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Summary Sera from 184 N'Dama cattle randomly selected and averaging 2.7 years of age were tested for the presence of specific antibodies toAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis andB. bigemina, using one or more serological tests including complement fixation, rapid card agglutination and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA). Tests forA. marginale andB. bovis were essentially negative. Utilising the IFA test 65% of the sera tested were positive forB. bigemina.Three randomly selected two-year-old N'Dama bulls were splenectomised. All three showed an acute recurrence of aB. bigemina parasitaemia. Two died following typical signs of acute babesiosis and a third recovered following diminazene therapy.No. evidence of either B. bovis orA. marginale recrudescence was observed in the single surviving bull.Babesia bigemina appears endemic in the N'Dama cattle of The Gambia but no confirmed serological or clinical evidence ofB. bovis orA. marginale was observed.
Prevalencia De Anaplasmosis Y Babesiosis En Ganado N'doama De Gambia
Resumen Se examinaron sueros colectados de 184 animales N'Dama seleccionados al azar y de una edad aproximada de 2.7 años, por la presencia de anticuerpos específicos deAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis yB. bigemina, usando fijación del complemento, la aglutinación en tarjeta y la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes. Las pruebas paraA. marginale yB. bovis fueron esencialmente negativas. Mediante la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes 65% de los sueros fueron positivos aB. bigemina.Se esplenectomizaron tres toros N'Dama de dos años escogidos al azar. Todos tres desarrollaron parasitémia alta recurrente porB. bigemina. Dos de ellos murieron con lesiones típicas de babesiosis y el otro se recuperó después de la terapia con diminazene. No se observó recaída del toro sobreviviente porB. bovis oA. marginale. LaB. bigemina parece endémica en el ganado N'Dama de Gambia, pero no hay evidencia serológica deB. bovis o A. marginale.

Prevalence De l'Anaplasmose Et De La Babesiose Chez Les Bovins n'Dama De Gambie
Résumé Les sérums de 184 bovins N'dama, sélectionnés au hasard et âgés en moyenne de 2,7 ans, ont été examinés pour la présence d'anticorps spécifiques vis-à-vis d'Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis etB. bigemina par un ou plusieurs tests sérologiques dont la fixation du complément, l'agglutination rapide sur carde et l'immunofluorescence indirecte (IFI). Les tests pourA. marginale etB. bovis ont été essentiellement négatifs. Pour le test IFI, 65% des sérums testés ont été trouvés positifs pourB. bigemina.Trois taureaux N'dama de deux ans pris au hasard, ont été splenectomisés. Tous trois ont montré une récurrence aiguë de parasitémie aB. bigemina. Deux sont morts après avoir montré des signes typiques de babésiose aiguë; le troisième a guéri après un traitement au diminazène. On n'a pas noté de recrudescence deB. bovis ni d'A. marginale chez ce taureau survivant.B. bigemina semble être endemique chez le bétail N'dama de Gambie mais il n'y a aucune évidence sérologique ou clinique pourB. bovis etA. marginale.

Summary An experiment was conducted in The Gambia to compare trypanosomosis incidence between zebu and N'Dama cattle. It was considered important to compare the 2 breeds under identical management conditions and the animals were maintained together at 3 locations, traditionally managed and under a range of tsetse challenges. The results show that trypanosomosis incidence was significantly higher in zebu than in N'Dama. Titre of antibody againstTrypanosoma vivax measured by an IFAT showed a significant difference between zebu and N'Dama. Variations in packed cell volume were greater in zebu than in N'Dama.
Estudios Comparativos De Tripanosomiasis En Cebu Y Ganado N'dama En Gambia
Resumen Se llev a cabo un experimento en Gambia para comparar la incidencia de tripanosomiasis en ganado cebú y N'Dama. Se consideró importante comparar las 2 razas bajo condiciones similares, en tres lugares diferentes con descargas minimas y máximas de tsetsé. Los resultados mostraron que la incidencia de tripanosomiasis fue significativamente mayor en cebú que en N'Dama. Los titulos de anticuerpos contraTrypanosoma vivax medidos mediante la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes, fueron significantivamente diferentes entre cebú y N'Dama. La variación en el volumen corpuscular celular fue mayor en cebú que en N'Dama.

