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The antigen detection enzyme immunoassay (AgELISA) in conjunction with parasitological examination of blood were used to study the enzootic situation of cameline trypanosomiasis in mid-Eastern Sudan. A one year survey showed that the infection is endemic among pastoral camels with a prevalence of 5.4% based on parasitological examination and 31.3% based on AgELISA. The infection rate was higher during the dry period (November to May) than the wet season. Young camels had a much lower infection rate as detected by parasitological techniques, but not with AgELISA. A lower prevalence of infection was detected by buffy coat technique (BCT) in herds of camels raised by nomads compared with those kept by agropastoralists and in camels located in the southern districts of mid-Eastern Sudan.  相似文献   

The efficacy of berenil (diminazene aceturate) was studied in experimental Trypanosoma evansi infection in albino mice. The criteria used for the assessment of the anti-trypanosomal effect of berenil included the examination of the blood and tissues for T. evansi and the clinical, pathological and enzyme histochemical changes seen in the lungs, heart, liver, kidney and spleen at intervals after treatment. Single doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg of berenil given intraperitoneally or intramuscularly to infected mice produced a complete elimination of the protozoon and caused a slow tissue recovery mirrored in the persistence of lesions in different organs. Single doses of 3.5 mg/kg of berenil were less effective and none of the three dose levels of the drug used induced toxic effects in albino mice.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The prevalence and distribution of Trypanosoma evansi (T. evansi) infection on camels in Somaliland were studied using the card agglutination test (CATT/T....  相似文献   

Summary Five diagnostic tests for infection withTrypanosoma evansi have been compared in groups of camels experimentally infected or exposed to natural infection in the Sudan. The correlation of positive results obtained by assays of IgM levels, the mercuric chloride test and the formol gel test with the presence of active infection was unsatisfactory, but there was a good correlation between results obtained using IFAT and ELISA and proven infection. Sera from a high proportion of apparently uninfected camels from endemic areas gave positive reactions with all 5 tests, possibly indicating inadequate parasitological diagnosis or persistence of antibody after unsatisfactory chemotherapy. It was concluded that serological tests using trypanosomal antigens to detect antibodies were more sensitive for diagnosis than indirect tests based on raised euglobulin levels. Serodiagnostic tests may therefore have a place in future programmes for surveillance and control ofT. evansi infections in camels.
Serodiagnostico De La Infeccion PorTrypanosoma Evansi En Camellos En Sudan
Resumen Se compararon cinco pruebas diagnósticas para infecciones porTrypanosoma evansi en grupos de camellos infectados experimentalmente o expuestos a la infección natural. La correlación de los resultados positivos utilizando pruebas de difusión radial aisladas, le niveles de IgM, la prueba de cloruro de mercúrio, y la prueba de agar formol con la presencia de infección activa, fue insatisfactória. Hubo buena correlación entre los resultados obtenidos con IFAT y ELISA con infección comprobada. El suero de una proporción alta de camellos aparentemente sanos, provenientes de áreas endémicas, presentaron reacciones positivas con las cinco pruebas, indicando posiblemente un diagnóstico parasitológico inadecuado, o la persistencia de anticuerpos despues de una quimioterápia inadecuada. Se concluyó, que las pruebas serológicas usando antígenos preparados de tripanosomas para detectar anticuerpos, fueron más sensitovos que las pruebas indirectas basadas en el aumento de euglobulinas. Las pruebas serodiagnósticas posiblemente tendran un lugar en programas futuros de reconocimiento y control deT. evansi en camellos.

Serodiagnostic De La Trypanosomose AT. Evansi Chez Le Chameau Du Soudan
Résumé Cinq méthodes de diagnostic de la trypanosomose àT. evansi chez le chameau ont été comparées en utilisant des chameaux expérimentalement et naturellement infectés, au Soudan. La corrélation des résultats positifs obtenus par utilisation de la diffusion radiale des Igm, par le test au chlorure mercurique et par le test de la formol gélification à l'occasion des infections en évolution, n'a pas été satisfaisante alors qu'il y a eu bonne corrélation entre les résultats obtenus par IFAT et ELISA et des infections véritables.Les sérums d'une importante proportion de chameaux apparemment non infectés, en provenance de régions à maladie endémique, ont donné des réactions positives aux cinq tests, ce qui peut indiquer soit une insuffisance dans le diagnostic parasitologique soit la persistance d'anticorps résultant d'une chimiothérapie insuffisánte.Les auteurs concluent que les tests sérologiques utilisant des trypanosomes comme antigènes pour mettre les anticorps en évidence sont plus sensibles, en matière de diagnostic, que les tests indirects basés sur la détection des niveaux des IgM. C'est pourquoi les tests faisant appel aux méthodes de sérodiagnostic doivent avoir leur place dans les programmes à venir concernant tant la surveillance que la lutte contre les infections du chameau àT. evansi.

