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The population and range of feral pigs in the United States are rapidly expanding, yet key knowledge gaps exist regarding their role in the ecology and transmission of foodborne pathogens. Our objectives were to estimate the prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli shedding among feral pigs throughout Texas and to identify risk factors for positive status. Faecal samples were collected from feral pigs in Texas from February 2014 through May 2015, and target organisms were detected using PCR assays. The prevalence of C. jejuni shedding was 1.6% (6/370), and the prevalence of C. coli shedding was 3.5% (13/370). C. coli shedding was significantly more common (= .008) among female pigs than among male pigs. Feral pigs may represent a source of human campylobacteriosis.  相似文献   

A population of porcine isolates of Camplobacter jejuni (n = 11) and C. coli (n = 17) were examined for genotypic relatedness employing ribotyping, as well as polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the flagellin (fla)A gene locus. PCR was employed to amplify a 533 bp fragment from the flaA gene, including the previously described short variable region (SVR), employing the novel primers, A2 and Al and successfully generated this amplicon for all wild-type strains examined (n = 28) of both C. jejuni and C. coli, as well as with both type strains, i.e. C. jejuni NCTC 11351 and C. coli NCTC 11366. Individual genotypes were assigned to each isolate typed employing the four typing methods (flaA-RFLP(Hae) III, flaA-RFLP(Pst) I ribotyping(Hae) III and ribotyping(Pst) I) and were assigned an arbitrary genotype code in ascending alphabetical order in comparison with a database of established genotypes for each of the methods employed. This study showed that several flaA-RFLP and ribopatterns existed within C. jejuni and C. coli, and demonstrated a heterogeneous diversity of strains occurring in the pigs examined. Ribotyping of strains with 16S and 23S rRNA with Pst I and Hae III digested chromosomal DNA allowed subdivision of strains into nine and eight groups, respectively. RFLP analyses with Pst I and Hae III digests probed with the flaA gene probe allowed subdivision of strains into eight and eleven subtypes, respectively. Employment of RFLP with the flaA nucleic acid probe and Hae III digests produced the greatest amount of variation of any genotyping scheme employed. Although there was a high degree of variability demonstrated by both typing methods, most isolates ( > 60%) clustered into four main genotypes, i.e. genotypes A-D. FlaA-PCR-RFLP typing demonstrated that the majority of isolates, 67.9 and 60.7%, were included in these four main genotypes for Pst I and Hae III restriction digests, respectively, although there was a high prevalence (7/11; 63.6%) of fla(Hae) III genotype A occurring within the C. jejuni isolates. Likewise, ribotyping studies demonstrated that most isolates were clustered into these four main genotypes, accounting for 81.5 and 60.7% of isolates for Pst I and Hae III restriction digests, respectively. This may indicate that the clonal population of campylobacters within this pig population is largely composed of persistent and dominant types, with a smaller number of hypervariable subtypes. Such data may useful in determining epidemiological routes of transmission of campylobacters from animal to animal, as well as helping to identify virulence determinants in persistent subtype populations.  相似文献   

At 3 days of age, 12 gnotobiotic pigs were inoculated orally with broth cultures of Campylobacter jejuni. One pig was euthanatized and evaluated each day for 12 days. In the cecum and colon, there was diffuse edema, neutrophilic infiltration, and sloughing of epithelial cells from the mucosa on postinoculation days (PID) 2 through 5. Dysplastic colonic crypt epithelial cells were observed in the submucosa of the colon on PID 5 through 12. Curved, rod-shaped bacteria were detected on the surface of ileal, cecal, and colic absorptive and glandular epithelial cells. Bacteria also were found around small submucosal vessels on PID 3 and 4 and were associated with numerous perivascular neutrophils. The gnotobiotic pig appears to provide a simple, well-controlled in vivo model for the study of the pathogenesis of C jejuni infections in human beings, pigs, and other mammals.  相似文献   