Etude Comparee De La Trypanosomose Chez Des Zebus Et Des Bovins N'dama En Gambie
Résumé Une expérience a été effectuée en Gambie pour comparer l'incidence de la trypanosomose entre des Zébu et des bovins N'dama. Il a été considéré comme important de comparer les 2 races dans des conditions d'élevage identiques, les animaux étant regroupés ensemble en 3 endroits, en élevage traditionnel et avec une pression glossinaire identique. Les résultats montrent que l'incidence de la trypanosomose a été plus élevée chez les Zébu que chez les N'dama. Le taux d'anticorps antiTrypanosoma vivax, mesuré par l'épreuve indirecte des anticorps fluorescents, a montré une différence significative entre les 2 races. Les variations de l'hématocrite ont été plus grandes chez les Zébu que chez les N'dama.

Gastrointestinal tracts of 48 yearling Maine dairy cattle were examined (8 animals every 2 months) for 1 year. Adult and immature nematodes were identified and counted. Species recovered were Bunostomum phlebotomum, Cooperia mcmasteri, Cooperia oncophora, Cooperia pectinata, Cooperia punctata, Haemonchus placei, Nematodirus helvetianus, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Ostertagia circumcincta, Ostertagia lyrata, Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostongylus axei, and Trichuris ovis. Strongyle parasitism was observed during every sampling period and the overall incidence was 93.7%. The most commonly encountered genera were Ostertagia spp (85.4%) and Cooperia spp (81.2%). Seasonal fluctuations in the worm burden of various nematodes were observed, with largest numbers seen in the fall. The incidence and degree of parasitism appeared to be related to environmental conditions. Proportions of adult and immature worms were shown to fluctuate with the time of year. Greatest numbers of immature worms were observed during the fall and winter.  相似文献   

The effect of a single anthelmintic treatment of cattle during the early dry season was studied. One hundred and sixty-six N'Dama cattle, 1–3 years old, were selected from five herds. There were 65 males and 101 females divided into two groups of 83 animals each. One group was treated with fenbendazole at 7.5 mg/kg body weight by mouth in November 1992; the other group remained as the untreated control. At monthly intervals from November 1992 to April 1993, each animal was weighed and the number of eggs/g of faeces (epg) was determined. The infective larvae (L3) were examined following culture of pooled samples from each group of animals. In April 1993, 6 animals (3 treated and 3 controls) from the herds under study were necropsied. The difference in the weight gains (4.6 kg) of the two groups was highly significant (p<0.0001). The difference in the weight gains and the epg between the treated and control groups was influenced by the age of the animals. Of the treated animals, one contained no nematodes, one contained only 25Oesophagostomum radiatum, and the third contained 25Cooperia L4. The three untreated animals were all infected. It was concluded that the treatment in early dry season, with an anthelmintic effective against both adults and larvae, led to a significant reduction in egg counts, to elimination of adults and hypobiotic larvae and, consequently, to an increase in the body weight gain by the treated animals.  相似文献   

Helminth and tick burdens of N'Dama cattle kept in village herds were compared with parasite burdens in Zebu cattle introduced into the same herds. The animals were monitored regularly for tick and helminth burdens, and blood samples were examined for differential white cell counts. The Zebu were found to have significantly higher numbers of endo- and ectoparasites. The N'Dama had significantly higher levels of circulating eosinophils than the Zebu during peak parasite burdens.

