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本文以羊、肉牛为主,从品种、繁殖、饲养及生产管理等方面综合论述人工草地家畜系统中家畜生产管理优化技术。  相似文献   

通过对青海省2007年草地生产力、草地载畜量、生态建设工程项目区效益及家畜补饲入户调查情况的统计与分析,结果表明:全省天然草地平均鲜草产量为2371.61kg/hm2,草地超载率为36.49%;生态建设工程项目区生态效益显著,区内产草量明显增加.  相似文献   

内蒙古鄂托克旗草原生态脆弱区治理途径   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
针对鄂托克旗草原利用现状和存在问题,提出草原生态脆弱区治理途径及办法.通过草原生态治理退牧封育试验示范项目,不仅能建立起一整套科学的开发、保护、利用体系,运用先进的科学的生产经营方式,提高天然草场产草量,而且可以从根本上解决靠天养畜的被动局面,使草地畜牧业生产走上可持续发展的良性轨道,从而带动整个草地畜牧业产业化进程,促进地方经济的快速发展.  相似文献   

通过对黄南州2009年草地生产力、草地载畜量、生态建设工程项目区效益及家畜补饲人户调查情况的统计与分析,结果表明:全州冬春草场理论载畜量126.83万只羊单位,实际载畜量360.38万只羊单位,超载233.55万只羊单位;夏秋草场理论载畜量81.56万只羊单位,实际载畜量360.38万只羊单位,超载278.82万只羊单位;全州全年理论载畜量124.4万只羊单位,实际载畜量360.38万只羊单位,超载235.98万只羊单位,需要出栏235.98万只羊单位。生态建设工程项目区生态效益显著,区内产草量明显增加。  相似文献   

反刍家畜补偿生长能力的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
阐述了补偿生长的概念,并对影响反刍家畜补偿生长的因素,补偿生长的生产表现,补偿生长的数学表达以及补偿生长可能存在的机制问题进行了探讨,同时论述了在中国北方草原地区开发这种能力的意义。  相似文献   

1东川草原生态脆弱区概述1.1概况东川地处云南高原的北部边缘,位于东经102°47'50″~103°18'35″和北纬25°47'5″~26°32'52″。境内地貌属深切割的高、中山峡谷类型。最高海拔4344.1m,最低海拔695m,高差悬殊3649.1m。由于境内地理高差悬殊,气候随海拔高度的递增依次形成了亚热带、暖温带、寒温带3个气候类型,具有典型的立体气候特征。亚热带年平均气温20.2℃,极端高温40.9℃,极端低温-1.8℃,年平均降雨量698.3mm,年日照2263.9h。暖温带年平均气温13.1℃,最高气温31.4℃,最低气温-9.7℃,年平均降雨量838mm,年日照2102.6h。寒温带年平均…  相似文献   

草原生态脆弱期绵羊饲养方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对在干旱草原区生态脆弱期(冬春季节)放牧家畜,导致植被严重破坏和家畜跑青掉膘的“双损”现象,在该期进行绵羊禁牧,实行舍饲饲养和反季节育肥试验,在绵羊体重变化、经济效益、生态效益等方面进行对比分析。结果表明,在草原生态脆弱期采取绵羊较低成本禁牧舍饲是维护草原生态安全的较好方式,同时结合该期羊肉价格较贵的特点,搞好冬春反季节育肥出栏,则是促进生态效益和经济效益协调统一,较为理想的措施。  相似文献   

通过肉眼观测、样方测定和采食前后对比分析的方法,对高寒草甸主要家畜[牦牛(Bos grunniens)和藏羊(Ovis aries thibetana)]和鼠类动物[高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)和高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)]的食物生态位分异进行了研究。结果表明,鼠类与家畜的食物资源谱存在较大差异,禾草和莎草是藏羊和牦牛食物结构的主体,而高原鼠兔的食谱较为宽泛,高原鼢鼠则主要涉及具有发达轴根、根茎、球茎和块根类植物。家畜的食物生态位宽度、物种多样性和利用均匀度均显著高于鼠类。食物生态位重叠度以藏羊和牦牛最高,其次为高原鼠兔和藏羊,重叠度最低的是高原鼢鼠和藏羊。由此可见,鼠类与家畜的食物生态位分异较大,因食物竞争而对家畜构成的不利影响较为有限。  相似文献   

《家畜生态学报》创刊于1980年,主要刊登动物环境生理生态、环境营养生态、繁殖生态、行为生态、遗传生态、疾病生态、系统生态以及与畜牧生产密切相关的畜牧场工艺设计、畜牧场环境控制、环境检测与评价、畜牧场环境保护、农牧业生态系统设计与评价和畜牧业资源开发与利用等方面的研究性论文。  相似文献   

《家畜生态学报》创刊于1980年,主要刊登动物环境生理生态、环境营养生态、繁殖生态、行为生态、遗传生态、疾病生态、系统生态以及与畜牧生产密切相关的畜牧场工艺设计、畜牧场环境控制、环境检测与评价、畜牧场环境保护、农牧业生态系统设计与评价和畜牧业资源开发与利用等方面的研究性论文。三十多年来,《家畜生态学报》及时报道了家畜环境科学方向的重要研究成果,在促进牧业生态学科的发  相似文献   