The first outbreak of trypanosomosis caused by Trypanosoma evansi in camels in France was reported on a farm in the Aveyron Department. Five camels were imported from the Canary Islands to the farm in early July 2006, and trypanosomes were observed on a stained blood smear from one of them, which died in October. On further investigations, trypanosomes were observed in the blood of five camels, three of them indigenous to the farm and two that had been imported. On the basis of microscopical examination (morphological criteria and measurements) and serological results based on the card agglutination T evansi test and PCR typing, the parasites were identified as T evansi. After treatment with melarsomine, the infected camels rapidly became negative by parasitological tests and were negative two to four months later by serological tests. The parasite was probably transmitted by tabanids and Stomoxys calcitrans, which were abundant in July to September 2006. No parasites were observed in other animals on the farm or on neighbouring farms, but some of the sheep on these farms were positive by PCR or serology.  相似文献   

An ELISA test was used to determine the persistence of antibody levels in horses following treatment for Trypanosoma evansi. In 17 horses with T. evansi from two farms treated and cured with quinapyramine sulphate, ELISA antibody levels fell progressively post-treatment, but remained with positive results for 22.6 months in one horse, 12.8 months in a second, 4.1 months in another four and 2.3 months in three, whilst the rest became negative at 2.3 months. In two horses that suffered a post-treatment infection relapse the decrease in ELISA levels was only temporary, and a new increase in antibody levels was proven. The follow-up of these antibody levels could prove useful in clinical cases and in epidemiological studies, as well as for assessing the efficacy of drug treatment.  相似文献   

Camel trypanosomosis (Surra) causes high morbidity and is an impediment to the camel husbandry in Kenya. The lack of a sensitive diagnostic test has hindered the collection of accurate epidemiological data and institution of control programmes. A cross-sectional study was conducted in three districts of Kenya to estimate the prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi (T. evansi) and to compare four diagnostic tests: polymerase chain reaction (PCR), card agglutination test (CATT/T. evansi), microhaematocrit centrifugation technique (MHCT) and mouse inoculation (MI). A total of 549 camels were randomly sampled. The overall prevalence of Surra was 5.3% using MHCT, 26.6% using PCR and 45.9% using CATT/T.evansi. There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) between PCR and CATT/T.evansi test, MHCT and MI in detection of T. evansi. The prevalence of T. evansi was 39.8% in Samburu, 24.7% in Nanyuki and 14.4% in Isiolo districts using PCR. A male camel was 2.6 times more likely to be infected with T. evansi compared to a female camel (OR = 3.0% CI: 1.6, 4.1), while an adult camel was 2.2 times more likely to be infected compared to non-adults (OR = 2.2; 95% CI: 1.2, 5.0). There was a poor association between the presence of the published clinical signs and seropositivity (kappa = 0.12), PCR (kappa = 0.11) and MHCT (kappa = 0.05). However, there was a higher agreement between farmers' classification of disease with the PCR test (kappa = 0.5, n = 61). The mean PCV varied with age, presence of infection, locality and gender, with the lowest mean PCV being recorded in MHCT-positive animals (20.97 +/- 0.5) and from infected calves (19.5 +/- 1.2). This study shows that PCR was more sensitive in detecting T. evansi than other tests used. Further, the prevalence of T. evansi in the camel herds sampled is higher than that previously reported in Kenya, and that the judgment by camel keepers may be a reliable "pen-side" diagnostic test for Surra. Considering the low sensitivity of parasitological techniques in detection of chronic T. evansi infection and high cost of PCR, development of a sensitive pen side diagnostic test, with a low cost is still a priority.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi infection (Surra) in herds of camels from the eastern area of Chad. The risk factors associated with disease were also identified. From August 1997 to April 1998, a random sample of 2831 camels from 136 herds was selected. Blood samples were collected and examined for the presence of T. evansi using an antibody (card agglutination test-CATT/T. evansi) and a parasite detection test (buffy-coat technique-BCT). Standardized questionnaires with information about the host and management practices were collected and evaluated for their association with seroprevalence (model 1) and parasitological prevalence (model 2) as indications of host sensitivity. In both models, risk factors were selected using ordinary logistic regression (OLR) and herd effect was evaluated using a generalized estimating equations (GEE) model. The apparent prevalence was 5.3% using BCT and 30.5% with CATT. Real prevalence was estimated at 16.9% +/- 1.4 (alpha = 5%). Overall, 27.9% (BCT) and 94.9% (CATT) of the herds had a least one-positive animal. Real herd prevalence was estimated at 42.6 +/- 8.3% (alpha = 5%). Camels of the large transhumants had the highest prevalence (estimated to 30.3% +/- 2.5; 62.9 +/- 12.0 in herds). Risk factors associated with seroprevalence were age, ethnic group, length of seasonal migration and longitude of pasture area in the dry season. Risk factors associated with BCT prevalence were age, length of seasonal migration, longitude of pasture area in the dry season, latitude of pasture area in the rainy season and season of sampling.  相似文献   

