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鲟形目鱼类渔业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论述了国内外鲟形目鱼类和渔业。包括三部分:1.鲟形目的种类和分布:2.鲟形目的生物学特征;3.世界上鲟鱼和白鲟渔业,并着重讨论该鱼类资源在我国的开发和利用。  相似文献   

李建星 《齐鲁渔业》2008,25(4):38-39
西伯利亚鲟,属鲟形目,鲟科,是一种具有较高营养价值的鱼类。该鱼肉质细腻、味道鲜美、营养丰富,具有生长快、品质优、环境适应能力强、抗病力强等特点,备受养殖户和消费者的青睐,具有广阔养殖前景。2006年东营区渔业技术推广站利用工厂化池塘进行西伯利亚鲟养殖试验,取得成功。现将试验总结如下:  相似文献   

里海流域鲟渔业现状和保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨德国 《淡水渔业》1996,26(2):33-34
里海流域鲟渔业现状和保护杨德国(中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所)里海位于俄罗斯境内,与哈萨克斯坦、土库曼斯坦及阿塞拜疆相接壤。里海流域是俄罗斯鲟类主要产地,其鲟类产量约占全俄鲟类产量的90%。一、里海的鲟渔业现状六十年代以来,为保护和恢复里海流域日...  相似文献   

美国高首鲟渔业考察梁旭方,林子扬(水利部中国科学院水库渔业研究所,武汉430073)1995年3月28日-4月6日作者对美国太平洋沿岸地区高首鲟渔业进行了专门考察,现将主要考察结果综述如下。1高首鲟资源状况美国太平洋沿岸地区仅有2种鲟鱼:中吻鲟(当地...  相似文献   

鲟科鱼类有很高的经济价值和研究意义,如苏联,鲟渔业在国民经济中占有重要的地位。每年仅鱼仔酱出口所换取的外汇就超过15亿美元。近年来,鲟渔业在美国、西欧也普遍得到发展。  相似文献   

世界鲟鱼类资源及其养殖前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1 世界鲟鱼类渔业产量变化 :当今准确掌握鲟鱼的世界渔业产量较为困难。据近几年来的大量资料报道[1- 7] 。①世界鲟鱼的产量 ,由于受自然环境的污染影响 ,其栖息水域范围正在缩小 ,而产量也在逐年下降。②世界最大鲟渔业产量生产地为里海的沿海国家 ,其鳇鱼子产量占 5 0 %以上 ,主要渔业产量的国家仍为亚洲。 80~ 90年代中期 ,年产量高达 8万吨左右 ,近几年来锐减为 5 0 0 0吨 ,其中我国是黑龙江鲟、鳇鱼的主要产地 ,据统计 1985~ 1991年黑龙江鲟、鳇鱼捕捞产量见表 1。表 1  1985~ 1991年黑龙江鲟、鳇鱼捕捞量年份 1985 198619871988…  相似文献   

正达氏鲟隶属于硬骨鱼纲、鲟形目、鲟科、是一种软骨硬鳞淡水定居性鱼类。又名长江鲟、沙腊子,分布于我国长江干支流及沿江大型湖泊,喜栖息于流速较缓、腐殖质和底栖生物丰富的沙质底河湾或深沱中,常在江河中下层活动。其肉厚骨软、营养丰富、味道鲜美,具有很高的经济价值,在产区的渔业中尚占有一定位置。天然产量较小,近年来数量锐减,被列为国家Ⅰ级保护野生动物,处于濒危状态。为了有  相似文献   

鲟鱼养殖中的疾病防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲟形目鱼类由地球上最古老、最原始的辐鳍鱼类演化而来.全世界现存鲟类28种,按其生活习性分为淡水、咸淡水和海水三种类型.我国的鲟类有2科3属8种,长江水系的有中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)、白鲟(Psephurus gladius)和达氏鲟(A.dabryanus);黑龙江水系的有史氏鲟(A.schrencki)和达氏鳇(Huso dauricus);新疆地区有裸腹鲟(A.nudiventris)、小体鲟(A.ruthenus)和西伯利亚鲟(A.baeri).  相似文献   

