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European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead sea bream(Sparus aurata) are amongst the most important finfish speciescultured in the Mediterranean region. Production of these species isnowadays a well-controlled process, but knowledge of their nutritionalrequirements is still very limited. Nevertheless, a considerable amountof data has been accumulated in recent years, and the purpose of thispaper is to review the recent advances on the nutritional requirementsof sea bass and sea bream. The optimum protein to energy ratio of thediets of sea bass and sea bream seem to be higher than for salmonids,and there is some evidence that high dietary lipid levels have nobeneficial effects on fish performances. Although the essential aminoacid requirements were estimated by the ideal protein method, data basedon the dose-response method is only available for a few amino acids.Essential fatty acid requirements were estimated for sea bream juvenilesbut data is lacking for sea bass. Vitamin and mineral requirements ofthese species are practically unknown. Although the importance ofbroodstock nutrition on gonadal development, spawning and egg quality isrecognized, few studies were done to elucidate these aspects. The recentdevelopment of microparticulate diets for larvae will contribute to theaccurate evaluation of their nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

  1. The disproportionately low presence of marine species in the list of invasive alien species (IAS) of Union concern of the European Union (EU) Regulation 1143/2014 does not fully acknowledge the threat they pose to the EU marine environment.
  2. In this study, the first EU‐scale Horizon Scanning (HS) focusing on marine alien species was performed, aiming to deliver a ranked list of species that should be of high priority for risk assessment (Article 5 of the EU IAS Regulation).
  3. Species absent from or with a limited distribution in EU marine waters were targeted. In total, 363 alien species were initially screened for HS by a panel of experts, including a broad range of taxonomic groups. Species were scored for their likelihood of arrival, establishment, spread, and impact in EU waters.
  4. A consensus workshop ranked 267 species, including a subset of 26 prioritized species. These species are considered to be mainly introduced by shipping (fouling and ballast water), via the Suez Canal, and aquaculture activities. The 26 priority species were also scrutinized in terms of feasibility of their management; 18 of them were suggested for performing risk assessments on the basis of the EU IAS Regulation.
  5. Since biological invasions are dynamic and connected with accelerated globalization and diversified human activities, we recommend HS to be repeated periodically to review the species already listed and assess new ones.

The binding characteristics of the European sea bass estrogen receptor (ER) were determined in ovarian cytosolic and nuclear extracts. Results were consistent with the presence of a single class of high affinity and low capacity ER, the first to be characterized in teleost ovary. This will contribute to our understanding of changes in ER affinity and abundance during sex differentiation in this economically important species.  相似文献   

Sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), juveniles (1.32 g) grew at a rate of 4.2% per day, when fish were fed ad libitum and reared at optimal thermal conditions (ambient sea water temperature, 20-26°C). At 13°C, feeding and spontaneous activity were severely restricted and somatic growth was reduced to 0.6% per day. Over a period of 6 weeks, both muscle fibre hyperplasia and nuclear division were higher in the ambient-temperature group compared with the fish reared at 13°C. Despite the differences in growth rate and spontaneous activity, muscle fibre hyperplasia was paralleled by nuclear division in the lateral axial muscle in both temperature groups and the number of nuclei per myofibre did not differ significantly between the two temperature groups. It is concluded that at optimal thermal and feeding conditions, somatic growth of sea bass juveniles is mediated through an increase in the number of nuclei and muscle fibres.  相似文献   

Analysis of 5–6 microsatellite loci was used to measure the increment of homozygosity in two meiogynogenetic progenies (A and B) of sea bass with respect to their mother. In progeny A and B, 20% and 12% of the meiogynogens retained heterozygosity for all investigated maternal loci, respectively, while complete homozygosity was observed only in 6% of B and in none of A, indicating the occurrence of significant allelic recombination during meiosis. The overall increment of homozygosity for the investigated loci was 27% for A and 47% for B. Although survival at hatching of meiogynogens was about half that of controls, they subsequently grew as controls and displayed the same onset of puberty and reproductive potential at adulthood during three consecutive years when crossed between themselves (11 crosses) or with control fish (13 crosses). In particular, meiogynogenetic females (n=24) underwent vitellogenesis and yielded eggs of good quality upon stimulation with LH–RH analogue similarly to normal fish. Sperm released by meiogynogenetic males (n=23) was equivalent to that of controls in terms of volume, quality and fertilization capability.Second generation meiogynogens were obtained by chromosome set manipulation from meiogynogenetic females and found to be morphologically normal at 3 years of age. Interestingly, under our culture conditions, the percentage of meiogynogenetic males in the second generation was 7% as opposed to 39% in the first generation.  相似文献   

