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Social capital, measured as the level of trustamong people, may be regarded as a newproduction factor alongside the traditionalones of human and physical capital. Withappropriate levels of social capital,monitoring and transaction costs can be savedand thus economic growth stimulated. Vialinking social capital to rural development andcomparing the cases of agricultural cooperativemovements in Denmark and Poland, this paperidentifies possible roots of building socialcapital and suggests that social capital wasbuilt through a lengthy process in bothcountries during the 19th century. However,the comparison of the present level of socialcapital indicates that the level of socialcapital is significantly higher in Denmark thanin Poland. The paper concludes that the reasonfor this difference is the fact that theoriginal accumulation of social capital inPoland was destroyed by the communist regime.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in farmers’ organizations as an effective approach to farmer participatory research (FPR). Using data from an empirical study of farmers’ research groups (FRGs) in Uganda, this paper examines the patterns of participation in groups and answers questions such as: Who participates? What types of participation? How does participation occur? What are the factors determining participation? Results show that there is no single type of participation, but rather that FPR is a dynamic process with types of participation varying at different stages of the process. Farmers’ participation does not follow the normal adoption curve. Rather, it is characterized by high participation at the initial stages, followed by dramatic decrease and dropping-out, and slow increases toward the end. There is usually significantly higher participation among male farmers at the beginning of the process. However, as FRGs evolve, the proportion of men decreases sharply while the relative proportion of women continues to increase until it dominates the group. The findings do not support the common assumption that groups usually exclude women and the poor. On the contrary, we argue that FRGs are an effective mechanism to provide women and the poor with opportunities to participate in research. However, to be effective, this requires moving beyond head counting to promote more proactive gender and equity perspectives for amplifying the benefits of agricultural research to those who tend to be marginalized or excluded by mainstream development initiatives. This will be critical for making agricultural research more client-oriented and demand-driven.  相似文献   

Gender differences in knowledge of NRM practices have long been noted in Senegal and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. An exploration of these differences among a sample of rural Senegalese men and women shows that these differences are, in part, a function of extension agent interventions. The level of knowledge of a set of NRM technologies is associated with contact with three key types of extension agent in rural Senegal: extension team leaders, forestry agents, and women's agents. Analysis of intra-household variation in levels of knowledge shows a degree of interdependence between the knowledge levels of husbands and wives for some practices. However, multi-variate analysis, controlling for personal and contextual factors, clearly demonstrates the independent impact of extension agents on gender differences in rural Senegalese NRM knowledge. It can be concluded that contact with extension agents increases knowledge of NRM practices. In particular, contact with the women's agent is a strong predictor of the level of women's NRM knowledge and, surprisingly, also contributes to the level of men's knowledge. Despite the small number of women's agents in the field, they appear to have significant positive impact on the dissemination of NRM knowledge among rural Senegalese women and men. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

实现林业的可持续发展,人力资本在生产力发展中的地位和作用显得越来越重要.通过对人力资本与林业可持续发展的理论关系及甘肃林业人力资本现状分析,提出合理开发甘肃林业人力资源与推进林业的可持续发展的对策,以期对甘肃林业的可持续发展提供参考.  相似文献   

改进山羊超数排卵方法的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
实验以黑龙江地方山羊为实验材料 ,应用国产激素研究了单纯使用 FSH和 FSH结合PMSG,以及氯前列烯醇 (PG)和孕酮 (Pr)的超排和发情同步效果。结果显示 ,单纯用 FSH处理的山羊 (N=6 )平均排卵 6 .83± 1.19个 ,平均获卵 5.83± 1.0 1个 ,获卵率在 85.30 % ;用 FSH结合 PMSG处理的母羊 (N=17)平均排卵 13.94± 1.11个 ,平均获卵 10 .59± 0 .97个 ,获卵率为 78.2 0 % ;t检验证明 ,两种处理山羊的排卵和获卵数差异均显著 (P <0 .0 5) ;说明 FSH与PMSG联合使用大大提高了山羊的排卵和获卵数。尽管 PG和 Pr两种同步发情方法都使山羊在开始超排处理后 72到 96 h之间发情 ,但用 PG处理的超排山羊 (N =2 0 )发情时间更为集中 ,大多数 (70 % )都于注射 PG后 2 4~ 30 (开始超排处理后 72~ 78) h开始发情。注射 h CG(发情 )后2 4~ 30 h,70 %以上的卵母细胞都具有第一极体 ,为新排的卵母细胞 ;到 h CG后 36~ 4 0 h,只有不到 4 0 %的卵子有第一极体  相似文献   

