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We describe the distribution of tuberculosis-like lesions (TBL) in wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Spain. Animals with TBL were confirmed in 84.21% of mixed populations (n=57) of red deer and wild boar and in 75% of populations of wild boar alone (n=8) in central and southern Spain (core area). The prevalence of TBL declined towards the periphery of this region. In the core area, the prevalence ranged up to 100% in local populations of wild boar (mean estate prevalence 42.51%) and up to 50% in red deer (mean estate prevalence 13.70%). We carried out exploratory statistical analyses to describe the epidemiology of TBL in both species throughout the core area. Prevalence of TBL increased with age in both species. Wild boar and red deer mean TBL prevalence at the estate level were positively associated, and lesion scores were consistently higher in wild boars than in red deer. The wild boar prevalence of TBL in wild boar did not differ between populations that were or were not cohabiting with red deer. Amongst the wild boars with TBL, 61.19% presented generalized lesions, and the proportion of generalized cases was similar between sex and age classes. In red deer, 57.14% of TBL-positive individuals presented generalized lesions, and the percentage of generalized cases increased with age class, but did not differ between the sexes. These results highlight the potential importance of wild boar and red deer in the maintenance of tuberculosis in south central Spain.  相似文献   

The data obtained from a survey of Mycobacterium bovis infection in wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) conducted in France in the 2005/06 hunting season were used to describe and quantify the pathological findings in the two species. The red deer had caseous abscessed lesions in their organs and lymph nodes, whereas in the wild boar the lesions were predominantly caseocalcareous and occurred mainly in the lymph nodes. The severity of the gross tuberculosis-like lesions was estimated on the basis of a numerical score. The significant difference between the distribution of the scores in the two species indicated that the disease was more serious in the red deer than in the wild boar. Unlike the red deer, the wild boar did not show a generalised pattern of disease. Among the lymph nodes examined systematically, gross lesions were most frequently observed in the mesenteric lymph nodes in the red deer and in the retropharyngeal lymph nodes in the wild boar. In both species, the presence of gross lesions showed the closest agreement with the isolation of M bovis from the same lymph nodes. The different patterns of the lesions of tuberculosis in the two species suggest that red deer might play an important role in the intraspecies and interspecies dissemination of the infection, whereas in wild boar the spread of the infection would be more likely to be restricted to other wild boar.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating risk factors associated with prevalence of tuberculosis (TB)-like lesions and associated mycobacteria in Ethiopian cattle slaughtered. The study was carried out during 2006–2007 in five selected municipal and export abattoirs. Methods of investigation involved detailed necropsy examination of carcasses and isolation of mycobacteria from pathologic tissue specimens. Factors of animal and environment origin were recorded and examined as explanatory variables in relation to the presence or absence of TB-like lesions and the presence of viable mycobacteria. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors associated with prevalence of TB-like lesions and mycobacteria. Out of 3,322 carcasses inspected, 10.2% (95% confidence interval (CI) [9.2–11.3]) and 3.2% (95% CI [2.6–3.8]) were positive, respectively, based on necropsy and bacteriologic examinations. The highest and lowest lesion prevalence was recorded in Adama (24.7%) and Yabello (4.2%), respectively. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified age, breed, abattoir location, geographic origin and management system as being risk factors for prevalence of TB-like lesions and occurrence of viable mycobacteria in Ethiopian cattle. The study demonstrated mycobacterial infection as important infectious disease of Ethiopian cattle. The reported confirmed cases of the disease in different management and geographic settings in Ethiopia disproved the earlier held opinion of its occurrence as a low sporadic profile. In view of a dietary proclivity of Ethiopian communities (milk and meat are predominantly consumed raw) and lifestyle (close contact of people with animals), the risk of bovine tuberculosis as a public health threat is eminent.  相似文献   

The presence of nodular onchocercosis was investigated post-mortem in 142 red deer (11 calves, 35 yearlings and 96 adults) shot from February 1998 to January 1999, and July-November 1999 in "Quintos de Mora" (Toledo, central Spain), a game property belonging to the National Wildlife Reserves. Between 6 and 13 animals were analysed monthly by inspection for subcutaneous nodules of Onchocerca spp. Subcutaneous nodules of Onchocerca sp. were detected in 24% of the animals. Anatomical locations for nodules were the back and flanks. Infection ranged from 1 to 29 nodules per animal. Adult worms collected from nodules were identified as O. flexuosa. No apparent seasonal trend was observed either in prevalence or in mean intensity of infection, which fluctuated between 48% (5+/-8 nodules) in winter 1998 and 5% (1+/-0 nodules) in summer 1999. Prevalence of infection was significantly higher in adult (30%) than in young animals (9% in calves, 11% in yearlings), although no age effect on intensity was observed. The size of the nodules was measured to evaluate the age of infection. Small (recent) nodules (5-6mm of diameter) were collected in late spring, summer and fall; medium-sized nodules (12-15 mm) were in second half of summer, fall and winter, and large (mature) nodules (20-25 mm) in fall, winter and part of spring. Significant differences were found among host age groups.  相似文献   

