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Anoestrus in Dairy Cows: Causes, Prevalence and Clinical Forms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews some of the recent advances in veterinary research regarding the causes, prevalence and clinical forms of pathological anoestrus in dairy cows. It is one of the few components responsible for occurrence of postpartum infertility in cattle, expressed in four clinical forms: silent heat, cystic ovarian disease, ovarian afunction and corpus luteum pseudograviditatis. The prevalence of these four forms in different herds is dependent on the managerial, environmental and nutritional status of the farm. Anything, regardless of its nature, that impedes the physiological mechanism involved in oestrus expression is liable to cause anoestrus. Nutrition (energy deficiency), interacted with other factors, is the major cause of this phenomenon (anoestrus). It has direct control of the postpartum anoestrus by negatively affecting the endocrine pathways responsible for proper functioning of the reproductive system through the blockage of pulsatile release of gonadotropin‐releasing hormone in the hypothalamus. Lack of proper training by the stockman substantially contributes to silent heat occurrence. Numerous attempts have been made to prevent or treat pathological anoestrus with exogenous hormones, or nonhormonal remedies like uterine palpation and infusion of Lugol's solution, all of which have produced variable but positive results. Specific treatment for each one of the four clinical forms is briefly outlined.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of macroglobulinemia in a six year old castrate male Collie cross dog with clinical signs of epistaxis, anemia, retinopathy and high serum viscosity. The highest total serum protein was 12 g/dl with approximately 60% monoclonal beta globulin. Proteinuria, Bence Jones protein and osteolytic lesions were not detected.Chemotherapy and partial removal of the plasma protein by withdrawal of whole blood and transfusion with packed red cells from a DEA negative donor resulted in transient clinical remission.  相似文献   

Abstract— Defects in thermal regulatory mechanisms of the new-born dog are described with particular reference to the relative absence of true chemical regulation of body temperature during the first 2–3 days of life. This deficiency is partly compensated by the ability to absorb heat from external sources. Some of the clinical signs of health of the day-old puppy are given together with signs of progressive hypothermia which can develop under natural conditions.  相似文献   

A case of preputial glomangioma in an 8-year-old Springer Spaniel dog is reported. The dog presented a solitary nodular mass, approximately 3.5 x 5.2 cm in diameter, located on the lateral wall of the prepuce at the base of the penis. Histologically, the excised tumour mass consisted of proliferating round epithelioid cells arranged in a cordon-like structure around small blood vessels. The neoplastic cells were positive for alpha smooth muscle actin and negative for cytokeratin, desmin, S-100 protein and neurone-specific enolase. Based on these pathologic features, the tumour was diagnosed as glomangioma, a neoplasm extremely rare in dogs. To our knowledge, this is the first report of preputial glomangioma in the dog.  相似文献   

Although cyclic changes of the endometrium in dogs involving both stromal and glandular compartments have been described, the fate of the surface epithelium after progressive growth and secretion is still unclear. In the present study, uteri of 43 healthy bitches in metoestrus and anoestrus were examined macroscopically and histologically. Tissue biopsies were taken from three different locations (cranial and middle parts of uterine horns and bifurcation). The stage of the oestrous cycle was determined by evaluation of progesterone and oestradiol levels in plasma hormone and was also confirmed clinically. Crypts formed in the luteal phase were covered with a columnar epithelium which gradually underwent fatty degeneration. In addition, the stromal part of the crypts disappeared and finally, in early anoestrus, epithelial sheaths desquamated and shed off into the uterine lumen. The surface epithelium was replaced by new cuboidal cells proliferating and migrating from the glandular openings. These findings were confirmed by oil red O staining and immunohistochemical detection of proliferation with Ki‐67 marker.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A protein-losing enteropathy in a dog is described. There was a history of chronic gastrointestinal upset and examination revealed hypoproteinaemic oedema and ascites. Antemortem laboratory findings indicated a protein-losing enteropathy and these, together with the results of clinical and necropsy examination, are described.  相似文献   

