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Cereal production is chronically deficit in the Timbuktu region of Mali, sufficient for only 4.5 months of annual household consumption. Small-scale, village-based irrigation schemes, usually 30–35 ha in size, irrigated by a diesel motor pump, have become important to improve food security in this arid region. The NGO Africare has worked during the past 12 years with farmers in Goundam and Dire circles to establish irrigation schemes and provide them with technical assistance. In 2007, Africare undertook a first test of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Goundam circle. After farmers observed a yield of 9 t ha−1 of paddy compared to 6.7 t ha−1 in the control plot there was interest in larger scale testing of the SRI system. In 2008, Africare, in collaboration with the local Government Agriculture Service and with support from the Better U Foundation, implemented a community-based evaluation of SRI with 60 farmers in 12 villages. Farmers in each village selected five volunteers, who each installed both SRI and control plots, side by side, starting the nurseries on the same day and using the same seed. For SRI plots, seedlings were transplanted one plant hill−1 at the two-leaf stage (on average, 11.6 days old), with spacing of 25 cm × 25 cm between hills and aligned in both directions. This allowed farmers to cross-weed with a cono-weeder, on average 2.4 times during the season. In the control plots, farmers planted 3 plants hill−1 with seedlings 29.4 days old and spaced on average 23.7 cm, not planted in lines. Weeding was done by hand. 13 t ha−1 of organic matter was applied under SRI management, and 3 t ha−1 in the control plots. Fertilizer use was reduced by 30% with SRI compared to the control. Although alternate wetting and drying irrigation is recommended for SRI, this was not optimally implemented due to constraints on irrigation management within the scheme; thus water savings were only 10% compared to the control. Average SRI yield for all farmers reached 9.1 t ha−1, with the lowest being 5.4 t ha−1 and highest being 12.4 t ha−1. SRI yields were on average 66% higher than the control plots at 5.5 t ha−1, and 87% higher than the yields in surrounding rice fields at 4.9 t ha−1. Number of tillers and panicles hill−1, number of tillers and panicles m−2, and panicle length and number of grains panicle−1 were clearly superior with SRI compared to control plants. Farmers tested five varieties, all of which produced better under SRI. The SRI system allowed for a seed reduction of 85–90%: from 40–60 kg ha−1 for the control plots to 6.1 kg ha−1 under SRI. Although production costs per hectare were 15% higher for SRI, revenue was 2.1 times higher than under the control. Farmers were very satisfied with these results. In 2009/2010, Africare and the Government’s agriculture service worked with over 270 farmers in 28 villages to scale up SRI practices and to test innovations, including composting techniques, optimization of irrigation, and techniques to reduce labor requirements and production costs. The good crop performance along with other advantages was confirmed in this third year with SRI yields of 7.7 t ha−1 (n = 130 farmers) compared to 4.5 t ha−1 in farmers’ fields.  相似文献   

In seed priming, seeds are soaked in a solution of low water potential and dried back to their original weight. This study was conducted to evaluate the comparative performance of different seed priming treatments and to investigate whether re-drying is essential or not? Seeds of fine grain aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Super-Basmati were subjected to hardening, osmohardening with CaCl2 and KCl (ψ s ?1.25 MPa) each for 24 h (one cycle), and hydropriming and ascorbate priming (10 mg L?1) for 48 h. Seeds were primed in two sets. In one set after each treatment, seeds were given three surface washings with distilled water and dried back near to original moisture contents with forced air. In the other case, after surface washings with distilled water, seeds were surface dried using blotting paper and sown immediately. All the priming treatments improved the emergence, seedling growth and reserve metabolism. Use of surface drying was more effective for rice seed invigoration, as evident from earlier and synchronized seedling emergence. Moreover, shoot and root length, seedling dry weight, root score, α-amylase activity, soluble sugars and dehydrogenase activity were also improved, although germination percentage and leaf score were similar from both strategies. Results suggested that surface drying, rather than re-drying close to original weight, was more effective, while among the treatments, osmohardening with CaCl2 was the most effective. Increasing rice production with judicious use of water is need of the day, and aerobic rice cultivation is an attractive alternative for this purpose. However, poor and erratic stand establishment is one of the major hindrances in its wide scale adoption. In this regard, seed priming techniques are pragmatic approaches to achieve proper stand establishment in the new rice culture. They help in improving seedling density per unit area under optimal and adverse soil conditions and may be opted to improve the performance of aerobic rice.  相似文献   