In early 2001, Mycobacterium bovis infection was confirmed in red deer (RD) (Cervus elaphus) shot in Normandy region, France. An epidemiological survey conducted during the following hunting season in two connected forests confirmed the occurrence of the disease in both free-ranging RD and wild boar (WB) (Sus scrofa). This was the first detected bovine tuberculosis outbreak in wildlife in France. We present a simple deterministic age-structured model of the within- and between-species M.?bovis transmission in RD and WB populations that distinguishes direct transmission (horizontal and pseudo-vertical) and indirect transmission through contaminated offal left behind by hunters. Results issued from the epidemiological surveys conducted in Normandy forests were used to estimate transmission parameters. Because data for RD and WB populations were not available, population sizes at demographic equilibrium were estimated and used to run the model. We qualitatively tested different control measure scenarios with our model, considering different mortality rates and offal harvesting, to determine which ones affect the success of infection control. The most realistic control scenario would combine the total depopulation of RD and good compliance with offal harvesting, because the model suggests that infected offal left by hunters represents the main transmission source of M.?bovis in the field.  相似文献   

Intensification of game management may increase the prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) in wildlife despite eradication programs implemented in cattle herds in the same areas. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated the association between wild game management practices and the presence of tuberculosis in red deer populations in Southwestern Spain. Five hundred and fifty-one animals were examined by necropsy to detect tuberculosis-like lesions in the main lymph nodes. Prevalence, as determined by TB-like lesions, was estimated to be 5.1% of animals, with 77% of TB-like lesions confirmed by PCR. Our results suggest that population density, in addition to factors which promote the local aggregation of animals, is factors associated with increased prevalence of TB in red deer populations. We suggest that management practices including supplementary feeding, fencing, water ponds and interaction with domestic livestock should be revised in order to prevent TB in wild deer both.  相似文献   

Serum samples collected from Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus; n = 472), fallow deer (Dama dama; n = 293) and European wild boar (Sus scrofa; n = 174) in Asturias, Northern Spain, from 1999 to 2005 were examined for antibodies against a reference panel of 14 Leptospira spp. serovars. Positive antibody titres at a microscopic agglutination test cut-off of 1:80 were detected against serovars Pomona (1.6%, 5.8%, 5.2%), Bratislava (1.1%, 0.7%, 4.7%), Grippotyphosa (0.7%, 2.4%, 1.7%), Muenchen (2.6%, 0%, 0%), Pyrogenes (0.4%, 2.4%, 1.2%), Panama (1.2%, 1.7%, 0%), Copenhageni (0%, 0.7%, 0.6%), Autumnalis (0.4%, 0%, 0.6%) and Icterohaemorrhagiae (0%, 0%, 0.6%) in Iberian red deer, fallow deer and European wild boar, respectively.  相似文献   

