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Current knowledge and understanding of the hormonal response to exercise are limited, whether in relation to horses, humans, or other species. The changes in plasma concentration of some hormones occur early in exercise, apparently owing to a neuronal stimulation, whereas others, being pituitary dependent, require hormonal stimulation. Also, although it is possible to observe changes in plasma concentrations of hormones, the mechanism by which this is achieved is not always understood, and unless the nonprotein-bound, or active, form of the hormone is also determined, changes in plasma concentration are less informative. Both the intensity and duration of exercise may be of importance in initiating or maintaining the hormonal response. Impulses from either the working muscles or motor centers, via the central nervous system, modify the response of the glands of the endocrine system directly via pituitary hormones or indirectly via the sympathoadrenal system. The initial response to the onset of exercise is enhancement of sympathoadrenal activity and secretion of pituitary hormones, which result in a reduction in the plasma concentration of insulin and a rise in that of virtually all other hormones. Because of this shift in hormone balance, a modification of the metabolism of intra- and extra-muscular triglycerides and glycogen as fuels for muscular exercise occurs. The variation in mobilization of one fuel source may well influence its combustion, together with both the mobilization and combustion of the other. When exercise is prolonged, the hormonal response is influenced by additional factors such as temperature, glucose availability, oxygen tension, and changes in plasma volume. The effect of training on hormonal responses is generally an ameliorating one that reflects an increased efficiency of muscular energy metabolism as a result of the training process.  相似文献   

Horses are elite athletes when compared with other mammalian species. In the latter, performance is limited by cardiovascular or musculoskeletal performance whereas in athletic horses it is the respiratory system that appears to be rate limiting and virtually all horses exercising at high intensities become hypoxaemic and hypercapnoeic. This is due to both diffusion limitation and a level of ventilation inadequate for the metabolic level that enables horses to exercise at these intensities. In conjunction with these blood gas changes, total pulmonary resistance increases and the work of breathing rises exponentially and airflow eventually plateaus despite increases in inspiratory and expiratory intrapleural pressures. Horses breathe at comparatively high frequencies when galloping due to the tight 1:1 coupling of strides to breathing. Whether this effects gas exchange and, if so, to what extent, has not been fully elucidated.  相似文献   

The quality of the overall response to exercise in the horse is very similar to that seen in man and laboratory animals; differences are mainly quantitative and persist when relative body weight is taken into account. The apparently greater flow capacity of the equine muscle bed during maximal whole-body exercise implicates the extent of central circulatory adaptations as the limiting factor in performance but implies a role for increase in arteriolar capacitance/muscle capillarity as an appropriate response to intense endurance training. The blood oxygen-carrying capacity of the horse is often quoted as the major component of the animal's superior aerobic work capacity, although the measured maximal a-vO2 for the horse is only 2 to 3 ml greater than that found in elite athletes. In fact, comparison of published performance data for man and the horse reveals that improved a-vO2 accounts for 23 per cent of the difference, and increased Qc accounts for the remaining 77 per cent of the superior oxygen consumption in the horse. The extent to which the horse can increase Qc and muscle blood flow appears to represent its major adaptations for maximal aerobic performance. It is frequently observed that there have been far greater improvements in human athletic performance than in that of the race-horse, and this difference is usually attributed to the application of scientific training methods to the athlete. It has also been suggested that the horse may have reached the limit of its adaptive ability. The horse has a maximal oxygen pulse of at least 0.6 ml per kg per beat compared with 0.35 for man, a 90 per cent whole body oxygen extraction, and an 80 to 90 per cent higher muscle blood flow, with an overall capability of increasing Vo2 max by 35 times. These represent levels that would appear to be difficult to improve upon. However, insufficient research has been performed to firmly state true maxima for the horse, and current research does not reveal to what extent the horse is capable of responding to even conventional training methods. The relative improvement that such research could reveal would provide some objective guidance to the extent to which further improvement could be anticipated. A consistent finding in the majority of studies reviewed is the tendency for results to show a lack of statistical significance, which is particularly frustrating for a researcher when the trends are consistent with the initial hypotheses. This tendency arises because of small group sizes and inherent variability in the test population.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hematologic responses to exercise and training   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hematology has been widely used in attempts to provide information about disease states, performance problems, and fitness in performance horses. However, owing to factors such as the temperament of the horse and time of collection and feeding, considerable variation in the hemograms can be found. This article reviews some of the hematologic responses to exercise and training.  相似文献   