The study evaluates the effects of seed priming (5 g or ml kg1 seed) and soil application (2 kg or l ha1) of eight organophosphate pesticides on rice root-knot disease caused by Meloidogyne graminicola. Seed priming (SP) or soil application (SA) of phorate, carbofuran and chlorpyriphos (1000 J2 of M. graminicola kg1 soil) suppressed galling in the rice nursery by 92 and 99%, 80 and 88% and 76 and 80%, respectively, over control. Relatively similar decreases in the galling were recorded when this nursery was grown for four months in the sterilized soils in earthen pots. Rice cv. PS-5 grown in naturally infested soil in earthen pots (1000 J2 kg1 soil) became stunted, showing chlorotic foliage, and terminal galls developed on the roots. The treatment of SP + SA 15 + 30 days after planting (DAP) with phorate, carbosulfan, and chlorpyriphos significantly suppressed the root-knot development and improved the plant growth of rice over the controls (P ≤ 0.05). The overall effect of the SP + SA 15 DAP treatments was marginally weaker than the SP + SA 15 + 30 DAP treatments but statistically on par. Under field conditions, the greatest decrease in the galling occurred due to SP + SA 15 + 30 DAP of phorate (69−71%) and SP + SA 15 DAP (65−67%) followed by carbosulfan and chlorpyriphos. The yield of rice plants was also highest with phorate (32−36% and 29−34%) over the control during the two years of the study. The soil population of M. graminicola decreased by 58–84% over four months due to the phorate treatments. The study demonstrates that seed priming with phorate effectively controls nematode infections in the nursery and that soil application at 15 DAP (2 kg ai ha1) prevents root-knot development in an infested field under irrigated conditions. Use of SP + SA 15 DAP may enable to avoid one soil application of phorate in the field.  相似文献   

The long-term nitrogen pollution load potential (NPLPg) to groundwater from farmlands was examined in the Tedori River Basin. The NPLPg was estimated using the difference between N in the fertilizer application rate and N outputs in crop yield at 5-yearly intervals from 1960 to 2005. The total yearly NPLPg of 1,085 t (103 kg) in the 1960s decreased to 774 t by 1975. Thereafter, the NPLPg gradually increased to 976 t in the 1990s, but decreased again to 369 t in 2005. The NPLPg decreased by 23% for rice and by 37% for horticultural crops from 1960 to 2005 with an overall decrease of 34%. The NPLPg per unit area was relatively stable over time for rice, soybean, barley, and horticultural crops, but there were significant differences among them. The NPLPg for rice ranged from 39 to 85 kg ha−1 year−1 with an average of 65 kg ha−1 year−1 and that of the horticultural crops ranged from 273 to 357 kg ha−1 year−1 with an average of 302 kg ha−1 year−1 The significant long-term changes in the NPLPg suggest that evaluation at a specific point in time is insufficient for an integrated assessment of groundwater pollution.  相似文献   