No difference in antibody levels to Amblyomma variegatum infestation could be detected between the two breeds. It is suggested that observed differences in susceptibility to endo- and ectoparasites between the two breeds cannot be totally attributed to environmental naivety of the Zebu, but must be partially owing to enhanced innate resistance factors in the N'Dama.  相似文献   

Summary Data collected on N'Dama cattle from a Government Station at Yundum, The Gambia were analysed for a range of performance traits recorded during the period 1970 to 1985. Least squares procedures were employed to evaluate the influence of environmental and genetic effects on reproductive and productive performance traits. Mean age (n=59) and weight (n=87) at first calving were 48·2±7·6 (s.d.) months and 235±35 kg respectively and were significantly (P<0·05) affected by year of birth. Calving intervals averaged 634±32 days (n=160) but their distribution showed three peaks; 12, 24 and 33 months. Previous year of calving had a significant effect on calving interval (P<0·01). Calf mean liveweights at birth, one, three and six months and at weaning (eight months) were 20·1±3·7, 30·7±6·0, 51·1±13·2, 88·9±25·0 and 110·5±27·0 kg, respectively. Calf mean daily weight gains to weaning averaged 0·38±0·14 kg. Liveweights and growth rates were significantly influenced by year of birth (P<0·01) and sex of calf (P<0·05). Cow mean liveweights at calving and six months after parturition were 272·3±43·0 and 277·4±34·2 kg. Calf mortality from birth to weaning was 4·6%. Productivity indices based on an eight-month weaner calf per cow per year, per 100 kg cow per year and per 100 kg of metabolic weight of cow per year were 82·6±36·5, 30·5±11·9 and 138·2±55·4 kg respectively. These levels of productivity were equal or superior to those obtained for N'Dama cattle in similar management situations elsewhere in West Africa and to those of a larger breed under a ranch situation in East Africa.
Resumen Se analizaron los datos acumulados durante el periodo 1970 a 1985, sobre el desempe?o de un hato de ganado N'Dama en una estación experimental en Yundum, Gambia, El procedimiento de mínimos cuadrados se utilizó para evaluar la influencia de efectos ambientales y genéticos sobre el rendimiento productivo y reproductivo. El promedio de edad (n=59) y peso (n=87) en la primera parición fue de 48·2±7·6 (s.d) meses y 235±35 kg, respectivamente siendo significativamente afectado por el a?o de nacimiento (P<0·05). El intervalo entre partos fue en promedio de 634±32 días (n=160) mostrando la distribución tres picos: 12, 24 y 32 meses. El a?o anterior a la parición tuvo un efecto significativo sobre el intervalo entre partos (P<0·01). Las medias de los pesos de las crías al nacimiento, al mes, a los tres y seis meses de edad y al destete (ocho meses) fueron 20·1±3·7, 30·7±6·0, 51·1±13·2, 88·9±25·0 y 110·5±27·0 kg respectivamente. La ganancia de peso media diaria hasta el destete promedió 0·38±0·14 kg. Las tasas de peso vivo y crecimiento fueron significativamente influenciadas por el a?o de nacimiento (P<0·01) y sexo de la cria (P<0·05). La media del pese corporal de las vacas a la parición y a los seis meses después de la misma fue de 272·3±43·0 y 277·4±34·2 kg. La mortalidad desde el nacimiento hasta el destete fue de 4·6% Los indices productivos basados sobre ocho meses de ternero destetado por vaca por a?o, por 100 kg por vaca por a?o y por 100 kg de peso metabólico por vaca por a?o fueron 82·6±36·5, 30·5±11·9 y 138·2±55·4 kg, respectivamente. Estos niveles de productividad fueron iguales o superiores a aquellos encontrados en ganado D'Dama en condiciones similares de manejo en Africa Occidental y a aquellos de una raza más grande bajo pastoreo extensivo en Africa Oriental.