The serotypes of Campylobacter jejuni and C coli isolated from 56 dogs were established by the Penner serotyping scheme. A total of 37 C jejuni and 19 C coli were typed. Only two of the C coli strains were typable by the Penner method compared to 29 of 37 C jejuni strains. Pen 2 and 4 were the most predominant serotypes, constituting 41-4 per cent of the typable C jejuni strains. All but one of the C jejuni strains belonging to serotypes pen 1 and 2 were isolated from dogs with diarrhoea.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni, which is now recognized as a discrete species, is a gram negative, microaerophilic, thermophilic, nalidixic acid sensitive, hippurate positive pathogen requiring special selective media for propogation. The organism is widely distributed in avian species, experimental and companion animals and in humans. Mammalian campylobacteriosis is characterized by an enterocolitis of variable severity. The prevalence of the condition is relatively high in young individuals, in underdeveloped countries and in subjects with diarrhea. Food animals, especially poultry, are reservoirs of the organism and infection occurs following consumption of untreated surface water, unpasteurized milk, incompletely cooked meat or other contaminated food products. Close contact with infected immature companion animals is a significant cause of campylobacteriosis in children and direct intrafamilial transmission and occupational infection have been documented. Campylobacteriosis attributable to C. jejuni is a condition of emerging significance which arises principally from deficiencies in hygiene inherent in the environment and in the food chain which extends from domestic animals to the consumer.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli inoculation of neonatal calves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three groups of neonatal calves were inoculated orally with pathogenic strains of Campylobacter jejuni or C coli. The calves developed a mild, self-limiting enteritis characterized by thick mucoid feces. Bacteremia and fecal shedding of Campylobacter were sporadic in all inoculated calves. Two groups of calves were killed 1 to 3 weeks after inoculation to study the pathogenesis of infection. Postmortem culture of tissues revealed C jejuni or C coli most frequently in the ileum, cecum, colon, and blood. Clinical or pathologic differences between C jejuni-inoculated and C coli-inoculated calves were minimal.  相似文献   



The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of Campylobacter species in Swedish dogs, to identify the species of the Campylobacter isolates and to genotype the C. jejuni isolates. Young and healthy dogs were targeted and the sampling was performed at 11 veterinary clinics throughout Sweden from October 2011 to October 2012. Faecal swab samples were collected and sent to the laboratory at the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) for isolation of Campylobacter, speciation and genotyping.


Campylobacter spp. were isolated from 67 of the 180 sampled dogs which yields an overall prevalence of 37%. The most prevalent species of Campylobacter among the participating dogs was C. upsaliensis with 52 of the 67 identified isolates. A lower prevalence was observed for C. jejuni with seven identified isolates and one isolate was identified as C. helveticus. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) was carried out on the seven C. jejuni isolates and all sequence types that were found are also commonly found in humans. The dogs were divided into three age groups; 1) under 12 months, 2) 12 to 23 months and 3) 24 months and older. The highest prevalence was found in the two younger age groups. Dogs shedding C. jejuni were between 3–12 months of age while dogs shedding C. upsaliensis were found in all ages.