Promising results from an increasing number of field evaluations of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) conducted in Asia and Africa indicate that African farmers could increase their rice production while lowering costs of operation and reducing the need for water by utilizing its principles and practices. This system relies not on external inputs to raise productivity but on alternative methods for managing rice plants and the soil and water resources devoted to their cultivation. Farmers in sub-Saharan Africa increasingly have to cope with the impacts of adverse climate effects because water shortages and long dry spells during the cropping season are becoming common, even in lowland rice agroecosystems. SRI management practices create both larger rice root systems that make their plants more resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses and more conducive environments for beneficial soil microflora and fauna to flourish. Better plant growth and development result from promoting plant–soil synergies. Controlled fertilizer management experiments conducted with SRI practices in The Gambia have showed that grain production can be significantly increased without higher application of inorganic fertilizer and with less requirement for water. SRI management practices with fertilizer application at the national recommended dose produced a grain yield of 7.6 t ha−1. Water productivity was greatly increased, with 0.76 g of grain produced per kg total water input, compared to 0.10 g of grain per kg of water when the crop was continuously flooded. Recent hikes in fuel prices and consequent rises in input costs are making domestic rice production less attractive and importation even more attractive. Computation of production costs showed that SRI production, not needing heavy applications of fertilizer, is economically cost-effective. Achieving yield increases through ever-higher fertilizer applications is not economically or environmentally viable. SRI management with recommended fertilizer applications produced a net return of $853 ha−1 compared to $853 ha−1 compared to 37 when using farmers’ present low-productivity practices.  相似文献   

Intensive rice farming in aerobic soil, referred to herein as aerobic rice, can greatly reduce the water input compared to that of flooded rice cultivation. The objective of this study was to compare the potential productivity of aerobic rice and flooded rice using high-yielding varieties at two locations in Japan in two successive years. In aerobic fields, the total amount of water supplied (irrigation plus rainfall) was 800–1300 mm. The soil water potential at 20-cm depth averaged between −15 and −30 kPa each growing season, but frequently reached −60 kPa. The average yield under aerobic conditions was similar to or even higher than that achieved with flooded conditions (7.9 t ha−1 in 2007 and 9.4 t ha−1 in 2008 for aerobic versus 8.2 t ha−1 for flooded). The average water productivity under aerobic conditions was 0.8–1.0 kg grain m−3 water, slightly higher than common values in the literature. The super-high-yielding cultivar Takanari achieved yields greater than 10 t ha−1 with no yield penalty under aerobic conditions in 3 out of 4 experiments. The favorable agronomic characteristic of Takanari was its ample sink capacity (grain number × grain weight). In conclusion, high-productivity rice cultivation in aerobic soil is a promising technology for water conservation. With continued breeding, future aerobic rice varieties will possess large numbers of spikelets and sufficient adaptation to aerobic conditions such that they will consistently achieve yields comparable to the potential yield of flooded rice.  相似文献   

Burning of rice straw is a common practice in northwest India, where rice–wheat cropping system is extensively followed. The practice results in loss of nutrients, atmospheric pollution and emission of greenhouse gases. A field experiment was conducted at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India during the rabi season (November to April) of 2002–2003 to evaluate the efficacy of the various modes of rice straw recycling in soil in improving yield and soil fertility and reducing not only carbon dioxide emission but also nitrous oxide (N2O) emission. The treatment with no rice straw incorporation and application of recommended doses of fertilizer (120, 26 and 50 kg N, P and K ha−1, respectively), gave the highest yield of wheat. Treatments with the incorporation of rice straw at 5 Mg ha−1 with additional amount of inorganic N (60 kg N ha−1) or inoculation of microbial culture had similar grain yields to that of the treatment with no straw incorporation. The lowest yield was recorded in the plots where rice straw was incorporated in soil without additional inorganic N and with manure application. All the treatments with rice straw incorporation had larger soil organic C despite the effect on the mineralisation of soil organic matter. Emission of N2O was more when additional N was added with rice straw and secondary when straw was added to the soil because of higher microbial activity. The study showed that burning of rice straw could be avoided without affecting yield of wheat crop by incorporating rice straw in soil with an additional dose of inorganic N or microbial inoculation. However, the reduction of N2O emission due to avoiding burning is in part counterbalanced by an increase in emission during the subsequent wheat cultivation.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to evaluate nutrient losses that occur during the course of agricultural activity from rice paddy fields of reclaimed tidal flat. For this study, we chose a salt-affected rice paddy field located in the Saemangeum reclaimed tidal area, which is located on the western South Korean coasts. The plot size was 1,000 m2 (40 m × 25 m) with three replicates. The soil belonged to the Gwanghwal series, i.e., it was of the coarse silty, mixed, mesic type of Typic Haplaquents (saline alluvial soil). The input quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus (as chemical fertilizer) into the experimental rice paddy field were 200 kg N ha−1 and 51 kg P2O5 ha−1 per annum, and the respective input quantities of each due to precipitation were 9.3–12.9 kg N ha−1 and 0.4–0.7 kg P ha−1 per annum. In terms of irrigation water, these input quantities were 4.5–8.2 kg N ha−1 and 0.3–0.9 kg P ha−1 per annum, respectively. Losses of these nutrients due to surface runoff were 22.5–38.1 kg N ha−1 and 0.7–2.2 kg P ha−1 for the year 2003, and 26.8–29.6 kg N ha−1 and 1.6–1.9 kg P ha−1 for the year 2004, respectively. Losses of these nutrients due to subsurface infiltration during the irrigation period were 0.44–0.67 kg N ha−1 and 0.03–0.04 kg P ha−1 for the year 2003, and 0.15–0.16 kg N ha−1 and 0.05–0.06 kg P ha−1 for 2004. When losses of nitrogen and phosphorus were compared to the amount of nutrients supplied by chemical fertilizers, it was found that 11.3–19.1% of nitrogen and 0.5–1.7% of phosphorus were lost via surface runoff, whereas subsurface losses accounted to 0.2–0.8% for nitrogen and only 0.02–0.04% for phosphorus during the 2-year study period.  相似文献   

