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The stomatal behavior ofAdenophora lobophylla of different age structures was studied in July 1995 in greenhouse of the Harbin Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University by means of shading experiment. The effects of different shading treatments on the stomatal physiological character and ecological adaptation ofA. lobophylla of different ages were compared. The results showed that the morphological characters of annualA. lobophylla were more obvious than that of the perennial, but the stomatal density of annual was less than that of perennial. Growth of annualA. lobophylla was more sensitive to the change of environment than that of the perennial. The ecological adaptation of annual was weak, which was one of the main causes of endangered population. Foudation Item: This syudy is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 39391500).  相似文献   

The species diversity of broad-leaved trees in relation to the distance from a broad-leaved forest was investigated in Cryptomeria japonica plantations with crown snow damage near the Japan Sea in central Japan. The number and diversity of species and stem density decreased with distance from the broad-leaved forest in maturing gap stands (51–58 years old; >10 years after crown snow damage), but not in recent gap stands (34–42 years old; <10 years after crown snow damage), and increased with improved light conditions in the interior of recent gap stands, but not in that of maturing gap stands. The stem densities of tall and small tree species and woody lianas were greater in the interior of recent gap stands than in maturing gap stands. Woody lianas, which are characteristically shade intolerant, had a high stem density in the interior of recent gap stands. In contrast, the stem density of shrubs was greater in maturing gap stands than in recent gap stands, irrespective of distance. Shade-tolerant shrubs had a high stem density in maturing gap stands. Wind-dispersed and frugivore-dispersed species were concentrated at the edges of maturing gap stands, but some frugivore-dispersed species, which may persist in soil seed banks, occurred in the interior of recent gap stands. Gravity-dispersed species tended to occur both at the plantation edge and in the interior. The differences in the occurrence patterns of broad-leaved trees in the two types of stands reflected the difference in the effect of both the distance from the adjacent broad-leaved forest and the light conditions related to canopy gaps, with the time since gap formation in a region where crown snow damage often occurs.  相似文献   

杉木纯林改混交林阔叶树种的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了可持续利用选出多种杉木纯林改造的阔叶树种的人工复层林的经营模式 ,在杉木纯林间伐后采用多种更新改造阔叶树的随机设计试验。调查分析表明 ,树种间的造林效果达到显著、极显著的差异 ,米老排为效果最佳树种 ,其次为光皮桦、火力楠、细柄阿丁枫 ,初步认为桤木不适宜作为改造树种  相似文献   

The stomatal behavior of Adenophora lobophylla of different age structures was studied in July 1995 in greenhouse of the Harbin Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University by means of shading experiment. The effects of different shading treatments on the stomatal physiological character and ecological adaptation of A. lo-bophylla of different ages were compared. The results showed that the morphological characters of annual A. lo-bophylla were more obvious than that of the perennial, but the stomatal density of annual was less than that of perennial. Growth of annual A. lobophylla was more sensitive to the change of environment than that of the peren-nial. The ecological adaptation of annual was weak, which was one of the main causes of endangered population.  相似文献   


• Background   

To assess ozone risks to temperate deciduous forest trees in East Asia, the stomatal ozone uptake was estimated based on a flux-based modeling approach.  相似文献   

2014年8月,对高州市红椎等7种阔叶树种早期生长状况进行了调查,结果表明,3个林龄(4年、3年和2年生)红椎树高生长较快,其次为台湾相思,而香樟早期树高生长较慢;3个林龄红椎、枫香及红花荷地径生长较快,同样香樟地径生长较慢。方差分析表明,同一树种树高在4年和3年生间差异不显著(P>0.05),表明3年~4年生红椎等7种阔叶树种树高生长不明显,却显著高于2年生(P<0.05);除枫香、红花荷、台湾相思外,其余各树种3个林龄间地径均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。3个林龄树高下坡/上坡均值分别为1.43(4年生)、1.48(3年生)和1.24(2年生),而地径下坡/上坡均值分别为1.21(4年生)、1.32(3年生)和1.32(2年生),阔叶树种在下坡生长状况明显高于上坡。本研究为阔叶树种树种选择及可持续经营提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Sellin A 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):879-888
A study of how the water conducting systems of 30-50-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees growing at three sites adjust to shade and waterlogging indicated that water relations characteristics varied with the life histories of the trees. Xylem was more efficient at conducting water and stomata were more sensitive to atmospheric evaporative demand in trees subjected to favorable growth conditions (control trees) than in trees growing in shade or waterlogged conditions. At the same soil water availability, shade-grown trees suffered more severely from water deficit than control trees. Under conditions of high atmospheric vapor pressure deficit, foliage of shade-grown trees exhibited low water potentials, as a result of low hydraulic conductance of the vascular system and inefficient stomatal control. Because of the increased internal resistance to water flow, more negative leaf water potentials (Psi(x)) must be reached to provide an adequate water supply to the foliage. It is concluded that dynamic water stress is one of the main causes of the continuing growth retardation in suppressed Norway spruce trees after their release from the overstory. Trees growing in waterlogged soil (bog-grown trees) were characterized by weak stomatal control, resulting in large water losses from the foliage. Although bog-grown trees exhibited uneconomical water use, they possessed mechanisms (e.g., osmotic adjustment) that allowed leaves to tolerate low Psi(x) while stomata remained open. Under conditions of sufficient soil water availability and moderate atmospheric vapor pressure deficit, soil-to-leaf conductance was highest in bog-grown trees (1.45 +/- 0.06 mmol m(-2) s(-1) MPa(-1)), followed by control and shade-grown trees (1.04 +/- 0.04 and 0.77 +/- 0.05 mmol m(-2) s(-1) MPa(-1), respectively). The lowest soil-to-leaf conductance (0.45 +/- 0.04 mmol m(-2) s(-1) MPa(-1)) was recorded in control trees at high atmospheric evaporative demand, and was probably caused by tracheid cavitation.  相似文献   

Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hay) is an important timber species in Taiwan. Growth in generally improved trees under intense silvicultural practice is so rapid that rotations or the practice of thinning trees may be as short as 20–30 years. Thus, the wood properties of young plantation trees need to be characterized to effectively use this resource. The effects of different thinning and pruning methods on the compressive strength parallel to grain of young Taiwania trees were explored. Average compressive strengths with various thinning treatments revealed the trend of no thinning > medium thinning > heavy thinning and in the pruning treatments showed the trend of medium pruning > no pruning > heavy pruning. However, most results showed no statistically significant differences among thinning and pruning treatments.  相似文献   

李玉文 《林业研究》1999,10(4):203-206
IntroductionThecapacityofwoodyplantstoassimilateavail-ablenitrogen(nitrateandammonium)hasbeenweIlstudied,especiaIIyintermsofhabitatandspe-cies-reIateddifferencesinnitrateandammoniumassimiIationcapacity(Addoms1937lHauck1968lAlGharbietaI.1984,L8eetaI.1978,Tamm,1991,Vi-touseketaI.,1982iLietaI1994a,1994b,1995)However,nostudyhasfocusedonspecies-specifictemporalvariationinnitrateandammoniumassimiIa-tionamongexplicitIyco-existingwoodyplants,eventhoughtemporaIdifferentiationintheuseofnitratean…  相似文献   

为发展和科学利用速生阔叶工业用材种,对6种江西常见速生阔叶树木荷、苦楝、鹅掌楸、深山含笑、东京野茉莉及檫树的纤维形态及材性进行测定与分析。结果表明:木荷、苦楝、深山含笑、东京野茉莉的纤维都属长细型纤维,具有良好的制浆造纸性能,尤其苦楝属制浆造纸优等材,纤维长度最长,平均纤维长度达1.43 mm。檫树和鹅掌楸制浆造纸性能略差。11~12年生木荷和檫树密度已达中等密度木材范围,其中木荷平均密度最大,平均密度为0.69 g/cm3,但干缩性相对略大,深山含笑尺寸稳定性相对较好;木荷的综合强度最高,抗压强度50.52 MPa,属中级,抗弯强度和抗弯弹性模量分别为141.7 MPa、17.88 GPa,均属高等水平;鹅掌楸综合强度中等,顺纹抗压强度为50.52 MPa、抗弯强度84.99 MPa,抗弯弹性模量14.55 GPa;深山含笑抗弯强度和抗弯弹性模量均可达中等水平,但抗压强度略差;苦楝、东京野茉莉在材性综合强度方面稍差,抗压强度、抗弯强度和抗弯弹性模量方面均属低等水平。  相似文献   

The effects of different thinning and pruning methods on the bending strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity (DMOE) of young Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hay) were investigated. The average DMOE, modulus of elasticity (MOE), and modulus of rupture (MOR) in the thinning treatments showed the following trend: no thinning > medium thinning > heavy thinning. This indicates that thinning reduces average bending properties. The average DMOE, MOE, and MOR in the pruning treatments showed the following trend: medium pruning > no pruning > heavy pruning. According to this tendency, better average qualities of lumber and specimens were from wood subjected to no-thinning and medium-pruning treatments according to an ultrasonic wave technique and static bending tests. However, most results showed no statistically significant differences among thinning, pruning, and thinning and pruning treatments. The average values of DMOE, MOE, and MOR of visually graded construction-grade lumber were significantly greater than those of below-grade lumber. Moreover, there were very significant positive relationships between density, ultrasonic velocity, DMOE, MOE, and MOR, although the determination coefficients were small.  相似文献   