Selective breeding of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) receives a growing interest, as the estimated heritability of growth is medium to high. In this study, we compared the offspring of four groups of sea bass sires, mated with the same wild dams: wild (W), first generation of domestication (D), first generation of mass selection for length (M), first generation of PROSPER-like selection for length (P). The comparison was done both in replicated tanks (separate rearing) and in mixed tanks (mixed rearing) where sire origins were recovered by genotyping of eight microsatellite markers. Weight, length and growth rate were measured from day 238 post-fertilization (69 g mean weight) to day 611 post-fertilization (390 g mean weight). Both in mixed and separate tanks, both selected groups (P, M) were larger than unselected groups (W, D). No difference was seen at any time between W and D, nor between M and P. The selection response estimate on weight was larger in mixed tanks when compared to separate tanks (+ 42% in mixed tanks, + 23% in separate tanks at day 611), yielding realized heritability estimates of 0.60 and 0.34, respectively, and confirming the excellent potential of the species for growth improvement through selective breeding. Both selection response and the amplification effect between mixed and separate tanks decreased as rearing density increased. Our hypothesis is that selection response is magnified by competition in mixed tanks, while sub-optimal rearing conditions lower the observed selection response, more in separate tanks (where selected thus larger fish are at a higher density than unselected ones) than in mixed tanks (where all fish experience the same density effects).  相似文献   

Abstract –  Allozyme genetics (34 loci) is studied in up to 1010 European trout ( Salmo trutta ) from the Rhine, Meuse, Weser, Elbe and Danube river systems in Central Europe. Population samples from single collection sites, chiefly small streams ( G CG = 0.2126), rather than the divergence of the trout from Atlantic and Danubian drainages ( G SG = 0.0711), contributed to the overall gene diversity of G ST = 0.2824. Sea trout ( n  = 164) and brown trout ( n  = 767) in Atlantic rivers adhere to the same biogeographical stock, but anadromous trout from the Rhine and the Elbe display more genetic cohesion than resident brown trout from the Rhine system alone. Strayers from the Elbe could have founded the recently re-established sea trout population of the Rhine, after a few decades of absence or precarious rarity. Migrants may even connect the Rhine and Elbe stocks by ongoing gene flow. A release–recapture study confirms that all trout in the Rhine belong to one partly migratory population network: Six of 2400 juvenile sea trout released into a tributary of the Rhine were later recorded as emigrants to the Rhine delta, against three of 1600 released brown trout. One migrant had entered the open North Sea, but the other dispersers were recorded in fresh waters of the Rhine delta (Ijsselmeer, Amstelmeer). Stocking presumably elevated both heterozygosity and fixation indices of brown trout, but this effect is subtle within the range of the Atlantic population group. Improved sea trout management in the Rhine, and modifications to brown trout stocking in the upper Danubian area are recommended.  相似文献   

Infection patterns of the invasive Anguillicola crassus nematode were investigated in a population of the European eel Anguilla anguilla where parasite invasion is very recent, Loch Lomond, Scotland. Intensity levels of the parasite were associated with differences in fish ontogeny and trophic ecology. Although eels foraged on both fish and invertebrates, individuals which were smaller and fed on invertebrates (>70% contribution to diet) were found to contain a greater number of swim bladder parasites compared to larger eel with a predominance of fish (>60% contribution) in their diet. Within affected fish, a significant negative relationship was found between fish length and parasite intensity, with smaller individuals having higher parasite intensity than larger individuals. This study indicates that food intake and infection risk are linked in this recently infected host–parasite system. From a management perspective increasing our understanding of how infection intensity and repeated exposure is linked to resource use in an ecosystem is important for the future management of this endangered species in Europe.  相似文献   

The effects of increased dietary sodium chloride supplement on growth, feed efficiency (FE), feed dispensed rate and fillet composition and morphological indices of European sea bass (initial weight of 4.9 g) were investigated in freshwater using five different levels of supplemental salt (0 (control diet, with no salt supplemented), 1%, 3%, 5% and 9% of diet). Over the experimental period of 50 days, the final weight of dietary salt (DS) groups was found to be approximately 19% higher than the control group. The final weight, specific growth rate and FE were greatest at the moderate level (1–5%) of salt supplementation. Optimum level of DS inclusion was calculated as 3%. Feed efficiency was significantly enhanced with increasing salt level up to 5%. A negative relationship between daily feed intake and FE (r2=0.66) was observed. The average muscle ratio (MR) in groups fed 1–5% supplemented salt was around 51.4% whereas fish receiving control and 9% salty diets had 5.3% lower MR (48.7%) (P<0.05). However, no significant effects of salt inclusion were found on viscera or hepatosomatic indices. Muscle ash and dry matter content slightly rose with increasing DS in the diet, but with no statistical difference (P>0.05). Similarly, no significant changes were observed in either muscle protein or lipid content among the groups (P>0.05).  相似文献   