为探究农户有机肥施用意愿与行为悖离的原因,缓解当前农业环境污染现状,基于甘肃省730户有施用有机肥意愿的农户的调研数据,利用二元Logit模型、中介效应模型从社会资本视角实证探究社会资本及各维度对农户有机肥施用意愿与行为悖离的影响并验证了信息可得性的中介效应。结果表明:1)社会资本对农户有机肥施用意愿与行为悖离有显著的抑制作用,农户社会资本越丰富,其有机肥施用意愿向行为转化的可能性越强。2)社会资本各维度均显著影响农户有机肥施用意愿与行为悖离现象,且影响方向为负,影响效应从大到小依次是社会规范(13.1%)、社会网络(4.7%)、社会信任(4.1%)。3)信息可得性在社会资本及各维度影响农户有机肥施用意愿与行为悖离中均具有中介效应,社会资本及各维度对农户有机肥施用意愿与行为悖离既可产生直接影响,也可以通过信息可得性产生间接影响。社会资本和信息可得性是影响农户有机肥施用意愿与行为悖离的重要因素。因此,在促进农户有机肥施用意愿向行为转化的过程中,应重视农户社会资本的积累,加大对其社会资本的培育力度;同时政府等相关部门应通过各种形式的培训活动拓宽农户信息获取渠道的来源,加大信息获取渠道的数量,增加农户的信息可得性,为农户提供有关绿色生产的相关知识,让绿色生产深入农户心中。  相似文献   

基于湖北、湖南和安徽省共980份农户的微观调研数据和Heckman样本选择模型,从采纳行为和采纳程度两个方面实证分析了社会资本对农户采纳稻虾共养技术决策行为的影响。结果表明:社会资本对农户技术采纳行为和采纳程度均有显著的正向影响。1)社会参与对农户技术采纳行为和采纳程度均有显著的正向影响,但社会网络对农户技术采纳行为和采纳程度的影响效果不显著;2)社会信任对农户技术采纳行为和采纳程度的影响效果存在差异,即信任周围邻居传播的技术信息显著正向影响农户技术采纳行为和采纳程度,而信任网络电视等大众传媒传播的技术信息仅显著正向影响农户技术采纳行为;3)从不同经营规模探究发现,对于规模户而言,参与技术推广活动、信任农技推广单位传播的技术信息对其技术采纳行为有显著的正向影响。对于小农户而言,参与村集体选举活动、信任周围邻居和网络电视等大众传媒传播的技术信息对其技术采纳行为有显著的正向影响。因此,在未来技术推广过程中应更加重视社会资本对农户技术采纳决策的影响。  相似文献   

This paper focused on the intergenerational transmission of poverty in rural China by estimating the intergenerational transmission of earnings and stated its mechanism from the perspective of human capital investment before children participated in the labor market. The data used in this study were longitude data collected in 2 000 households of 100 villages among 25 counties across five provinces in 2005, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2019. Qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted. We found a significant intergenerational transmission of earnings in rural China, especially for the pairs of father–children and parents–children. The intergenerational earnings' elasticities were much less than those in urban areas, which indicated better social mobility in rural areas than that in urban China. The children with parents who could earn much were more likely to be invested before they participated in the labor market, gain a high education and have more skills. Three cases further showed that the mechanism of human capital investment in children breaking the intergenerational transmission of poverty and promoting social mobility.  相似文献   

长江“十年禁捕”政策是贯彻“生态优先,绿色发展”理念的重要举措。渔民作为禁捕政策的最终执行者和最重要利益主体,退捕后的收入保障直接关系着禁捕政策的顺利推进。本文基于可持续生计理论,利用湖南省11个县区市渔民实地调研数据,运用OLS模型和中介效应模型,分析生计资本差异对家庭收入质量的影响及其作用机制,探讨影响效应在渔民间的异质性。结果表明,渔民生计资本原始积累方面,社会、人力、物质和金融资本处于较好水平,均值分别为1.57、1.54、1.51和1.50,自然资本水平相对较低,均值仅为1.06;退捕后渔户收入明显下降,年均收入由退捕前的10.31万元跌至6.43万元,而且渔户间收入差距加大,渔民家庭年均收入最高与最低分位区间的比值由退捕前的4上升至8。人力、物质、金融和社会资本均对收入质量影响显著,其中人力资本影响最大。人力、社会和物质资本存量增强渔民转产就业的积极性,金融资本虽然正向决定收入质量,但一定程度上会抑制渔民的再就业努力。另外,公共事务参与度、土地生产资料分别对收入充足性、结构性的促进作用最强;政府补贴支持对收入持续性和知识性的正向作用最大;信息资源获取便捷性对收入成本的负向作用最显著,而且生计资本对家庭收入质量的影响存在年龄异质性。由此,提出落实各项惠农政策、禁捕资金重点投放、加大乡村“能人”扶持和基于渔民年龄分类施策等建议。  相似文献   

