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A survey of heavy metal deposition was carried out in the vicinity of a Danish steel plant. Bulk precipitation and transplanted lichen (Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl.) were sampled at 12 stations in the environment before and after the production had been converted from open-hearth furnaces to electric-arc furnaces. The samples were analyzed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn. The results show that heavy metal pollution from the steelworks still is severe and that it follows a decreasing power curve when the distance to the steelworks is increased. However, a reduction in the deposition of heavy metals close to the steelworks has been observed, pointing to the conclusion that the change from a situation of emission through a 46 m stack without any filter to emission from the electric arc furnaces equipped with bag-filters has lead to changes in the emission. At the sampling stations with the highest deposition levels measured in bulk precipitation the corresponding concentrations in the lichens were relatively lower indicating a change in particle size distribution. Within each station there was a direct proportionality of metal concentrations in lichens and atmospheric fallout measured in bulk precipitation.  相似文献   

To investigate the consequences of acidification and metal accumulation on the biology of aquatic bryophytes, the acid-tolerant liverwort Scapania undulata (L.) Dum. and the acid-sensitive moss Rhynchostegium riparioides (Hedw.) Cardot were transplanted from one stream to two other streams of differing acidity (pH 5.20 and 6.38). The bryophytes were collected in a circumneutral (pH 6.57) stream in the Vosges Mountains. Metal accumulation was semi-quantitatively measured in shoots by energy dispersive TEM X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS). After 1 month, the two species remained green without alteration signs. Although no marked ultrastructural damage was observed in either species, some cells seemed to be necrotic, with flattened chloroplasts, in R. riparioides. Lipid droplet accumulation was observed in some leaf cells of S.undulata when transplanted to the most acidic stream. Metal was mostly localised in the cell wall, and was only sometimes detected in small vacuoles. Under acidic conditions, R. riparioides showed the highest relative amount of Al and the lowest amount of Fe, whereas the acid-tolerant bryophyte species S. undulata contained more Fe and less Al. The capability to limit the uptake of metals into the cytoplasm varies according to the bryophyte species. This could be an explanation of the tolerance of S. undulata to acidification.  相似文献   


Thalli of the lichens Pseudevernia furfuracea, Usnea longissima, Lobaria pulmonaria, and Peltigera praetextata were taken from unpolluted areas and transplanted to a downtown site in Erzurum, Turkey. Heavy metals copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and iron (Fe) were measured after an 8 month exposure period. Changes in the heavy metal concentrations were observed during the exposure period in lichen species and in both locations. Heavy metal concentrations were significantly higher in Peltigera praetextata than the other species at the location nearest to the junction crossroads. Peltigera praetextata may be considered a good indicator. These results can be attributed to the effect of atmospheric pollutants on the transplanted lichens.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating the effects of wateracidity and metal concentrations on the accumulationof heavy metals by aquatic bryophytes, batches of Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. were transplanted froma clean site to one of four sites with characteristicsranging from clean to severely contaminated (highacidity and high heavy metal concentrations). After 1–35 days, metal levels were determined in theextracellular and intracellular compartments of thetransplanted material. The results show that heavymetal uptake is clearly lower in acid waters than innear-neutral waters, possibly due to competitivedisplacement of metal cations from extracellularbinding sites and membrane transport proteins byprotons. The reduced accumulation is particularlymarked in the extracellular compartment; theintracellular compartment shows rapid accumulation oflarge amounts of metal, followed by equally rapidrelease. The effects of heavy metals and acidity onphysiology were also investigated, on the basis oflevels of the essential cations potassium (K),magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) in the extracellularand intracellular compartments. Bryophytestransplanted to the severely contaminated sites showedloss of intracellular K (indicating altered membranepermeability), loss of extracellular Mg, and loss ofboth extra- and intracellular Ca (implying damage tothe cell wall).  相似文献   