Warfarin: a review with emphasis on its use in the horse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Warfarin or dicoumarol prevents the production of functional clotting factors II, VII, IX and X. Navicular disease and thrombophlebitis are examples of equine thrombotic diseases in which warfarin has been used therapeutically. The initiation of anticoagulant therapy is relatively simple but attending veterinarians must be aware of the potential risks in order to minimize them. These risks include epistaxis, bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract and at the venipuncture site, and increased susceptibility to hematoma formation following local trauma. Vitamin K, especially vitamin K1 is a swift and specific antidote for warfarin toxicity.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-1 could be a useful marker in the horse for diagnostic, selection, or forensic purposes, provided its physiological regulation is well understood. The objective of this study was to investigate factors, such as acute exercise, fitness training, time of day, sex, and age, that may influence serum IGF-1 in normal, healthy horses. Throughout a 9-wk training program, 6 geldings maintained a mean (+/- SEM) IGF-1 concentration of 302 +/- 29 ng/mL. Moderate or high intensity exercise had no effect on IGF-1 concentrations, when pre- and postexercise values were compared. Over a 24-h period, there was some variation in IGF-1 concentrations but no clear diurnal rhythm. Concentrations of IGF-1 were measured in a large population of thoroughbred horses (1,880) on 3 continents. The population deviated slightly from a normal distribution (P < 0.001) because of large IGF-1 concentrations in 10 horses. The global mean IGF-1 concentration was 310 +/- 2.2 ng/mL, with a greater mean value (P < 0.001) in gonad-intact males (336 +/- 5.6 ng/mL) than in females (303 +/- 3.2 ng/mL) or geldings (302 +/- 3.2 ng/mL). However, the greatest IGF-1 concentrations observed for all stallions, mares, and geldings were 627, 676, and 709 ng/mL, respectively. In mares and geldings, IGF-1 concentrations showed a gradual decrease with advancing age (P < 0.001), but the effect was much less marked in stallions. This study confirms that IGF-1 concentrations are stable, compared with GH concentrations, in the horse and that a meaningful measure of IGF-1 status can be obtained from a daily serum sample.  相似文献   

This review gives an overview of the presently known human and equine metabolic myopathies with emphasis on the diagnostic approach. Metabolic myopathies are muscle disorders caused by a biochemical defect of the skeletal muscle energy system, which results in inefficient muscle performance. Myopathies can arise in different levels of the metabolic system. In this review the metabolic myopathies are categorized in disorders of the carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial myopathies (other than those described in lipid metabolism), disorders of purine metabolism, primary disorders involving ion channels and electrolyte flux and secondary or acquired metabolic myopathies.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage is a remarkably resilient tissue capable of withstanding considerable stress and repeated loading. Since this tissue has no blood vessels, nerve elements, or lymphatics, it is not surprising that it has a limited capacity for repair when damaged. In the horse, cartilage damage occurs as an occupational hazard. Furthermore, developmental defects such as osteochondrosis can lead to osteochondritis dissecans. Resultant cartilage flaps, fissures, and poorly organized subchondral bone produce disruption of joint surfaces.

Veterinarians are often called upon to intervene when damaged cartilage has healed incompletely. Basic understanding of the physiology and repair mechanisms of cartilage is paramount to successfully managing such injuries. This literature review gives a brief overview of recently published clinical and experimental studies on the healing of cartilage. The discussion centers on the equine model.


Arterial hypertension in cats appears to be an often underdiagnosed problem. Sudden disturbances of vision caused by intraocular haemorrhage and/or detached retina are often related to hypertension. The ability to measure blood pressure routinely in cats, by using an indirect method, has increased knowledge of feline hypertension in recent years. In cats mainly secondary hypertension is described, caused by as a consequence of renal disease, hyperthyroidism, chronic anaemia, primary aldosteronism, and a high-salt diet. This article describes the (patho) physiology of blood pressure control, the different methods of blood pressure measurements and the causes, clinical manifestations, and possibilities of antihypertensive therapy. Given our current knowledge, blood pressure should be measured regularly in older cats (> 10 years), especially in those with renal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, or visual disturbances of unknown origin. Blood pressure measurements using the Doppler method is a relatively cheaply, quick and simple, method with enough reliability. Hence this method should be incorporated in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

Since riders nowadays are expecting the highest level of performance from their horses, muscular disorders therefore represent a major problem for the equine athlete. A lot of research has been done to identify muscular disorders and their etiopathogenesis. Both acquired and inherited forms of muscle diseases have been described. In this review only the latter forms will be mentioned. Major signs of all muscle disorders are muscular stiffness, cramping or pain, muscular fasciculations, muscular atrophy and exercise intolerance. Muscle biopsies can help to identify the cause of rhabdomyolysis or muscular atrophy. However, especially in hereditary muscular diseases, a lot of questions are still to be answered. Increasing knowledge of the etiopathogenesis and newer diagnostic tests may lead to a more accurate diagnosis of the individual diseases in future.  相似文献   