The photosynthesis and transpiration characteristics ofAdenophora lobophylla andA. potaninii, as well as stomatal behavior such as stomatal size, stomatal density, stomatal open and stomatal conductivity were measured at different altitudes. The relationship between the photosynthesis and transpiration characteristics and the stomatal behavior was analysed by correlation coefficient and path coefficient analysis with altitude changes. The results showed that the influences of stomatal behavior were not evident on the photosynthesis and transpiration characteristics ofA. Lobophylla, but evident on that ofA. potaninii. This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 39391500). Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

Koike T  Kitao M  Maruyama Y  Mori S  Lei TT 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):951-958
Photosynthetic acclimation of deciduous broad-leaved tree species was studied along a vertical gradient within the canopy of a multi-species deciduous forest in northern Japan. We investigated variations in (1) local light regime and CO2 concentration ([CO2]), and (2) morphological (area, thickness and area per mass), biochemical (nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations) and physiological (light-saturated photosynthetic rate) attributes of leaves of seven major species on three occasions (June, August and October). We studied early successional species, alder (Alnus hirsuta (Spach) Rupr.) and birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica (Miq.) Hara); gap phase species, walnut (Juglans ailanthifolia Carrière) and ash (Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica Rupr.); mid-successional species, basswood (Tilia japonica (Miq.) Simonk.) and elm (Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (Rehd.) Nakai); and the late-successional species, maple (Acer mono Bunge). All but maple initiated leaf unfolding from the lower part of the crown. The [CO2] within the vertical profile ranged from 320-350 ppm in the upper canopy to 405-560 ppm near the ground. The lowest and highest ambient [CO2] occurred during the day and during the night, respectively. This trend was observed consistently during the summer, but not when trees were leafless. Chlorophyll concentration was positively related to maximum photosynthetic rate within, but not among, species. Leaf senescence started from the inner part of the crown in alder and birch, but started either in the outer or top portion of the canopy of ash, basswood and maple. Chlorophyll (Chl) to nitrogen ratio in leaves increased with decreasing photon flux density. However, Chl b concentration in all species remained stable until the beginning of leaf senescence. Maximum photosynthetic rates observed in sun leaves of early successional species, gap phase or mid-successional species, and late successional species were 12.5-14.8 micromol m(-2) s(-1), 4.1-7.8 micromol m(-2) s(-1) and 3.1 micromol m(-2) s(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

Responses of the photosynthetic characteristics to variation in CO2 concentration and temperature of Ginkgo biloba, Eucommia ulmoides, Magnolia denudata and Tilia japonica were measured during the peak growing season. The results show that the ambient CO2 concentration could not meet the requirements for photosynthesis of these four species. The optimal temperatures for photosynthesis were lower than the average daytime air temperature. Hence, the photosynthesis of these four species was restricted by the low CO2 concentration and high daytime air temperature at the time of measurement. Marked enhancements in the net photosynthetic rate were found in all four species when the CO2 concentration was doubled. When the dependency on CO2 and temperature were examined simultaneously, it was seen that for increased CO2 concentrations there was a shift in the optimum temperature for M. denudata and T. japonica towards higher temperatures. Due to their independence on CO2 concentrations, this trend could not be found in the G. biloba and E. ulmoides data sets. The stomatal conductance (G s) was sensitive to a vapor pressure deficit (VPD) which in turn was sensitive to temperature. An increase in temperature would cause the VPD to increase and plants might be assumed to react by reducing their stomatal apertures. The effect on stomatal resistance would be most significant at high temperatures. The restriction to stomatal conductance for these four species would increase if CO2 concentrations were elevated at the same temperature. __________ Translated from Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei, 2006, 29 (6): 39–43 [译自: 河北农业大学学报]  相似文献   

The development of wound periderm after mechanical wounding was examined in the barks of Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, Fagus sylvatica and Sorbus aucuparia. Following the initial necrosis of cells immediately surrounding the wounds, development of the ligno-suberized barrier zone was detected within 7 days. Suberin deposition was observed in this tissue in A. pseudoplatanus, S. aucuparia and B. pendula 7 days after wounding, but not in F. sylvatica until day 14. By 28 days after wounding, extensive thickening of the walls of these cells had occurred. Differentiation of the wound periderm was detected immediately abutting the ligno-suberized barrier-zone tissues in all species, with extensive development by 28 days. Fifty-six days after wounding, the wound periderm was fully formed and completely confluent with the original periderm. Development of the wound response was similar in all species, with differences only in the timing of first detection of suberin.  相似文献   

