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Abstract Balancing aquatic conservation and water supply is becoming a major global issue for urban landscapes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ecological effects of stream‐flow alterations via water withdrawals and impoundments on fish assemblage structure. Electric fishing data were collected at 33 wadeable streams in Connecticut, located in the Southern New England region of USA. Fish sampling was conducted directly downstream of water withdrawals for municipal and agricultural water supply, and study sites differed in potential water withdrawal rates and the presence of impoundments. Regression analysis showed that water withdrawal rate was more important than other natural and anthropogenic factors (e.g. landcover and stream size) in explaining several fish assemblage metrics. Stream sites with high withdrawal rates were generally characterised by lower proportions of fluvial dependent fishes (fish which need flowing water to complete a portion of their life history) and benthic invertivores (fish which feed on bottom‐dwelling stream insects in riffle habitat), and had a greater percent composition of macrohabitat generalists, particularly members of the family Centrarchidae. Some assemblage metrics responded linearly with increasing magnitude of water withdrawals, but others were non‐linear. Results are consistent with ecological theory that alteration of the natural flow regime will impact stream biota.  相似文献   

Production of biomass is central to the ecology and sustainability of fish assemblages. The goal of this study was to empirically estimate and compare fish assemblage production, production‐to‐biomass (P/B) ratios and species composition for 25 second‐ to third‐order streams spanning the Appalachian Mountains (from Vermont to North Carolina) that vary in their temperature regimes. Fish assemblage production estimates ranged from 0.15 to 6.79 g m?2 year?1, and P/B ratios ranged from 0.20 to 1.07. There were no significant differences in mean assemblage production across northern cold‐water, southern cold‐water and southern cool‐water streams (= .35). Two warm‐water streams, not included in these comparisons, had the highest mean production and biomass values. Mean assemblage P/B was significantly higher in northern cold‐water streams relative to southern cold‐water and cool‐water streams (= .01). Species evenness in production declined with stream temperature and differed significantly across the lower latitude cold‐water, cool‐water and warm‐water streams and the higher latitude (i.e. more northern) cold‐water streams. Our fish assemblage production estimates and P/B ratios were both lower and higher compared to previously published estimates for similar stream habitats. This study provides empirical fish assemblage production estimates to inform future research on southern Appalachian streams and on the potential impacts of varying temperature regimes on cold‐water, cool‐water and warm‐water fish production in the coming decades as climate change continues to threaten fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Abstract  The effects of an extreme flash flood on the native fish assemblages across a Mediterranean catchment in Southwest Portugal were investigated. The fish community structure and habitat were surveyed at 10 sites pre- and post-flood. Overall species richness and rank abundances changed little after the flood, despite there being a consistent decline in the abundance of small cyprinids. Pre- and post-flood habitat correlates of abundance changed for at least some species, and variability in assemblage structure was associated with flood, depth and pH. These results indicate that extreme floods occurring early in the wet season may have little disruptive effects on the overall structure of native fish assemblages in Mediterranean streams, although may at least partially influence population dynamics for some species. Habitat quality and complexity are likely to play a role in mediating species responses to flooding.  相似文献   

Abstract – Identifying the underlying mechanisms that explain the spatial variation in stream fish assemblages is crucial for the protection of species diversity. The influences of local habitat and stream spatial position on fish assemblages were examined from first‐order through third‐order streams within a dammed watershed, the Qingyi Stream, China. Based on linear regression models, the most important environmental variables influencing fish species richness were water temperature and wetted width, but stream spatial position variables were less important. Using canonical correspondence analysis, five environmental variables were identified to significantly influence fish assemblages, including three habitats (elevation, substrate and water depth) and two spatial variables (C‐link and Link). Our results suggest that, in a heavily dammed watershed, by blocking the migration routes of fishes, dams weaken the influence of stream spatial position on fish species richness. However, fish species compositions are significantly influenced by both local habitat environment and stream spatial position, which is perhaps owing to the distribution of fish species according to ecological requirements not related to spatial processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— A survey of fish assemblages (composition and spatial organization) was made in the lower Guadiana basin (southern Iberia) during the summer of 1994. A total of 6937 specimens belonging to 18 species were collected in 44 channel units and 30 sites (i. c. a series of channel units), comprising all the freshwater species previously recorded in the area except the exotic Esox lucius and the endemic endangered cyprinid Anaecypris hispanica. The endemic cyprinids Chondrostoma lemmingii and Barbus sclateri were rarely encountered, whereas the exotic Lepomis gibbosus was the predominant species found. The lower Guadiana fish community changed in space from assemblages characterized by the high relative abundances of Leuciscus pyrenaicus , smaller size-classes of Barbus spp. and Tropidophoxinellus alburnoides (all Iberian endemisms), to assemblages characterized by the high relative abundances of L. gibbosus, Micropterus salmoides, Cichlasoma facetum (all exotic species) and the larger size-classes of Barbus comiza and Barbus microcephalus . The former assemblages used smaller (i. e., narrow and shallow) sites and channel units, usually in tributaries and closer to headwaters, with smaller L. pyrenaicus being dominant in sites located in the tributaries discharging to the brackish Guadiana. This group was also related to channel units rich in emergent macropthytes. The latter assemblages were related to the largest sites and channel units, typically found in the main river or in tributary sites far from the source. Besides these two groups, some species were associated to noticeable environmental conditions; Blennius fluviatilis to channel units with current velocity and heterogeneous substrate, typically found in the main river, and Cobitis paludica to channel units with heterogeneous substrate.  相似文献   

