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The spinal nerve roots and dorsal ganglia of 104- to 135-week-old rats with spontaneous radiculoneuropathy were examined by light and electron microscopy. Demyelination was common in myelinated fibers of various diameters of both ventral and dorsal roots. The most striking alteration was wide distention of myelin sheaths, which extended throughout the entire internode. The spaces formed between separated lamellae frequently were invaded by macrophages. Subsequent vesicular degeneration of myelin seemed to be mediated by invading macrophages. These processes caused complete myelin destruction, but most axons showed no degenerative changes except for obvious reduction in diameter. Occasionally, there were clumping and partial degradation of neurofilaments and ruptured axolemma in the severely demyelinated axons. A few fibers also were undergoing wallerian-type degeneration, perhaps secondary to the severe demyelinative changes. Remyelinating fibers in various phases of repair were coexistent with markedly demyelinated ones. Demyelinative changes described above also developed within some of these remyelinated internodes. There were no remarkable changes in neurons of the dorsal root ganglia, though accumulation of lipofuscin was common. Our findings suggest that the changes in the nerve roots are essentially a primary segmental demyelination in aging rats with radiculoneuropathy.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model has not been clearly established for the porcine oviductal mucosa. The oviducts of 12 cyclic sows were examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy to study the structure and nature of the mucosal arrangement of the oviduct. Epithelial cyclic changes were also studied. The oviductal infundibulum is an asymmetric funnel-shaped structure surrounding the ostium, in which a wide and a narrow side can be distinguished. The mucosa is more complex in the narrow side, showing numerous and tortuous longitudinal primary folds, while the mucosa becomes simpler in the wide side. Around the ostium abdominale wide secondary folds form cul-de-sacs, with their opening pointing in ovarian direction. Areas between folds throughout the lumen of the oviduct show a high-degree of complexity. Inter-fold spaces are occupied by a system of irregular grooves and pockets, with the presence of basal crypts in the caudal oviduct. Marked variations were observed in the oviductal epithelium depending on the oviductal segment, basal or apical areas of the folds, and phase of the oestrous cycle. Cyclical changes were observed in the infundibulum and ampulla, so that prominent and numerous ciliated cells lined apical areas of the folds in the follicular phase; whereas secretary cells were predominant throughout all areas of epithelial surface in the luteal phase. The oestrous cycle phase appeared do not affect the epithelial population cells of the caudal segments of the oviduct: ciliated and secretory cells uniformly lined apical and basal areas of the folds. The topography of the oviduct provides a complex system of regulation, which may influence not only the passage of cells, but also movement of fluid within the oviductal canal.  相似文献   

The presence and distribution of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide or gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), gastric-releasing peptide (GRP) and glucagon immunoreactivity were studied in the small intestine of the New Hampshire chicken using immunohistochemistry. This is the first report of the presence of GIP-immunoreactive (ir) cells in avian small intestine. GIP, GRP and glucagon immunoreactivity was localized in the epithelium of the villi and crypts of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. In particular, both in the duodenum and in the jejunum immunoreactive endocrine cells to GIP, GRP and glucagon were observed. In the ileum, we noticed GIP-ir and glucagon-ir cells. GRP-ir was found in nerve fibres of all three segments of the small intestine. The distribution of these bioactive agents in the intestinal tract of the chicken suggests that GIP and glucagon may play a role in the enteropancreatic axis in which intestinal peptides modulate pancreas secretion.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical study of 25 lesions from 7 dogs with disseminated aspergillosis (Aspergillus terreus) is presented. All had multiple fungal granulomas in many viscera, with centres of necrotic tissue and hyphal elements surrounded by a mixed infiltrate of predominantly mononuclear cells. Within these lesions, hyphae coated with immunoglobulin (IgG, IgM, IgA) and complement (C3, C4) were identified, together with peri-lesional mononuclear cells that reacted with antisera directed towards either IgG, IgM, IgA or a T lymphocyte marker (MUII). A conspicuous feature was the prominent hyphal fluorescence seen with IgA and C3 antisera. The IgA reagent also marked large numbers of mononuclear cells both around lesions and scattered throughout interstitial tissue, suggesting an abnormality of IgA production or regulation as a factor predisposing to this condition.  相似文献   