鲟形目鱼类9个物种线粒体基因组的基因组成高度保守,均编码37个基因,长度为16 438bp(达氏鲟)~16 760bp(欧洲鳇)。主编码链的A+T含量为53.3%(密苏里铲鲟)~54.6%(中华鲟和匙吻鲟)。9个蛋白质编码基因(atp6、atp8、cob、cox1、cox3、nad1、nad3、nad4和nad4L)编码氨基酸数目相同,分别为227、55、380、517、261、324、116、460和98个。15个主编码基因的差异位点分析表明,在鲟形目鱼类分子生态和群体遗传的研究中,nad5、nad4、cox1和cob基因是理想的分子标记,可用于分析其不同物种和群体之间的遗传多样性。在9种鲟形目鱼类中,遗传距离最小的是中华鲟与俄罗斯鲟(0.0070),遗传距离最大的是闪光鲟与白鲟(0.1777)。2个科之间的遗传距离远远大于科内部的遗传距离,因此支持传统的科级分类。基于线粒体基因组的系统发育结果表明,鲟形目鱼类分为2支:鲟科的7个物种和匙吻鲟科的2个物种分属2个类群(BPN=100,BPM=100,BPP=100),这与经典的系统分类观点一致。隶属于鲟属的中华鲟、俄罗斯鲟及闪光鲟与欧洲鳇聚类,支持率非常高(BPN=100,BPM=100,BPP=100),而将同为鲟属的高首鲟和达氏鲟排除在外,从而表明,线粒体基因组的数据支持将欧洲鳇并入鲟属。基于线粒体基因组数据支持鲟科内部的亲缘关系为:{[(中华鲟+俄罗斯鲟)+闪光鲟]+欧洲鳇}+(高首鲟+达氏鲟),密苏里铲鲟与它们关系最远。  相似文献   

西伯利亚鲟基本生物学特性及养殖介绍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲟隶属于硬骨鱼纲,辅鳍亚纲,硬鳞总目,鲟形目,是大型的、珍贵的淡水经济鱼类。现存鲟形目鱼类共计2科6属25种,我国的鲟类有2科3属8种,  相似文献   

Status, trends and management of sturgeon and paddlefish fisheries   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The 27 extant species of sturgeons and paddlefishes (Order Acipenseriformes) represent a unique and relict lineage of fishes. Producers of coveted black caviar, sturgeons are one of the most valuable wildlife commodities on earth. The group is among the most endangered fishes with all species listed under Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Appendix I (two species) or II (25 species), only two species considered Lower Risk by IUCN, four of the nine US taxa and one Caspian species protected under the Endangered Species Act, and local extinctions recorded for 19 of 27 species. Despite their well‐publicized imperilled status, commercial pressure on 15 species persists. Here, after reviewing the biological characteristics of sturgeons and paddlefishes and their commercial use, an overview of global fisheries is presented. The synopsis demonstrates that, with few exceptions, sturgeon and paddlefish are imperilled across the globe and long‐term survival in the wild is in jeopardy. All major sturgeon fisheries have surpassed peak productivity levels, with 70% of major fisheries posting recent harvests <15% of historic peak catches and 35% of the fisheries examined crashing within 7–20 years of inception. Even in Caspian Sea fisheries, the most important globally, present catches are below 10% of historic peak landings. Improved domestic and international fisheries management and attention to habitat and species restoration is now needed. Although captive rearing offers promise for caviar alternatives and endangered species restoration, it must advance cautiously to avoid environmental harm. To ensure a continued supply of caviar and the survival of these unique fishes we offer recommendations for priority conservation action for the future.  相似文献   

Despite recreational fisheries serving as a prime example of a coupled social–ecological system, much of the research on such fisheries has been monothematic in orientation and focused either on fisheries ecology or human dimensions. An attempt was made to break down some of the barriers to more interdisciplinary research on recreational fisheries at the 6th World Recreational Fishing Conference. The overall conclusion was that future research and management efforts should increasingly focus on the feedbacks between the interacting human and ecological components of recreational fisheries. Doing so promises to improve understanding of how recreational fisheries respond to social–ecological change. In this context, the behaviour of both fishes and humans provides an important, yet often overlooked, integrator of the ecological and social components of recreational fisheries. A better understanding of the behavioural dynamics of recreational fishers as well as exploited fishes will help predict how recreational fisheries change, evolve, adapt and reorganise through time to maintain resilience and achieve sustainability on a global scale.  相似文献   

