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The enzymatic activity; the microbial population; and the intensities of the nitrification, ammonification, CO2emission, and cellulose decomposition were studied in gray-brown, meadow-sierozemic, meadow-forest alluvial, and yellow (zheltozem) gley soils in the subtropical zone of Azerbaijan under natural vegetation, crop rotation systems with vegetables, and permanent vegetable crops. On this basis, the biological diagnostics of these soils were suggested and the soil ecological health was evaluated. It was shown that properly chosen crop rotation systems on irrigated lands make it possible to preserve the fertility of the meadow-forest alluvial and zheltozem-gley soils and to improve the fertility of the gray-brown and meadow-sierozemic soils.  相似文献   

Changes in the humus status of acid brown forest soils used for tea growing have been studied in a long-term stationary experiment after 20 years of the application of mineral fertilizers in increasing doses. It is shown that long-term tea growing has resulted in a reliable increase in the humus content within the upper cultivated horizon (Ap, 0–40 cm) at the expense of the nonhydrolyzable fraction of humus (humin) and the first fractions of humic and fulvic acids. The fractional composition of humus has changed against the background of a stable fulvate type of humus (Cha/Cfa < 0.5). The portion of the first fraction of humic and fulvic acids in the total amount of humus has increased, as well as the portion of the first fraction of humic acids in the total amount of humic acids. These changes are due to the enhanced humification of plant residues with a parallel decrease in the contents of the second (Ca-bound) and third (bound with clay and stable sesquioxides) fractions of humic substances.  相似文献   

Nitrification and nitrifying potential of tropical and subtropical soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Nitrification was measured in five different soils (slate alluvial soil, sandstone shale alluvial soil, sandstone shale and slate alluvial soil, red soil, and Taiwan clay). In these soils different lag periods were recorded before the onset of nitrification. Nitrifying activity was highest in sandstone shale alluvial soil and the lowest in acidic red soil. A part from those in the red soil, the numbers of nitrifying bacteria detected were all higher than numbers reported in temperate soils. However, there were no clear relationships between the numbers of nitrifying bacteria and the rate of nitrification in these soils. When soil cores were incubated for 3 weeks, no NO inf2 sup- or NO inf3 sup- was defected in the slate alluvial soil. This was ascribed to denitrification.  相似文献   

The results of a long-term study of the dynamics of taxonomic groups of microorganisms in irrigated soils of the subtropical zone of Azerbaijan under rotation with vegetable and forage crops and under continuous growing of these crops are discussed. It is shown that the maximum population density of the microorganisms consuming organic nitrogen is typical of the alluvial meadow-forest and yellow ferralitic gley soils. The population density of microorganisms is lower and the mineralization coefficient is higher in the soils under continuous crops as compared with the analogous soils under the crop rotation system.  相似文献   

The daily dynamics (during 33 days) of the number (colony-forming units (CFU)) of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and of the nitrogen-fixing activity (the acetylene method) were determined in a gray forest soil under a fallow land and under an intensely cultivated field. The daily dynamics of the CFUs determined on the nitrogen-free medium in the samples from both plots had wavelike patterns. The daily values of the actual and potential activities of nitrogen fixation in the samples from the fallow land plot and of the actual activity of nitrogen fixation in the samples from the intensely cultivated soil were low and close to the detection limit. The potential activity of nitrogen fixation in the intensely cultivated soil was significant and also had a wavelike pattern. The harmonic analysis of the daily dynamics of the CFUs and nitrogen fixation showed the statistically significant harmonics of these biological characteristics pointing to the objective and regular character of the wavelike dynamics. The revealed dynamics of the biological characteristics of the soils and the methods of their analysis are important in terms of the comparative study of the biological properties of different soils.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the agronomic potential of four partially acidulated rock phosphates(PARP) in three representative solis sampled from subtripical China.The PARPs were manufactured by attacking a moderately reactive phosphate rock either with sulfuric acid alone or with combination of sulfuric and phosphoric acids at 30 or 60 percent of acidulation.Shoot dry weight and P accumulation of six successive cuttings of ryegrass were used to compare the agronomic potential of these fertilizers with that of the raw rock phosphate(RP) and monocalcium phosphate (MCP).Results indicated that the effectiveness of various phosphates was determined both by the solubility of the phosphates and by the acidity and P-fixing capacity of the soils.The higher the watersoluble P contained,the better the effectiveness of the fertilizer was.Although plant P accumulation of PARP treatments was constantly lower than that of MCP treatment,some PARPs could still get a dry matter production similar to that of MCP treatment.PARP SP60,which was acidulated with a mixture of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid at 60 percent of acidulation and contained the highest soluble,P,was as effective as MCP in terms of dry matter production on all the soils.S60 and C1 which were both acidulated with sulfuric acid with the former at 60 percent of acidulation and the latter at 30 percent but with a further addition of monoammonium phosphate,were more than 80 percent as efective as MCP,Raw RP also showed a reasonable effectiveness which increased with soil acidity.It was suggested from the study that some of these APRPs could be expected to have a comparable field performance as soluble P fertilizers in the acid soil regions.  相似文献   

