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The means by which a pulsar might be detected in the remnant of supernova 1987a in the Large Magelanic Cloud is examined. One possibility is that the slower-than-radioactive decay typically seen in the type II light curves is itself the sign of powering by the underlying pulsar, with the decline representing not the spinning down of the pulsar but rather the declining nebular opacity that would allow increasing amounts of the energy to escape as gamma rays. The test of this hypothesis (if the supernova conforms to type II expectations) would be to look for the "missing" energy in the form of those gamma rays that escape from the remnant instead of powering it.  相似文献   

Citrus Huanglongbing(HLB, yellow shoot disease) is one of the most serious citrus diseases worldwide. To better improve the detection sensitivity, a droplet digital PCR(ddPCR) assay was developed for the rapid detection of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus'(Las), the putative causal agent of HLB. The detection of sensitivity comparison using positive plasmid indicated that dd PCR was superior to quantitative PCR(qPCR) for detecting and quantifying Las at low concentrations. The Las detection of 40 field samples also showed that six of 13 asymptomatic samples(46.15%) with high Ct value(35) were positive by dd PCR. This methodology showed great potential for early HLB infection diagnosis.  相似文献   

An active miniature inverted-repeat transposable element(MITE), MCLas-A, was previously identified from ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' known to be associated with citrus Huanglongbing(HLB, yellow shoot disease). To explore the recent transposition status of MCLas-A, 389 ‘Ca. L. asiaticus' strains collected from nine regions in China were amplified using a specific primer set and three representative ‘Ca. L. asiaticus' strains were analyzed by next-generation sequencing(NGS) approach. PCR and genomic analysis showed that the entire MCLas-A was only present in 1.80%(7/389) and the jumping-out type of the MITE was predominant(81.23%) in samples tested, suggesting high frequency transposition occurred in ‘Ca. L. asiaticus' strains recently collected from China. Biological roles of transposition of the active MITE remain to be determined.  相似文献   

In this paper,the character of viral clones from early and late passages after serial passages of Trichoplusia ni single nuclear polyhedrosis virus in a Tn 5B1-4 cell line is described.It demonstrated that no significant difference was observed in the infectivity of the cell culture supernatants of various passages to the cell line.The number of polyhedra produced in a cell and infectivity of polyhedra to T.ni larvae declined strikingly with the increase of passages.The polyhedra without virions began to increase from passage to passage.The result of restriction enzyme digestion showed that the DNA restriction fragments of the clones were different from wild virus DNA,although they came from a homogeneous viral DNA.The mutation of viral DNA resulted in the in crease of noninfectious polyhedra without virions and in the increase of the number of polyhedra produced in cell line as well as virulence of the polyhydrosis inclusion bodys to T.ni larvae after prolonged passages of Tn SNPV in the cell culture.  相似文献   

Selection of primary trisomics of the cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.capitata L) forms an important basis for gene chromosome mapping and for other genetic studies. The cabbage self-fertilization line - 9601 was used as material, using the root-tip cell chromosome number and pollen mother cell chromosome number identification and karyotype analysis to select the primary trisomics from the progenies of 3x x 2x in the cabbage. Many aneuploid plants with one or two extra chromosomes were obtained and a set of primary trisomics (Tri-1, Tri-2, Tri-3, Tri-4, Tri-5, Tri-6, Tri-7, Tri-8, and Tri-9, in which the Tri-1 and Tri-4 were from 2n+2 plants and others from 2n+ 1 plants) was acquired from these plants. Each trisomic exhibited some unique features, such as plant height, plant type, leaf type, size of flower bud, and inflorescence. The triploid crossing by the diploid is a convenient and effective way to select trisomics in the cabbage.  相似文献   

Cooloid concentrates were obtained by employing a cross-flow filtration system to ultrafiltrate seawater(which was pre-filtrated by 0.45 μm acetate cellulose membrane)sucessively with three membranes.The retentions(colloid concentrates)and control sample(in which colloid was removed)were then inoculated with a microalga and cultivated in vitro.After continuously monitoring cell content during cultivation,it was found that colloid had an obvious beneficial effect on the growth of microalga.Although colloids with different sizes influenced microalga‘s growth in different extent and ways,a brief conclusion could be draw from experiments that colloid might be a potential nutrition source for microalga‘s growth.  相似文献   

The study area is located in a Mediterranean region, so the effects of the climate variations are very important. The authors contribution to this subject is based on the compilation of many results obtained from dissertations and theses that are carried out under their supervision. The main tool used, in addition to other methods, is the water hydrochemistry as it is proved very useful in obtaining good results and helpful in getting objective interpretations regarding the presence and absence of salinity. Several factors are undertaken to show the presence of salts in waters in the plain, the lithology of the geological formations shows that they are composed of alluvium sediments where the permeability is quite high, and this enables hydraulic communication between the fresh water of the aquifer and saline water of the sea. The study of climate shows a decrease of precipitation which favors an important decrease of recharge rate to the aquifer, and hence a decrease of water resource. The strontium which is a good indicator for the origin of salinity shows a variation that indicates a variation in the distribution of the salinity, and therefore diverse origins of salinity all over the studied area. This can infer the presence of marine invasion in the down-stream part of the aquifer, whereas elsewhere salinity is caused by the presence of evaporitic formation, mainly by the argillaceous matrix in the bottom of the lake. in the up-stream part of the aquifer. In the lake, salinity is explained  相似文献   