鲭科(Scombridae)由15属51种表层洄游性海洋鱼类组成,广泛分布于热带和亚热带海域,是重要的经济鱼类。目前关于鲭科鱼类系统发生学的研究主要基于形态学特征。为了从分子水平上阐明鲭科鱼类的分类与系统进化关系,本研究扩增了鲭科7种鱼类的线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因1个含311个碱基的序列区和转录间隔区1(ITS1)的1个含644~692个碱基的序列区。采用多个生物软件对序列碱基组成进行分析,计算了Kimura-2parameter遗传距离、转换/颠换比等遗传信息指数。Cyt b和ITS1序列4种碱基平均含量分别是:A为22.8%、G为16.4%、C为31.2%、T为29.5%和A为13.5%、G为31.3%、C为38.7%、T为16.5%。基于Cyt b计算的鲭科鱼类种间遗传距离为0.0065~0.3335,平均遗传距离为0.1689;基于ITS1计算的金枪鱼族鱼类种间遗传距离为0.0032~0.2668,平均遗传距离为0.2025。Cyt b和ITS1序列的转换/颠换比分别为1.8和0.9。以竹荚鱼(Trachurus trachurus)和花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)为外群,并结合GenBank上鲭科24种鱼类的同源序列,构建NJ、ML和ME系统树。研究结果确认了金枪鱼属处于系统进化树的顶端,代表着最新演化的种类,是鲭科中最繁盛的一属,也是目前系统发育的高峰。所有分子系统树都表明鲣属、鲔属和舵鲣属显示与金枪鱼属很近的亲缘关系,它们均归入金枪鱼族。然而,研究结果与形态学上将金枪鱼属分为2个亚属的分类结果存在分歧。同时,本研究关于狐鲣属、平鲣属、刺鲅属和双线鲅属进化地位上的结果也不同于形态学的结果。故鲭科鱼类客观、科学的分类地位还需通过形态学、生态学和分子生物学的深入研究加以确认。  相似文献   

Near extinction of a highly fecund fish: the one that nearly got away   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It is widely assumed that commercial fisheries of highly fecund species are particularly resilient to exploitation, and that, should populations become seriously diminished, economic constraints will force fishing to cease before biological extinction can occur. Indeed, among commercially exploited marine fishes there is not one confirmed global extinction. Here we document, using nonconventional means, a story that not only questions such assumptions but that should also alert us to how little we know about significant fisheries in some parts of the world. Our case study is that of the highly threatened Chinese bahaba, Bahaba taipingensis, a member of the Sciaenidae (the drums or croakers), and an example of a fecund and commercially important group of fishes that appears to be especially vulnerable to fishing. We also demonstrate that the careful use of informal, or traditional, information can provide a powerful, sometimes unique, means of identifying and assessing the status and history of species that might be quietly slipping away before we learn anything about them.  相似文献   

Knowledge of life‐history traits is increasingly recognized as an important criterion for effective management and conservation. Understanding the link between physiology and life history is an important component of this knowledge and in our view is particularly relevant to understanding marine and freshwater fishes. Such linkages (i.e. the life‐history/physiology nexus) have been recently advocated for avian systems and here we explore this concept for fish. This paper highlights the gap in fisheries literature with regard to understanding the relationship between physiology and life history, and proposes ways in which this integration could improve fisheries management and conservation. We use three case studies on different fishes (i.e. the Pacific salmon, the grouper complex and tuna) to explore these issues. The physiological structure and function of fish plays a central role in determining stock response to exploitation and changes in the environment. Physiological measures can provide simple indicators necessary for cost‐effective monitoring in the evaluation of fisheries sustainability. The declining state of world fisheries and the need to develop and implement restoration strategies, such as hatchery production or protected areas, provides strong incentive to better understand the influence of physiology on population and reproductive dynamics and early life history. Physiology influences key population‐level processes, particularly those dealing with reproduction, which must be incorporated into the design and successful implementation of specific and broadscale initiatives (e.g. aquatic protected areas and bycatch reduction). Suggestions are made for how to encourage wider application of the physiology/life‐history link, in fisheries management and conservation, as well as more broadly in education and research.  相似文献   

我国鲻、梭鱼类资源开发及其生态养殖前景的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鲻科鱼类(Mugilidae)是知名的世界性分布的经济鱼类,广泛栖息于淡水、河口和海水中。鲻鱼Mugil cephalus和梭鱼Liza haematocheila是亚洲地区鲻科鱼类中最主要的经济代表种。鲻、梭鱼属于植食性或腐屑食性,主要摄食环境中的有机碎屑。在养殖生产中,亦可起到净化养殖水域的作用,对维持养殖水域生态平衡和优化环境可起到重要作用。因此,从生态养殖角度考虑,广泛开展鲻、梭鱼类养殖,对调整我国当前渔业产业结构,降低养殖水域的自身污染,保障水产养殖业的持续、健康、稳定发展有着十分重要意义。  相似文献   