为探索农村社会资本存量,最大限度的利用社会资本发挥村委会的农业减灾公共品供给职能,解决我国农村减灾公共品供给不足,供给效率低下等问题,本研究基于湖北省3个县市700户农户的抽样调查数据,运用结构方程法,对农村社会资本对村委会农业减灾公共品供给职能的影响进行了研究,结果表明:1)社会网络和社区归属感是影响村委会供给职能的主要因素;2)共享和社会参与对村委会的供给职能有一定负向影响;3)社会信任对村委会供给职能影响不显著。因此,村委会应清醒认识到当前我国农村社区"空心化"的现状,重视村内人际关系建设,有针对性的建立村内强关系网络,建立完善"自下而上"的需求表达机制,培养农户的主人翁意识,树立起农户的减灾防灾意识,深入学习减灾防灾措施,普及减灾防灾知识,提高农户供给农业减灾公共品的主动性与积极性。  相似文献   

互联网在农村地区的嵌入为农村居民社会资本积累与膳食质量改善提供了新的技术赋能。基于信息效应理论和社会资本理论,以黑龙江省为例,利用316户农村家庭实地调研数据,运用OLS模型和中介效应模型,分析互联网使用对农村居民膳食质量的微观作用,探讨社会资本的中介效应。结果表明,黑龙江省农村居民膳食质量处于低度膳食失衡状态,膳食质量距均值为34.133。互联网使用能够显著改善农村居民膳食质量,可以通过社会资本的部分中介效应对农村居民膳食质量产生正向影响。异质性分析表明,互联网使用对农村居民膳食质量的改善作用在高学历和种植规模较大的群体中更为显著。据此,提出了扎实推进合理膳食行动,促进农村居民膳食营养均衡;向纵向深发展“互联网+营养与膳食”模式;拓展农村居民互联网社交新渠道,提升社会资本存量等建议。  相似文献   

承接产业转移是传统农业区经济发展的重要外力,能够对"三化"协调发展产生要素注入效应、结构优化效应、制度迁移效应等。积极承接产业转移将加速推进传统农业区新型农业现代化、新型工业化、新型城镇化协调发展。  相似文献   

为分析农户社会资本对化肥农药减量技术采纳意愿影响,运用在湖北、上海、重庆市(省)获取的326份调研数据,采用多元线性回归,分析了社会资本对农户化肥农药减量技术采纳意愿的作用机制.结果表明,社会资本对农户化肥农药减量技术采纳意愿具有正向影响,其中社会信任对化肥农药减量技术采纳意愿影响作用最大,社会网络次之,社会规范最小;...  相似文献   

The Value of Trees project, funded bythe International Development Research Council ofCanada (IDRC), supported the joint efforts of theUniversity of Alberta and the University of Zimbabweto investigate the economic costs and benefitsassociated with trees and forests in the small holderfarming sector in Zimbabwe. The Value of Trees project provided funding for graduate students andfaculty from the two participating universities tocarry out studies in the disciplines of forestry,agricultural economics, and sociology in order toprovide policy recommendations regarding the role ofwoodlands in sustainable small holder farming in acontext where agricultural production appears to putincreasing stress on woodlands. The numerous projectsincluded such topics as the following: the use offuelwood under conditions of scarcity, tree tenure andlocal institutions in woodland use and sustainability,gender and wealth as related to tree planting andconservation, time preferences in natural resourceconsumption, ownership and economic impact ofeucalyptus woodlots, cultural and economic valuesassociated with woodlands, and uses and conflictsrelating to woodlands across different land categoriessuch as resettlement land and state forests. Manyother studies were not funded by, but were associatedwith Value of Trees. The findings fall withintwo broad categories. The first set includes thosedirectly related to generating values for differentaspects of the woodlands, particularly from theperspectives of rural households. The main finding isthat despite being highly valued by local people forboth economic and social reasons, woodlands are rankedlower in importance by local farmers than agriculturalland. The second set of findings relates to thecomplexities of the social system of the woodlands.Local institutions, history, resource conflicts, andtenure issues emerge as key to understanding the waythat people interact with the woodlands. Finally,local people have valuable knowledge and strategies tooffer in the design of sustainable management. Thepolicy implications of these findings for Zimbabwe arethat economic incentives could be important in asustainable woodlands strategy, but that anysuccessful program must incorporate an understandingof the profoundly complex and at times contradictoryhuman dynamics of woodland use and values.  相似文献   

