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本文采用单因子设计,研究不同品种粗饲料组合对育成期舍饲辽宁绒山羊的生长、生产、产绒、增重以及羊绒的理化指标的影响,以便为广大辽宁绒山羊的饲养者提供合理的粗饲料组合。从试验结果上看,各组合间的差异不显著(P〉0.05);但从经济效益上分析,可以得出适合舍饲绒山羊的最佳粗饲料组合。  相似文献   

本文着重对硫营养影响绒山羊营养物质利用及绒生长的研究进展加以叙述。  相似文献   

同期发情技术是繁殖控制技术的重要内容之一,是指利用某些激素制剂处理,人为控制并调整母畜发情周期使之同期化的方法。使母畜在预定的时间内集中发情,以便有计划合理组织配种,有利于推广人工授精,减  相似文献   

矿物质元素是绒山羊正常生产发育所必须的,在机体内应保持正常的含量水平才能充分发挥绒山羊的生产性能,生产者应根据当地的实际  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the Larnaca area of Cyprus and included 28 goat and 15 sheep flocks suffering from neonatal diarrhoea (>20%). Faecal samples from diarrhoeic animals revealed that 25 of the 28 goat and 12 of the 15 sheep flocks were positive for Cryptosporidium. The ELISA was more accurate in the diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis compared to the Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique (P?相似文献   

Gastrointestinal (GI) nematode infection is a major constraint for grazing livestock production. The increasing prevalence and severity of anthelmintic-resistant nematodes in many parts of the world has led to a search for non-chemical control options. Under experimental conditions, the nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans is emerging as an alternative to chemotherapy for the control of GI nematode infection in biological production systems. Also, recent information points to the role of energy nutrition to increase the immune response against GI nematode infection. In this study the effect of D. flagrans and energy supplementation on the epidemiology of GI nematode infections is explored on grazing kids. Four groups of 10, 4-month old goats were turned out on infected pasture in the early spring and allocated to four separate paddocks where they were rotationally grazed for 16 weeks. One of these groups (F) received 0.5 x 10(6) D. flagrans spores/kg BW/d. Another group (S) was supplemented with 100 g barley grain per day. A third group (F+S) received both nematophagous fungi and barley supplement treatments simultaneously while the fourth group (C) was used as a non-treated control. Both nematophagous fungi and barley supplement had a significant effect (P<0.01) on reducing pasture infectivity, faecal egg excretion and worm burdens at slaughter that was particularly evident for Trichostrongylus colubriformis. The combination of both treatments showed a synergistic effect on the control of gastrointestinal nematode infections. At slaughter, the average total post-mortem worm count of the F+S group was reduced by 65% compared with the non-treated control. The results herein show that D. flagrans can act as an efficient biological control agent against kid GI nematode infections on pasture, which could further improve carcass characteristics. While small amounts of energy supplement can also reduce kid infection, the effect of D. flagrans as a biological control agent appeared clearly enhanced both in magnitude and duration by energy supplementation. This has clear implications for grazing animals and provides an efficient method for the practical control of parasitic nematodes in biological production systems.  相似文献   

为了研究不同产区河西绒山羊的羊绒产量和品质,了解羊绒品质及种质资源状况,试验在河西绒山羊的4个不同主产区分别采集羊绒样品测定个体产绒量,分析净绒率、绒纤维平均直径、绒长、断裂强力及伸长率等影响绒毛品质的主要技术指标。结果表明:1)4个产区的平均产绒量比20世纪80年代提高了2~3倍,且肃北、阿克塞、肃南产区的产绒量显著高于天祝产区(P<0.05);2)4个产区绒纤维平均直径为(16.15±2.50)μm,主体直径为15~17μm,其中天祝产区绒纤维的平均直径为(15.23±2.23)μm,显著低于其他3个产区(P<0.05)。3)平均绒长在5~6 cm之间,各产区间差异不显著(P>0.05);4)4个产区平均净绒率、纤维强力及伸长率分别为(59.19±8.95)%、(3.88±1.20)cN、(44.4±9.6)%。说明河西绒山羊经过选育之后产绒量提高,但平均绒纤维直径增大,品质下降,其优良品质性状没有得到有效保护。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of azithromycin treatment of cryptosporidiosis in naturally infected calves under field conditions. Fifty Holstein calves with cryptosporidiosis infection were divided into 5 groups: 1 group (10 calves) was unmedicated and served as the control group and was given distilled water only, whereas the other groups (10 animals per group) were medicated orally with azithromycin at the doses of 500 (group 1), 1,000 (group 2), 1,500 (group 3), and 2,000 mg (group 4) PO once daily for 7 days. The animals were examined clinically and fecal samples were collected on the 1st (inclusion day), 7th, 14th, and 21st days of the study. Drug efficacy was assessed by evaluating diarrhea, oocyst shedding, and weight gains from days 1 to 21 (4 assessments). Significant differences were observed in reductions of oocyst shedding (P < .05) and the fecal diarrhea incidence (P < .05) in groups 3 and 4 when compared with groups 1 and 2 and the control group. Weight gain of medicated calves was significantly higher than that of the unmedicated calves throughout the study (P < .05). The drug significantly suppressed oocyst shedding and resulted in significant improvements in clinical signs. Therefore, this suppression may have significant effect on the reduction of environmental contamination by cryptosporidial oocysts. From the economic point view, authors suggest that the most effective dose of azithromycin for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis in calves should be at 1,500 mg/d for 7 days.  相似文献   