Horse trekking is a noncompetitive physical activity conducted as a recreation and leisure experience, but so far potential effects on physiological changes in horses have not been investigated. The aim of the present research was to study whether trekking would affect plasma serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) concentrations in platelet poor plasma samples, together with its precursor tryptophan, and other hematological and functional variables. The study was carried out on 28 clinically healthy horses, habitually used for trekking, of which 18 participated in a 2-day trekking event, and 10 were used as the control group. The results obtained showed a significant effect of exercise on the serotonin, red blood cell, white blood cell, platelet, hematocrit, hemoglobin, heart rate, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature changes. These effects are probably related to a combination of submaximal exercise and some degree of dehydration. Prolonged and aerobic exercise, like that involved in trekking, could affect both the release of 5-HT from the stores in the blood stream as well as hematological and functional adaptations in response to physical effort. Moreover, results confirm a physiological influence of 5-HT in the regulation of the vascular system, induced by exercise. The present findings imply that assessment of plasma 5-HT as well as hematological and functional variables may be proposed as an additional tool to evaluate the physiological adjustment in response to physical activity in trained horses that may influence their performance.  相似文献   

Mineral metabolism in the equine is a complex process involving absorption sites and interactions between the minerals themselves and other compounds. Factors such as the digestibility of the minerals and the extent of the interactions all play an important role in the mineral amounts required in the diet.Inadequate levels of minerals in the diet can lead to physiological maladies such as HNS and Ricketts. A knowledge and understanding of mineral metabolism is essential to the success of equine management.  相似文献   

The oxygen affinities of horse and human haemoglobins were compared in the absence and presence of the allosteric effector 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG). Horse haemoglobin solutions showed significantly smaller responses to the presence of 2,3-DPG, and this difference may be due to different amino acid substitutions at position NA2(2)beta. Horse haemoglobin solutions from erythrocytes containing different ratios of the two different haemoglobin types showed similar oxygen affinities in the absence and presence of 2,3-DPG. Horse haemoglobins in solution were found to autoxidise to methaemoglobin much more readily than human haemoglobin under the same conditions, and this is an important consideration when measuring the oxygen affinity of horse haemoglobin solutions. This difference could be due to different amino acid residues at position NA2(2)beta.  相似文献   

Ireland is characterised by its diversity and large abundance of wetlands, making it attractive to a wide variety of waterbirds throughout the year. This paper presents an overview of Ireland's waterbirds, including ecological factors relevant to the potential introduction, maintenance, transmission and spread of infectious agents, including the H5N1 avian influenza virus, in Ireland. Particular emphasis is placed on five groups of wintering migrants (dabbling and sieving wildfowl, grazing wildfowl, diving wildfowl, waders and gulls), noting that the H5N1 avian influenza virus has mainly been isolated from this subset of waterbirds. Ireland's wetlands are visited during the spring and summer months by hundreds of thousands of waterbirds which come to breed, predominantly from southern latitudes, and during the autumn and winter by waterbirds which come from a variety of origins (predominantly northern latitudes), and which are widely distributed and often congregate in mixed-species flocks. The distribution, feeding habits and social interactions of the five groups of wintering migrants are considered in detail. Throughout Ireland, there is interaction between different waterbird populations (breeding migrants, the wintering migrants and resident waterbird populations). There is also a regular and complex pattern of movement between feeding and roosting areas, and between wetlands and farmland. These interactions are likely to facilitate the rapid transmission and spread of the H5N1 avian influenza virus, if it were present in Ireland.  相似文献   

In Study 1, a single speed test of 6 to 12 m/sec was performed for 2 mins at an incline of 5 degrees on a high-speed treadmill (single-step test). Only one speed was performed per session and blood samples were taken before and after the test. In Study 2 horses cantered for 1 min at increasing speeds of 6 to 13 m/sec on an incline of 3 degrees (multiple-step test). Blood samples were taken before exercise, throughout the test and during recovery. In the single-step test plasma concentrations of adrenaline and noradrenaline both increased at speeds of 9 m/sec, as did blood lactate. Mean concentrations of adrenaline and noradrenaline at the end of the 12 m/sec test were 153 and 148 nmol/litre, respectively. Plasma concentrations were similar over all speeds although there was a tendency for the increase in noradrenaline to be greater than that of adrenaline at the lower speeds. The multiple-step test resulted in smaller increases in both adrenaline and noradrenaline. Although again closely correlated, increases in adrenaline were 20-30% greater than those for noradrenaline. In both exercise models, changes in plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline values with exercise showed an exponential relationship to plasma lactate. A plasma half-life of less than 30 secs was indicated during recovery from the multiple-step test. Changes in adrenaline and noradrenaline were much greater than previously recorded in man and emphasise the importance of catecholamines in mediating the physiological response of the horse to exercise.  相似文献   

The effects of exercise of different intensities on blood concentrations of glucose, lactate, pyruvate, free fatty acids and glycerol were studied in a group of clinically normal horses. Blood lactate, pyruvate and lactate/pyruvate ratio increased during exercise, particularly during galloping. These changes occurred within the first 12-15 seconds of exercise indicating that anaerobic metabolic pathways are brought into use very quickly in the strenuously exercising horse. Since blood glycerol levels were significantly increased during exercise body lipids were also mobilised. At the same time, free fatty acid levels increased during cantering but decreased during galloping indicating increased fat oxidation during strenuous exercise. It was concluded that both lipids and carbohydrates are as important energy sources in the exercising horse as in other species.  相似文献   

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