为了解非农就业情况以及不同基本社会保险选择是否会对农户宅基地流转的意愿产生影响,基于中国农村家庭追踪调查(CRHPS)2017年数据,运用Logit模型实证检验非农就业、基本社会保险以及二者之间的交互项对宅基地流转的具体影响。结果表明:农民从事非农就业会显著促进农民进行宅基地流转,而且非农就业时间增加、非农就业程度提高会加剧这种流转意愿。农民参加不同的基本社会保险会对宅基地的流转产生不同的影响;参加新型农村合作养老保险或新型农村合作医疗保险的农民会在新农合或新农保的“枷锁效应”下被锁定在农业经营生产中,从而抑制宅基地流转,参加城镇养老保险或城镇医疗保险的农民倾向于进行宅基地流转,结果正向显著。非农就业与基本医疗保险的交互项说明非农就业时间的增加或非农就业程度的提高会缓解新农合或新农保对农民的“枷锁效应”。最后提出保障农户非农就业福利、注重农户劳动力转移质量以及关注农户与非农就业的相合性等建议。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,安德烈·勒菲弗尔与苏珊·巴斯奈特一起提出了翻译研究的文化研究观点,颠覆了以往翻译理论的指向,推动了翻译研究的“文化转向”.在《翻译实践和文化资本的流通:〈埃涅伊特〉的英译本》一文中,安德烈·勒菲弗尔以《埃涅伊特》英译本为例探讨了翻译和文化资本的关系和影响翻译实践过程中文化资本的流通和传播的因素.本文主要介绍他在文中传达的独到的翻译思想,探索其对翻译实践的启示并对此进行反思.  相似文献   

渔业重大工程聚焦渔业科学前沿和国家重大科技目标,承担了孕育颠覆性科学技术、突破核心关键技术的使命,是促进渔业科技创新能力显著提升、实现关键领域跨越式发展的重要物质基础,是我国现代渔业快速发展的利器。本文以中国水产科学研究院的重大工程为例,总结了渔业重大工程谋划建设的一些思路和经验,阐述了渔业重大工程谋划建设路径,提出了加强渔业重大工程谋划建设的相关建议,以期为我国渔业科研单位重大工程谋划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Sustainable feeding of the growing population in China without ecological destabilization is a grand challenge. In this populous country where agriculture is dominated by smallholder farming, developing innovative technology and translating scientific knowledge into action for smallholder farmers is a crucial step in addressing this challenge. Here, we present a novel approach for technology innovation and dissemination to achieve sustainable intensification in the fields of smallholder farmers. The Science and Technology Backyard(STB) is a hub in a rural area that links knowledge with practices to promote technology innovation and exchange. In this study, the framework and functions of STB are introduced, and the key implications for sustainable intensification across millions of smallholder farmers are explicitly stated:(i) develop innovative technology based on stated demands of farmers;(ii) disseminate technology by innovative social service models though combined top-down approaches with bottom-up measures to enable smallholders in rural areas. This paper provides a perspective on transformation of small-scale agriculture toward sustainable intensification in China and useful knowledge applicable to other developing countries.  相似文献   

后期管护资金缺乏是农地整理项目后期管护滞后的重要原因,后期管护资金预算是落实农地整理项目后期管护资金的前提条件。本文将农地整理项目后期管护内容分解为工程设施管护、项目运行过程中纠纷调处两部分,进而提出了农地整理项目后期管护资金需求的测算方法,并以湖北省仙桃市一个农地整理项目为例进行了实证分析。研究表明,在无管护组织的情况下,研究区域农地整理项目工程设施投入使用后开始两年的管护总费用约占项目建设投资的3.27%;在后期管护缺失的情况下,农地整理项目工程设施损坏情况远远超出工程设施的自然折旧;工程设施使用中的损坏比例和损坏程度决定了工程施工费的大小,而损坏比例与损坏程度与投入使用年限成正比,与施工质量成反比,后期管护中其他费用与管护措施单价、发生频次、项目区村组数目成正比。因此,管护组织可通过提高管护措施支出来降低工程设施的损坏比例与损坏程度,从而降低后期管护费用中的工程施工费,延长工程设施使用寿命。  相似文献   

为探究家庭禀赋与外出务工因素对牧民养殖技术需求的影响,依据西藏那曲地区和日喀则市885份入户调查数据,利用有序Logit模型方法,对牧民养殖技术需求现状及影响因素进行研究。结果表明:牧民技术需求整体偏低,副产品粗加工技术需求稍高。家庭收入水平越高、肉羊养殖收入比重越大、与村民家相处越好、外出务工人次越多、养殖技术认知越高的牧民家庭对肉羊养殖技术需求越高,而是否信仰宗教与养殖技术需求不显著。因而副产品粗加工技术应成为政府技术推广的切入点,拓展务工渠道、加强养殖技术宣传与培训、规范草地流转促进适度规模经营可以在提高肉羊养殖效率的同时促进草原畜牧业可持续发展。  相似文献   

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