Farallon oceanic plate beneath North America.  相似文献   

Water in the deep upper mantle can influence the properties of seismic discontinuities in the mantle transition zone. Observations of converted seismic waves provide evidence of a 20- to 35-kilometer-thick discontinuity near a depth of 410 kilometers, most likely explained by as much as 700 parts per million of water by weight.  相似文献   

The single-crystal elastic moduli of the modified spinel structure (beta phase) of magnesium orthosilicate (Mg(2)SiO(4)) have been measured by Brillouin spectroscopy under ambient conditions. Single crystals with dimensions up to 500 micrometers were grown at 22 gigapascals and 2000 degrees C over a period of 1 hour. Growth of crystals larger than 100 micrometers was achieved only when the pressure was within 5 percent of the pressure of the phase boundary separating the beta- and gamma-phase stability fields. A comparison of the elastic properties of the modified spinel phase with those of the olivine phase suggests that the 400-kilometer seismic discontinuity in the earth's mantle can be described by a mantle with 40 percent olivine. These results confirm that the 400-kilometer discontinuity can be due to the transition from olivine to modified spinel. The amount of olivine that must be present is less than that in a pyrolite model, although the results do not exclude pyrolite as a possible mantle model.  相似文献   

The C-region of the upper mantle has two transition regions 75 to 90 kilometers thick. In western North America these start at depths of 365 kilometers and 620 kilometers and involve velocity increases of about 9 to 10 percent. The locations of these transition regions, their general shape, and their thicknesses are consistent with, first, the transformation of magnesium-rich olivine to a spinel structure and, then, a further collapse of a material having approximately the properties of the component oxides. The velocity increases associated with each transition region are slightly less than predicted for the appropriate phase change. This can be interpreted in terms of an increasing fayalite content with depth. The location of the transition regions and the seismic velocities in their vicinity supply new information regarding the composition and temperature of the upper mantle. The depths of the transition regions are consistent with temperatures near 1500 degrees C at 365 kilometers and 1900 degrees C at 620 kilometers.  相似文献   

The view that the seismic discontinuities bounding the mantle transition zone at 410- and 660-kilometer depths are caused by isochemical phase transformations of the olivine structure is debated. Combining converted-wave measurements in East Asia and Australia with seismic velocities from regional tomography studies, we observe a correlation of the thickness of, and wavespeed variations within, the transition zone that is consistent with olivine structural transformations. Moreover, the seismologically inferred Clapeyron slopes are in agreement with the mineralogical Clapeyron slopes of the (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 spinel and postspinel transformations.  相似文献   

The independent elastic constants of an upper mantle mineral, San Carlos olivine [(Mg(1.8)Fe(0.2))SiO(4)], were measured from 0 to 12.5 gigapascals. Evidence is offered in support of the proposition that the explicit temperature dependence of the bulk modulus is small over the range of temperatures and pressures thought to prevail above the 400-kilometer discontinuity, and thus the data can be extrapolated to estimate the properties of olivine under mantle conditions at a depth of 400 kilometers. In the absence of high-temperature data at high pressures, estimates are made of the properties of olivine under mantle conditions to a depth of 400 kilometers. In contrast with low-pressure laboratory data, the predicted covariance of shear and compressional velocities as a function of temperature nearly matches the seismically estimated value for the lower mantle.  相似文献   

Seismic discontinuities in Earth typically arise from structural, chemical, or temperature variations with increasing depth. The pressure-induced iron spin state transition in the lower mantle may influence seismic wave velocities by changing the elasticity of iron-bearing minerals, but no seismological evidence of an anomaly exists. Inelastic x-ray scattering measurements on (Mg(0.83)Fe(0.17))O-ferropericlase at pressures across the spin transition show effects limited to the only shear moduli of the elastic tensor. This explains the absence of deviation in the aggregate seismic velocities and, thus, the lack of a one-dimensional seismic signature of the spin crossover. The spin state transition does, however, influence shear anisotropy of ferropericlase and should contribute to the seismic shear wave anisotropy of the lower mantle.  相似文献   

Seismic anisotropy: tracing plate dynamics in the mantle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Park J  Levin V 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2002,296(5567):485-489
Elastic anisotropy is present where the speed of a seismic wave depends on its direction. In Earth's mantle, elastic anisotropy is induced by minerals that are preferentially oriented in a directional flow or deformation. Earthquakes generate two seismic wave types: compressional (P) and shear (S) waves, whose coupling in anisotropic rocks leads to scattering, birefringence, and waves with hybrid polarizations. This varied behavior is helping geophysicists explore rock textures within Earth's mantle and crust, map present-day upper-mantle convection, and study the formation of lithospheric plates and the accretion of continents in Earth history.  相似文献   