Résumé Les données rassemblées sur le bétail N'Dama entretenu à la station de Yundum, en Gambie, ont été analysées pour une série de caractères ayant trait aux performances enregistrées de 1970 à 1975. La méthode des moindres carrés a été utilisée pour évaluer l'influence de la génétique sur les caractéristiques des performances liées à la reproduction et à la production. L'age moyen (n=59) et le poids (n=87) au premier vêlage ont été de 48,2±7,6 (d.s.) mois et 235±35 kg respectivement. Ces paramètres ont été affectés de fa?on significative par l'année de naissance. L'intervalle moyen des vêlages a été de 634±32 jours (n=160), mais leur répartition a montré trois pics à 12, 24 et 33 mois. L'année précédant le vêlage a eu un effect significatif sur l'intervalle de vělage (P<0,01). Les poids moyens des veaux à la naissance puis à un, trois et six mois et au sevrage à 8 mois ont été respectivement de 20,1±3,7, 30,7±6,0, 51,1±13,2, 88,9±25,0 et 110,5±27,0 kg. Les gains quotidiens moyens du veau jusqu'au sevrage ont été de 0,38±0,14kg. Les poids vifs et les taux de croissance ont été influencés de fa?on significative par l'année de naissance (P<0,01) et le sexe du veau (P<0,05). Les poids moyens des femelles au vêlage et 6 mois après le part ont été de 272,3±43,0 et 277,4±34,2 kg. La mortalité des veaux de la naissance jusqu'au sevrage a été de 4,6 p. 100. Les indices de productivité ont été basés: sur le sevrage du veau à 8 mois par femelle et para an; pour 100 kg de poids vif par femelle et par an; pour 100 kg de poids métabolique par femelle et par an. Les résultats ont été les suivants: 82,6±35,5 kg, 30,5±11,9 kg, 138,2±55,4 kg respectivement. Ces niveaux de productivité ont été égaux ou supérieurs à ceux obtenus pour le bétail N'Dama élevé dans des conditions identiques en d'autres régions de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et à ceux d'un élevage plus grand géré en ranching en Afrique de l'Est.

Three groups of 11 naturally infected crossbred beef calves were injected subcutaneously with moxidectin 1 per cent injectable at 0.2 or 0.3 mg moxidectin/kg bodyweight or with the unmedicated vehicle. Nematode infections had been acquired during grazing from December to April. Based on the faecal egg counts and total worm counts of the control calves at necropsy (11 to 13 days after treatment) most of the calves had heavy parasitic burdens. Ostertagia ostertagi was predominant and the mean numbers of adults, developing fourth stage larvae (L4) and inhibited early L4 were 45,906, 10,061 and 68,918, respectively. Haemonchus placei and Trichostrongylus axei were also present in the abomasa. Three species of Cooperia, Oesophagostomum radiatum L4 and T colubriformis adults were found in the intestinal tract. Both dosages of moxidectin were equally effective (P < 0.05) against all the abomasal nematodes (99.9 to 100 per cent) and the intestinal tract nematodes (99.4 to 100 per cent). No adverse reactions to the moxidectin treatment were observed. Abomasal pathology characteristic of heavy O ostertagi infection was observed in the control calves, but not in the treated calves.  相似文献   

