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1996~2000年采取样带法实地调查和分布区社会调查相结合方法,对辽宁省黑熊资源进行了系统调查.查清了黑熊在辽宁省分布于3市6县(市、区),具体分布地点有20个乡镇,分布面积3594.21 km2,种群数量总计347只,平均种群密度0.10只/hm2.在调查的基础上,分析了影响黑熊资源动态变化的原因,提出了加强保护管理的措施.  相似文献   

据西藏自治区林业局一份调查显示,国家二级保护动物西藏黑熊比十年前减少了一半,目前仅为七千余只,面临绝迹的境地。有关专家建议加大对西藏黑熊的保护力度。据统计,1994年西藏自治区总面积的近三分之一地区有黑熊分布,数量为14062只,但目前仅有7031只,种群数量减少了一半,西藏黑熊的自然分布区域也大大缩小。  相似文献   

水鹿是具很高经济价值的国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物,曾在广东省内广泛分布,但目前仅分布于粤北及粤东和粤西北部的部分地区。本文在介绍水鹿的基础上,综合多次野外调查,分析水鹿的分布状况,发现水鹿的资源有恢复的趋势,并提出保护广东省水鹿资源的合理化建议。  相似文献   

黑龙江龙口自然保护区黑熊春季生境选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈洋  夏茜  王文  沈广爽 《野生动物》2010,31(2):63-68
分别于2008年4~5月和2009年4~5月,在龙口自然保护区对黑熊春季生境选择进行了研究,野外工作共设置87个10 m×10 m样方,并调查12个生态因子,其中利用样方41个,对照样方46个。通过Vanderploeg &Scavia选择指数得到,黑熊喜爱选择处于高海拔(〉450 m)、上坡位有石砬子且草本盖度适中(10%~40%)的生境,倾向选择乔木密度高(〉10株/100 m2)、郁闭度大(〉40%)、灌木密度较低(〈10%)、隐蔽级低(〈30%)、倒木密度大(〉1根/100 m2)、陡坡(〉30°)且向阳的针阔混交林。主成分分析与资源选择函数分析共同得到海拔、坡度、坡位、植被类型对黑熊生境选择影响较大,坡向和倒木密度影响较小的结果。综合分析,将Vanderploeg & Scavia选择指数、主成分分析与资源选择函数相结合可以更好地反映黑熊生境选择情况。  相似文献   

综述 中国兽类资源的利用和展望 中国珍稀水生动物的保护 磨的保护与饲养 伊春林区野生动物资源 澳大利亚国家公园和野生动物管理工作概况 对我国黑熊资源保护的意见 赴西藏野生动物资源考察队员答本刊记者问 美国五十年来野生动物的恢复 蛇在我国传统医学中的应用生态与管理 中国魔属的种类及分布 花尾棒鸡的繁殖生态研究 长耳鸽的越冬习性、食性及鸣声分析 毛脚燕的繁殖生态 褐头雀舀的繁殖习性 黑熊的生态 吉林省长白山区红肋蓝尾钨的生态 鸟岛斑头雁几个生态问题初探 庙鸟群岛猛禽的迁徙观察 广元地区金雌的生态习性 利用鸟类控制森林虫…  相似文献   

寻仓觅熊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美洲黑熊(Ursus americanus)隶属食肉目,熊科,棕熊属。主要分布于北美大陆北部。每到冬季来临,黑熊便在其领域内选择适合的地点进行冬眠。这些地点一般是选择在空心树洞中,掘挖地面洞,有时甚至在象排水沟以及遗弃的建筑物这样的建筑中。在调查的65个洞穴中,有47个(72%)是熊掘挖的地面洞。这些洞是在树或残树干根部及灌木丛中,倒树下,山坡  相似文献   

黑龙江省通河县乌拉浑林场黑熊的生境选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战如亮  王文  陈洋  冯妍 《野生动物》2010,31(2):69-73
应用资源选择函数和资源选择指数对通河县乌拉浑林场内黑熊的生境选择进行了研究。结果表明,黑熊对生境的选择受到水源、倒木、地形因素以及隐蔽条件等因子的影响显著。黑熊对海拔较高(〉350 m)、处于上坡位及适中坡度的生境表现为喜爱选择。黑熊生境资源选择函数为:Logistic(P)=-5.254+8.644×坡度+1.896×坡位+2.728×隐蔽级+4.626×郁闭度-1.795×地理性-14.901×距水源距离+2.356×距人为干扰距离+6.078×倒木数量+2.138×乔木种类。黑熊对生境的选择概率为:P=elogistic(p)/[1+elogistic(p)]。模型的正确率为96.2%。  相似文献   

熊的饲养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊的饲养北京动物园张恩权熊科动物下分熊属(又称棕熊属)、亚洲黑熊属等6个属,在我国较多分布的东北棕熊属熊属,黑熊(俗称黑瞎子)属亚洲黑熊属,另外,在我国云南南部的森林中还有极少量的马来熊分布。本文介绍内容,以黑熊、棕熊为主。熊科动物人工饲养已有很长历...  相似文献   