为揭示再生水灌溉对亚热带土壤干缩裂缝及其发育过程的影响,该研究选取红壤、潮土、紫色土、水稻土作为供试土壤,采用再生水原液(RW)及稀释2倍(RW-2)、4倍(RW-4)、6倍(RW-6)4种不同浓度再生水进行持续模拟灌溉,并进行脱湿开裂试验,提取干缩裂缝参数.结果表明:1)再生水灌溉抑制红壤及促进其余3种土壤干缩裂缝形...  相似文献   

Diagnostics, methods of evaluation, and geography of saline-alkali (soda) soils are discussed. The saline-alkali soils include soils of different genetic types with the following chemical properties: the pH of the water suspensions equal to or higher than 8.5; the total alkalinity exceeding 1.4 meq/100 g of soil and the sum of water-soluble calcium and magnesium; and the presence of soluble “alkaline” salts in the soil profiles, the hydrolysis of which results in the alkaline reaction of the soils. The chemical properties of the saline-alkali soils are largely related to the presence of soda (Na2CO3, NaHCO3) in the soils. According to their morphological properties, saline-alkali soils are divided into two groups: alkaline soils with an undiferentiated profile and without a morphologically pronounced solonetzic (natric) horizon, and alkaline soils with a pronounced natric horizon (solonetzes). Solonetzes, in turn, are divided into (a) alkaline solonetzes (with soda or with soda and neutral salts), (b) solonetzes salinized with neutral salts (saline soils) with increased alkalinity in the solonetzic and lower lying horizons, (c) saline solonetzes throughout the profile, and (d) leached solonetzes containing no soluble salts in the profile and almost no exchangeable sodium in the soil exchange complex (SEC) (“dead” solonetzes). The latter two groups of solonetzes cannot be ranked among the alkaline soils. The alkalinity of the saline-alkali soils under study is due to carbonate and bicarbonate ions (carbonate alkalinity), organic acid anions (organic alkalinity), and borate ions (borate alkalinity). The carbonate alkalinity is due to both soda (Na2CO3, NaHCO3) and CaCO3.  相似文献   

The placement effects of organic sources (cellulose and rice straw) at different depths on nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction assay, ARA) associated with four tropical rice soils were investigated. Results showed that placement of organic sources in the top profile (1–2 cm) produced a higher nitrogenase activity; while placement in the 2–4 cm and 4–6cm profiles significantly decreased the activity irrespective of soil type. The effect of organic sources on nitrogenase varied depending on the soil type. Cellulose and rice straw caused differential stimulation in response to the placement. Evidence was provided for the creation of favourable redox potential supporting higher nitrogenase activity in series receiving organic amendments in the top profile. Higher nitrogenase activity in the top profile was associated with greater populations of nitrogen-fixing Azospirillum sp., anaerobic nitrogen fixers and Azotobacter sp. Moreover, the lower amounts of reducing sugars and higher carbon dioxide evolution gave evidence of higher microbial activity in the top profile. These results clearly indicate the positive relationship between nitrogenase activity, nitrogen-fixing populations and redox status in the top layers of flooded tropical rice soils. Received: 5 June 1996  相似文献   