As part of a survey of patterns of disease in relation to air pollution in various towns, atmospheric concentrations of metals were measured in Armadale, West Lothian. The first survey of metallic pollutants in the environment consisted of measuring selected metal concentrations in indigenous Hypnum cupressiforme throughout Armadale. As in other surveys using this moss, Hypnum proved to be most useful in collecting at least 9 metals from the atmosphere. Some values, such as Fe, were significantly lower in Armadale, than those levels found in a similar survey sited around a steelworks in Consett, England. However, other metals such as Cu were present in much higher concentrations. All metals measured (apart from Pb values, which showed the influence of traffic routes) revealed an increasing concentration from the periphery of the town towards the vicinity of Armadale's steel foundry.  相似文献   

A survey of the heavy metal content in a transplanted lichen Ramalina duriaei (De Not.) Bagl. was carried out in the region of an Israeli coal-fired power plant. Nickel, Cr, Cu, and Zn were analyzed in the lichen exposed to environmental influences for a period of 1 yr. The concentrations of metals were compared with the concentrations of the same metals measured in R. duriaei transplanted to the study area prior to the operation of the power plant. The results show that after the 1983–1984 period, the regional concentrations of Cr in the transplanted lichen thalli were found to be higher than in the lichen thalli transplanted to the same sites during the period February 1979-March 1980, prior to the operation of the coal-fired power plant. A regional decrease in Zn concentration in the lichen exposed during the latter period is probably linked to the decrease in the use of this metal as a constituent of foliar nutrients in agriculture. The regional increase of Cr in the 1983–1984 lichen material is probably connected with the operation of the Maor David coal-fired power plant located at Sharonim. A local increase in the Ni and Cr concentrations was found in the lichen transplanted to a nature reserve located north of the power station.  相似文献   

Concentrations of PAH (1.12-benzoperylene, 3.4-benzopyrene, fluoranthene), chlorinated hydrocarbons (α-BHC, lindane, PCB) and trace metals (Zn, Pb, Cu) in bulk precipitation, as well as PAH and trace metal concentrations in atmospheric dust samples from 14 sites in Bavaria, F.R.G. are presented for two vegetation periods (1979 and 1980). The same substances were also analyzed in epiphytic moss (Hypnum cupressiforme var. filiforme) sampled from tree trunks in October 1979 and 1980. Using mean immission values and the amount of precipitation as predictors and concentrations of pollutants in moss samples as criteria, a number of multiple regression models were computed in order to quantify the relationships between absolute air pollution data and accumulated trace substance values. Beta values of all variables help to determine whether bulk precipitation or atmospheric particulate matter has dominant influence on the uptake of trace substances by mosses. The study shows that epiphytic mosses can be used to monitor both heavy-metal, PAH and chlorinated hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The amounts of six heavy metals, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn, and Ni in the transplanted fruticose lichen Ramalina duriaei, have been determined. The contents of these metals in the material exposed for 1 yr at the site which served as a source for the transplantation were found to be much lower than in the lichen transplanted close to busy roads and to places with other intensive human activities. Correlation coefficients between some pairs of the heavy metals found in the transplanted R. duriaei are closer to those previously found in Caloplaca aurantia from rural and suburban sites than to those from industrial sites in Tel-Aviv. All these heavy metals are expected in the emission from a coal-fired electric generating station to be located at the sea shore in the near future. We recommend that a program of monitoring for a power station at the proposed coastal site include routine determination of (a) the amounts of these metals in transplanted lichens, (b) the correlation between the amounts and the distance from the sea, and (c) the correlation between pairs of these metals at various locations.  相似文献   

Selenium contents in the Portuguese (mainland) territory, resulting from a few environmental studies held since 1990 using lichens, vascular plants, soils and air particulate matter (APM), are presented and discussed herein. Values for Se in soils, epiphytic lichens and higher plants are within the typical ranges found in the literature. Compared to vascular plants, lichens display higher contents at the same locations. In what concerns Se in airborne particulates, all surveyed sites show values that are typical of urban areas. In two of such sites – Monchique and Carregado – Se concentrations in transplanted lichen thalli of the Parmelia genus (mostly, Parmelia sulcata Taylor) were compared to the results obtained from airborne matter, and a good correlation was found for the corresponding data-sets at either location. Other than the degree of association, it is especially noteworthy that the lichen transplants appear to accumulate much more Se at Monchique (a remote, rather clean site) than at Carregado (in the immediate vicinity of an oil-fired, power plant), even if its amount in the atmosphere is lower at the former location.  相似文献   