A study was initiated to (1) determine species of gastrointestinal nematodes present in cattle in selected areas of Oregon, (2) examine seasonal abundance of these nematodes as an indicator of periods of transmission, and (3) determine when developmental inhibition occurs in the major genera of nematodes encountered. Four study sites were chosen: Corvallis, Langlois, near Fort Rock, and southeast of Klamath Falls on the Oregon-California border. Eight sets of three to four tracer calves each were introduced onto pasture at each site over a 2 year period with time of turn out onto pasture corresponding to late spring, mid-summer, late fall and late winter. At Corvallis, a distinct seasonality in parasite transmission was evident, peaking during the fall and winter. At Langlois, transmission was fairly constant throughout the year. No discernible patterns were evident at either Klamath Falls or Fort Rock. Eight nematode genera were found during the study. Ostertagia, Cooperia, Nematodirus and Trichostrongylus were present at all study sites and were the most common genera at each. Trichuris was found at all sites except Klamath Falls. Oesophagostomum was present in tracers only from Langlois and Corvallis while Haemonchus was found only at Klamath Falls and Fort Rock. Capillaria was only present at Klamath Falls. Where possible, specific transmission patterns for Nematodirus, Cooperia, and Ostertagia were determined for each site. Nematodirus was transmitted fairly steadily at both Langlois and Corvallis but was quite variable at Fort Rock. Developmental arrest was detected in this genus at all study sites during the fall and/or winter. Cooperia exhibited the most seasonally defined pattern of transmission, peaking during the fall and winter at Langlois, Corvallis and Klamath Falls. Hypobiotic larvae of Cooperia were present during the fall and/or winter only at Langlois and Corvallis. Peak transmission of Ostertagia at Langlois and Corvallis occurred during the fall and winter. At Fort Rock, transmission was lowest in the fall and increased in the winter. Hypobiotic larvae were evident in the fall and winter at Corvallis, Fort Rock and Klamath Falls. These data suggest Type II ostertagiasis may occur in late winter through spring in these areas. Hypobiotic larvae of Ostertagia were not detected at Langlois. The lack of appropriate environmental stimuli is one possible explanation for the apparent lack of hypobiosis at that site.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that host genetics significantly affects the number of gastrointestinal nematode eggs per gram (epg) in the feces of calves during their first grazing season. An entire calf crop of approximately 190 animals was monitored monthly until weaning to verify these earlier results, and to begin to discern the basis for this phenomenon. A significant genetic effect on fecal epg values was not observed until calves had been on pasture for 2-3 months, and was demonstrable until late in the grazing season when the effect was lost. The loss of a genetic effect coincided with the appearance of significant numbers of the more highly fecund nematode species Haemonchus placei and Oesophagostomum radiatum, and with an apparent increase in Ostertagia ostertagi transmission, indicating that the observed genetic control of epg values may be species specific, dose dependent or both. Calves were selected from the population, and grouped according to their epg phenotype over the grazing season as either high or low epg calves. Postmortem examination of some of these calves indicated that worm burdens in the low epg calves were 60% of those of the high epg calves. Experimental challenge inoculation of the remaining calves indicated that: (1) challenge with Cooperia oncophora resulted in low epg calves harboring worm numbers that were 65% of those of high epg calves; (2) challenge with O. ostertagi resulted in similar numbers of worms in both groups, but the fecundity of worms in the low epg groups was significantly lower (P less than 0.05) than in the high epg group. Analysis of serum anti-Ostertagia antibody levels in the grazing calf population showed rises in serum IgG1, IgG2, IgM and IgA antibody levels during the grazing season. Peak serum IgG2 and IgG1 anti-Ostertagia antibody levels were found to be significantly affected by host genetic factors while IgA and IgM levels were not under such control.  相似文献   

A 4-year study on the free-living stages of cattle gastrointestinal nematodes was conducted to determine (a) the development time from egg to infective larvae (L3) inside the faecal pats, (b) the pasture infectivity levels over time, and (c) the survival of L3 on pasture. Naturally infected calves were allowed to contaminate 16 plots on monthly basis. Weekly monitoring of eggs per gram of faeces (epg) values and faecal cultures from these animals provided data for the contamination patterns and the relative nematode population composition. At the same time, faecal pats were shaped and deposited monthly onto herbage and sampled weekly to determine the development time from egg to L3. Herbage samples were collected fortnightly over a 16-month period after deposition to evaluate the pasture larval infectivity and survival of L3 over time. The development time from egg to L3 was 1-2 weeks in summer, 3-5 weeks in autumn, 4-6 weeks in winter, and 1-4 weeks in spring. The levels of contamination and pasture infectivity showed a clear seasonality during autumn-winter and spring, whilst a high mortality of larvae on pasture occurred in summer. Ostertagia spp., Cooperia spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. were predominant and a survival of L3 on pasture over a 1-year period was recorded in this study.  相似文献   

Serum IgE concentration has been considered a valuable measurement in parasitic infections, yet little has been reported regarding cattle. This study examines the association of IgE levels of nematode-na?ve Holstein steer calves and the level of gastrointestinal parasitism acquired by grazing irrigated pasture for 30 days. Total IgE levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) specific for bovine IgE on serum collected both before and after exposure to parasite-infected pastures. Following necropsy, parasite loads were determined by direct count from the contents of the abomasum, small intestine, cecum and large intestine; species of Ostertagia and Cooperia being the most common helminths found. Significant increases of IgE in the serum of calves with light infestations were seen, whereas calves with moderate to heavy infestations showed only mild IgE increases. With increased parasite burden, the frequency of increased IgE levels was reduced. Additionally, there appeared to be a seasonal correlation relating the level of serum IgE detected to the number of worms counted and to the course of parasite development.  相似文献   

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