Abstract— We quantified microhabitat use by members of a southern Appalachian stream fish assemblage over a ten-year period that included both floods and droughts. Our study site (37 m in length) encompassed riffle, run and pool habitats. Previous research indicated that species belonged to either benthic or water-column microhabitat guilds. Most species exhibited non-random microhabitat use in all seasons, and benthic and water column species generally were over-represented in the deeper portions of the site. In addition, water column species generally were over-represented in microhabitats with lower average velocities. The majority of seasonal shifts in microhabitat use were passive (i. e. correlated with changes in microhabitat availability), whereas, most shifts associated with hydrological periods appeared to be active responses to changing environmental conditions. Most species exhibited length-related shifts in microhabitat use, which were strongly affected by hydrologic period for four of ten species. Microhabitat use patterns of assemblage members appeared to be a consequence of species-specific responses to changing environmental conditions. The highly flexible patterns of microhabitat use exhibited by these species necessitate that decisions regarding their management be based on data covering a range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined microhabitat use by gilt darters ( Percina evides ) in two streams in the south-eastern USA. Darters were over-represented in erosional microhabitats with higher average velocities and more cobble. Male darters tended to show stronger selection than females. Size-based analyses showed that larger (≥60 mm) gilt darters tended to use microhabitats with more heterogeneous substrata and more boulder than smaller (≤59 mm) darters. We also conducted a short-term movement study and calculated population estimates based on mark–recapture data in autumn 2005. Darters moved both long and short distances with 40% of all recaptures occurring within 5 m of the initial capture point. Using Program mark and model-averaged parameter estimates gilt darter density was 0.31 darters·m−2 (225 darters/730 m2). Conservation of this species will require the preservation of erosional habitats in streams.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Spatial and temporal variation of species–environment relationships were evaluated for shallow-margin and deep-water fish assemblages in the Brazos River, a large floodplain river in Texas, USA. Total variation among the deep-water assemblages (11 species, 86% turnover across gill net samples) was greater than for shallow-margins (38 species, 64% turnover across seine samples). For both shallow-margin and deep-water assemblages, variation was greater among sites than between winter and summer seasons. Shallow-margin assemblage structure was related to depth, velocity and substrate, whereas for deep-water assemblages river discharge, temperature and velocity were important. Season itself accounted for little of the variation among either shallow (6.7%) or deep-water (2.3%) assemblages. Overall temporal patterns of shallow-margin samples appeared to show responses to juvenile recruitment, spates and migration of coastal fishes, whereas for deep-water samples, patterns related to use of reproductive habitats, juvenile recruitment and seasonal activity levels. Brazos River assemblages were less variable overall in comparison with studies along similar length of reach in headwater streams and wadeable rivers. The residual variation in species distribution (54% for shallow-margin and 67% for deepwater) that was not explained by instream variables and season suggests a greater influence of biotic interactions in rivers, particularly those across the spatially dynamic interface of main channel habitats and shallow river margins.  相似文献   

Climate change can promote disease emergence if shifting conditions favour infection of native fauna by introduced parasites and pathogens. In Hawai'i, climate warming is predicted to reduce net precipitation and surface flow in streams, which in turn could increase parasitism of native stream fishes by non‐native parasites. In this study, we utilised a natural precipitation gradient across the Hamakua coast on the island of Hawai'i to assess the relationship between precipitation and infection of Awaous stamineus, a native amphidromous goby, by the introduced nematode Camallanus cotti. We found that the abundance, intensity and prevalence of C. cotti in A. stamineus increased with declining rainfall. Our results also show that parasitism tracks precipitation patterns across the archipelago and that parasitism increases even with moderate decreases in rainfall. As the Hamakua coast precipitation gradient represents a proxy for predicted climate‐driven reductions in precipitation, these findings suggest that infection of native Hawaiian fishes by introduced parasites will increase if climate conditions change as expected. Our findings also suggest that parasitism may be exacerbated by other factors that reduce surface flow, including water extraction for agricultural and urban uses. If so, then adaptive management of minimum flow standards in Hawai'i and elsewhere could improve the well‐being of at‐risk native fishes by alleviating parasitism under current and future climate conditions.  相似文献   