Mosses, lichens and pine bark were compared as indicators of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Finland. The samples were collected from the nationwide sampling network systematically covering the country as a whole. All three bioindicators showed a fairly similar result concerning heavy metal deposition. The major emission sources and the areas affected were reflected in the metal concentrations in the samples. However, there were differences between the accumulation of metals. The correlation between concentrations in mosses and lichens was generally higher than that between mosses and bark or lichens and bark. Concentrations in lichens were the highest and lichens reflected the regional differences in background areas as well as the local emission sources. The concentrations in the mosses were slightly lower than those in lichens and also the mosses pinpointed the emission sources and the extend of the areas polluted. Bark had the lowest concentrations and bark did not generally reveal regional differences as well as mosses and lichens. In spite of the differences, all three bioindicators proved to be suitable for monitoring atmospheric heavy metal deposition.  相似文献   

The effects of forest continuity at local scale for red-listed and indicator species of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes were investigated in 150 Fagus sylvatica stands in southern Sweden. Stands having forest continuity (n = 106) had continuous forest cover more than 350 years, whereas stands lacking continuity (n = 44) had forest cover less than 160 years. Forest continuity was identified by comparing a sequence of historical maps with a modern survey of beech forests. In the field woody beech substrates were searched for the epiphytes of interest. A number of environmental and spatial variables were inventoried and compiled for each stand. In all 64 species (51 lichens, 13 bryophytes) were found in the stands having continuity, and 21 (14 lichens, 7 bryophytes) in the stands lacking continuity. Controlling for the different number of surveyed stands, stands having continuity had significantly more species of lichens, but not of bryophytes. In the stands lacking continuity we did not find lichens associated with the very late succession stage. The quantity of substrates, stand age and forest continuity were the three most important factors explaining species richness as well as composition of studied epiphytes. The effect of continuity was probably due to a combination of a higher substrate quality, mainly old beeches, and a longer time available for colonization. Also, we found strong positive correlations between number of indicator and red-listed epiphyte species. In short-term conservation old stands having continuity, containing suitable substrates and indicator species are target areas.  相似文献   

Leaving small patches of forest intact at harvesting is now a standard procedure to mitigate negative effects on biodiversity. One purpose of the patches is to “life-boat” species over the forest regeneration phase, although the capacity of small forest fragments to do so is very uncertain. We investigated the survival of red-listed and indicator species of bryophytes and lichens in 74 retention patches in boreal Sweden. The patches were between 0.01 and 0.5 ha in size and of six different types with respect to tree species composition and location on the harvested area. Species presence and abundance were recorded shortly after harvest in transects covering the whole patches, and an identical inventory was carried out 6 years after the first. During this time, bryophytes generally decreased, most pronounced for liverworts. The largest decreases were found in buffer zones to streams and lakes and the smallest in tree groups dominated by deciduous trees. By contrast, among the lichens some species decreased while others increased, and there was no difference between retention patch types. Among the species abundant enough to be analyzed individually, the lichens Calicium parvum and Micarea globulosella decreased less in larger patches and the bryophyte Hylocomiastrum umbratum decreased more in patches of irregular shape. The results imply that retention patches of this size might be too small to function as refugia for sensitive bryophytes and lichens until the surrounding forest regenerates, but that some lichens appear to persist or even increase. Retention harvesting is still a young management practice and further studies on its long-term conservation benefits will be valuable.  相似文献   

The concentration and partitioning of metals in vegetatedand unvegetated surface sediments were compared among fourwetlands designed for wastewater treatment. In wetlands witha significant depth gradient, the highest concentrations ofmetals were found in deeper unvegetated sediments. When theeffect of depth was removed, surface sediments with andwithout cattails (Typha latifolia L.) had similarconcentrations of total metals (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu). However,vegetated sediments of all four wetlands had higher organiccontent (p < 0.01). Furthermore, the redox potential wassignificantly lower (p < 0.01) in vegetated sediments for 3out of 4 wetlands. Vegetated and unvegetated sediments werealso compared based on geochemical fractions (reactive,silicate, persistent organic and pyritic). Generally, halfof the total metal concentration in sediments was associatedwith the reactive fraction (metal oxides, monosulfides andadsorbed onto organic matter). Zn was an exception as halfof the total Zn was associated with the persistent organicfraction. The partitioning of metals in shallow vegetatedsediments differed from deep unvegetated sediments at theMonahan and Falconbridge wetlands. In contrast, there was nosignificant difference in the partitioning of metals insurface sediments with or without cattails at the Panel andRiverwalk wetlands. This study suggests that the effect ofcattails on the bulk concentration and partitioning ofmetals may be minimal in surface-flow constructed wetlands.  相似文献   