黑熊的生态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑熊(Selenarctos thibetanus)的分布是从喜马拉雅山系、中印半岛到我国,日本及西伯利亚东南隅(郑作新,1964)。我国的黑熊有五个亚种。四川省青川县唐家河自然保护区的黑熊为四川亚种(S.t.mupinencis),是我国特有,主产于川、陕、甘一带(马逸清,1981)。对这一亚种的生态研究报道较少。作者从1984年2—11月在唐家河参加林业部与世界野生生物基金会对大熊猫,黑熊生态对照的合作研究,结合近两年在卧龙保护区、南  相似文献   

为了调查延边某熊场黑熊弓形虫感染情况,共采集血清样本73份,用间接ELISA法检测弓形虫血清抗体。结果表明:在73份血清样本中,检出21份阳性血清,血清抗体总阳性率为28.8%。在43份雄性黑熊血清中,检出9份阳性血清,抗体阳性率为20.9%;在30份雌性黑熊血清中,检出12份阳性血清,抗体阳性率为40.0%,但两者之间不存在统计学差异(P0.05)。本次调查证实该熊场黑熊存在弓形虫感染,对人畜造成潜在的危害。  相似文献   

孟沙  黄海魁  李志 《野生动物》2007,28(1):27-32
从1988年到现在,在野生动物及养熊场方面,已有1个法律、2个条例和至少5个以上的管理规章颁布实施,特别是1992年禁止对熊产品的进出口、1993年《猎枪和弹药工具的管理规定》以及《熊养殖管理技术暂行规定》的出台对养熊业和其资源保护产生了较大的影响;在法律法规执行方面、养熊场和野生动物及其产品贸易控制方面,政府管理部门采取了多项行动。从调查数据和野生动物肇事问题的增多方面可以看出黑熊野生种群数量在上升:通过关闭不符合国家相关规定如卫生条件、健康、技术和活动场所的养熊场等管理措施,使黑熊养殖场由原来的480家降到了现在的68家;活熊取胆技术也得到了较大改进,原来的导管式、铁背心引流技术已被现在的无管引流技术所取代,过去较小的笼养方式现在也得到了较大改善成为较大活动空间的养殖等。经过十多年的努力,熊养殖及其资源保护的进步趋势已经明显表现出来。尽管如此,野生黑熊在较多地区损害庄稼、伤人甚至导致人死亡的事件经常发生。政府管理部门面临着越来越多的动物肇事补偿问题,特别是,作为123种药品的生产原料并涉及到183家制药企业的熊胆粉供给问题。  相似文献   

Management of black bears (Ursus americanus) in urban settings is of growing concern because they often recolonize areas from which they had been extirpated. Urban landscapes offer much needed bear habitat, buffer habitat losses in other areas, and offer protection for bear populations, but only if conflicts between bears and humans are managed. In collaboration with the Northern Bear Awareness Society in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, a survey of a sample of Prince George residents was conducted to determine their attitudes toward black bears and bear management, including euthanasia (N = 71). These residents tended to feel positively toward black bears, but were split on the issue of euthanasia, with half being firmly opposed and half recognizing the need under certain conditions. There was a significant preference for non-lethal management tools, suggesting an opportunity for governments to explore options for managing human activities that created bear attractants.  相似文献   

Black bear populations in Alabama have been low since the early part of the 20th century, but an increase in sightings over the past decade has led researchers to believe that populations may be growing, spurring discussions on restoring the species throughout its native range in the state. The rise of a large carnivore population is likely to increase human–wildlife interactions and attract outspoken opinions in support of and against population recovery. We conducted a mail survey of Alabama residents to access public views and opinions toward growing bear populations. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the degree to which residents’ attitudes toward black bears could be predicted by demographic, cognitive, and experiential variables. Results demonstrate that the strongest predictors of attitudes toward bears included mutualist and hunting beliefs, trust in the state wildlife management agency, race, and exposure to bear education materials.  相似文献   

