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Contrary to expectation, immunoconglutinin levels failed to rise significantly in calves infected with Trypanosoma congolense. In addition, it was shown that trypanosome infection appeared to inhibit the immunoconglutinin response to Brucella abortus strain 19. The possible reasons for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the development of anaemia in Small East African goats experimentally infected with Trypanosoma congolense or Trypanosoma brucei. Experimental goats received a primary trypanosome challenge on day 0, treated with diminazene aceturate on day 49 and received a secondary trypanosome challenge on day 77 of the 136-day experiment. Both primary and secondary challenges were characterised by reduced peripheral erythrocyte counts, fall in packed cell volume (PCV), hypohaemoglobinaemia and reductions in the myeloid:erythroid ratios (M:E) compared with the uninfected goats. The progressive reduction in the M:E ratios denoted increased erythrogenesis in response to increased destruction of erythrocytes in blood by infecting trypanosomes or their products. The more rapid fall in M:E ratio in T. congolense infections shows that this parasite causes more severe clinical pathological effects in goats than T. brucei.  相似文献   

Ocular lesions associated with Trypanosoma spp. infection have been described in man and many animal species. However, loss of vision has not been demonstrated in humans presenting Chagas disease or in animals affected by different trypanosome species. In order to assess the possible ocular disorders caused by Trypanosoma evansi infection, six goats were inoculated with 1 x 10(5) T. evansi and maintained for 12 months and four goats were used as control. The inoculated animals became positive at serological and parasitological tests at 1-month post-inoculation and showed a subclinical course of the disease. Unilateral superficial corneal ulceration and retinochoroiditis were observed in two inoculated animals. Data from ocular neurologic examination and electroretinography showed no significant differences between inoculated and non-inoculated goats. It could be concluded that Trypanosoma evansi can produce ocular lesion but without apparent loss of vision in goats.  相似文献   

Mice infected with Trypanosoma congolense developed a severe anaemia 1 week after infection, which persisted till treatment with diminazine aceturate when the packed cell volume (PCV) recovered to pre-infection levels. This was accompanied by a marked increase in the plasma levels of the acute phase proteins (APP), serum amyloid P-component (SAP) and haptoglobin (Hp). The initial peak levels of Hp and SAP were attained 7 and 12 days post-infection (DPI), respectively. Thereafter SAP levels decreased significantly to near pre-infection levels, but later increased even after treatment to give a second peak 34 DPI after which there was a decline till the study was terminated. The Hp levels on the other hand decreased to an intermediate level after the initial peak increasing to a second peak 22 DPI. Thereafter Hp decreased significantly following diminazine aceturate treatment to reach pre-infection levels within 5 days post-treatment. This indicates that T. congolense-infected mice develop severe anaemia accompanied by an acute phase response leading to an increase in SAP and Hp but that following treatment divergent responses occurred indicating differences in the pathways for stimulation of the APP. Haptoglobin was shown to be an earlier indicator of infection and a better marker in monitoring the response to treatment.  相似文献   

An interference phenomenon that delays superinfection with a trypanosome species different from that used for the initial infection has been found to occur in goats. Following tsetse transmission of Trypanosoma brucei to goats already infected with T. congolense, there was a delay in chancre development, as well as in the appearance of T. brucei and anti-T. brucei antibodies in the blood when compared to previously uninfected goats. However, there was no delay in the establishment of a tsetse-transmitted superinfection with T. vivax in goats already infected with either T. congolense or in animals already infected with a different serodeme of T. vivax.  相似文献   

Samples for histological studies were taken from the genitalia of 14 bulls (five infected with Trypanosoma vivax, five with T. congolense and four uninfected control animals), slaughtered 12, 22 or 30 weeks post-infection. Infection with Y58 strain of T. vivax and strain 2295 of T. congolense caused various grades of lesions in the male reproductive organs, especially the testes and epididymides. T. congolense produced more severe degenerative changes than T. vivax. It is concluded that in long-standing cases, the result of trypanosome infection is either serious infertility or even sterility.  相似文献   