Immobilization of Bacillus pumilus ES4 from arid land soils, a plant growth-promoting bacterium and the freshwater, green microalga Chlorella vulgaris enhanced microalgal growth only in the absence of combined nitrogen in synthetic growth medium (SGM), but not in medium with combined nitrogen. B. pumilus was able to fix nitrogen in N-free SGM and its growth yielded an accumulation of ammonium in the medium. On its own, B. pumilus is a poor agent for removing nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater, while C. vulgaris is a capable microorganism. By jointly immobilizing the two microorganisms, the capacity to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from the medium by the microalgae culture was not enhanced, but, at the cell level, removal of these nutrients was significantly enhanced. It appears that growth promotion induced by B. pumilus on C. vulgaris is related to nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Data of the agrochemical survey of arable soils in Belgorod oblast during the period from 1964 to 2014 have been analyzed. The soil cover mainly consists of typical chernozems (Haplic Chernozems) and leached chernozems (Luvic Chernozems) in the forest-steppe zone and ordinary chernozems (Calcic Chernozems) in the steppe zone. Under long-term agricultural use (from 1964 to 2014), the content of mobile phosphorus in arable soils of the region under study has increased from 55 to 137 mg/kg, and the content of mobile potassium has increased from 105 to 147 mg/kg. During the period of 1976–2014, the share of acid soils has increased from 22.8 to 45.8%, including medium-acid soils from 1.5 to 12.6%. No significant changes in the weighted average content of soil organic matter are revealed for the period from 1985 to 2014. The value of this parameter is within the range of 4.8–5.0%. In the 2010–2014, 95.0% of arable soils belonged to the category of low supplied with mobile sulfur; 99.2, 96.9, 94.1, and 54.4% of soils were poorly supplied with zinc, copper, cobalt, and manganese, respectively. During the same period, the maximum average productivity of the crop area (3710 f. u./ha) was noted at the application of 4.8 t/ha organic fertilizers and 97.9 kg/ha organic fertilizers on the average. The maximum long-term yields of sugar beet (36.8 t/ha) and corn grain (4.97 t/ha) were obtained at the application of relatively low fertilizer rates.  相似文献   

The parameters of the potential biological activity (respiration, methanogenesis, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification) of drained peat soils were analyzed as depending on their morphological, chemical, and electrical properties. A high positive correlation was found between the potential respiration of the soil and its electrical resistance, because these parameters depended on the same soil properties: the ash content, the cation exchange capacity, etc. The correlation was disturbed under a significant adverse impact of the soil water-air regime on the microbial community, which was difficult to detect from the resistance. No correlation of anaerobic methanogenesis and denitrification with the resistance was found. The revealed relationships can find wide use in the study of the spatial distribution of the potential biological activity of soils, which will allow deriving more correct and representative data.  相似文献   

Summary TwoAtriplex spp. growing in low-fertility saline sodic soils were assayed for root-associated nitrogenase activity. The excised washed and unwashed root of the two species.A. lentiformis andA. amnicola, showed high root-associated nitrogenase activity. Acetylene-reducing activity seemed to be directly influenced by moisture. The highest number of diazotrophs, enumerated using a most probable number technique was observed on the root surface. Most of the isolated diazotrophs were identified asEnterobacter agglomerans. Root-associated nitrogenase activity inAtriplex spp. may explain the high protein and biomass content of these plants growing in low-fertility saline sodic soils.  相似文献   