本文根据人工养熊的特点 ,建立了熊群体结构动态模型 ,并对人工饲养条件下熊群体结构的动态调控进行了探讨 ,以期为确定合理的熊群体结构提供参考  相似文献   

People who live in brown bear areas often fear encounters with these animals. This article evaluated the potential effect of exposure to bears and their habitats on human fear of brown bears using the modeling of appropriate behavior when close to bears. In a within-subject design, 25 persons who reported to be fearful of brown bears participated in a guided walk approaching approximately 50 m of a brown bear in its daybed and in a guided forest walk in bear habitat. The presentation order was reversed for half of the group. The participants reported significantly reduced feelings of fear after the bear walk, but not after the forest walk. There were no corresponding significant effects for the experimental measures of fear-related responses. The results partially support the notion that exposure to the object of fear, such as a bear habitat with presence of a bear, might be a feasible intervention to reduce peoples’ feeling of fear, but the design of the intervention must be developed further before it can be used in practice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the number of zoonotic disease outbreaks associated with animal exhibits and identify published recommendations for preventing zoonotic disease transmission from animals to people in exhibit settings. DESIGN: Literature review and survey of state public health veterinarians and state epidemiologists. PROCEDURE: MEDLINE and agriculture databases were searched from 1966 through 2000. Retrieved references and additional resources provided by the authors were reviewed. A survey was sent to state public health veterinarians and state epidemiologists to determine whether their states had written recommendations or guidelines for controlling zoonotic diseases in animal exhibition venues, whether their states maintained a listing of animal exhibitors in the state, and whether they had any information on recent outbreaks involving animals in exhibitions. RESULTS: 11 published outbreaks were identified. These outbreaks occurred in a variety of settings including petting zoos, farms, and a zoological park. An additional episode involving exposure to a potentially rabid bear required extensive public health resources. A survey of state public health veterinarians identified 16 additional unpublished outbreaks or incidents. Most states did not have written recommendations or guidelines for controlling zoonotic diseases or any means to disseminate educational materials to animal exhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: Recent outbreaks of zoonotic diseases associated with contact with animals in exhibition venues highlight concerns for disease transmission to public visitors. Only a handful of states have written guidelines for preventing zoonotic disease transmission in animal exhibition venues, and published recommendations currently available focus on preventing enteric diseases and largely do not address other zoonotic diseases or prevention of bite wounds.  相似文献   

The muscles of mastication of the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and those of the brown bear (U. arctos) were examined by anatomical approach. In addition, the examination of the skull was carried out in the polar bear, brown bear and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). In the polar bear, the rostro-ventral part of the superficial layer of the M. masseter possessed the abundant fleshy portion folded in the rostral and lateral directions like an accordion. Moreover, the rostro-medial area of the superficial layer became hollow in the nuchal direction when the mouth was closed. The M. temporalis of the polar bear covered up the anterior border of the coronoid process of the mandible and occupied the almost entire area of the cranial surface. The M. pterygoideus medialis of the polar bear was inserted on the ventral border of the mandible and on the ventral part of the temporal bone more widely than that of the brown bear. As results of our measurements of the mandible, an effect of the leverage in the polar bear was the smallest in three species. In the polar bear, the skull was flat, and the space between zygomatic arch and ventral border of the mandible, occupied by the M. masseter was the narrowest. It is suggested that the muscles of mastication of the polar bear is adapted to the flat skull feature for supplementing the functions.  相似文献   

棕熊在人工饲养条件下,受环境、食物以及与人群密切接触等诸多因素的影响,使机体的抗病能力下降,患病几率增加.主要对一例人工饲养棕熊肠梗阻的发病情况、临床症状、诊断方法和治疗措施作一介绍,以期为临床有效治疗棕熊肠梗阻提供参考.  相似文献   

马来熊是国家Ⅰ级保护动物,其生物学信息缺乏,也缺乏科学的保护和管理对策。本文通过回顾关于马来熊的研究文献,对其研究现状进行总结归纳,并针对种群分布现状提出科学保护和管理对策。关于马来熊的研究主要见于野生种群现状、野外生态及圈养种群的饲养管理等,其中野外生态主要集中于生境选择利用、家域特征、行为节律、食性等,需要进一步深入研究其个体生态学或种群生态学规律。针对马来熊的保护和研究现状,应采取加强立法、推行宣教、提高公众保护意识;加强基础科学研究;建立保护区、缓冲区及森林廊道等以恢复其栖息地等措施来有效保护其野生种群。  相似文献   

The American black bear (Ursus americanus) was long thought to be solitary and its social organization has not been well described. Here, we present new data on black bear social structure. The objectives of the study were to make detailed observations of the behavior of wild black bears to determine their social interactions and structure. We tested whether black bears interacted socially beyond mating and competing for resources, if black bears tracked relationships and interacted regularly even when resources were not limited, and whether the social structure of a population of black bears was based on a matrilinear hierarchy. We collected data by direct observation of bears from 1993 to 2014. Observations of 1210 social interactions at a provisioning site indicated that females compete and form matrilinear hierarchies. Dominant bears established a hierarchy for food, control of space, and control of younger bears. Post interaction scent marking took place, which suggested that dominant females were conditioning subordinates to their scent marks. Affiliative behavior occurred between related and unrelated bears and helped to establish the social structure of the bear community. Based on our data, human–bear conflicts can be reduced by behavioral modifications by humans when they encounter bears. Knowledge of bear behavior and the matrilinear hierarchy provide a basis for non-lethal management of bears that find themselves in a bear–human conflict situation.  相似文献   

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