All possible tools need to be marshalled for marine fish conservation. Yet controversy has swirled around what role, if any, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) should play for marine fishes. This paper analyses the relevance and applicability of CITES as a complementary tool for fisheries management. CITES currently regulates the international trade of very few marine fish species, by listing them in its Appendices. After the first meeting of the Parties (member countries) in 1976, no new marine fish taxa were added to the CITES Appendices until 2002, when Parties agreed to act to ensure sustainable and legal international trade in seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) and two species of sharks. Progress has continued haltingly, adding only one more shark, humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) and sawfishes by 2012. Parties voice concerns that may include inadequate data, applicability of CITES listing criteria, roles of national fisheries agencies, enforcement challenges, CITES' lack of experience with marine fishes, and/or identification and by‐catch problems. A common query is the relationship between CITES and other international agreements. Yet all these arguments can be countered, revealing CITES to be a relevant and appropriate instrument for promoting sound marine fisheries management. In reality, Parties that cannot implement CITES effectively for marine fishes will also need help to manage their fisheries sustainably. CITES action complements and supports other international fisheries management measures. As CITES engages with more marine fish listings, there will be greater scope to analyse its effectiveness in supporting different taxa in different contexts.  相似文献   

Forage fish play a pivotal role in marine ecosystems and economies worldwide by sustaining many predators and fisheries directly and indirectly. We estimate global forage fish contributions to marine ecosystems through a synthesis of 72 published Ecopath models from around the world. Three distinct contributions of forage fish were examined: (i) the ecological support service of forage fish to predators in marine ecosystems, (ii) the total catch and value of forage fisheries and (iii) the support service of forage fish to the catch and value of other commercially targeted predators. Forage fish use and value varied and exhibited patterns across latitudes and ecosystem types. Forage fish supported many kinds of predators, including fish, seabirds, marine mammals and squid. Overall, forage fish contribute a total of about $16.9 billion USD to global fisheries values annually, i.e. 20% of the global ex‐vessel catch values of all marine fisheries combined. While the global catch value of forage fisheries was $5.6 billion, fisheries supported by forage fish were more than twice as valuable ($11.3 billion). These estimates provide important information for evaluating the trade‐offs of various uses of forage fish across ecosystem types, latitudes and globally. We did not estimate a monetary value for supportive contributions of forage fish to recreational fisheries or to uses unrelated to fisheries, and thus the estimates of economic value reported herein understate the global value of forage fishes.  相似文献   

Freshwater capture fisheries are globally essential for food security and aquatic biodiversity conservation. The Yangtze River Basin is the third longest and one of the most human‐influenced drainage basins worldwide. Since the founding of P. R. China in 1949, this large river system has suffered increasing human perturbation and its sustainable development is now severely challenged. Meta‐analysis showed that Yangtze River fisheries have experienced an extraordinary process of utilization–over‐exploitation–protection during the past 70 years, to an extent that other globally important rivers may never have encountered. Its fisheries appear to have collapsed over the past four decades, with yield decreasing to only 25% of an historical peak of 400,000 metric tonnes in the late 1950s. Endemic, migratory and rare fishes have been highly threatened with obvious changes in fish community structure and aquatic biodiversity. Anthropogenic activities, including impoundment of water in dams, discharge of pollutants and riverine modification for vessel navigation, have caused large decreases in fisheries yields. Projections from surplus production modelling showed potential for improvement under fishing ban scenarios, but without any prospect for full recovery to historical stock status. This study revealed that the change in fisheries resources was dominated by the social–ecological watershed system, and an integrated approach to river basin management is warranted. Better management of freshwater ecosystems to integrate food security with biodiversity conservation is urgently needed throughout the world, and the changes evident in the Yangtze River fish populations can serve as an informative global reference.  相似文献   

Canopy‐forming macroalgae can construct extensive meadow habitats in tropical seascapes occupied by fishes that span a diversity of taxa, life‐history stages and ecological roles. Our synthesis assessed whether these tropical macroalgal habitats have unique fish assemblages, provide fish nurseries and support local fisheries. We also applied a meta‐analysis of independent surveys across 23 tropical reef locations in 11 countries to examine how macroalgal canopy condition is related to the abundance of macroalgal‐associated fishes. Over 627 fish species were documented in tropical macroalgal meadows, with 218 of these taxa exhibiting higher local abundance within this habitat (cf. nearby coral reef) during at least one life‐history stage. Major overlap (40%–43%) in local fish species richness among macroalgal and seagrass or coral reef habitats suggest macroalgal meadows may provide an important habitat refuge. Moreover, the prominence of juvenile fishes suggests macroalgal meadows facilitate the triphasic life cycle of many fishes occupying diverse tropical seascapes. Correlations between macroalgal canopy structure and juvenile abundance suggests macroalgal habitat condition can influence levels of replenishment in tropical fish populations, including the majority of macroalgal‐associated fishes that are targeted by commercial, subsistence or recreational fisheries. While many macroalgal‐associated fishery species are of minor commercial value, their local importance for food and livelihood security can be substantial (e.g. up to 60% of landings in Kenyan reef fisheries). Given that macroalgal canopy condition can vary substantially with sea temperature, there is a high likelihood that climate change will impact macroalgal‐associated fish and fisheries.  相似文献   

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