The expression of protein kinase C (PKC) was studied in the bovine retina by immunohistochemical analysis. Western blot analysis showed that PKC isoforms, including alpha, betaI, delta and theta, were detected in the bovine retina. By immunohistochemistry, both PKC alpha and betaI were expressed in all retinal layers, with an intense localization of both PKC alpha and betaI detected in bipolar cells in the inner nuclear cell layer and in some glial cells in ganglion cell layers. The immunoreactivity of both PKC delta and theta was quite weak in the retinal layers, compared with that of PKC alpha and betaI. These findings suggest that both conventional and novel PKCs are differentially expressed in the bovine retina.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural appearance at primary and metastatic sites of ten ovine small intestinal adenocarcinomas was that of scirrhous tubular adenocarcinoma. Polygonal undifferentiated tumor cells had desmosomes, folded nuclei, and moderate numbers of mitochondria but few other organelles. More differentiated cells were columnar with apical microvilli and basal nuclei. They contained granular endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi and secretory granules. Microvillus-lined intracytoplasmic lumina (5-10 micron diameter), fibrous filaments (10 nm diameter, up to 1.4 micron length) and tubular paracrystalline arrays (hexagonal symmetry, 37-nm periodicity) in lumina and secretory granules were seen in some tumor cells in all ten sheep.  相似文献   

The effect of thoraco-vagotomy on the distribution and frequency of chromogranin-, serotonin-, somatostatin- and gastrin-immunoreactive cells in the abomasum of the calf were investigated by immunohistochemistry. Calves were vagotomized at 1 week old and sampled 2 and 4 weeks later. The endocrine cells generally decreased in number in vagotomized calves as compared to non-operated control calves. However, the detailed responses of endocrine cells to vagotomy varied depending on the endocrine cell type, region of gastric mucosa, and period after vagotomy. The present result suggests that the vagus nerve has an influence on the intrinsic regulatory system by endocrine cell control in the ruminant abomasum.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to report on the lesions occurring in the intestine during experimental classical swine fever (CSF) and to clarify the nature of infected cells and the distribution of viral antigen. Thirty-two pigs were inoculated with the virulent CSF virus (CSFV) isolate Alfort 187 and slaughtered from 2 to 15 postinoculation days; four animals of similar background served as a control group. Immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and the transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick-end labeling method were used to detect viral antigens and apoptosis. The results showed progressive lymphoid depletion and mucosal necrosis. The lymphoid depletion could have been caused by apoptosis of lymphocytes but could not be directly attributed to the effect of CSFV on these cells. Vascular changes, pathogenic bacteria, and viral infection of epithelial cells were ruled out as causes of necrotic lesions. However, large virally infected monocytes-macrophages with ultrastructural changes indicative of activation were observed in the intestine. This suggests that monocytes-macrophages play an important role in the pathogenesis of intestinal lesions. An understanding of the function of these cells will require additional study.  相似文献   

An optimised indirect peroxidase-anti-peroxidase immunohistochemical technique was used to detect endogenous biotin in frozen tissue sections from biotin-supplemented and biotin-depleted pigs and chickens. A monoclonal anti-biotin antibody was used as primary antibody in this technique. Immunoreactive biotin was detected in many tissues of both species including liver, kidney, pancreas, adipose tissue, adrenal gland, testis, brain, choroid plexus, cardiac and skeletal muscle, epithelium of the respiratory and digestive systems, skin and lymphoid tissues. The specificity of immunostaining for biotin was confirmed by the finding of reduced staining intensities in tissues of biotin-depleted animals compared to those of biotin-supplemented animals. The results of this study suggest that biotin has metabolic functions in a wider range of tissues than previously known. They also indicate that endogenous tissue biotin should be considered as a source of false-positive staining when immunohistochemical or histochemical techniques which use avidin or streptavidin reagents or anti-biotin antibodies as components of the detection system, are applied to tissue sections.  相似文献   