Weedy rice is a great threat to rice production in Sri Lanka. Selective herbicides to manage weedy rice in conventional rice cultivars are not available in Sri Lanka. In the absence of appropriate chemical control measures, cultural approaches may help to achieve effective control of weedy rice. A study was conducted in two consecutive seasons in farmers' fields at three sites (Atalla, Samanthurai, and Girithale villages) in Sri Lanka to evaluate the effect of different establishment methods (farmers' practice, random broadcast, row seeding, seedling broadcast, and transplanted rice) on weedy rice infestation and rice yield. The farmers' practice had a higher number of weedy rice panicles (60–80 m−2) than the random broadcast (39–48 panicles m−2), seedling broadcast (3–15 panicles m−2), and transplanted rice (1.3–3.0 panicles m−2) methods. The use of clean rice seeds in the random broadcast method reduced weedy rice seed production by 29–41% compared with the farmers' practice (0.6–2.0 t ha−1). Compared with the farmers' practice, the seedling broadcast method reduced weedy rice seed production by 71–87% and transplanted rice by 95–98%; and increased rice yield by 27–49% (7.5–9.1 t ha−1). At all three sites, the farmers' practice resulted in the lowest grain yield (5.1–6.7 t ha−1). Compared with the farmers' practice, the random broadcast and row seeding methods increased rice yield by up to 21% and 31%, respectively. The findings suggest that the use of clean rice seeds, the use of a row-seeded crop, and the adoption of different rice planting methods may help to suppress the spread of weedy rice.  相似文献   

During the 2006/07 and 2008/09 growing seasons in Southern Brazil, we evaluated crop selectivity and weed control efficacy of clomazone on rice when applied alone or in a mixture with other pre- and post-emergence herbicides (BRS Querência variety). All herbicide treatments caused some degree of rice injury during both years; however, in no case was the injury still visible 21 days after application. Rice injuries were observed when application rates exceeded the recommended dose, and particularly when the herbicide was applied pre-emergence. Density reduction and panicle sterility served as measures of rice injury. Echinochloa crus-galli was the primary weed; it reduced rice yields by approximately 50% compared treated plots. In both growing seasons, clomazone herbicide (400 g ai ha−1) controlled the weed 87.0%–99.6%, and it provided 8.06 t ha−1 to 9.44 t ha−1 of rice yield.  相似文献   