Basophilic leukemia with thrombocytosis was diagnosed in a 4-year-old Shih Tzu. This diagnosis was based on cyto-chemical staining and cytologic examination of blood and bone marrow smears. Hydroxyurea, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, at a dose of 50 mg/kg PO bid induced hematologic remission after 7 days of treatment. Adverse effects observed included pruritus, erythema of the ventral abdomen, generalized alopecia, and possibly, diabetes mellitus. The dog remained in remission for 21 months before becoming lethargic, at which time the owners requested euthanasia but did not allow a necropsy.  相似文献   

The false morel (Gyromitra esculenta), a mushroom responsible for occasional fatalities in man, caused a fatal hemolytic episode in a ten week old dog. The clinical symptoms observed and the gross and histopathological findings, are discussed.  相似文献   

A male golden retriever of unknown age presented with multiple cutaneous and subcutaneous masses from the left elbow to the digits. Histopathologically, multiple tumor foci had formed from the dermis to the subcutaneous tissue. Tumor foci consisted of a vascular structure, alveolar structure and solid proliferative area. The borders among these areas were not clear. Some neoplastic cells resembled a mature endothelium, while others were large pleomorphic cells. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were usually strongly positive for CD31 and often positive for PROX-1, the lymphatic endothelial cell marker. Based on these findings, the tumor was diagnosed as a hemangiosarcoma with lymphatic differentiation.  相似文献   

Multiple Myeloma in a Dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Multiple myeloma, a rare tumour of the hemopoietic system, is reported in a 10-yr-old female Poodle. Clinical signs included anemia, weakness, cachexia and pain when the dog was forced to move. Radiographs revealed demineralization of the skeleton; circular radiolucent foci were evident, especially in the long bones, and the sixth thoracic vertebra was compressed. Numerous cells of the plasma cell type were evident in bone marrow smears. Blood electrophoresis revealed hypergammaglobulinemia. Bence-Jones proteinuria was not detected. The animal was destroyed and the clinical diagnosis confirmed at necropsy. Plasma cells were found in the bone marrow, liver, spleen and kidney. The bones were porous and numerous old fractures of the ribs and vertebrae were found. Résumé— Un mytlome multiple, rare tumeur du systtme hématopoiésique est observée chez une caniche femelle de 10 am. Les signes cliniques incluent l'anémie, la faiblesse, la cachexie et des douleurs lorsque la chienne était obligée de faire des mouvements. Des radiographies ont révélé la déminéralisation du squelette; des foyers circulaires translucides aux Rayons X sont évidents, spécialement dans les os longs, et la sixième vertèbre toraxique est compressée. De nombreuses cellules du type des cellules à plasma étaient évidentes dans les macules de moelle. L'électrophorèse du sang a révélé de I'hypergammaglobulinémie. La présence Bence-Jones de protéine dans l'urine n'a pas été détectée. L'animal a été détruit et le diagnostic clinique confirméà la nécropsie. Dies cellules de plasma ont été trouvées dans la moelle, le foie, la rate et les reins. Les os étaient poreux et de nombreuses vieilles fractures des cbtes et des vertèbres ont été trouvtes. Zusammenfassuug—Berichterstattung über das Auftreten von multiplex Myelom, ein seltener Tumor im hämopoietischen System einer zehnjährigen Pundelhündin. Klinische Anzeichen umfassen Anämie, Schwäche, Kachexie und Schmerzen, wenn der Hund zur Bewegung gezwungen wurde. Radiogramme zeigten Demineralisierung des Skelettes; kreisförmige radiotransparente Herde traten besonders in den langen Knochen klar hervor und der sechste Brustwirbel war kompressed. Zahl-reiche Zellen der Plasmakategorie wurden in Knochenmarkabstrichen augenscheinlich. Blut-Elektrophoresis brachte Hyper-Gammaglobulinamie zum Vorschein. Bence-Jones Albuminurie wurde nicht gefunden. Das Tier wurde vernichtet und die klinische Diagnose bei der Obduktion bestätigt. Im Knochenmark, der Leber, der Milz und in den Nieren wurden Plasmazellen festgestellt. Die Knochen waren porös und zahlreiche alte Rippen-und Rückenwirbelbrüche zeigten sich.  相似文献   

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