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Chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) is known to infect and replicate in various Marek's disease chicken cell lines (MDCCs) derived from Marek's disease (MD) tumors. One line, MDCC-MSB1, has been the substrate used in most studies. We compared a total of 26 MDCCs, including two sublines of MDCC-MSB1, MSB1 (L) and MSB1 (S), four other MD tumor-derived lines, and 20 lines derived from MD virus-induced local lesions, for susceptibility to the Cux-1 and CIA-1 strains of CIAV. The cell lines represented six phenotypic groups of T cells based on the expression of CD4, CD8, and TCR-2 and -3 surface markers. Susceptibility was measured by the number of cells positive for viral antigen in immunofluorescence (IF) tests at 3-10 days postinfection. No clear-cut differences were found in susceptibility related to phenotype, although CD4-/8+ lines and CD4-/8- lines might be more susceptible than CD4+/8- lines. However, several individual lines were more susceptible to Cux-1 than the two MSB1 sublines tested. Contrary to an earlier report, cells of MDCC-CU147, a CD8+, TCR3+, local-lesion derived line, were found to be susceptible to CIA-1. In fact, CU147 was distinguished by very high susceptibility to both CIAV strains. In direct comparisons with MSB1, CU147 detected approximately 10-fold lower doses of virus. Also, virus spread was faster (P < 0.05) in CU147 than in MSB1 and other lines. Results from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests to detect infection in titrations were in general agreement with IF test results although PCR detected infection in a few terminal dilution cultures that were negative by IF.  相似文献   

鸡传染性贫血病 ( Chicken Infectious Anemia,CIA)是由鸡贫血病毒 ( Chicken Anemia Virus,CAV)引起的 ,其特征性病变为骨髓黄化 ,胸腺萎缩 ,出现造血机能障碍和免疫机能损害 [1,2 ]。自 1 979年从日本发现和分离到 CAV以来[3 ] ,德国、英国、美国、澳大利亚、荷兰和以色列报道了本病的存在 ,对 CAV感染的流行病学调查已表明 ,世界各地鸡群中 ,对 CAV的感染率都相当高 ,甚至在曾经认为是 SPF鸡群中也有 40 %~ 5 0 %表现出 CAV抗体阳性。我国于 1 992年首次分离到该病毒[4 ] ,以后陆续有报道。在许多地区鸡群 CIA血清抗体的阳…  相似文献   

将鸡传染性贫血病毒(CIAV)Vp3基因克隆入表达载体pET-28a中,然后转化大肠杆菌DH5α,经IPTG诱导,vp3基因以融合蛋白的形式高效表达。SDS-PAGE分析显示,表达的重组蛋白分子量约为18Ku。Westernblot分析表明,该蛋白可与CIAV阳性血清特异性反应。  相似文献   

Certain immunological responses of 4-6 month old calves experimentally inoculated with either cytopathic or non-cytopathic bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) were compared with those of uninfected control calves. The tests used to demonstrate the immunological responses were the transformation of lymphocytes by PHA mitogen, the percentage of lymphocytes with surface immunoglobulin, and the antibody titres induced by an intravenous inoculation of killed Brucella abortus. There were no significant differences between the two groups of calves and therefore, the mild experimental disease produced by BVDV did not appear to affect adversely the immunological response.  相似文献   

Two strains of Bovid herepesvirus-4 (BHV-4), i.e. the prototype strain DN-599, obtained from a steer suffering of a respiratory disease, and the strain 85/BH 16TV, originated from a cow with vulvovaginitis, were compared in studies which included restriction endonuclease analysis, experimental infection and reciprocal cross protection tests. The restriction endonuclease analysis revealed that the resultant DNA patterns of the isolates were generally similar with only a difference in one fragment. The two strains were capable of causing respiratory tract infection in calves, even if they displayed a different level of virulence: the strain 85/BH 16TV being the most virulent while the strain DN-599 the least. The two viral strains were mutually protective in that the calves were generally found to be refractory to challenge inoculation with either the homologous or the heterologous virus. Finally, both viral strains failed to evoke the production of neutralizing antibody in the experimental calves.  相似文献   