Epithelium lining the rostral portion of the porcine nasal mucosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epithelial tissues from the rostral half of the pig nasal cavity were prepared for light and electron microscopy. The predominant epithelial cell type at the luminal surface was cuboidal with surface microplicae or microvilli and a multilobate nucleus. Pinocytotic vesicles were a common feature of the adluminal cytoplasmic zone of these superficial cuboidal cells. Other cell types included basal cells, intermediate cells and, occasionally, goblet and ciliated cells. Basal cells contained vesicles located adjacent to the basal lamina. This transitional mucosa may be specialised for sampling substances from the luminal surface preliminary to releasing cytokines and, or, presenting immunogens to intraepithelial lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the distribution of nerves in the ovary of the emu. The neuronal markers, protein gene product 9.5, neurofilament protein and neuron specific enolase demonstrated the constituents of the extrinsic and intrinsic ovarian neural systems. The extrinsic neural system was composed of ganglia in the ovarian stalk, as well as nerve bundles, which were distributed throughout the ovary. Isolated neuronal cell bodies, in the medulla and cortex, formed the intrinsic neural system. An interesting finding of the study was the presence of nerve bundles, circumscribed by lymphocytes, in the ovarian stalk. The findings of the study indicate that the distribution of nerve fibres and neuronal cell bodies in the emu ovary is similar, but not identical to that of the domestic fowl and ostrich.  相似文献   

During ageing process, multiple changes occur on nervous tissue composed of cells and extracellular matrix. Changes on nervous tissues are usually known as degenerative changes on axon structure and connective tissue covering the nerve such as a decrease in the number of fibre or general structural changes. For this purpose, we have studied age-dependent ultrastructural changes in the rat oculomotor nerve with electron microscopy and also demonstrated collagen structure of the neural sheaths with immunohistochemical techniques. This study was conducted in Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy with a total of nine Wistar albino rats. We observed strong collagen type I immunoreactivity in endoneurium and slight to moderate reactivity in fibroblast cytoplasm in 3-month- and 12-month-old groups and mild reactivity in 24-month-old group. Collagen type IV immunoreactivity was stronger in endoneurium and perineurium in the 3-month- and 12-month-old groups compared with collagen type I and fibroblast cytoplasm showed a very strong reactivity. On the other hand, in the 24-month-old group, there was slight reactivity in endoneurium and a strong reactivity in perineurium. NGF staining showed moderate to strong reactivity on Schwann cells of the 3-month-old group. The immunoreactivity decreased in the 12-month- and 24-month-old groups. In the 3-month-old rat group, Schwann cell cytoplasm, mitochondrial structure and neurofilaments were normal. In the 12-month-old group, there were no changes in organelle distribution, mitochondrial structure and neurofilaments, but there was an increase in the connective tissue. An inconsiderable number of degenerated myelinated nerves were observed. We detected an important decrease in the collagen type I immunoreactivity, which could suggest that the endoneurium, perineurium and epineurium are less resistant to the age-related collagen loss and that the peripheral nerve is protected by a weaker barrier in the old group. The collagen type IV immunoreactivity was significantly decreased with age. NGF synthesis decreases with age because of Schwann cell structural degeneration or for different reasons. Thus, this could explain the diminished capacity of regeneration and damage of the myelination of the peripheral nerve.  相似文献   