The biomass production of both indigenous and introduced plant species in tropical fallow systems depends on the degree to which these species can acclimate to the light and water environments. Results for light spectral composition monitoring within the canopy of enriched fallows and for the leaf stomatal conductance of fast-growing leguminous trees and indigenous fallow species are presented. All measurements were made in a smallholder farm in Igarapé-Açu, northeastern Pará State, Brazil. Light spectral composition (330 to 1100 nm) was monitored at two heights (ground level and 1 m) in a six-year-old natural fallow, 1.5-year-old natural fallow, and 1.5-year-old fallows enriched with Acacia angustissima, Acacia mangium, Clitoria racemosa, Inga edulis, Sclerolobium paniculatum, and a mixture of these trees. Light-quality parameters including photosynthetically active radiation, phytochrome active radiation, and blue active radiation changed most drastically in the stands enriched with A. mangium. Stomatal conductance was higher for A. mangium than the other trees and four common indigenous fallow vegetation species (Phenakospermum guyannense, Davilla rugosa, Lacistema pubescens, and Myrcia bracteata). Results suggest that the enrichment of fallows with A. mangium may promote changes in light and water vapor exchange regimes, with potential effects on species diversity in fallows.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The diameter growth of trees may vary depending on the tree size, species and other tree-related factors. However, such variation is challenging to consider while estimating the growth response to weather conditions. This study investigated the effects of the weather conditions and variations in tree factors on diameter growth in a mature forest. In particular, we focused on diameter growth in June, the month of active diameter growth. We recorded the monthly diameter growth of 6 tree species for 7 years and constructed a generalized linear mixed model in which the mean growth was dependant on tree size, weather conditions, and the interaction between tree size and weather.  相似文献   

Stomata control carbon and water vapor exchange between the leaves and the atmosphere, thus infl uencing photosynthesis and transpiration. Combinations of forest patches with different stand ages are common in nature, however, information of which stomatal traits vary among these stands and how, remains limited. Here, seven different aged forest stands(6, 14, 25, 36, 45, 55, and 100 years) were selected in typical temperate, mixed broadleaf-conifer forests of northeast China. Stomatal density, size and relative area of 624 species, including the same species in stands of different ages were selected. Stomatal density, size and relative area were distributed log-normally,differing across all species and plant functional groups. Stomatal density ranged from 4.2 to 1276.7 stomata mm~(–2), stomatal size ranged from 66.6 to 8315.7 μm~2, and stomatal relative area 0.1–93.3%. There was a significant negative relationship between density and size at the species and functional group levels, while the relative stomatal area was positively correlated with density and size. Stomatal traits of dominant species were relatively stable across different stand ages but were significantly different for herbs. The results suggest that stomatal traits remain relatively stable for dominant species in natural forests and therefore, spatial variation in stomatal traits across forest patches does not need to be incorporated in future ecological models.  相似文献   

In semi-arid regions, trees often wither during the dry season. Withering is sometimes manifest as die-back, whereby whithering results in shoot death, which progresses downward from the uppermost part of the crown. In this study, we measured the relationships between height growth and diameter at breast height, die-back frequency and severity, vessel size and specific hydraulic conductivity of four evergreen (Senna siamea (Lamk) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don, Azadirachta indica A.H.L. Juss and Acacia gerrardii Benth.) and one deciduous (Melia volkensii Gürke) plantation tree species in Kenya, which has a conspicuous dry season. Die-back occurred readily in some species, but not in others. Senna siamea showed the highest specific hydraulic conductivity and the highest growth rate among the five species and was quite susceptible to die-back. Among species, height growth and specific hydraulic conductivity were positively correlated with vessel size and negatively correlated with die-back frequency, suggesting a trade-off between growth rate and drought tolerance. This implies that an adaptation to rapid growth under humid conditions leads to low drought tolerance. However, the deciduous tree Melia volkensii showed high specific hydraulic conductivity and growth, with no symptoms of die-back, implying that a mechanism associated with the deciduous habit results in drought avoidance by reducing the requirement for water during the dry season.  相似文献   

The photosynthesis and transpiration characteristics ofAdenophora Iobophylla and A. potaninii, as well as stomatal behavior such as stomatal size, stomatal density, stomatal open and stomatal conductivity were measured at different altitudes. The relationship between the photosynthesis and transpiration characteristics and the stomatal behavior was analysed by correlation coefficient and path coefficient analysis with altitude changes.The results showed that the influences of stomatal behavior were not evident on the photosynthesis and transpiration characteristics of A. Lobophylla, but evident on that of A. potaninii.  相似文献   

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