从山东省某商品代肉鸡场表现生长迟缓的20日龄病鸡群分离到1株鸡传染性贫血病毒(CAV)SDLY08株,通过口服和肌肉注射2种途径分别感染1,7,21日龄SPF鸡,12d后检测CAV对SPF鸡体质量、免疫器官和血液指标的影响。结果表明,于3个不同日龄感染后12d,SDLY08株均可导致增重减缓,胸腺显著萎缩,脾脏肿大,同时还可引起白细胞、红细胞数及红细胞压积的显著减少。且1日龄和7日龄鸡易感性大于21日龄鸡,肌肉注射比口服感染组的致病性更强。  相似文献   

This is a comparative study on seroconversion to chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) in a closed flock of specific-pathogen-free chickens undergoing a natural outbreak and after vaccination of some of these flocks with a commercial, live vaccine. The N2a strain (B21B21 haplotype) had the highest seroconversion after natural infection (94%) or vaccination (100%), followed by the P2a strain (B19B19) at 75%-82% seroconversion after natural infection and 85% seroconversion after vaccination. The S13 (B13B13) chickens were 26% seropositive after natural infection and 75% seropositive after vaccination. N2a chickens with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-positive tissues were 97% seropositive compared to 80%-83% PCR-positive and seropositive for the P2a chickens and only 8% seropositive and PCR-positive for the S13 chickens. Seroconversion occurred at or near sexual maturity after natural infection in seven flocks studied.  相似文献   

Infection of maternal, antibody-negative chickens with chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) can cause clinical disease, while infection after maternal antibodies wane often results in subclinical infection and immunosuppression. Currently, vaccines are not available for vaccination in ovo or in newly hatched chickens. Development of CIAV vaccines for in ovo use depends on the ability to generate vaccines that do not cause lesions in newly hatched chicks and that can induce an immune response regardless of maternal immunity. Immune complex (IC) vaccines have been successfully used for control of infectious bursal disease, and we used a similar approach to determine if an IC vaccine is feasible for CIAV. Immune complexes were prepared that consisted of 0.1 ml containing 10(5.4) tissue culture infective dose 50% of CIA-1 and 0.1 ml containing 10 to 160 neutralizing units (IC Positive [ICP]10 to ICP160), in which one neutralizing unit is the reciprocal of the serum dilution required to protect 50% of CU147 cells from the cytopathic effects caused by CIA-1. Virus replication was delayed comparing ICP80 and ICP160 with combinations using negative serum (IC Negative [ICN]80 or ICN160). In addition, the number of birds with hematocrit values <28% were decreased with ICP80 or ICP160 compared to ICN80 or ICN160. Seroconversion was delayed in ICP80 and ICP160 groups. To determine if ICP80 or ICN 160 protected against challenge, we vaccinated maternal, antibody-free birds at 1 day of age and challenged at 2 wk or 3 wk of age with the 01-4201 strain. Both ICP80 and ICP160 protected against replication of the challenge virus, which was measured using differential quantitative PCR with primers distinguishing between the two isolates. Thus, in principle, immune complex vaccines may offer a method to protect newly hatched chicks against challenge with field virus. However, additional studies using maternal, antibody-positive chicks in combination with in ovo vaccination will be needed to determine if immune complex vaccines will be useful to protect commercial chickens.  相似文献   