高颂  于应文  冯琦胜 《草业科学》2017,34(12):2554-2560
采用入户访谈方法,对青南牧区典型雪灾地达日县、玛多县和称多县牧户家畜养殖结构、繁殖成活率、出栏量,冷季死亡、掉膘和补饲情况,牧户暖棚建设和收支及对冬春雪灾设计方案效益系统分析。结果表明,研究区户均家畜养殖数为82.5~423.2AU(羊单位,animal unit),家畜年补饲水平为1.2~26.5CNY·AU-1,牧户家畜几乎不出栏,有暖棚设施的牧户占总牧户的1/3,收入主要靠政府补贴,饲草料储备低,占家庭总开支不到5%。牧户应对雪灾能力弱,在大雪灾和中雪灾年份,研究区家畜繁殖成活率分别为41.5%~75.9%和65.0%~86.4%,冷季死亡率分别为13.2%~24.4%和8.2%~12.8%,掉膘率分别为30%~40%和20%~30%。针对牧户家畜管理存在主要问题,本研究提出了一定出栏量+补饲的对策,以减少家畜冬春雪灾死亡损失,提高牧户应对雪灾能力。  相似文献   

L-茶氨酸是天然存在于茶树中的一种非蛋白氨基酸,属于酰胺类化合物,具有较强的抗氧化、抗应激、抗肿瘤、保护神经、增强机体免疫力等多种作用。目前主要用于食品、保健品和医药领域,而在畜禽生产中的应用研究还较少。已有的研究证明,L-茶氨酸能够提高猪和鸡的生产性能、抗氧化能力和免疫力。本文概述了L-茶氨酸的来源与理化性质、安全性评价和生物学功能,重点综述了其在畜禽生产上的应用研究,旨在为将L-茶氨酸更好地应用于畜禽生产提供理论参考。  相似文献   

基于APSIM模型小麦生育期需水量的模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨小麦(Triticum aestivum)生育期水资源的合理利用,本研究运用APSIM模型模拟不同生育期降水量变化条件下小麦的产量,并求得不同生育期小麦需水量的阈值。结果表明,区域降水年型基本呈旱涝交替出现;小麦生育期总需水量为325.3mm;其中,出苗期、拔节期、抽穗期、旗叶期、开花期和灌浆期需水量分别为34.72、80.6、67.1、43.81、58.67和30.4mm,分别占小麦生育期降水总量的10.67%、27.85%、20.63%、13.47%、18.04%和9.35%。出苗期、拔节期、抽穗期、旗叶期、开花期和灌浆期平均降水亏缺率分别为70.78%、48.83%、46.22%、40.35%、75.66%和-121.05%;春小麦需水关键期为出苗期、拔节期、开花期。  相似文献   

Developing country livestock production systems are diverse and dynamic, and include those where existing indigenous breeds are currently optimal and likely to remain so, those where non‐indigenous breed types are already in common use, and systems that are changing, such as by intensification, where the introduction of new breed types represents significant opportunities. These include opportunities to improve the livelihood of the world's poor, increase food and nutrition security and enhance environmental sustainability. At present, very little research has focused on this issue, such that significant knowledge gaps in relation to breed‐change interventions remain. The purpose of this study is to raise awareness of this issue and suggests strategic research areas to begin filling these knowledge gaps. Such strategic research would include (i) assessing the impact of differing breed types in developing country livestock productions systems, from a range of viewpoints including intrahousehold livelihood benefit, food and nutrition security at different scales, and environmental sustainability; (ii) identification of specific livestock production systems within developing countries, and the type of livestock keepers within these system, that are most likely to benefit from new breed types; and (iii) identification of new breed types as candidates for in‐situ testing within these systems, such as through the use of spatial analysis to identify similar production environments combined with community acceptance studies. Results of these studies would primarily assist stakeholders in agriculture, including both policy makers and livestock keepers, to make informed decisions on the potential use of new breed types.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究发酵中草药对京红蛋鸡产蛋后期生产性能、血清生化指标和脂代谢的影响.选取体重相近、饲养管理水平一致的54周龄京红蛋鸡480只,随机分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复60只蛋鸡.对照组蛋鸡饲喂基础饲粮,试验组在基础饲粮中添加4 g/kg发酵中草药.预试期10 d,正式试验期56 d.结果显示:与对照组相比,试验组...  相似文献   

将36头泌乳期、产奶量相近的水牛均分3组,探讨禾本科黑麦草、豆科紫花苜蓿、蓼科鲁梅克斯K-1三种牧草对泌乳高峰期生产性能的影响,结果发现,饲喂鲁梅克斯K-1分别比紫花苜蓿和黑麦草提高15.93%、13.14%的产奶量(P<0.05),以及6.09%、6.63%的乳脂率(P<0.01);而紫花苜蓿与黑麦草间差异均不显著(P>0.05)。故种植鲁梅克斯K-1适合我国农村散养水牛的小区放牧或舍饲补饲。  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂对香根草定植缓苗期的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
进行了香根草的土壤盆栽及营养液栽培试验,结果表明,几种植物生长调节剂浸根对香根草的地上部、根系生长及根系形态指标等方面都产生不同程度的影响.吲哚丁酸(IBA)能较好地增加新根数量,对地上部生长及根系形态指标有较好的促进作用.从总体来看,几种植物生长调节剂对香根草的作用效果与一般作物相比均不理想.  相似文献   