Diminazene aceturate is one of a limited number of compounds currently marketed for treatment of trypanosomiasis in cattle, sheep and goats. The pharmacokinetics of the compound in goats suggest that double treatment with diminazene aceturate might enhance the compound's therapeutic activity. A study was therefore conducted in goats using two clones of Trypanosoma congolense, IL 3274 and IL 1180, which were previously shown to be resistant and sensitive, respectively, to single treatment with diminazene aceturate. The results indicated that, as compared to single treatment, double treatment with diminazene aceturate at a dose of 7.2 mg kg-1 bodyweight, at either eight or 24 hour intervals, did not greatly enhance the therapeutic activity of the drug. Furthermore, treatment with the same drug dose eliminated infections with T congolense IL 3274 when treatment was administered 24 hours after infected Glossina morsitans centralis had fed, but failed to do so if treatment was delayed until after goats were detected to be parasitaemic. This suggests that failure of T congolense IL 3274 to respond to treatment with diminazene may not be due to drug resistance per se.  相似文献   

Infection by Trypanosoma vivax and other African trypanosomes plays an important role in reproductive disorders in male and female livestock. Outbreaks of T. vivax in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil are characterized by wasting disease in cattle, sheep and goats with hematological, cardiac and nervous compromises in addition to reproductive failures. Similar to reports from Africa, we previously observed a reduction in fertility rates and severe testicular degeneration and epididymitis in male sheep infected with T. vivax from this region. Although anestrus is frequently reported in goats and sheep infected with T. vivax, the effects of this infection on the female reproductive organs need clarification. In this study, we addressed this issue through a histopathological evaluation of ovarian follicular morphology and classification in goats experimentally infected with a T. vivax isolate from the Brazilian semi-arid region. The infected animals presented typical clinical signs of trypanosomosis by T. vivax, including anemia, hyperthermia, pallor of the mucous membranes, enlarged lymph nodes, and progressive loss of weight. All the infected goats remained anestrus throughout the experimental period and exhibited important disturbances in the ovaries, evidenced by reduced size and a smooth surface without follicles or corpora lutea, and abnormal follicular development. In addition, through PCR, we detected T. vivax DNA in the ovarian tissues of the infected goats. Our findings contributed to understand the female reproductive failure associated with trypanosomosis caused by T. vivax.  相似文献   

Serum samples of five goats inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii were analyzed using the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), indirect hemagglutination (IHA) and western blotting (WB). Antibodies detected by ELISA peaked between 19 and 62 days after inoculation and persisted throughout the experiment with no association to parasitaemia. Using WB, the main antigens detected had molecular weights of approximately 68, 62, 50, 48, 42, 34, 28, 26, 22 and 19 kDa. Antibody titers of between 1:256 and 1:32000 were observed using IHA, with a significant drop in activity after treatment with 2-mercapto-ethanol between days 12 and 48. This coincided with the parasitaemic period that occurs between 5 and 64 days after inoculation.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken in goats to investigate the ability of two unrelated stocks of Trypanosoma congolense, one of which is highly sensitive to isometamidium chloride and one which is drug-resistant, to become established in the presence of an existing infection with the other stock. The goats, which were initially infected with the sensitive strain and were then challenged with the resistant strain, were cured by treatment at 0.1 mg kg-1 isometamidium, indicating that the resistant stock did not establish an infection. Goats initially infected with the resistant stock, which were then challenged with the sensitive stock, experienced temporary remission of infection followed by relapse after treatment at 0.1 mg kg-1 isometamidium. In contrast, the goat infected only with the resistant stock remained parasitaemic following treatment at 0.1 mg kg-1. This suggests that superinfection with the sensitive stock resulted in the establishment of infection, which suppressed the resistant stock to below the limit of detection of the method used. These observations suggest that isometamidium-resistant stocks may be less viable than sensitive strains, and could explain the relative scarcity of isometamidium resistant in the field.  相似文献   

Fourteen goats were experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei with the following results: Four animals became terminally ill 24 to 47 days after inoculation of trypanosomes and were killed for necropsy. A second group of four goats became sick, had signs of systemic trypanosomiasis, were treated with diminazine aceturate (Berenil) and recovered showing no signs of disease over observation periods of 151 to 163 days. A third group of six goats, were treated with Berenil and temporarily recovered and in 60 to 79 days after therapy; four of these goats underwent relapse infection characterized by severe central nervous system (CNS) disease. Two of these goats were necropsied 45 days after chemotherapy, before clinical signs were evident, to show early neurological lesions. In group 3 (the relapse group), the microscopic changes became more severe as relapse infection progressed. Microscopically, the central nervous system lesions were edema, hyperemia, and infiltration of plasma cells, small lymphocytes, and some macrophages in the leptomeninges, choroid plexus, and brain parenchyma. Relapse infection is discussed from the standpoint of an occult phase of the disease where parasites are protected from the effects of trypanocidal drugs by the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