An outbreak of trypanosomoasis caused by Trypanosoma evansi involving horses, camels and donkeys occurred in a farm in Israel. A longitudinal study of two outbreak phases was conducted which included clinical monitoring, blood smears, packed cell volume (PCV), serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by reverse dot blot (RDB) for the molecular detection of infection. This was the first reported T. evansi outbreak in domestic animals in Israel. Most of the camels on the farm (8/10; 80%) were diagnosed with T. evansi infection whereas infection was less prevalent in the horses (3/7; 43%) and donkeys (6/13; 46%). Clinical disease was evident in 4 camels and 1 horse exhibiting characteristic clinical signs, anemia and parasitemia detected on blood smears and by positive RDB. Six other animals were diagnosed as asymptomatic latent carriers by positive RDB and 6 additional animals were only seropositive and were considered suspected carriers. A significant difference was found in the mean PCV between symptomatic and latent carriers with severe anemia observed only in the symptomatic animals. An anaphylactic-like reaction, fatal in one case, was observed in 2 camels diagnosed with severe trypanosome parasitemia immediately following treatment with melarsenoxide cysteamine. Furthermore, recurrence of infection was documented in one camel 4 months post treatment.  相似文献   

The card agglutination test for Trypanosoma evansi (CATT/T. evansi) for the detection of antibodies, and Suratex for the detection of circulating antigens were compared in a cross-sectional study involving camels in eastern and central parts of Kenya. Of the 2227 camels screened, 2038 were owned by nomadic pastoralists in T. evansi endemic areas in eastern Kenya. A herd of 86 camels were from a ranch in Mugwoni. In Athi River area, 35 camels belonged to Kenya Trypanosomiasis Research Institute, and 68 were slaughter animals. Diagnostic sensitivity estimates were obtained by testing sera from 51 camels that had been found to be parasitologically positive by the haematocrit centrifugation technique, buffy-coat technique and mouse inoculation. Diagnostic specificity was estimated by testing sera from 35 camels known to be trypanosome-free. Positive and negative predictive values (NPVs) were calculated using a range of prevalence values. The sensitivity of CATT/T. evansi (68.6%) was higher than that of Suratex (58.8%), but not significantly. Both tests had equally high specificity (100%). The overall prevalence was 2.3% (51 out of 2227) by parasite detection, 32.2% (327 out of 1017) by CATT/T. evansi and 19.6% (188 out of 961) by Suratex. Overall, there was a positive association between CATT/T. evansi and Suratex though the strength of association was low (McNemar's test=46.12, P=0.001; kappa=0.26, CI: 0.20-0.33). Parasite prevalence ranged from 0% in several herds to 27.8% in a herd in Isiolo. Prevalence was highest in Isiolo with 2.5% (51 out of 2030) by parasitological detection, 38.8% (321 out of 828) by CATT/T. evansi and 21.9% (169 out of 772) by Suratex. In Mugwoni prevalence was 7 and 18% by CATT/T. evansi and Suratex, respectively, and no parasites were detected. In Athi River Suratex detected 2.9% (3 out of 103) positive while CATT/T. evansi and parasitological methods gave negative results. At prevalence values between 10 and 100%, CATT/T. evansi as well as Suratex had infinitely high positive predictive values, whereas Suratex had a lower NPV than CATT/T. evansi. In conclusion, results of this study showed that CATT/T. evansi and Suratex were able to detect aparasitaemic infections rapidly and were more sensitive than parasitological methods in revealing the true extent of trypanosomosis in a herd. The tests effectively complemented parasitological methods in the detection of T. evansi infections in camels.  相似文献   