Commercial hunting of Spanish wild ungulates has made them an important economic resource. Wild ungulates may have an important role in the maintenance of ixodid tick populations, and also as reservoirs of pathogens. We studied the ixodid ticks that parasitize Iberian red deer and European wild boar from Spain. Ixodid ticks (n=6,336) were collected from 431 Iberian red deer and 142 wild boar in different regions of Spain. We found 10 different ixodid tick species parasitizing Iberian red deer, mainly Hyalomma marginatum marginatum (63.7%), Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus (7.9%) and R. bursa (7.5%). R. (Boophilus) annulatus was only collected in the province of Cádiz (southern Spain). We found 8 ixodid tick species on the wild boar, mainly Hy. m. marginatum (68.7%), R. bursa (14.6%) and Dermacentor marginatus (9.3%). We found one adult Hy. marginatum rufipes and one adult Hy. anatolicum excavatum parasitizing wild boar from south-central Spain. Mean prevalence of ixodid ticks was 41.3+/-0.08% (n=475) and 31+/-0.09% (n=284) and intensity of parasitization was 13.9+/-0.2 (n=283) and 13.6+/-0.3 (n=130) ticks/animal for Iberian red deer and wild boar, respectively. Only 5 of the 13 ixodid tick species found were shared by Iberian red deer and wild boar. This finding could indicate a host preference when Iberian red deer and wild boar share common habitats. In both Iberian red deer and wild boar from south-central Spain the monthly relative frequencies of Hy. m. marginatum and R. bursa presented an inverse pattern. The highest Hy. m. marginatum relative frequencies coincided with the lowest R. bursa relative frequencies along the year. R. bursa and I. ricinus were present in areas from northern to southern Spain while Hyalomma sp. and D. marginatus were exclusively collected in the two southern thirds of Spain. Haemaphysalis sp. and D. reticulatus were collected in northern Spain. Hy. m. marginatum and R. bursa were present during the whole year in red deer and wild boar from south-central Spain, showing more than one life cycle per year. These results are important for understanding the role of wild ungulates in the maintenance of tick infestations and to improve tick control programmes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the disease status of Saskatchewan’s feral wild boar population. Whole carcasses, tissue samples, and/or serum from 81 hunter-killed boars from Saskatchewan were submitted to the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC) between 2009 and 2014. Serological tests were negative for PRRS, H1N1, and H3N2 swine influenza, PCV-2, and TGE/PRCV in 22/22 boars and for Toxoplasma gondii and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in 20/20 boars. Of 20 boars whose sera were tested 20 were positive for Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, with 7 positive for, among other strains, serotype 14; 16 were positive for Lawsonia intracellularis, 1 was positive and 6 were suspicious for Salmonella spp. Polymerase chain reaction tests were negative for PRRS and PCV2 in 58/58 boars and positive for Torque teno virus in 1/8 boars. Digestion assays were negative for Trichinella spp. in 22/22 boars. The high seroprevalence of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 14 is noteworthy as this serotype has not been previously reported in North America.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 140 wild deer and 208 wild boar shot in the aftermath of the epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in The Netherlands in 2001 were examined for antibodies to foot-and-mouth disease virus. They were all negative.  相似文献   

Consumption of game in Germany has increased during the past 10 years. Wild boar (Sus scrofa), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) are the most frequently hunted and consumed game animals in Germany, yet information on the occurrence of zoonotic pathogens in these animal species is scarce. To better estimate the public health risk emanating from handling and consumption of game, this study investigated seroprevalences of Toxoplasma gondii in game hunted in the German federal state of Brandenburg during two hunting seasons from 2017 to 2019. Toxoplasma gondii‐specific antibodies were detected in 24.4% (44/180, 95% CI: 18.4%–31.4%) of wild boar, 12.8% (16/125, 95% CI: 7.5%–20%) of roe deer and 6.4% (3/47, 95% CI: 1.3%–17.5%) of red deer using a commercial ELISA kit. Seroprevalences were similar in the two hunting seasons. Correlation between sex and seropositivity could not be observed. A rise in seroprevalence was seen with increasing age in all studied game species. Observed seroprevalences suggest that T. gondii is endemic in the sylvatic environment in the German federal state of Brandenburg and imply that game could represent a relevant source for human T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

Osteochondrosis is reported in association with copper deficiency in young red deer and wapiti X red deer hybrids on eight deer farms throughout New Zealand. On two farms, more than 30% of fawns were affected. Affected animals were lame, often had one or more swollen joints, and in some cases had an abnormal "bunny-hopping" gait or "cow-hocked" stance. Lesions were most common in the carpal, tarsal, stifle and hip joints, and were usually bilateral. Defects in articular cartilage ranged from loose flaps to complete separation with exposure of subchondral bone and the presence of cartilage fragments within the joint space. In advanced cases, the joints had features of degenerative arthropathy. Bilateral epiphyseolysis of the femoral head was observed in some severely lame deer. All deer with osteochondrosis had low serum and/or liver copper concentrations.  相似文献   

Osteochondrosis is reported in association with copper deficiency in young red deer and wapiti x red deer hybrids on eight deer farms throughout New Zealand. On two farms, more than 30% of fawns were affected. Affected animals were lame, often had one or more swollen joints, and in some cases had an abnormal “bunny-hopping” gait or “cow-hocked” stance. Lesions were most common in the carpal, tarsal, stifle and hip joints, and were usually bilateral. Defects in articular cartilage ranged from loose flaps to complete separation with exposure of subchondral bone and the presence of cartilage fragments within the joint space. In advanced cases, the joints had features of degenerative arthropathy. Bilateral epiphyseolysis of the femoral head was observed in some severely lame deer. All deer with osteochondrosis had low serum and/or liver copper concentrations.  相似文献   

Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), wild boar (Sus scrofa) and Iberian pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) that are raised extensively outdoors, as well as other wild mesomammals from south central Spain and wild boar from Do?ana National Park (DNP), were tested for antibodies against related flaviviruses by ELISA and for antibodies against WNV by VNT. Mean flavivirus seroprevalence according to ELISA was 20.4±7.8% (21 out of 103) in red foxes, 12.6±2.8% (69 out of 545) in wild boars, and 3.3±2.7% (6 out of 177) in Iberian pigs. A stone marten (Martes foina) also tested positive. Flavivirus seroprevalence in wild boar was significantly higher in DNP, and increased with age. Haemolysis of the serum samples limited interpretation of VNT to 28 samples, confirming WNV seroprevalence in one red fox, four Iberian pigs and nine wild boars. ELISA positive, microVNT negative samples suggest presence of non-neutralizing antibodies against WNV or antibodies to other antigenically related flaviviruses. Despite the importance of wetlands for flavivirus maintenance and amplification, WNV/flavivirus seroprevalence in wild boar and red foxes was not associated to wetland habitats. This is the first report of exposure of red foxes to WNV. With view to use of the tested species as sentinels for flavivirus activity, limited exposure of Iberian pigs that would be available for regular sampling, low numbers of foxes collected and concentration of wild boar harvest in the winter season are major drawbacks.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 441 red deer (Cervus elaphus) and 161 other wild ruminant species, collected between 1993 and 2005 from six regions of Spain were tested for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii by the modified agglutination test (MAT). Antibodies to T. gondii (MAT 1:25 or higher) were detected in 15.6% of red deer. Statistically significant differences were observed among sampling sites with seroprevalence in red deer from Catalonia (42.2%) being significantly higher compared with other Spanish regions (8.7%) (P < 0.05). Statistically significant differences were not observed between T. gondii seroprevalence and sex, age or management of hunting estates (open versus fenced). Seroprevalence of T.gondii infection in other ruminants species was 24% of 79 fallow deer (Dama dama), 21.8% of 33 in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), 33.3% of three Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), 20% of 10 chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica), 10% of 10 barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), and 14.8% of 27 mouflon (Ovis ammon) in areas not including Catalonia, where no samples from these species were available. Serological results indicated a widespread exposure to T. gondii among wildlife in Spain and suggest that consumption of raw or inadequately cooked meat, as well as handling carcasses of wild game, should be taken into account as a source of infection for humans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse data from a study of deer herd health and productivity to identify potential risk factors for the occurrence of dystocia. DESIGN: A 2-year longitudinal observational study of 14 red deer farms was carried out in New Zealand. About 2700 hinds were monitored each year for individual characteristics including body condition score (BCS), and reproductive performance. Grazing and calving management practices were recorded. During calving, farmers recorded calving difficulties (dystocia) that needed human assistance or caused the death of the hind. Risk factors potentially affecting the occurrence of dystocia were identified and analysed by multivariable statistical techniques. RESULTS: The percentage of hinds with dystocia was 0.52% (95% CI 0.32 to 0.78). Hinds with a post-winter BCS over 3.5 were 2.7 times as likely to experience dystocia as hinds scoring 3.5 or less. Given the same BCS class, bodyweight gain in late pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of dystocia. Grazing steep paddocks in the last trimester of pregnancy decreased the risk of dystocia in hinds with a BCS over 3.5. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of dystocia on red deer farms may be reduced if key individual animal, management and environmental factors are optimal.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 693 hunted wild boar (Sus scrofa) were analysed by means of a blocking ELISA technique, and the mean (se) prevalence of antibodies to Aujeszky's disease virus was 44 (4) per cent. All the seropositive wild boar were from south central Spain, except for one from central Spain, close to the main positive area. In this area, where large game species are increasingly managed for hunting, the seroprevalence was affected by the type of management. More intensively managed populations had a higher prevalence than wild boar living in natural situations, and the seroprevalence increased with the age of the animals; the seroprevalence was higher in females in all age groups. The seroprevalence in males more than one year old peaked after the breeding season, whereas females of the same age had a higher and constant seroprevalence throughout the year.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to perform comparison studies of the chemical, physical, technological, and microbiological characteristics, including biogenic amines (BAs) and volatile compounds (VC), of the European roe deer (RDM), boar (BoM), red deer (ReDM), and beaver (BM) hunted wild game meat (HWGM). The outcome of this study showed a significant effect (p < .05) of animal species on protein content, pH, drip loss, shear force, cooking loss, color coordinates, total count of enterobacteria, and most of the VC. ReDM had the highest protein content (23.15%), cooking loss, L* and b* values. The lowest protein and cholesterol content and L* value and the highest pH, shear force, drip loss, and fat content were established in BM having the highest content of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) (64.12% from total FA). The total UFA content in ReDM and BM was almost twofold higher, compared with saturated FA. Small amounts of main BAs (<7.8 mg/kg) were found in ReDM and BM, while a higher content of putrescine in RDM and BoM was established. The main VCs in HWGM were acetoin, pelargonic, and acetic acid. These findings provide a valuable data about the HWGM quality characteristics and might aid food manufacturers to improve and enhance the processing of the HWGM.  相似文献   

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