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Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is useful to evaluate tissue perfusion in the kidney. In veterinarymedicine, sedation or anesthesia may be required in uncooperative or panting patients. The aim of this studywas to evaluate and compare the normal kidney perfusion patterns in conscious and anesthetized dogs usingCEUS. Eight healthy beagles were used in this study. Scanning was performed in conscious dogs using manualrestraint (conscious group), or under general anesthesia using tiletamine-zolazepam and medetomidine (TZMgroup) or medetomidine (M group). The contrast agent (Sonovue®) was administered as an IV bolus.The peak intensity (PI), time to peak enhancement from injection (TTP0) and the time to peakenhancement from the initial rise (TTPup), upslope, downslope and area under the curve (AUC) wereanalyzed. Compared to the cortical values in the conscious group, TTP0 was significantly delayed inthe TZM group, and upslope, TTP0 and TTPup were significantly different in the M group.The AUCs in the TZM and M groups were not different from those in the conscious group. The upslope of renalmedullary perfusion was significantly decreased in the TZM and M groups. TTP0 and TTPupwere also significantly delayed in these groups. The AUC of the medulla was significantly decreased in the Mgroup. Therefore, TZM is useful as an anesthetic protocol when performing CEUS, and the obtained data mayserve as reference values in the evaluation of renal perfusion using CEUS in dogs under anesthesia.  相似文献   

胰腺炎是胰腺自身被消化所导致的炎症,是兽医临床的常见病,给犬带来极大危害。论文采用发病情况调查,临床症状观察,实验室检查方法相结合对2012年-2016年西北农林科技大学西安动物医院所确诊的10例犬胰腺炎病例进行统计分析。发病情况调查的主要内容包括既往病史调查,既往用药史调查,问诊等;临床症状主要有剧烈的呕吐,食欲废绝,腹部按压疼痛;实验室检查采用美国IDEXX胰腺炎检测试纸条检测宠物脂肪酶水平,若发现脂肪酶水平显著升高,试纸条呈阳性,即可确诊。胰腺炎患犬的治疗原则为禁食、止吐、补液、止痛、消炎,补充营养物质,调节内环境平衡。经过治疗,所有病犬均康复,转归良好。通过对这10例胰腺炎患犬的诊断和治疗,能够为临床上该病的诊断、治疗以及预后评估等提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Parasites resembling Neospora caninum or Toxoplasma gondii were detected by cytologic examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from a dog with neurologic disease. The dog became severely ill and was euthanized. Canine tissue homogenates were used for direct parasite isolation in cell culture, bioassay in 2 mouse lineages, and PCR. T. gondii was isolated in monkey kidney cells, and species identity was confirmed by PCR. Inoculated parasites were highly virulent for mice, which developed clinical signs and were euthanized immediately. PCR-RFLP for T. gondii using the cultured isolate (TgDgBA22) was conducted with 12 genetic markers, and a unique recombinant strain was identified. Detection of T. gondii by CSF cytology, although described in humans, had not been reported previously in dogs, to our knowledge, and was crucial for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in the examined dog.  相似文献   

To establish a protocol for a multi-phase computed tomography (CT) of the canine pancreas using the bolus-tracking technique, dynamic scan and multi-phase CT were performed in six normal beagle dogs. The dynamic scan was performed for 60 sec at 1-sec intervals after the injection (4 ml/sec) of a contrast medium, and intervals from aortic enhancement appearance to aortic, pancreatic parenchymal and portal vein peaks were measured. The multi-phase CT with 3 phases was performed three times using a bolus-tracking technique. Scan delays were 0, 15 and 30 in first multi-phase scan; 5, 20 and 35 in second multi-phase scan; and 10, 25 and 40 sec in third multi-phase scan, respectively. Attenuation values and contrast enhancement pattern were analyzed from the aorta, pancreas and portal vein. The intervals from aortic enhancement appearance to aortic, pancreatic parenchymal and portal vein peaks were 3.8 ± 0.7, 8.7 ± 0.9 and 13.3 ± 1.5 sec, respectively. The maximum attenuation values of the aorta, pancreatic parenchyma and portal vein were present at scan sections with no scan delay, a 5-sec delay and a 10-sec delay, respectively. When a multi-phase CT of the canine pancreas is triggered at aortic enhancement appearance using a bolus-tracking technique, the recommended optimal delay times of the arterial and pancreatic parenchymal phases are no scan delay and 5 sec, respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this prospective study was to establish the ultrasonographic characteristics of the dimension of the right pancreatic lobe with that of the associated anatomic landmarks in healthy dogs. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on 25 dogs. The thickness of the right pancreatic lobe was compared with that of mural thickness of duodenum, diameter of duodenum, pancreatic duct, abdominal aorta, portal vein, caudal vena cava, and length and width of the right kidney and right adrenal gland. The correlation between each pancreatic parameter and the dimensions of the anatomical landmarks were assessed using linear regression analysis and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) test. Significant, but weak linear correlations were observed between thickness of right pancreatic lobe with that of duodenum mural thickness (r=0.605, R2=0.339, P=0.001); duodenum diameter (r=0.573, R2=0.299, P=0.003); and right adrenal gland length (r=0.508, R2=0.052, P=0.01). There was no significant dimensional relationship with other selected anatomic landmarks. The ratio between the thickness of right pancreatic lobe and the mural thickness of duodenum, diameter of duodenum and length of right adrenal gland were 2.88 ± 0.53, 1.27 ± 0.27 and 0.81 ± 0.15, respectively. Calculating the ratio of thickness of the right pancreatic lobe with the dimension of significantly correlated anatomic landmarks is a useful and simple method for evaluating the size of the right pancreatic lobe in dogs in clinical practice.  相似文献   



Quantitative contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) can detect pancreatic perfusion changes in experimentally induced canine pancreatitis. However, its usefulness in detecting perfusion changes in naturally occurring pancreatitis is unclear.


To determine the feasibility of using CEUS to detect pancreatic and duodenal perfusion changes in naturally occurring canine pancreatitis.


Twenty‐three client‐owned dogs with pancreatitis, 12 healthy control dogs.


Dogs diagnosed with pancreatitis were prospectively included. CEUS of the pancreas and duodenum were performed. Time‐intensity curves were created from regions of interest in the pancreas and duodenum. Five perfusion parameters were obtained for statistical analyses: time to initial up‐slope, peak time (Tp), time to wash‐out (TTW), peak intensity (PI), and area under the curve (AUC).


For the pancreas, Tp of the pancreatitis group was prolonged when compared to controls (62 ± 11 seconds versus 39 ± 13 seconds; < .001). TTW also was prolonged but not significantly (268 ± 69 seconds versus 228 ± 47 seconds; = .47). PI and AUC were increased when compared to controls (95 ± 15 versus 78 ± 13 MPV; = .009 and 14,900 ± 3,400 versus 11,000 ± 2,800 MPV*s; = .013, respectively). For the duodenum, PI and AUC were significantly increased in the pancreatitis group when compared to controls.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography can detect pancreatic perfusion changes in naturally occurring canine pancreatitis characterized by delayed peak with prolonged hyperechoic enhancement of the pancreas on CEUS. Additionally, duodenal perfusion changes secondary to pancreatitis were observed.  相似文献   

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