The present investigation finds that Campylobacter spp. known to cause campylobacteriosis in humans are present in Swedish dogs. The results suggest an age predisposition where dogs under 2 years of age are more likely to shed Campylobacter spp. than older dogs. The most commonly isolated species was C. upsaliensis followed by C. jejuni, which was only detected in dogs up to 12 months of age. All C. jejuni isolates identified in the present study were of the same MLST types that have previously been described both in humans and in animals. The awareness of the Campylobacter risk of healthy young dogs may be an important way to reduce the transmission from dogs to infants, young children and immunocompromised adults.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify, at species level, thermophilic campylobacters isolated from clinically healthy sheep by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR). The heterogeneity among Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli isolates was also investigated using a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the flagellin (flaA) gene. Samples of intestinal contents, gall bladders and faeces were collected from 610 healthy sheep. While gall bladder samples were plated directly onto Preston agar, an enrichment stage was applied for intestinal and faecal samples. Of the 610 samples, 302 (49.5%) were positive for Campylobacter spp. Using a mPCR assay for species identification, 103 (34.1%) were positive with C. jejuni-specific primers, while 100 (33.1%) were positive with C. coli-specific primers. Additionally, 16 (11.9%) of the intestinal content samples were positive for both species by mPCR. All the isolates identified as C. jejuni and C. coli were successfully subtyped by flaA typing. Of 203 isolates tested, 48 different flaA types were found. Twenty-six flaA types were identified among C. jejuni isolates and the remaining 22 from C. coli isolates.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed in a homologous system with bacterial ultrasonic-treated proteins as the antigen and antisera from chickens infected orally and subcutaneously with the strain Campylobacter jejuni serovar 6 (CJ 6). The cut-off level was determined using antisera from non-infected specific-pathogen-free chickens up to the age of 10 weeks. The suitability of the ELISA system was verified using antisera taken from chickens orally infected at the age of 4 weeks with CJ 1, 6, 28 or 36 or with Campylobacter coli serovar 28 (CC 28). The development of antibodies was monitored up to 6 weeks post-infection (p.i.). Sera from chickens infected with CJ 1, 6, 36 or CC 28 contained specific antibodies to Campylobacter, whereas in those infected with CJ 28 no specific antibodies were found. Distinct cross-reactions were observed between CJ 6, 28 and CC 28 antigens and their antisera 6 weeks p.i., while poor cross-reactions were found with antisera to CJ 1 and 28. Antibodies to strains of all heterologous serovars were successfully detected with an antigen pool comprised of CJ 1, 6 and 36 antigens. In 11 out of the 12 field sera obtained from 5- and 9-week-old broiler chickens suffering from campylobacteriosis, high specific antibody titres to Campylobacter jejuni were found.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed in a homologous system with bacterial ultrasonic-treated proteins as the antigen and antisera from chickens infected orally and subcutaneously with the strain Campylobacter jejuni serovar 6 (CJ 6). The cut-off level was determined using antisera from non-infected specific-pathogen-free chickens up to the age of 10 weeks. The suitability of the ELISA system was verified using antisera taken from chickens orally infected at the age of 4 weeks with CJ 1, 6, 28 or 36 or with Campylobacter coli serovar 28 (CC 28). The development of antibodies was monitored up to 6 weeks post-infection (p.i.). Sera from chickens infected with CJ 1, 6, 36 or CC 28 contained specific antibodies to Campylobacter, whereas in those infected with CJ 28 no specific antibodies were found. Distinct cross-reactions were observed between CJ 6, 28 and CC 28 antigens and their antisera 6 weeks p.i., while poor cross-reactions were found with antisera to CJ 1 and 28. Antibodies to strains of all heterologous serovars were successfully detected with an antigen pool comprised of CJ 1, 6 and 36 antigens. In 11 out of the 12 field sera obtained from 5- and 9-week-old broiler chickens suffering from campylobacteriosis, high specific antibody titres to Campylobacter jejuni were found.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of 17 Campylobacter isolates for pregnant guinea pigs was investigated. Of 14 isolates, 12 (86%) produced rates of abortion ranging from 13% to 87%. Two isolates did not produce abortion. Reference strains of C fetus subsp venerealis produced abortion in 60% to 87% and C fetus subsp fetus produced abortion in 60% of the guinea pigs. Inoculated organisms were recovered from uterus, blood, liver, kidney, spleen, and gallbladder of the guinea pigs at rates as high as 83% for 2 ovine isolates and as low as 13% for 2 bovine and 1 human isolates. Most isolations were from the uterus. Two avian isolates were not recovered. Within the C jejuni and C coli group, the ovine and the human isolates appear to be more pathogenic. Swine, bovine, and avian isolates were less pathogenic. Seemingly, the pregnant guinea pig was a suitable and practical model for evaluating the pathogenicity of Campylobacter organisms, regardless of their host of origin.  相似文献   

As no data are available on the prevalence of cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) genes carried by Campylobacter spp. in laying hens, this study was conducted with the aim to evaluate the prevalence of both Campylobacter spp. and cdt genes in 1680 laying hens from four different farms. The samples were analyzed by culture methods and by polymerase chain reaction. Campylobacter spp. were isolated from 1097/1680 cloacal swabs. Among the isolates, 913 were identified as Campylobacter jejuni whereas 345 were identified as Campylobacter coli. All isolates carried cdt genes. The results presented here confirm the very common occurrence of C. jejuni and C. coli in laying hens and underline that the cdt genes may also be frequently present in both C. jejuni and C. coli isolates from laying hens.  相似文献   

In order to compare the prevalence of Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni during the processing of broilers at slaughterhouse a total of 848 samples were analyzed during 2012 in southern Spain. Four hundred and seventy six samples were collected from cloaca, carcass surfaces and quartered carcasses. Moreover, 372 environmental swabs from equipment and scalding water were collected. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) to ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, streptomycin, tetracycline and gentamicin was determined for isolates from chicken meat. The general prevalence of Campylobacter was 68.8% (40.2% of C. coli and 28.5% of C. jejuni). The relative prevalence of C. coli increased from loading dock area (41.5%) to packing area (64.6%). In contrast, the relative prevalence of C. jejuni decreased from 58.5% to 35.4%. These differences between species from initial to final area were significant (p = 0.02). The highest antimicrobial resistance for C. jejuni and C. coli was detected to tetracycline (100%) and ciprofloxacin (100%), respectively. Campylobacter coli showed an antimicrobial resistance significantly higher than C. jejuni to streptomycin (p = 0.002) and erythromycin (p < 0.0001).  相似文献   

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