反刍动物由于瘤胃的发酵作用,饲料内的淀粉在瘤胃内大多数被降解成为挥发性脂肪酸,直接在消化道内被消化的淀粉数量非常少。研究表明,当日粮中淀粉浓度增加时,有较大比例的淀粉逃脱瘤胃微生物的作用进入小肠消化(Karr等,1966;Waldo,1973)。而淀粉在小肠中的消化程度受多种因素的影响,且动物个体和品种间存在差异。淀粉在反刍动物小肠内的消失率和消失量的研究结果,各国报道的数值差异较大。目前各国学者或研究淀粉在瘤胃中的降解或  相似文献   

努比山羊在南方山区饲养观察及杂交利用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
房县隶属湖北省十堰市,境内山场辽阔,牧草丰富.宜牧山场面积为17.7万hm2,占全县总面积的34.6%.据测算,草场理论载畜量达130万个羊单位,发展山羊生产优势十分明显.1997年房县被列为湖北省商品羊基地县.为了解决本地山羊近亲繁殖严重、品质退化、体格较小、产肉量和出栏率低等问题,提高其肉用性能,在全国著名养羊专家、华中农业大学宗贤爝教授指导下,确立了努马杂交组合生产方案,即引进世界著名的努比山羊,对本地马头山羊进行杂交改良,以增加商品羊的日增重、个体重和产肉量,从而增加农民养殖效益.经过近5年的观察和利用,实践证明,杂交优势十分显著.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the pharmacokinetics of meloxicam in goat kids who were castrated following the administration of xylazine. Six goat kids were used for the study. The study was performed in two periods according to a longitudinal study, with a 15-day washout period between periods. In the first period (Control group), 1 mg/kg meloxicam was administered by i.v. route to kids. In the second period (Castration group), the kids were sedated with 0.3 mg/kg xylazine and castration was performed following meloxicam administration. Plasma meloxicam concentration was analyzed using HPLC-UV, and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by noncompartmental model. In the control group following the administration of meloxicam, mean elimination half-life (t1/2ʎz), area under the concentration–time curve (AUC0−∞), total body clearance (ClT), and volume of distribution at steady-state (Vdss) were 13.50 ± 0.62 hr, 41.10 ± 2.86 hr µg/ml, 24.43 ± 1.75 ml hr−1 kg−1, and 0.45 ± 0.03 L/kg, respectively. In the castration group, the t1/2ʎz of meloxicam prolonged, AUC0−∞ increased, and ClT and Vdss decreased. In conclusion, the excretion of meloxicam from the body slowed and the t1/2ʎz was prolonged in the castrated goat kids following xylazine administration. However, there is a need to determine the pharmacodynamics of meloxicam in castrated goat kids.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the effects of weaning kids abruptly at an average of 55 ± 13 days of age on intake, behavioral and serum parameters and, lasted for a total of six weeks; two weeks pre-weaning and four weeks post-weaning. Sixteen single kids with equal gender were used. Kids were only allowed to stay with their mothers for suckling (45 min/period) both in the morning and in the evening period during pre-weaning. Grower concentrate and hay were offered ad libitum . The duration of the study was divided into three periods for the sampling of behavioral and serum parameters; (i) pre-weaning period lasting for two weeks (P-BW) (ii) early post-weaning period lasting for one week (P-AW1) and (iii) late post-weaning period lasting for three weeks (P-AW2). Daily weight gain of kids gradually decreased as the observation period progressed ( P  = 0.001). However concentrate feed intake increased from 0.154 kg/day in P-BW to 0.479 kg/day in P-AW1 and 0.499 kg/day in P-AW2. Water intake, rumination and standing behaviors decreased in P-AW2 ( P  < 0.001), whereas activity towards concentrate feed (CF) ( P  < 0.001) and roughage ( P  = 0.012) increased as compared to P-BW and P-AW1. Abnormal oral activity was not affected by the periods ( P  = 0.906). CF was significantly higher in females ( P  = 0.003), whereas males displayed higher lying behavior ( P  = 0.007). Glucose, total protein, urea, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol concentrations ( P  = 0.001) and ALP activity ( P  = 0.003) were significantly affected by the periods. The results of the present study suggest that behavioral and serum parameters across the periods describe changes in the nutritional conditions as a result of the transition from milk to solid feed in association with weaning.  相似文献   