While plant growth and productivity are known to derive from the interaction between genetic potential (G) and environmental factors (E), efforts to improve rice production have usually proceeded assuming a standard E that is created by conventional rice-growing practices. Genotypes have been assessed for their performance in continuously flooded paddy soils, with optimally dense plant populations, with reliance on inorganic fertilization to raise yields. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) developed in Madagascar and now becoming accepted in much of Asia proposes that GxE interactions can be made more productive with different management practices: optimally sparse populations, established with very young seedlings carefully transplanted, intermittent flooding of paddies, with active soil aeration and with soil organic matter enhanced as much as possible. This article evaluates the effects of alternative SRI cultural practices on grain yield with particular attention to their impact on the growth and functioning of rice plant roots and on associated nutrient-use efficiencies that could be contributing to the observed higher grain yields. On-station experiments and on-farm surveys were conducted in Madagascar to evaluate SRI practices in comparison with standard cultural methods, considering how rice plants’ expression of their genetic potential was affected by different crop management practices. Controlling for both soil and farmer effects, rice plants cultivated with SRI methods produced average yields more than double those from standard practice (6.26 vs. 2.63 t ha−1). The most evident phenotypic difference was in plant root growth, assessed by root-pulling resistance (RPR), a summary measure of root system development. On average, uprooting single SRI plants required 55.2 kg of force plant−1, while pulling up clumps of three conventionally grown plants required 20.7 kg hill−1, or 6.9 kg plant−1. SRI plants thus offered 8 times more resistance per plant to uprooting. Direct measurements confirmed that SRI methods induced both greater and deeper root growth, which could be contributing to increased nutrient uptake throughout the crop cycle, compared with the shallower rooting and shorter duration of root functioning under continuous flooding. Rice plants grown with SRI methods took up more macronutrients than did the roots of conventionally managed plants, which was reflected in the higher SRI yields. When grain yield was regressed on nutrient uptake to assess nutrient-use efficiency, SRI plants achieved higher grain yield per unit of N taken up, compared to plants grown with conventional methods. The internal efficiency (IE) of SRI plants in utilizing macronutrients was 69.2 for N, 347.2 for P, and 69.7 for K, while the IE in plants conventionally grown was 74.9, 291.1, and 70.4 for these three macronutrients, respectively. Although no significant differences in IE were observed for N and K, the uptake of P was significantly greater, indicating more efficient use of P by SRI plants for grain production. More research needs to be done on such relationships, but this study indicates that productive changes in the structure and functioning of rice plants, particularly their roots, can be induced by alternative management methods.  相似文献   

Dry-seeded rice has been introduced as an alternative to puddled hand-transplanted rice in the north Indian states of Punjab and Haryana. In dry-seeded rice, weed flora tends to be more diverse and weeds emerge in several flushes during the crop growth cycle and substantial yield reductions due to weed competition are quite common. The efficacy and compatibility of tank mixtures of different herbicides for the control of diverse weed flora in dry-seeded rice was evaluated in field experiments during the summer seasons of 2012 and 2013. The tank mixture of fenoxaprop with ethoxysulfuron improved the control of Echinochloa crus-galli and Echinochloa colona by 43–69% as compared to fenoxaprop alone while the tank-mix of azimsulfuron with fenoxaprop was antagonistic and reduced the control of Leptochloa chinensis by 86% as compared to fenoxaprop alone. Addition of azimsulfuron or ethoxysulfuron to bispyribac did not improve the control of grass weeds as compared to bispyribac alone. Weed control with the mixture of bispyribac and fenoxaprop varied over the two years. In 2012, bispyribac and fenoxaprop mixture was antagonistic for the control of Dactyloctenum aegyptium, Acrachne racemose, and L. chinensis but in 2013, there was no apparent antagonism and the addition of bispyribac to fenoxaprop reduced grass weed biomass as compared to fenoxaprop alone. In 2013, there was a strong negative correlation (r = −0.95, P < 0.001) between weed dry matter at 45 days after sowing and rice grain yield. According to the linear regression, rice crop is likely to produce no grain yield when weed dry matter exceeds 400 g m−2. Over the two seasons, fenoxaprop-ethoxysulfuron tank-mix produced similar grain yields (5.6–6.2 t ha−1) to the weed-free check (5.6–7.1 t ha−1). At the farmer fields, rice grain yield in the plots treated with pendimethalin followed by post-emergence bispyribac or a tank-mix of fenoxaprop + ethoxysulfuron ranged from 6.2 to 7.7 t ha−1 as compared to 5.3–5.6 t ha−1 in the plots treated with pendimethalin alone. The tank mixture of fenoxaprop with bispyribac needs further evaluation as this mixture has the potential to effectively control aerobic and aquatic grasses in dry-seeded rice. Single hand weeding prevented crop yield loss from weeds that escaped herbicide treatments only when it was performed within six weeks of sowing.  相似文献   