A dimorphic expression pattern of ERα was found during sexual development in the European sea bass. It is therefore suggested that ERα plays an important role in sexual differentiation in this species.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the interleukin-10 (IL-10) expression and 3D modelling of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). IL-10 is a regulatory cytokine that has been intensively studied in mammals and has been found mainly involved in the suppression or deactivation of activated immune responses. The full-length sea bass IL-10 cDNA consists of 1015 bp and is translated in a predicted molecule of 187 amino acids. A multiple alignment of this peptide with other known sequences showed the conservation of fundamental IL-10 family characteristics. Expression analysis by real-time PCR in control fish showed a high basal expression in the head kidney (HK), followed by gut and brain. In vitro treatment of HK leucocytes with LPS showed an intense increase of IL-10 expression at 4 h and a significant decrease at 24 h, with PHA-L no differences were evidenced. A 3D model for sea bass IL-10 was obtained by accurate homology procedures and putative interaction residues with the IL-10 receptor described. The results suggested that sea bass IL-10 could be involved in anti-inflammatory responses, but further experiments are needed to assess its importance in response to pathogenic agents, vaccinations and immunostimulants.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the influence of dietary phospholipid (PL) levels on survival and development of first feeding gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae. Larvae were fed from day 4 to 23 posthatching with an isoproteic and isolipidic formulated diet with graded levels of PL from 90–150 g kg?1 dry matter (DM). A dietary PL content of more than 90 g kg?1 DM seems to be necessary for sustaining growth of first feeding sea bream larvae. The survival rates of larvae fed the formulated diets (31–40% at day 23) were similar to those generally observed in marine aquaculture hatcheries with live prey feeding sequence. However, this high survival rate was not associated with high growth and the larvae showed, at the end of the study, a high proportion of individuals with abnormal liver and calculi in the urinary bladder. It is concluded that although the diets used here cannot be used in total replacement of live preys, they constitute a solid starting point for further nutritional studies with first feeding gilthead sea bream larvae.  相似文献   

European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), one of the most economically important fish in Mediterranean mariculture, shows high basal cortisol concentrations compared with other teleosts. The present study aims (a) to identify cortisol diel variation in fish held under a 12L:12D cycle and minimum handling stress, and (b) to establish the effect of fish size and stressor duration on the cortisol response. The results indicate high intrapopulation variability in plasma cortisol and a significant diel fluctuation with a peak value at dusk (18 h). Stressors of different intensity and/or duration affected the cortisol stress response in a differential manner according to fish size (and/or age). Maximum cortisol values in small-size fish were found at 1 and 2 h post-stress, depending on the duration of the stressor, while at 0.5 h post-stress in large fish regardless stress duration.  相似文献   

As no information is available regarding the efficacy of using rice protein concentrate (RPC) to replace fishmeal (FM) in diets for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), a trial was conducted to determine the optimum inclusion for European sea bass juveniles. Diets were formulated to replace 25%, 50% and 75% of fishmeal with RPC. Additional high level inclusion diets (50% and 75%) were supplemented with lysine and methionine to determine if these were limiting factors. Fish (18.0 ± 0.06 g) were fed the experimental diets for 12 weeks. The final mean weight and specific growth rate (SGR) were significantly higher in fish fed the control diet (diet FM) and low level RPC (diet RPC25) than in fish fed the other diets. The supplementation of the amino acids had a positive effect on growth, elevating the final weight of the high level RPC (RPC75 + AA) group above that of the non‐supplemented group (RPC75). However, this was still not comparable to fish fed FM and RPC25 diets. No significant differences in body composition were observed. A digestibility study demonstrated an inverse relationship between elevating inclusion levels of RPC and apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) for dry matter and lipid, with significantly lower values than the control being observed with RPC inclusions above 25%. The mesenteric fat index followed this trend. Circulating leucocyte levels, leucocyte ratios and serum lysozyme activity remained unaffected by dietary treatment. However, compared with the control group, fish fed RPC75, RPC50 + AA RPC75 + AA displayed significantly lower haematocrit values. The present study demonstrates that the inclusion of RPC at 140 g kg?1 (effectively replacing 25% of FM content) does not compromise European sea bass growth performance, body quality or basic haematological parameters. It is suggested that future studies including higher levels test the efficacy of additional amino acid supplementation (e.g. tryptophan).  相似文献   