陇东绒山羊新品种培育研究报告   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采取杂交育种的方法,于2006年末,在甘肃省东部地区育成并存栏陇东绒山羊新品种3.76万只。新品种羊全身被毛白色,以产绒为主,绒肉兼用,一级以上成年公、母羊平均产绒量分别为578g和451g,体重分别为33.7kg、24.01kg,羊绒细度14.85μm,羊绒自然长度5.3cm,屠宰率47.08%,经产母羊产羔率103%。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of passive transfer status (determined from measurements of serum IgG concentration at 24 hours after parturition [sIgG-24]) on preweaning growth performance in dairy goat kids. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. ANIMALS: 20 healthy nursing dairy doe kids in a natural nonintensive breeding environment. PROCEDURES: For each kid, sIgG-24 was measured. Body weight was measured at birth and at the time of weaning 30 days (ie, 29 to 31 days) after birth; average daily gain from birth to day 30 and weight at day 30 were used as measures of preweaning growth performance. Regression analysis was used to evaluate associations between sIgG-24 and measures of preweaning growth performance. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD sIgG-24 was 31.7 +/- 10.3 mg/mL. Mean body weights at birth and weaning were 4.105 +/- 0.981 kg (9.031 +/- 2.158 lb) and 9.310 +/- 2.554 kg (20.482 +/- 5.619 lb), respectively; average daily gain was 0.174 +/- 0.072 kg/d (0.383 +/- 0.158 lb/d). No significant association was detected between sIgG-24 and birth weight. However, sIgG-24 was significantly associated with average daily gain (R(2) = 0.48) and weight at day 30 (R(2) = 0.56). Each increase in sIgG-24 of 1 mg/mL was associated with an increase in average daily gain of 0.005 kg/d (0.011 lb/d) and an increase in weight at day 30 of 0.185 kg (0.407 lb). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that passive transfer status (determined as sIgG-24) was a significant source of variation in preweaning growth performance in dairy doe kids reared in this nonintensive breeding environment.  相似文献   


Madam: — Automatic feeders are commonly used to rear goat kids. The efficiency of these factors should be considered when investigating the cause of scours in kids as the following case illustrates.  相似文献   

Goat kids from a herd endemically infected with caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) virus were raised according to 3 methods. One group of ten goat kids was removed from infected does at birth before suckling or licking by the doe could occur (snatch birth technique). Kids were fed on goat colostrum, which had been heated to 57 degrees C for ten minutes and then held in a thermos flask for one hour. Subsequently the kids were fed reconstituted spray dried cows' milk powder. They were raised apart from infected goats with separation maintained by a wire fence. Contact occurred across-the-fence. Passively acquired serum antibody to CAE virus was detected in some kids at two to three months of age. Nine of the ten goats were negative for serum antibody to CAE virus when tested at 5-6, 9 and 12 months of age. One goat was positive at three and nine months of age but was negative when tested at 12 months of age. A second group of four kids was removed at birth and fed heat-treated goat colostrum, followed by milk from CAE virus-infected does. All four kids became infected with CAE virus; they developed serum antibody to CAE virus between 5-6 and 9 months of age. A third group of two kids was not removed from their infected dams. Both kids were infected at 5-6 and 9 months of age.  相似文献   

柴达木绒山羊屠宰试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对29只柴达木绒山羊的产肉性能进行了测定。结果:胴体重以成年羯羊最高(17.33kg),成年母羊(12.69kg)和2.5岁羯羊(11.75kg)次之;屠宰率以1.5岁和2.5岁羯羊最高(48.28%和48.97%)。  相似文献   

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