This study was designed to establish possible factors affecting plasma pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentrations during early pregnancy in high producing dairy cows with live fetuses. Blood samples were obtained on days 35, 42, 49, 56 and 63 of gestation from 80 lactating cows in two herds carrying live fetuses. Radioimmunoassay systems were used to determine PAG (RIA-497 and RIA-706) and progesterone concentrations. We evaluated the effects on PAG concentrations of herd, lactation number, sire of fetus, day of gestation, fetus number, plasma progesterone and milk production at each time point established, along with possible paired interactions. Mean milk production per cow approached 41kg during the study period. PAG concentrations were not affected by herd, lactation number or plasma progesterone concentration. Significant positive effects on PAG concentrations were shown by the gestation day, and the interaction between day of gestation and twin pregnancy. Significant differences between bulls and a significant negative correlation between milk production and PAG values on day 63 of pregnancy were also detected. Proportions of blood samples showing undetectable PAG levels and false negative diagnoses throughout the study period were significantly higher (P<0.001) using the RIA-497 system (2.5% and 5.3%, respectively) compared to RIA-706 (0% and 0.8%, respectively). Our findings suggest that PAG concentrations during the early fetal period are related to the day of gestation, milk production, number of fetuses and sire of fetus in high producing dairy cows. Under our working conditions, the RIA-706 method was better at detecting plasma PAG molecules than the RIA-497 system.  相似文献   

In systematically considering the advantages and disadvantages of complementarity in high or low milk feeding, novel milk feeding schemes involving altering the volume of supplied milk in different stages of the pre-weaning period but maintaining the total milk feeding volume were tested. Twenty-seven newborn male Holstein calves were selected and randomly assigned to 3 treatments. Calves in the control (CON) group were fed 7 L of milk daily from 4 to 66 d of age. Calves in the low-high (LH) group were fed 6 L of milk daily at the beginning, and then the daily feeding volume was later increased to 7 to 8 L of milk, which served as the early-period low-volume feeding group. The calves in the high-low (HL) group were fed 7 to 8 L daily at the beginning, and then the daily feeding volume was decreased to 6 L of milk, which served as the early-period high-volume feeding group. Then all calves were fed 3 L of milk daily from 67 to 70 d of age, weaned at 70 d of age, and then fed starter feed to 100 d of age. All calves had access to the starter feed from 15 to 100 d of age. The diarrheal condition of calves was recorded daily and the growth performance including the starter feed intake and body weight of calves was recorded at 70 and 100 d of age. Then, five 100-d-old calves from each treatment were sampled for measurement of plasma indices, ruminal morphology, and volatile fatty acids. When compared with the CON and LH groups, calves in the HL group exhibited a significantly increased body weight and lower diarrhoeal rate. When compared with the CON group, calves in the HL group exhibited a significantly increased average daily feed intake, ruminal epithelium papillae length, total volatile fatty acids, and percentages of propionate and butyrate. Moreover, the significantly increased plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) content and a trend of decreased tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) content (P = 0.083) were also identified in the HL group when compared with the CON group. Overall, the early-period high-volume feeding for calves produced greater body weight gain and a lower incidence of diarrhea.  相似文献   

We examined the development of the reproductive system in prepubertal Tibetan sheep ewes when fed only oat hay (CON) or supplemented with either lick blocks (BS) or concentrate feed (CS) during the cold season. The average daily gain of the CS ewes was greater than that of the BS ewes (P  < 0.05), which was greater than that of the CON ewes. The same pattern was observed in the number of ovarian follicles (P  < 0.001), that is, CS > BS > CON. Serum concentrations of gonadotropin‐releasing hormone, follicle‐stimulating hormone, luteotrophic hormone, estradiol and progesterone in the CS and BS groups were higher than in the CON group (P  < 0.05). The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of KiSS‐1, GPR54 (G protein‐coupled receptor 54), ERα (estradiol receptor α) in the hypothalamic anteroventral periventricular area of the CS group were higher than in both the BS and CON groups (P  < 0.05), while the BS group was higher than in the CON group (P  < 0.05). Similar differences among groups were observed for gonadotropin‐releasing hormone receptor mRNA expression in the pituitary, follicle‐stimulating hormone receptor and luteinizing hormone receptor mRNA expression in the ovary. These results indicated that the KiSS1/GPR54 system was more active with nutrition or trace mineral supplementation during the cold season. The system stimulated the hypothalamic–pituitary?gonadal axis and enhanced folliclar development in prepubertal Tibetan sheep ewes. We concluded that energy, protein and trace minerals supplements could improve the reproductive performance of Tibetan sheep on the Qinghai‐Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

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