Pigmentation of rice grain is controlled by Ra, Rc and Rd genes, and the expressions of these genes differ among red-, purple- and white-pericarp varieties. The present study examined the grain yield and the expression of Ra, Rc and Rd genes in non-waxy white-pericarp rice SA418 and waxy white-pericarp rice SA419 and their respective red-pericarp and purple-pericarp mutants with waxy or non-waxy endosperm. Significant variations in 100-grains weight and grain yield were observed among the tested mutants. The Ra was expressed in purple-pericarp mutants, while the Rc was expressed in red-pericarp mutants. The total phenolics, total flavonoids, total anthocyanins and total proanthocyanidins contents and antioxidant activities in the bran part also differed among the mutants. Non-waxy red-pericarp mutant M-69 had heavier 100-grains weight (2.86 g), contained more total phenolics (49.37 mg g−1 bran dry weight) and produced higher grain yield (6.93 t ha−1) than white-pericarp rices SA418 (2.43 g, 2.89 mg g−1 bran dry weight and 2.80 t ha−1, respectively) and SA419 (2.62 g, 2.20 mg g−1 bran dry weight and 6.73 t ha−1, respectively). Thus, the polished rice grain of M-69 can be used for staple food consumption, and its bran parts are useful for producing health-promoting by-product.  相似文献   

While many water-saving rice production techniques have been adopted in China, the environmental effects of these techniques require further investigation. This study aims to assess nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) leaching losses under real conditions in different water and N managements. Two water and three N treatments are conducted in the Taihu Lake region of China. Results show that the total N leaching losses during the rice season under flooding irrigation (FI) are 12.4, 9.31, and 7.17 kg ha−1 for farmers’ fertilization practices (FFP), site-specific N management (SSNM), and controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer management (CRN), respectively. Under controlled irrigation (CI), the respective losses were 7.40, 5.86, and 3.79 kg ha−1 for the same management methods. The total P leaching losses during the rice season under FI were 0.939, 0.927, and 0.353 kg ha−1 for FFP, SSNM, and CRN, respectively. Under CI, the losses were 0.424, 0.433, and 0.279 kg ha−1, respectively, for the same management methods. Ammonium and nitrate N accounted for 42.2–65.5% and 11.8–14.7% of the total nitrogen leaching losses under different water and N management methods, respectively. Due to significant decrease of volumes of percolation water and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in percolation water, N and P leaching losses were reduced in the CI treatment compared to the FI treatment under the same N management. The reduction of N input and application of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer can reduce N and P leaching losses from paddy fields.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate true potato seed (TPS) technology for use in ware or seed potato production in two contrasting environments in Turkey during 2002 and 2003. The field experiments were carried out in the Hatay and Nevsehir provinces in Turkey, which represent a Mediterranean early crop potato production area and a temperate main crop potato production area, respectively. The plug seedlings of six TPS hybrids were transplanted to the fields at four densities (15, 20, 25 or 30 plants m−2). The seed tubers of the medium early cultivar Marfona were also planted in the experimental plots to compare the performance of the TPS hybrids with traditional seed tubers. Transplanting of the seedlings was significantly delayed in Hatay due to unsuitable weather conditions in both years. The seedlings needed an adaptation period of 2–4 weeks after transplanting depending on the location and the growing conditions. The adaptation period was longer in Hatay due to high air temperatures after transplanting. Although the yield performance of the TPS hybrids differed depending on the location and year, the TPS hybrids produced noticeably higher total tuber yields in Nevsehir location (ranging from 43.1 to 62.5 t ha−1 in 2002 and from 39.5 to 50.6 t ha−1 in 2003) than in Hatay (ranging from 15.3 to 19.6 t ha−1 in 2002 and from 15.1 to 19.1 t ha−1 in 2003). The percentage of marketable tubers (>28 mm) was also considerably higher in Nevsehir. The optimal plant density varied between 25 and 30 plants m−2 with regard to the total yield, while the optimal density with regard to the marketable yield was 20 or 25 plants m−2 depending on hybrids in Nevsehir. However, none of the tested plant densities caused competition between plants in Hatay, where the environmental conditions during the growing period considerably restricted the growth of individual TPS seedlings.It was concluded that transplanting of TPS seedlings can be considered a feasible alternative for ware or seed potato production in temperate environments like Nevsehir that have growing periods of at least 4 months. However, there are several obstacles, such as difficulties with the timing of transplanting, long adaptation period that threaten the practicability of TPS technology in Mediterranean-type environments. Further agronomical studies focused on reducing inter- and intra-plant competition are needed for both environments in order to improve the acceptability of TPS technology to farmers.  相似文献   