Avian hepatitis E virus (avian HEV) is the primary causative agent of Hepatitis–Splenomegaly (HS) syndrome in chickens. Recently, a genetically unique strain of avian HEV, designated avian HEV-VA, was recovered from healthy chickens in Virginia. The objective of this study was to experimentally compare the pathogenicity of the prototype strain recovered from a chicken with HS syndrome and the avian HEV-VA strain in specific-pathogen-free chickens. An infectious stock of the avian HEV-VA strain was first generated and its infectivity titer determined in chickens. For the comparative pathogenesis study, 54 chickens of 6-week-old were assigned to 3 groups of 18 chickens each. The group 1 chickens were each intravenously inoculated with 5 × 102.5 50% chicken infectious dose of the prototype strain. The group 2 received the same dose of the avian HEV-VA strain, and the group 3 served as negative controls. Six chickens from each group were necropsied at 2, 3 and 4 weeks post-inoculation (wpi). Most chickens in both inoculated groups seroconverted by 3 wpi, and the mean anti-avian HEV antibody titers were higher for the prototype strain group than the avian HEV-VA strain group. There was no significant difference in the patterns of viremia and fecal virus shedding. Blood analyte profiles did not differ between treatment groups except for serum creatine phosphokinase levels which were higher for prototype avian HEV group than avian HEV-VA group. The hepatic lesion score was higher for the prototype strain group than the other two groups. The results indicateded that the avian HEV-VA strain is only slightly attenuated compared to the prototype strain, suggesting that the full spectrum of HS syndrome is likely associated with other co-factors.  相似文献   

从组织病料中提取到的鸡贫血病毒核酸经PCR扩增得到vp2基因,并将其克隆到表达载体pET32a上,重组菌经IPTG诱导,SDS-PAGE分析,结果VP2基因在大肠杆菌中成功表达。以表达产物免疫小鼠4次,制备了抗CAVVP2的多克隆抗体。通过对CAV感染的MSB1细胞做间接免疫荧光试验(IFA),结果为阳性。这表明表达产物保留了CAV相关的抗原性。为进一步研究CIA临床诊断奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Isolation and identification of chicken infectious anemia virus in Brazil.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Seven chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) isolates were obtained from seven broiler flocks with poor performance in two states of Brazil. All isolates induced thymus atrophy, bone-marrow aplasia, and low hematocrit values when inoculated into 1-day-old susceptible chicks. The CIAV isolates were resistant to treatment with chloroform and were able to pass through 50-nm-pore-size filters. CIAV-specific antigens could be demonstrated in tissues of experimentally infected chicks using a monoclonal antibody specific for CIAV. These characteristics of the virus and the virus-induced lesions demonstrate that CIAV is present in Brazil and that the virus is associated with production problems.  相似文献   

The presence of chicken anemia virus (CAV) in Slovenia was confirmed by inoculation of 1-day-old chickens without antibodies against CAV and isolation of the virus on the Marek's disease chicken cell-MSB1 line and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Experimental inoculation of 1-day-old chickens resulted in lower hematocrit values, atrophy of the thymus, and atrophy of bone marrow. CAV was confirmed by PCR in the thymus, bone marrow, bursa of Fabricius, liver, spleen, ileocecal tonsils, duodenum, and proventriculus. The nucleotide sequence of the whole viral protein (VP)1 gene was determined by direct sequencing. Alignment of VP1 nucleotide sequences of Slovenian CAV isolates (CAV-69/00, CAV-469/01, and CAV-130/03) showed 99.4% to 99.9% homology. The VP1 nucleotide sequence alignment of Slovenian isolates with 19 other CAV strains demonstrated 94.4% to 99.4% homology. Slovenian isolates shared highest homology with the BD-3 isolate from Bangladesh. Alignment of the deduced VP1 amino acids showed that the Slovenian isolates shared 100% homology and had an amino acid sequence most similar to the BD-3 strain from Bangladesh (99.6%) and were 99.1% similar to the G6 strain from Japan and the L-028 strain from the United States. The Slovenian isolates were least similar (96.6%) to the 82-2 strain from Japan. A phylogeneric analysis on the basis of the alignment of the VP1 amino acids showed that CAV isolates used in the study formed three groups that indicated the possible existence of genetic groups among CAV strains. The CAV isolates were grouped together independent of their geographic origin and pathogenicity.  相似文献   