Pires DF, Pires AM, Collares-Pereira MJ, Magalhães MF. Variation in fish assemblages across dry-season pools in a Mediterranean stream: effects of pool morphology, physicochemical factors and spatial context. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 74–86. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Abstract –  Knowledge of patterns of refuge use by fish is critical for maintaining biodiversity in drought-prone streams. In this study, the fish assemblages of 21 dry-season pools in a Mediterranean stream were characterised and related to three sets of factors reflecting pool morphology, physicochemistry and spatial context. Fish were associated with the three sets of variables, with variation partitioning indicating that overall species richness and abundance were primarily related to pool morphology but relative species abundances were mainly associated with physicochemical contexts. In general, species richness was the highest but overall fish abundance was the lowest in large pools. Pools well shaded by riparian canopy held the highest richness and abundance of native fish, but relative species abundances and assembly structure varied among pools contingent on canopy cover, substrate composition and spatial location. These results suggested that conservation of fish diversity in Mediterranean streams requires networks of pools with diverse sizes and physicochemical contexts.  相似文献   

2013年7-8月对大别山皖河河源1~3级溪流的鱼类进行了调查,着重从河流网络体空间尺度研究了鱼类多样性及群落结构的空间格局,探讨了局域栖息地条件和支流空间位置对鱼类群落的影响.1~3级溪流间,鱼类物种数随溪流级别增大显著增多,但个体数无显著变化(P>0.05);长河、潜水和皖水3条支流间鱼类物种数和个体数均无显著差异(P>0.05).鱼类物种数受局域栖息地条件(海拔)和支流空间位置(河流级别和下游量级)的联合影响,但鱼类个体数仅受局域栖息地条件(海拔)的影响.不同溪流级别和不同支流间的群落结构均无显著差异(P>0.05).同物种数类似,鱼类群落结构也受局域过程(海拔)和空间过程(汇合量级和下游量级)的联合影响.本研究表明,总体上皖河河源溪流网络体中的鱼类群落是局域过程和空间过程联合作用的产物.因此,为合理保护和管理皖河河源的溪流鱼类物种,有必要兼顾局域栖息地条件与河流网络连通性的保护和恢复.  相似文献   