Wide variation (>10.28 times) of fish yield (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) was obtained in a trial arranged in concrete cisterns (100 l) receiving compost (T-2), Diammonium phosphate (=DAP) (T-3) and vermicompost (T-4) as direct application fertilizer and manure in those systems. Significant (< 0.005) differences were observed in diversity and abundance of plankton in response to manure application among treatments. Highest phyto- and zooplankton population was found in the cistern treated with vermicompost followed by DAP, compost and control. In all the treatments dry weight and population of both phyto- and zooplankton population were significantly (< 0.005) higher than control. The highest production of fish was obtained in the cisterns treated with vermicompost (3,970.56 kg ha−1 90 day−1), followed by diammonium phosphate (3,080.45 kg ha−1 90 day−1), compost (1,952.64 kg ha−1 90 day−1) and the lowest in the control (385.92 kg ha−1 90 day−1). Vermicompost might be cost-effective manure in carp culture, replacing the expensive chemical fertilizer diammonium phosphate.  相似文献   

Long-term changes (1974–2007) in the nitrogen pollution load potential (NPLP) arising from sewage treatment water were assessed in the Tedori River Alluvial Fan Area of Japan. The total NPLP from sewage treatment systems (STS) during the 34 year period was 439 t (103 kg) year−1 from about 260,000 users in 1974 increasing to a peak of 793 t year−1 in 1992 from about 363,000 users, and then decreasing to 676 t year−1 from about 400,000 users in 2007. The NPLP outflow into the area increased from 356 t year−1 in 1974 to a peak of 596 t year−1 in 1985 followed by a rapid decrease to 98 t year−1 in 2007. The NPLP outflow from the public STS to the Japan Sea began in 1979 and rapidly increased to 575 t year−1 in 2007 from about 362,000 users. This represents 85.5% of the total NPLP. The NPLP from septic tanks in the area was 356 t year−1 from about 107,000 users in 1974 gradually increasing to a peak of 587 t year−1 from about 177,000 users in 1985 before rapidly decreasing to 60 t year−1 from about 15,000 users in 2007. Although the current NPLP is about 98 t year−1 in the study area, the average NPLP during 34 years was very different at 424 t year−1. NPLP assessments affecting groundwater and closed water bodies should consider long-term processes of nitrogen pollution from STS over time periods compatible with the residence time of the receiving waters.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2004,86(1):53-65
Deceleration in rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield over time under fixed management conditions is a concern for countries like Bangladesh, where rice is the primary source of calories for the human population. Field experiments were conducted from 1990 to 1999 on a Chhiata clay loam soil (Hyperthermic Vertic Endoaquept) in Bangladesh, to determine the effect of different doses of chemical fertilizers alone or in combination with cow dung (CD) and rice husk ash (ash) on yield of lowland rice. Two rice crops—dry season rice (December–May) and wet season rice (July–November) were grown in each year. Six treatments—absolute control (T1), one-third of recommended fertilizer doses (T2), two-thirds of recommended fertilizer doses (T3), full doses of recommended fertilizers (T4), T2+5 t CD and 2.5 t ash ha−1 (T5) and T3+5 t CD and 2.5 t ash ha−1 (T6) were compared. The CD and ash were applied on dry season rice only. The 10-year mean grain yield of rice with T1 was 5.33 t ha−1 per year, while the yield with T2 was 6.86 t ha−1 per year. Increased fertilizer doses with T3 increased the grain yield to 8.07 t ha−1 per year, while the application of recommended chemical fertilizer doses (T4) gave 8.87 t ha−1 per year. The application of CD and ash (T5 and T6) increased rice yield by about 1 t ha−1 per year over that obtained with chemical fertilizer alone (T2 and T3, respectively). Over 10 years, the grain yield trend with the control plots was negative, but not significantly, both in the dry and wet seasons. Under T3 through T6, the yield trend was significantly positive in the dry season, but no significant trend was observed in the wet season. The treatments, which showed positive yield trend, also showed positive total P uptake trend. Positive yield trends were attributed to the increasing P supplying power of the soil.  相似文献   