Denitrification has the potential to remove excess nitrogen from groundwater passing through riparian buffers, thus improving water quality downstream. In regions with markedly seasonal precipitation, transient stream flow events may be important in saturating adjacent floodplain soils and intermittently providing the anaerobic conditions necessary for denitrification to occur. In two experiments we characterised the denitrification potential of soils from two contrasting floodplains that experience intermittent saturation. We quantified under controlled laboratory conditions: 1) potential rates of denitrification in these soils with depth and over time, for a typical period of saturation; and 2) the influences on rates of nitrate and organic carbon. Treatments differed between experiments, but in each case soil-water slurries were incubated anaerobically with differing amendments of organic carbon and nitrate; denitrification rates were measured at selected time intervals by the acetylene-block technique; and slurry filtrates were analysed for various chemical constituents. In the first experiment (ephemeral tributary), denitrification was evident in soils from both depths (0-0.3 m; 0.3-1.1 m) within hours of saturation. Before Day 2, mean denitrification rates at each depth were generally comparable, irrespective of added substrates; mean rates (Days 0 and 1) were 5.2 ± 0.3 mg N kg dry soil−1 day−1 (0-0.3 m) and 1.6 ± 0.2 mg N kg dry soil−1 day−1 (0.3-1.1 m). Rates generally peaked on Days 2 or 3. The availability of labile organic carbon was a major constraint on denitrification in these soils. Acetate addition greatly increased rates, reaching a maximum in ephemeral floodplain soils of 17.4 ± 1.8 mg N kg dry soil−1 day−1 on Day 2: in one deep-soil treatment (low nitrate) this overcame differences in rates observed with depth when acetate was not added, although the rate increase in the other deep-soil treatment (high nitrate) was significantly less (P ≤ 0.01). Without acetate, peak denitrification rates in this experiment were 6.9 ± 0.4 and 2.8 ± 0.2 mg N kg dry soil−1 day−1 in surface and deep soils, respectively. Differences in rates were observed with depth on all occasions, despite similar initial concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) at both depths. Levels of substrate addition in the second experiment (perennial stream) more closely reflected natural conditions at the site. Mean denitrification rates were consistently much higher in surface soil (P ≤ 0.001), while the source of water used in the slurries (surface water or groundwater from the site) had little effect on rates at any depth. Mean rates when all treatments retained nitrate were: 4.5 ± 0.3 mg N kg dry soil−1 day−1 (0-0.3 m depth); 0.8 ± 0.3 mg N kg dry soil−1 day−1 (0.3-1.0 m); and 0.6 ± 0.1 mg N kg dry soil−1 day−1 (1.8-3.5 m). For comparable treatments and soil depths, denitrification potentials at both sites were similar, apart from higher initial rates in the ephemeral floodplain soils, probably associated with their higher DOC content and possibly also their history of more frequent saturation. The rapid onset of denitrification and the rates measured in these soils suggest there may be considerable potential for nitrate removal from groundwater in these floodplain environments during relatively short periods of saturation.  相似文献   


Several interactions between Al and the solid phase of soil influence Al buffering in soil solution. This work evaluated soils cultivated with Pinus taeda L. to determine Al forms in organic and mineral horizons using various extraction methods and to relate acidity with clay mineralogy.

Materials and methods

Organic and mineral horizons of 10 soil profiles (up to 2.1 m deep) in southern Brazil were sampled. Organic horizons were separated into fresh, aged, and fermented/humified litter. The following Al extraction methods were utilized: 0.5 mol L?1 pH 2.8 CuCl2–Al complexed in organic matter; 1.0 mol L?1 KCl–exchangeable Al; water–Al soluble in soil solution; HF concentrated?+?HNO3 concentrated?+?H2O2 30% (v/v)–total Al. Six sequential extractions were carried out to isolate different forms of amorphous minerals that can buffer Al on soil solution: 0.05 and 0.1 mol L?1 sodium pyrophosphate; 0.1 and 0.2 mol L?1 ammonium oxalate; 0.25 and 0.5 mol L?1 NaOH. Samples of clay were also analyzed by XRD.