Soybean(Glycine max(L.) Merr.) is a major crop that provides plant-origin protein and oil for humans and livestock.Although the soybean vegetative tissues and seeds provide a major source of high-quality protein,they suffer from low concentration of an essential sulfur-containing amino acid,methionine,which significantly limits their nutritional quality.The level of methionine is mainly controlled by the first unique enzyme of methionine synthesis,cystathione γ-synthase(CGS).Aiming to elevate methionine level in vegetative tissues and seeds,we constitutively over-expressed a feedback-insensitive Arabidopsis CGS(At D-CGS) in soybean cultivars,Zigongdongdou(ZD) and Jilinxiaoli 1(JX).The levels of soluble methionine increased remarkably in leaves of transgenic soybeans compared to wild-type plants(6.6-and 7.3-fold in two transgenic ZD lines,and 3.7-fold in one transgenic JX line).Furthermore,the total methionine contents were significantly increased in seeds of the transgenic ZD lines(1.5-to 4.8-fold increase) and the transgenic JX lines(1.3-to 2.3-fold increase) than in the wild type.The protein contents of the transgenic soybean seeds were significantly elevated compared to the wild type,suggesting that the scarcity of methionine in soybeans may limit protein accumulation in soybean seeds.The increased protein content did not alter the profile of major storage proteins in the seeds.Generally,this study provides a promising strategy to increase the levels of methionine and protein in soybean through the breeding programs.  相似文献   

CD8, a glycoprotein on the surface of T cells, is involved in the defense against viral infection and plays significant roles in antigen presentation and in the antiviral immune response. CD8 is composed of two chains. Of these, the CD8α chain was chosen for the detection because it involved in both the CD8αα homodimer and the CD8αβ heterodimer. Here, we established a double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(DAS-ELISA) for specific detection of goose CD8α(go CD8α). The results showed that the optimal coated antibody and antigen dilutions were 1:50(the antibody titer was 1:12 800) and 1:32(0.3 ng m L~(–1)), respectively, while the optimal capture antibody and horseradish peroxidase(HRP)-labelled goat anti-rabbit Ig G dilutions were 1:50(the antibody titer was 1:51 200) and 1:4 000(the antibody titer was 1:5 000), respectively. The optimal blocking buffer was 5% bovine serum albumin(BSA). The best incubating condition was overnight at 4°C, the best blocking time was 120 min and the best anti-capture antibody working time was 150 min. In addition, the minimum dose detectable by DAS-ELISA was 5×10~(–3) ng m L~(–1). Most importantly, go CD8α expression levels in goose spleen mononuclear cells(MNCs) post-Goose parvoviruse(GPV) infection were found to be significantly up-regulated using the DAS-ELISA method, which was consistent with previous results obtained using real-time quantitative PCR. In conclusion, the DAS-ELISA method reported here is a novel, specific technique for the clinical detection of go CD8α.  相似文献   

Induction of Root Hair Growth in a Phosphorus-Buffered Culture Solution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A system to control the release of phosphate in water was successfully established, based on solubility product of [Ca^2+] and [PO4^3-] using tricalcium phosphate as P source in the hydroponic solution, and adding CaCl2 for supplementing extra Ca^2+. The system, similar to soil solutions, was a P nutrient buffer solution with very low bioavailable P. The buffer solution induced the roots of both monocotyledon and dicotyledon species to grow abundant root hairs, 3 mm in maximum length. The monocotyledons were corn (Zea mays L.) (var. Yellow Rose), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (var. Yanzhong 144), Triticale secale L. (vat. Jingsong 5), and ryegrass (Lolium rigidum L.) (var. Ruanni), and the dicotyledons were Arabidopsis thaliana L. (var. Columbia), white clover (Trifolium repens) (var. Kopu), Lotus (Lotus peduncucatus Cav. Luliginosus Schkuhr) (var. Grasslands Maku). For these species we proved that the root environment controls the induction of root hair formation. However, the hydroponic buffer solution failed to induce root hairs on the roots of onion (Allium cepa L.). Other investigators have concluded that corn does not form root hairs in hydroponics, but abundant long root hairs on corn were induced by this buffer system. The roots with abundant long root hairs are called "hedgehog roots" because they have hairs everywhere just like a hedgehog.  相似文献   

When a liquid is cooled below its melting temperature, it usually crystallizes. However, if the quenching rate is fast enough, the system may remain in a disordered state, progressively losing its fluidity upon further cooling. When the time needed for the rearrangement of the local atomic structure reaches approximately 100 seconds, the system becomes "solid" for any practical purpose, and this defines the glass transition temperature Tg. Approaching this transition from the liquid side, different systems show qualitatively different temperature dependencies of the viscosity, and accordingly they have been classified by introducing the concept of "fragility." We report experimental observations that relate the microscopic properties of the glassy phase to the fragility. We find that the vibrational properties of the glass well below Tg are correlated with the fragility value. Consequently, we extend the fragility concept to the glassy state and indicate how to determine the fragility uniquely from glass properties well below Tg.  相似文献   

目前人们进行生态旅游的同时对人文景观也越来越重视,特别是少数民族地区人文景观丰富,合理利用将大大提高景观质量。森林公园以自然景观为主,笔者以张家界国家森林公园为例,对其人文景观资源进行调查及评价,分析该地区民族文化利用的特点,并针对张家界国家森林公园存在的问题,提出森林公园建设中要重视人文景观资源的保护,要突出地方独特的民族文化,重视旅游产品多样性的开发。  相似文献   

Base on dynamic analysis for a Front Wheel Assist(FWA) tractor,a method of calculating and analyzing on the critical angle of steering for a FWA tractor is described in this paper,The mathematical model is also established here.The critical steering angle which is a important parameter affecting the steering performance for a FWA tractor is defined in the article.  相似文献   

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