Juvenile European sea bass from the same fish stock were selected by successive size grading processes using 2, 3 and 4 mm bar graders at 79, 96 and 99 days post hatching, thus forming three groups (n=300) consisting of similar‐sized fish that differed by time of each group formation. The growth patterns of fish groups were studied at three temperatures during 5 weeks of rearing. Three‐way anova followed by the Tukey multiple comparison test (P<0.05) showed a high dependence of growth on the temperature applied. The smallest size and weight of fish were detected in all groups reared at 19 °C compared with fish held at 21 and 23 °C respectively. Differences in coefficients of variation of lengths were small and insignificant between groups and temperatures. Growth in the length of sea bass juveniles during the test period was a linear function of time and no differences were observed in growth rate among groups at a particular temperature. Growth rates of fish were 0.71 ± 0.02, 0.62 ± 0.01 and 0.52 ± 0.02 mm day?1 at 23, 21 and 19 °C respectively. These results indicated that the variations in body size of juveniles in the test period were not the result of differences in the growth potential of individuals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Incidental catches in pelagic longline fishing pose a serious threat to sea turtle populations throughout the world's seas and oceans. In this work, carried out in the framework of the EC-DG-Fisheries 98/008 project, information on sea turtle catch rates from swordfish and albacore longline fishing activities observed in Italian waters off the Ionian Sea during 1999 and 2000, are reported. In addition, biometric data, health status, and tagging return rate of sea turtles captured are provided. A total of 200 sea turtles were caught (198 loggerhead turtles and 2 green turtles), comprising 0.5–15.7% of the total catch in number of individuals. The estimates of the sea turtles caught by the total fishing effort of both longlines in the whole study area were 1084 specimens in 1999 (95% CI = 667–1502) and 4447 specimens in 2000 (95% CI = 3189–5705). Although all sea turtles were released alive, nearly half of them had hooks that could not be removed and remained deeply embedded in the digestive tract.  相似文献   

Determining the optimum light conditions for sea urchins reared in land‐based systems is vital for the future use and assessment of possible commercial systems of sea urchin farming. The effects of two different light regimes, complete darkness and a long day photoperiod of 16 h light:8 h darkness, on the somatic and gonadal growth of the European sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (19.5–23.0 mm) was investigated using the commercial UrchinPlatter? System over a 6‐month period (5 March to 5 September). Hatchery‐produced P. lividus were transported to the Aquaculture Fisheries Development Centre (AFDC, University College, Cork UCC). Before arrival at the AFDC, sea urchins were reared on a diet of Laminaria digitata. Females were the predominant species of the animal group, displaying a reproductive Stage III (growing stage) where gametogenesis was commencing. Results show that darkness supports higher somatic growth than the photoperiod treatment. Feeding rates were higher for sea urchins reared under darkness with gonadal growth increasing for both experimental treatments. Individuals reared under darkness had a higher per cent change in gonad index from the initial sample taken at the beginning of the experiment.  相似文献   

Skeletal deformities are important traits for aquaculture as they induce slow growing and low market value. We studied their genetic determinism and their interactions with the environment at the ongrowing stage in 5839 European sea bass from a partial factorial mating of 33 sires and 23 dams, reared in four sites. All families were mixed, and fish were first reared in one site (site B) until 35 g mean weight, then distributed to the four sites. A posteriori reconstruction of pedigree with microsatellites was used. Deformities were scored internally at slaughtering, and externally from photographs. Site B, where all fish were initially stocked until 35 g and exposed to forced swimming because of fast water current showed the highest rate of deformities with 83% and 65% from internal and external scoring respectively. Heritability on the underlying scale was h2 = 0.25 ± 0.03 across all sites, and varied little between sites, while genetic correlations of deformities between sites were always high (>0.85). Genetic correlations between deformities and daily growth coefficient were variable between sites(rA = 0.50 ± 0.09, 0.43 ± 0.10, 0.32 ± 0.10, 0.18 ± 0.10 for sites A, B, C, D respectively) and were positively linked with the average growth rate in each site. These results pointed out that there could be a relation between growth rate and the evolution of deformities at the grow‐out stage.  相似文献   

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