The course of an experimental infection of Zebu calves (6-12 months old) with Trypanosoma vivax was studied. Three of eight (38%) infected calves died, two within the first three weeks of infection and the other at 17 weeks. The remaining animals were self-cured. It would appear that self-cure of the infection was related to the ability of the calves to control parasitaemia as well as the severity of anaemia.  相似文献   

An experimental infection of 4-to 5-month old pigs with a stock of Trypanosoma brucei brucei resulted in a high parasitaemia, anorexia, pyrexia and a decline in the packed cell volume by one third. Nervous sign of circling and wobbling of the hind legs occurred in one of the pigs which at necropsy revealed a very severe meningo-encephalitis and the presence of trypanosomes in the brain. These results confirm that T. b. brucei might cause a severe disease in pigs.  相似文献   

An assessment of the role of dogs, goats and sheep as reservoir hosts of African trypanosomes infective for humans (sleeping sickness) was carried out in Nigeria during a 2-year study period. Twelve stocks of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei, 10 stocks of Trypanosoma congolense and 11 stocks of Trypanosoma vivax were isolated from a total of 699 animals, comprising 286 sheep, 221 goats and 192 dogs. The potential infectivity of the isolates for man was tested in vitro using the blood incubation infectivity test. None of the T. brucei group was resistant to the trypanocidal action of human serum; three of the T. congolense group were resistant to human serum. A parallel study of the trypanocidal action of test serum on authenticated T. brucei brucei and T. brucei gambiense showed that the human serum behaved as expected. The possibility is discussed that T. congolense might produce infections in man and should, therefore, be handled carefully both in the laboratory and by veterinarians in the field.  相似文献   

A total of 25 pregnant goats without neutralizing antibodies against BVD virus were inoculated with two different pestivirus isolates at eight different stages of gestation. In both infection groups, various malformations were observed in fetuses and neonates. In three twins with neutralizing antibodies against BVD virus leukoencephalomalacia occurred, characterized by gelatinous transformation in the cerebral hemispheres. These lesions were comparable to alterations described in alternative pathology of Border disease in sheep. Although the immunohistological findings are characteristic for immunological tolerance and viral persistence, viable offspring persistently infected with pestivirus was not observed.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei infection produced an acute and fatal disease in Nigerian mongrel dogs due to a rapidly developing anaemia. Infected dogs responded with increased reticulocytosis, which was not sustained with chronicity. In comparison the response to artificially-induced haemolytic anaemia was progressive, marked and sustained. The anaemia of T. brucei infection of dogs was either normocytic normochromic in acute infection or microcytic normochromic in chronic infection. Artificially-induced haemolytic anaemia was either macrocytic normochromic or normocytic normochromic. The erythropoietic potential of plasma in vivo in mice increased in T. brucei-infected dogs except at the terminal parasitaemia. The anaemia in Trypanosoma brucei-infected dogs is therefore initially responsive but becomes poorly involved with chronicity.  相似文献   

The prefemoral lymph nodes of two calves and a sheep infected with a stock of Trypanosoma congolense transmitted by Glossina morsitans were examined histologically for the presence of trypanosomes. Ten days after infection trypanosomes were found in the subcapsular sinuses of the nodes of a calf and the sheep but parasites were absent from the blood at this time. Trypanosomes were also detected in the prefemeral lymph node of the other calf on examination 30 days after infection, when parasites were also present in the blood. These observations provide further evidence that extravascular foci of trypanosomes develop in infections with T congolense and indicate that it should not be regarded as a strict plasma parasite.  相似文献   

PCR was used to diagnose toxoplasmosis in two pairs of Barbari goats infected by oral administration of doses of either 10(4) or 10(5) oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii. Blood and lymph node aspirates were collected from the infected goats and control goat at intervals, and tissues were also collected from a fetus that was aborted and a doe that died during the trial. Both processed and unprocessed samples were used for the PCR, using primers directed to the multicopy B1 gene. None of the blood samples was positive, but a specific signal was obtained from the lymph node aspirates after partial DNA extraction. Direct PCR of the lung, muscle and mesenteric lymph node of the doe and lung tissue of the aborted fetus yielded the target fragment. The simplified PCR protocols, including partial DNA extraction and direct assay of lung tissue, were effective for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

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