This study evaluated improved maize hybrids (Zea mays L.) with varying level of resistance to the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, for yield and agronomic traits for two seasons. A total of 22 improved maize hybrids and three commercial standards were tested. Out of the 22 tested, two hybrids CKPH08035 (7.4–9.9 t ha−1) and CKPH08039 (7.3–9.8 t ha−1) significantly out yielded the commercial standards WH505 (8.8 t ha−1) and BH140 (5.5 t ha−1). In addition to yield, the improved hybrids also possess desirable traits including good plant height, good plant and ear aspects and good husk cover. The hybrid CKPH08004 had the lowest Dobie index of susceptibility and was regarded as resistant to S. zeamais. Weevils fed with the resistant hybrids produced low numbers of F1 generation weevils, had a high median developmental time and a low percentage of grain damage and grain weight loss. An increasing number of F1 generation resulted in an increasing grain damage and grain weight loss. We found an inverse relationship between the susceptibility index and percent mortality. However, the numbers of F1 generation, percent grain damage and grain weight loss were positively correlated with the susceptibility index. The use of resistant maize hybrids should be promoted in managing S. zeamais in stored maize under subsistence farming conditions in Africa.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to study the impact of single and multiple flaming on crop injury, yield components, and yield of soybean. The goal of this experiment was to determine the number of the maximum flaming treatments which soybean could tolerate without any yield loss. The treatments consisted of a non-flamed control, and broadcast flaming conducted one time (at VC-unfolded cotyledon, V2-second trifoliate, and V5-fifth trifoliate), two times (each at VC and V2, VC and V5, and V2 and V5 stages), and three times (at VC, V2, and V5 stages) resulting in a total of eight treatments. All plots were kept weed-free for the entire growing season by hand hoeing. A propane dose of 50 kg ha−1 was applied with torches parallel to the crop row and at an operating speed of 4.8 km h−1 for all treatments. The response of soybean was measured as visual injury ratings (at 7 and 28 days after treatment – DAT) as well as effects on yield components and yield. Broadcast flaming conducted once (at VC or V5 stage), as well as twice (at VC and V5 stages) exhibited the lowest injury of about 8% at 28 DAT. Any treatment that contained flaming at V2 stage resulted in more than 70% injury at 28 DAT. The highest crop yields were obtained from the non-flamed control (3.45 t ha−1) and the plots flamed once at VC (3.35 t ha−1), V5 (3.32 t ha−1), and two times at VC and V5 (3.24 t ha−1), which were all statistically similar. Soybean flamed at V2 stage had lower yields (1.03 t ha−1 at V2, 0.46 t ha−1 at VC and V2, and 0.38 t ha−1 at V2 and V5). The lowest yields were in soybean flamed three times (VC, V2, and V5 stages), which yielded only 0.36 t ha−1. These results indicate that soybean could tolerate a maximum of two flaming treatments at VC and V5 growth stages per season without any yield reduction.  相似文献   

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