Point prevalences and animal-level risk factors for Trypanosoma evansi infection were investigated in a cross-sectional study that involved 2227 camels from eastern and central parts of Kenya. The screening tests used were haematocrit centrifugation technique (HCT), mouse inoculation and latex agglutination (Suratex). All camels were screened with HCT, while 396 and 961 of them were, in addition, screened with mouse inoculation and Suratex tests, respectively. Parasitological and Suratex test results were used in parallel to determine the number of camels exposed to T. evansi infections. Statistical analyses were conducted using Statistical Analysis Systems. Parasitological and Suratex test results in parallel were dependent variables in multivariable logistic regression models that determined risk factors for T. evansi infection. Herd-level clustering was corrected with general estimation equations. The prevalences were 2.3% and 19.6%, using parasitological and Suratex tests, respectively, and 21.7% when both tests were used in parallel. There was a positive association between the screening tests (McNemar's test = 104.8, P = 0.001) although the strength of association was low (Kappa = 0.2; 95% CI: 0.1-0.3). Before accounting for herd-level clustering, dry season (OR = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.0, 2.1) and nomadic pastoralism (OR = 1.8; 95% CI: 1.1, 3.2) were associated with increased odds of a camel being exposed to T. evansi infection compared to wet season and ranching, respectively. Following this correction, only nomadic pastoralism was significantly associated (OR = 3.1; 95% CI = 1.0, 14.4) with T. evansi infection compared to ranching. It is concluded that camels managed under nomadic pastoralism had higher risk of being exposed to T. evansi infections than camels from ranching systems of management.  相似文献   

A successful attempt has been made to transmit T. evansi orally in dogs and mice by allowing them to feed on infected meat and blood. The infection status was determined by daily examination of blood smears and clinical manifestations of trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

Blood from 115 camels in Kuwait was examined for blood parasites. Two camels of a local herd (1.7%) were found to be infected with Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) evansi and three camels (2.6%) with microfilarial nematodes. The Trypanosoma stocks isolated from these two camels were screened for isoenzyme patterns of 10 enzymes using thin-layer starch-gel electrophoresis. The results revealed that these two stocks were identical to camel stocks of T. evansi from certain countries in Africa, as well as to two stocks isolated from dogs in Kuwait. This is the first record of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) evansi isolates and microfilariae from camels in Kuwait.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation of trypanosomiasis in camels indicated a high prevalence of infection in southern Ethiopia. Various direct and indirect laboratory methods for the diagnosis of infection withTrypanosoma evansi were compared and evaluated. At the present time inoculation of camel blood into laboratory rodents appears to be the best direct diagnostic method. The formol-gel test and the Takata test appear to be the most sensitive and accurate of the biochemical methods available. However, there still remains a need for an accurate diagnostic test for individual cases.
Resumen Una investigación de Tripanosomiasis en camellos en el sur de Etiopía dio como resultado una prevalencia alta de la infección. Se compararon y evaluaron varios métodos directos e indirectos de laboratorio para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Actualmente el mejor método diagnóstico es la inoculación de reodores de laboratorio. Las pruebas químicas del formol gel y la takata parecen ser las más sensitivas y seguras. Sin embargo todavía hace falta una prueba diagnóstica segura para casos individuales.

Résumé L'étude des trypanosomiases du chameau a montré une grande prédominance de cette infection en Ethiopie du Sud. Diverses méthodes de laboratoire, directes et indirectes, pour le diagnostic de l'infection àT. evansi sont comparées et évaluées. A l'heure actuelle, l'inoculation de sang de chameau à des rongeurs de laboratoire para?t être la meilleure méthode de diagnostic direct. Le test au gel de formol et le test de Takata semblent les méthodes biochimiques les plus sensibles et les plus précises. Cependant un test de diagnostic précis pour les cas individuels reste à trouver.

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