Ocean crust is the outermost layer of earth under the oceans. It is separated from the underlying mantle by a seismic transition zone called the Moho. A widely held view is that the Moho represents a petrologic change from basaltic-type rocks to a mantle composed mostly of olivine and pyroxene. According to this view, crust is formed by a steady segregation of basaltic melt, derived from partial melting of the mantle, into a crustal magma chamber wherein cooling and crystallization bring about steady-state accretion to the continuously spreading plates. There is sufficient disagreement between the predictions of this hypothesis and marine geophysical data to cause one to doubt the validity of this formation process. At least two other processes are more compatible with the geophysical data. In one, the crust is formed from the episodic injection of basaltic dikes from a mantle reservoir and the Moho is a primary petrologic boundary. In the other, the crust is treated as a mechanical boundary layer in which thermal contraction results in cracking; by comparison, in the mantle thermal contraction is accommodated by flow. The upper part of the crust is formed from episodic extrusion and intrusion of basaltic melt. The lower crust is formed by rapid hydrothermal alteration of mantle that may be continuously or episodically injected by viscous flow at temperatures below the melting temperature.  相似文献   

The individual elastic constants of magnesium oxide (MgO) have been determined throughout Earth's lower mantle (LM) pressure-temperature regime with density functional perturbation theory. It is shown that temperature effects on seismic observables (density, velocities, and anisotropy) are monotonically suppressed with increasing pressure. Therefore, at realistic LM conditions, the isotropic wave velocities of MgO remain comparable to seismic velocities, as previously noticed in athermal high-pressure calculations. Also, the predicted strong pressure-induced anisotropy is preserved toward the bottom of the LM, so lattice-preferred orientations in MgO may contribute substantially to the observed seismic anisotropy in the D" layer.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic tomographic models of the upper mantle provide powerful new constraints on theories of plate tectonics and hotspots. Midocean ridges have extremely low seismic velocities to a depth of 100 kilometers. These low velocities imply partial melting. At greater depths, low-velocity and high-velocity anomalies record, respectively, previous positions of migrating ridges and trenches. Extensional, rifting, and hotspot regions have deep (> 200 kilometers) low-velocity anomalies. The upper mantle is characterized by vast domains of high temperature rather than small regions surrounding hotspots; the asthenosphere is not homogeneous or isothermal. Extensive magmatism requires a combination of hot upper mantle and suitable lithospheric conditions. High-velocity regions of the upper 200 kilometers of the mantle correlate with Archean cratons.  相似文献   

Thermal calculations and convection analysis, constrained by seismic tomography results, suggest that a small-scale convective instability developed in the upper 200 kilometers of the mantle under California after the upwelling and cooling of asthenosphere into the slab window associated with the formation of the San Andreas transform boundary. The upper bound for the upper mantle viscosity in the slab window, 5 x 10(19) pascal seconds, is similar to independent estimates for the asthenosphere beneath young oceanic and tectonically active continental regions. These model calculations suggest that many tectonically active continental regions characterized by low upper mantle seismic velocities may be affected by time-dependent small-scale convection that can generate localized areas of uplift and subsidence.  相似文献   

Understanding deformation of mineral phases in the lowermost mantle is important for interpreting seismic anisotropy in Earth's interior. Recently, there has been considerable controversy regarding deformation-induced slip in MgSiO(3) post-perovskite. Here, we observe that (001) lattice planes are oriented at high angles to the compression direction immediately after transformation and before deformation. Upon compression from 148 gigapascals (GPa) to 185 GPa, this preferred orientation more than doubles in strength, implying slip on (001) lattice planes. This contrasts with a previous experiment that recorded preferred orientation likely generated during the phase transformation rather than deformation. If we use our results to model deformation and anisotropy development in the D' region of the lower mantle, shear-wave splitting (characterized by fast horizontally polarized shear waves) is consistent with seismic observations.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian hotspot is often attributed to hot material rising from depth in the mantle, but efforts to detect a thermal plume seismically have been inconclusive. To investigate pertinent thermal anomalies, we imaged with inverse scattering of SS waves the depths to seismic discontinuities below the Central Pacific, which we explain with olivine and garnet transitions in a pyrolitic mantle. The presence of an 800- to 2000-kilometer-wide thermal anomaly (ΔT(max) ~300 to 400 kelvin) deep in the transition zone west of Hawaii suggests that hot material does not rise from the lower mantle through a narrow vertical plume but accumulates near the base of the transition zone before being entrained in flow toward Hawaii and, perhaps, other islands. This implies that geochemical trends in Hawaiian lavas cannot constrain lower mantle domains directly.  相似文献   

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