Two species of lichen native to southwest Lousiana, Parmotrema praesorediosum (Nyl.) Hale and Ramalina stenospora, Mull. Arg. have been investigated as air pollution monitors. Over the period 1983–88 samples were collected at 18 stations in the Lake Charles/Westlake/Sulphur area. The samples were analyzed for A1, Fe, Cu, Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr, and Zn. When metal concentrations in lichens were plotted vs year for certain representative stations, a dramatic reduction in the concentrations of certain metals was seen after 1983. When the most recent data are compared with those previously obtained, the effects of the industrial zone, which was previously demonstrated, have now all but disappeared.  相似文献   

Forms of Cu, Ni, and Zn in the contaminated soils of the Sudbury mining/smelting district were studied to assess metal mobility and plant availability. Soil, tufted grass (Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv.), tickle grass (Agrostis scabra Willd.), dwarf birch (Betula pumila L. var. glandulifera Regel) and white birch (Betula paprifera Marsh.) leaf and twig samples were taken from 20 locations around three Cu-Ni smelters. The sampling sites were collected to cover a wide range of soil pH and soil Cu and Ni concentrations. The water-soluble, exchangeable, sodium acetate-soluble, and total concentrations of the metals in the soils were analyzed. The soils were contaminated with Cu and Ni up to 2000 µg g?1. Zinc concentrations were also elevated in some samples above the normal soil level of 100 µg g?1. The mobility of Cu and Zn, expressed as the proportion of metals in Fl and F2 forms, increased with soil pH decrease. A strong positive correlation was found between the soil exchangeable (F2) Ni and the soil pH. Concentrations of Cu and Ni in birch twigs showed a good linear relationship with exchangeable forms of the metals in soils. A highly significant correlation was also found between total Ni in soils and the metal content of the twigs. No significant correlation was found between Zn concentrations in the soils and plants. Birch twigs are a good indicator (better than leaves) of Cu and Ni contamination of the Sudbury soils. The mobile forms of Cu and Ni and low pH seem to be the main factors that will control the success of revegetation. Strong variability of the soil metal mobility requires any reclamation effort be site-specific.  相似文献   

Metals are commonly determined in aquatic organisms, primarily using bivalves to provide important data on their bioavailability. The technique of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGTs) has also been employed to assess the concentration of metals in freshwater and marine environments, determining their lability. The present work evaluated and compared the labile and bioavailable concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni and Pb in seawater from Ilha Grande Bay, RJ, using DGT and transplanted bivalves (Nodipecten nodosus), respectively. The scallops and DGTs were immersed in water at three sampling locations within the bay from July to September 2012 (winter campaign) and from December 2012 to February 2013 (summer campaign). The metals were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). DGT technique was successfully used to determine the concentrations of metals in waters, except for Pb when short deployment times were used. All metals were determined using transplanted bivalves (N. nodosus), but pre-exposure to Cd was evident, which made the interpretation of the data for this analyte difficult. The data on metal lability in Ilha Grande Bay waters obtained from the DGT technique were correlated with the metal bioavailability determined in the soft tissues of the transplanted N. nodosus for Co, Cu, Mn, Ni and Pb. This is the first evaluation of this type for this area of high environmental concern. Both techniques revealed that Náutico was the location with the highest concentration of metals in the study area.  相似文献   