The distributions and frequencies of some endocrine cells in the eight portions of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of BALB/c mouse were studied. Endocrine cells were stained using immunohistochemical method with seven types of antisera against bovine chromogranin (BCG), serotonin, gastrin, cholecystokinin (CCK)-8, somatostatin, glucagon and human pancreatic polypeptide (HPP), and the regional distributions and their relative frequencies were observed in the eight portions of the GIT of BALB/c mice. All seven types of immunoreactive (IR) cells were identified. Most of the IR cells in the intestinal portion were generally spherical or spindle in shape (open type cell) while round-shaped cells (closed type cell) were found in the intestinal gland and stomach regions occasionally. Their relative frequencies varied according to each portion of the GIT. BCG-IR cells were observed throughout the whole GIT except for the rectum and they were most predominant in the pylorus. Serotonin-IR cells were detected throughout the whole GIT and they showed the highest frequency in the fundus. Gastrin- and CCK-IR cells were restricted to the pylorus and duodenum with a majority in the pylorus and rare or a few frequencies in the duodenum. Compared with other mammals, somatostatin-IR cells were restricted to the fundus and pylorus with a few frequencies, respectively. In addition, glucagon- and HPP-IR cells were restricted to the fundus and duodenum, respectively, with relative low frequencies. Some species-dependent unique distributions and frequencies of endocrine cells were observed in the GIT of BALB/c mouse compared with other rodents.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to characterise the carbohydrate profile of the porcine small intestine using lectin histochemistry during the period from 3 days prior to weaning to 9 days post-weaning. A total of 56 piglets weaned at 4 weeks of age were included in the experiment. The most prominent changes in the glycosylation pattern were observed in the goblet cells. The highest lectin reactivity of the goblet cells in the crypts was observed 7 days post-weaning which suggests that the protective effect of the mucus layer against pathogenic bacteria is increasing during the postweaning period. The staining pattern of the apical membrane remained unchanged during the experimental period. This indicates that the glycosylation process in the goblet cells is rapidly inducible whereas changes in the glycosylation pattern of the apical membrane requires more time. The glycosylation pattern of both goblet cells and apical membrane differed between the positions of the small intestine. As glycoconjugates can act as attachment sites for microorganisms, these differences in the distribution of sugar residues may be one explanation for the site-specificity of certain pathogens.  相似文献   

MATERIALS: Ocular and cutaneous tissues from two Japanese Akita dogs with uveodermatologic syndrome (UVD) were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: Light microscopic examination of the globes confirmed the presence of panuveitis of different severity in each case. The infiltrate was primarily granulomatous with prominent perivascular lymphoid aggregates. Melanophages were present throughout the affected areas, and there were scattered plasma cells. Immunohistochemistry using CD79a, CD3, MAC387 and MHC class II markers indicated that there were relatively few T lymphocytes and that most lymphocytes were of the B-cell lineage. The two skin biopsies examined also appeared to represent different stages of cutaneous pathology. The biopsy from one case was consistent with the reported features of skin lesions of canine UVD syndrome, including granulomatous dermatitis with extensive T-cell infiltration extending into the epidermis. In contrast, the skin lesion from the second case showed less inflammation, more pigmentary incontinence and evidence of dermal fibrosis. There was no immunoglobulin or complement deposition at any level within the cutaneous or ocular lesions. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of these two cases suggest that the skin lesions of these two dogs with UVD syndrome were mediated by T cells and macrophages (Th1 immunity), whereas the ocular lesions were more consistent with a B cell and macrophage response (Th2 immunity). This is, however, a preliminary investigation and these features may not be the same for all cases of UVD syndrome.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes catalyze the synthesis of prostaglandins and exist as two isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2. COX-2 is a potent inducible mediator of inflammation. COX-2 is also upregulated in several human tumors and in canine squamous cell, renal cell, and transitional cell carcinomas, prostatic adenocarcinoma, and intestinal neoplasia. The purpose of this study was to determine whether COX-2 is expressed in various feline tumors. Results of this study may help determine whether COX-2 is a potential target for therapeutic and preventive strategies in cats. Immunohistochemical studies were performed on paraffin-embedded tissues using the amplified streptavidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase system. COX-2 was found in 7 of 19 (37%) feline transitional cell carcinomas and in 2 of 21 (9%) feline oral squamous cell carcinomas. No COX-2 immunoreactivity was detected in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (6), adenocarcinomas (nine mammary, eight pulmonary, seven intestinal), lymphomas (six nasal, six intestinal), or 10 vaccine-associated sarcomas. The widespread absence of COX-2 expression in most feline neoplasms might suggest that COX-2 inhibitors would have a low potential as anticancer agents.  相似文献   

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