The reintroduction of beaver (Castor canadensis) into arid and semi‐arid rivers is receiving increasing management and conservation attention in recent years, yet very little is known about native versus non‐native fish occupancy in beaver pond habitats. Streams of the American Southwest support a highly endemic, highly endangered native fish fauna and abundant non‐native fishes, and here we investigated the hypothesis that beaver ponds in this region may lead to fish assemblages dominated by non‐native species that favour slower‐water habitat. We sampled fish assemblages within beaver ponds and within unimpounded lotic stream reaches in the mainstem and in tributaries of the free‐flowing upper Verde River, Arizona, USA. Non‐native fishes consistently outnumbered native species, and this dominance was greater in pond than in lotic assemblages. Few native species were recorded within ponds. Multivariate analysis indicated that fish assemblages in beaver ponds were distinct from those in lotic reaches, in both mainstem and tributary locations. Individual species driving this distinction included abundant non‐native green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) and western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in pond sites, and native desert sucker (Catostomus clarkii) in lotic sites. Overall, this study provides the first evidence that, relative to unimpounded lotic habitat, beaver ponds in arid and semi‐arid rivers support abundant non‐native fishes; these ponds could thus serve as important non‐native source areas and negatively impact co‐occurring native fish populations.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients determine the distributions of individual species, which, in turn, shape patterns of species assemblage across those gradients. We used species distribution models to study the assemblage of fish species along the three mainstem rivers in the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) in Alberta, which flow in parallel across an 800‐km longitudinal span and down 1400 m from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Plains of North America. We estimated the similarity of species assemblages along each river to identify general patterns of species assemblage associated with temperature and five other physiochemical variables. Mean July water temperature, which ranged from <11°C at high elevation to >21°C at low elevation, was strongly associated with the presence–absence of most species in the SSRB. We found that high turnover occurred at two locations along the longitudinal gradient: where mean July water temperature was approximately 15°C and where mean July water temperature was approximately 19 or 20°C. There was also an increase in species richness at lower elevations where water temperatures were higher. Models incorporating forecasted changes in water temperature with climate change will likely provide accurate predictions of changes in the diversity and distribution of riverine fish communities across topographically heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract – Synoptic fish surveys of river and irrigation canal sites and a path-analytic approach evaluate seasonal changes in fish assemblages in canal systems and river reaches of the middle Rio Grande, NM (USA). The objective was to assess how fish assemblages within the Isleta Reach respond to irrigation season and off-season variations in water and fish contributions from upstream river channels (Albuquerque Reach) and from the Peralta irrigation system. Eighteen species of fish were found in the irrigation canals, 13 in the Isleta Reach and 15 in the Albuquerque Reach. The proportion of nonnative fishes was higher in canals (56%) than in the river (11%). Species rank abundances were used in path analyses of fish species compositions during the irrigation season and off-season. During the irrigation season, path coefficients indicated fish movements downstream from the Albuquerque Reach (0.55) to the Isleta Reach exceeded contributions by the conveyance-return (0.29) and drain-return (0.05) canals. However, as the river de-watered the return canals were important refuge habitats for native fishes. The 0.05 value represented a major decline relative to the path coefficient for the upstream Peralta drain canal (0.72). During the off-season path coefficients indicated fish movements of 0.47 downstream in the river and 0.59 in the conveyance-return canal but a negligible value for the drain-return canal (-0.06). Irrigation management could be modified to favour native fish ecology by controlling movement of nonnative predators in canal systems and in providing refuge habitats for native fish during periods when water demand exceeds the supply.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Sixty-five large (>385 mm fork length) bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus ), a threatened relict charr (Family Salmonidae), were captured in the upper East Fork South Fork Salmon River (EFSFSR), Idaho, USA and implanted with radio tags to investigate their spatial and temporal movements and distribution throughout the South Fork Salmon River (SFSR) basin and beyond. All radio-tagged fish were migratory. Most fish displayed a fluvial migration pattern. They typically overwintered in the larger rivers downriver of the EFSFSR (SFSR and the Salmon River further downstream), migrated upriver to the EFSFSR in June and further upriver into small (<2 m wide) tributaries to spawn in August and September. Both consecutive-year and nonconsecutive-year spawners were found. A typical migration distance between the overwintering habitat and the spawning habitat was 100 km. A minor fraction (<10%) of the fish displayed an adfluvial life history pattern, overwintering in a small (2 ha) 60-year-old flooded mine pit in the EFSFSR upstream of the spawning tributaries. The stock exhibited distinct site fidelity for spawning and overwintering. Similar fluvial and adfluvial migration patterns have been reported for bull trout in the region as well as for other charr species worldwide. Effective management of this and other migratory charr stocks will require protection of a wide range of habitats, from large rivers to the smallest tributaries.  相似文献   

Onchocerciasis is a widespread disease in intertropical Africa, which, ultimately, causes irreversible blindness. The disease is transmitted by a small blackfly, Simulium damnosum (Diptera), which has aquatic larval and pupal stages. The breeding sites of the blackflies are riffles. These river reaches are the targets of the control campaign of the Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa (OCP). An aquatic monitoring network covering the totality of the area exposed to the insecticide was set up to evaluate environmental impact. In this paper, we present results from the OCP 20-year period of monitoring of the ichthyofauna regularly exposed to larvicides. We do not record any measurable effects of pesticides on the CPUE, abundance of species, trophic structure, community structure or fish health. However, we detect the emergence of a number of medium-term tendencies. These tendencies may relate to climatic conditions that have a consequent effect on hydrology. Thus, we note a constant decrease in the CPUE from the beginning of the monitoring until 1995. The rivers were treated during that time until 1990 or 1993, depending on the station. But even after the treatments ended, the number of catches continued to decrease. As a result, we consider other factors to be the cause of that decline. The average level of annual discharges in this region has been decreasing regularly from the beginning of the 1970s. The production of fish fluctuates in all the rivers according to the flood rate. Important floods inundate larger areas, making greater quantities of food available, and thus improving the conditions for reproduction. The determining factor of the ichthyological stock abundance seems to depend both on the extent and the duration of the flood. In our catches, the observed effect was not immediately evident but appeared a few years later as a cumulative effect of poor hydrological conditions. An increase in the CPUE since 1996 has been related to improved hydrological conditions. In these last few years, we have observed an intensification of the basic flow leading to a ground water renewal. Furthermore, on three of the stations investigated, it appeared that the impediment of rivers (dams) could induce different and/or antagonistic effects. In some cases, we have observed that in spite of unfavourable hydrological conditions, certain species appear to be favoured by the presence of the dam. But, the damming of the river has a negative effect on other species, particularly on the coefficient of condition of migratory fishes. The impact of these factors is enhanced by the fact they exist conjointly.  相似文献   

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