从组织病料中提取CAV核酸,根据GenBank上发表的序列设计两对引物,分别扩增出vp1的139 bp~83 bp和547 bp~1337 bp两个基因片段,然后分别将其充隆到原核表达载体PMXB10上,经PCR和酶切鉴定,证明成功构建了重组表达载体PMXB10-vp1C和PMXB10-vp1D。在0.3 mM的IPTG诱导下,融合蛋白在大肠杆菌ER(2566)以分泌型得到大量表达,经大量表达后,用几丁质柱挂柱切割纯化后,得到切割蛋白E、F,在Western blot免疫分析印迹中,两组融合蛋白和切割蛋白与CAV阳性血清均能发生特异性反应。用ELISA方法检验,纯化的两组蛋白与CAV阳性血清均能发生特异性反应。用两组蛋白免疫SPF鸡后,用全病毒ELISA试剂盒检测血清呈阳性,表明两组蛋白均可诱发机体产生抗CAV的抗体。  相似文献   

为了解不同地区鸡源贝氏隐孢子虫的致病特点,对收集到的郑州、林州两地区鸡源贝氏隐孢子虫卵囊经雏鸡传代扩增纯化后,分别以1×106个卵囊量接种3日龄罗曼公雏鸡,从其排卵囊情况、临床症状和病理学变化比较了2个分离株的致病情况。结果表明:2个隐孢子虫分离株均主要引起雏鸡呼吸道症状和法氏囊炎病变;接种雏鸡均于感染后第4天开始排卵囊,林州株和郑州株排卵囊持续期分别为23 d和13 d;排卵囊高峰期均为感染后第8~12天。雏鸡感染2个地区鸡源贝氏隐孢子虫分离株后,排卵囊量及排卵囊规律存在差异。  相似文献   

Using a sentinel bird approach, two field isolates of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) were isolated from broiler farms in two major broiler-producing areas of the state of Georgia. These farms had a history of subclinical IBD associated with respiratory problems and poor performance. Isolates designated as U-28 and 3212 were isolated using specific-pathogen-free chicken embryos and chicken embryo bursal cells. These isolates were identified by means of agar gel precipitation and virus-neutralization tests, direct immunofluorescence, histopathology, and electron microscopy. Isolates U-28 and 3212 appear to differ in antigenicity and pathogenicity from previously known serotype I IBDV isolates. In evaluating the extent of bursal damage caused by these field isolates, an association was found between the bursa of Fabricius/body weight index, histopathology scoring of atrophy, and morphometric analysis of the total follicle area.  相似文献   

竞争性PCR定量检测鸡传染性贫血病毒核酸   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将删除33个碱基序列的CAVDNA克隆进质粒pSBII,提取质粒DNA,经过纯化、定量后作为竞争性模板,建立了一种定量检测鸡传染性贫血病毒核酸方法。该方法能够检测出的最低CAVDNA为103.5Molecules/μL,其精确度可达到100.5Molecules/μL。该方法与传统方法相比,具有节省时间、节约试剂和受其它因素干扰小等特点。  相似文献   

Chicken anemia virus (CAV) was isolated for the first time from the Nigerian chicken population. The virus was recovered from necropsied birds from broiler and pullet flocks that suffered disease outbreaks tentatively diagnosed as infectious bursal disease. A sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay detected CAV DNA in tissues of necropsied birds. Restriction endonuclease analysis performed with the 733-bp PCR product and the Cfo I enzyme indicated at least two different CAVs were circulating among the Nigerian chicken population. Four isolates were obtained from pooled liver and thymus tissues using the MDCC-MSB1 cell line. These isolates were found to be antigenically closely related to the Cuxhaven-1 (Cux-1) reference strain of CAV when reacted with four monoclonal antibodies prepared against the Cux-1 virus. One of the isolates (isolate A) induced thymus atrophy, bone marrow aplasia, and low hematocrit values when inoculated into 1-day-old specific-pathogen-free chickens. These findings not only demonstrate that CAV is present in Nigeria, but they also likely represent the first cell culture isolation of the virus in Africa.  相似文献   

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