Results and discussion

There was a clear effect of litter age on increasing total Al concentration. In the aged litter and fermented and/or humified litter, levels of total Al were 1.4 to 3.8 and 1.5 to 7.8 times greater than in fresh litter, respectively. The CuCl2 method had higher Al extraction capacity than the KCl method for litter. The lowest Al–pyrophosphate values were observed in the Oxisol, which also had a predominance of gibbsite and the lowest levels of Al–KCl and Al–CuCl2. There was an inverse relationship between degree of soil weathering and soluble and exchangeable Al in soils. Available Al increased with higher Si proportion in minerals of the clay fraction (2:1?>?1:1?>?0:1).


The worst scenario was soils with the combination of high soluble and exchangeable Al levels and high concentrations of amorphous forms of Al minerals. The best predictors of Al accumulation in the youngest litter horizon were extractions of amorphous minerals with pyrophosphate and NaOH. These extractors are normally used to predict the level of Al buffering in soils. Organic matter had less influence on Al dynamics in soils.


The occurrence and characterization of N2-fixing azospirilla in some Egyptian soils has been investigated. Seven soils, representing a wide range in texture and properties were selected from different localities in Egypt. The highest nitrogenase activity reported for soil samples under investigation were related to numbers of N2-fixing microorganisms (Azotobacter spp., Azospirillum spp., and Clostridium spp.). Seven strains of azospirilla were isolated and purified. Based on morphological characteristics, three types of cell morphology were distinguished. Cultural and physiological characteristics as well as nitrogenase activity of representative isolates in presence of different concentrations of NaCl were determined. According to the physiological properties studied, all isolates were classified as members of Azospirillum brasilense.  相似文献   


This paper reports the use of mineral magnetic measurement techniques to characterize the iron oxide assemblage within soils of varying parent material type and water regime from subtropical region in Zhejiang Province, China. Results show that dryland soils formed on Quaternary red clay, limestone, arenaceous shale, and diluvium, exhibit a distinct ferrimagnetic profile with a magnetic susceptibility (χ) enhancement in surface horizon. This enhancement is interpreted as being due to pedogenic superparamagnetic (SP) ferrimagnetic grains, which is supported by a higher frequency dependent susceptibility (χfd) values. The χ and χfd have highly significant positive linear relationship with dithionite‐citrate‐bicarbonate (DCB) extractable iron (Fed) content. The upper horizon of paddy soil has extremely lower χ and χfd values than dryland soils formed on the same parent material. Soil with poorly‐drained condition has distinctly lower absolute χ and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) value than associated well‐drained soil. It indicates that reduction state is an important factor responsible for loss of SP ferrimagnetic minerals in soils.  相似文献   

Thirty strains of saccharolytic, N2-fixing clostridia isolated from gleyed soils, capable of reducing Fe2O3-powder, were characterized physiologically and classified by conventional and numerical methods. After redefining the distinguishing features of saccharolytic Clostridium-species, 23 of the 30 isolates were assigned to the newly proposed species C. butyricum (12), C. saccharobutyricum (8), C. acetobutylicum (1). C. beijerinckii (1), and C. tyrobutyricum (1). Seven strains could not be classified and were regarded as intermediate forms. Numerical analysis confirmed the close relationship between 27 of the 30 isolates as well as to the type cultures used in comparison.  相似文献   

 Polyacrylamide (PAM) is currently used as an irrigation water additive to significantly reduce the amount of soil erosion that occurs during furrow irrigation of crops. Elevated soil amidase activity specific toward the large PAM polymer has been reported in PAM-treated field soils; the substrate specificity of the induced amidase is uncertain. PAM-treated and untreated soils were assayed for their capacity to hydrolyze the amide bond in carbaryl (Sevin), diphenamid (Dymid), and naphthalene acetamide. Based on results obtained with a soil amidase assay, there was no difference between PAM-treated and untreated soils with respect to the rate of amide bond hydrolysis of any of the agrochemicals tested. It appears that under these assay conditions the PAM-induced soil amidase is not active toward the amide bonds within these molecules. However, carbaryl was hydrolyzed by a different soil amidase. To our knowledge, this is the first soil enzyme assay-based demonstration of the hydrolysis of carbaryl by a soil amidase. Received: 23 June 1999  相似文献   

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