Metal processing at a Cu-Cd refinery at Prescot in N.W. England has led to severe contamination of the surrounding soils and vegetation, although Cu and Cd in bulk deposition declined dramatically between 1975 and 1990. Despite high spatial and temporal variability in metal deposition, mean Cd concentrations in annual tree rings of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), lime (Tilia europaea L.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) at Prescot were correlated with annual bulk Cd deposition. In contrast, mean Cd concentrations in ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) were unrelated to Cd deposition and there was no significant relationship between mean Cu concentrations in tree rings and Cu deposition in any species. Mean Pb concentrations in sycamore, lime and beech at Prescot and the reference site also decreased over time. At Prescot however, Cd concentrations in tree rings formed in the mid 1990s were up to 10-fold higher than the reference site despite Cd deposition values during this period that were typical of levels expected for urban areas in the UK. The high Cd concentrations in wood during this period indicate that the majority of Cd in tree rings at Prescot is derived from soil, limiting the usefulness of dendrochemistry for monitoring temporal changes in metal deposition. It appears that trees are not simply passive recorders of metal deposition and other possibilities, in addition to decreasing atmospheric deposition, may explain the patterns of Cd and Pb found in sycamore, lime and beech. More research on the physiology of metal cycling in trees is required before dendrochemical techniques can be applied with confidence in environmental monitoring programs.  相似文献   

The metal content of bryophytes (Fontinalis antipyretica), invertebrates (Asellus aquaticus, Sialis lutaria, Libellulidae) and fish (Perca fluviatilis, Esux lucius) was measured along an aquatic concentration gradient of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, As, Hg, generated by air emissions from the Rönnskär smelters. The separation of pH effects on metal uptake, was facilitated by metal and pH vectors being mostly well separated from each others. The interpretation was facilitated by seasonal small variations in water metal content, which improved the calculation of bioconcentration factors (BCF) as a strict measure of bioavailability. It was found that BCF varied as function of element and taxon. When pH decreased, BCF also did so for Zn, Cd, Ni, Co in bryophytes, while BCF increased for Pb, Cu in in fish. We conclude and agree that one-sided focusing on total concentrations may overlook shifts in speciation due to pH in moderately acidified waters for elements like Cu and Pb.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing concentrations of Cd and Zn in a sandy soil on spring wheat (Triticum vulgare L.) yields and the metal contents of the plants was examined in a pot experiment to establish critical levels of these metals in soil. The metals were added (individually and jointly) to the soil as sulfates in the following doses (in μg g?1, dry wt.): Cd — 2, 3, 5,10, 15, 25, and 50; Zn ?200, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2500, and 5000. Cadmium added to soil did not affect yields of wheat. The Zn dose of 1000 μg g?1 strongly reduced crop yields; at 1500 μg g? Zn dose wheat did not produce grain. The metal contents of wheat increased with increasing concentrations of Cd and Zn in soil up to 10.3 and 1587 μ g? of Cd and Zn in straw, respectively. The concentrations of both metals were higher in straw than in grain by factors of 3–7 and 1.5–2 for Zn and Cd, respectively. The relationships between Cd and Zn contents of the plants and soils were best expressed by exponential equations. High concentrations of Zn in soils (1042 and 1542 μg g?1) enhanced uptake of Cd by plants. The tested threshold concentrations of the metals in soils (3 μg g?1 for Cd and 200–300 μg g?1 for Zn) are safe for Zn but are too high for Cd in terms of protecting plants from excessive metal uptake. The critical Cd content of sandy soil should not exceed 1.5 μg g?.  相似文献   

A glasshouse study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of lime-treated (0, 0.5, and 1%) industrial sludge amendments (10 and 20%) on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedling growth and heavy metal accumulation in soils as well as in wheat seedlings. Industrial sludge–amended soil samples were filled in earthen pots (2 kg pot?1) one week before planting and 7-day-old seedlings were transplanted in pots (3/pot) and were kept in a glasshouse. Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable metals and metals in seedlings increase with increasing doses of industrial sludge. Biomass and growth have been found to increase with increasing rates of sludge. It also enhanced heavy metal concentrations in wheat seedlings and followed the trend zinc (Zn) > lead (Pb) > copper (Cu) > cadmium (Cd). Lime enhanced the biomass and reduced the heavy metal concentrations in wheat seedlings. Although 20% treatments in both soils showed a significant enhancement in shoot length, metals like Pb reached beyond permissible limits.  相似文献   

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