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索菲燕 《现代农业科学》2009,(4):173-173,192
伊犁河冰凌灾害已成为影响沿河区域经济发展的重要因素之一,当地政府和群众每年都要投入大量人力和物力进行防范。因此,分析和研究冰凌的成因,提出切实可行的预防和治理措施,最大限度的减少冰凌对当地群众生命和财产的损失,着力构建人水和谐,切实提高当地各级政府预防和治理冰凌的办法和措施,具有其必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

Green line emission at 557.7 nanometers arising from the O(1S - 1D) transition of atomic oxygen has been observed on the nightside of Venus with HIRES, the echelle spectrograph on the W. M. Keck I 10-meter telescope. We also observe optical emissions of molecular oxygen, consistent with the spectra from the Venera orbiters, but our green line intensity is so high that we cannot explain how it could be inconspicuous in the Venera spectra. An upper limit for the intensity of the O(1D - 3P) oxygen red line at 630 nanometers has also been obtained. The large green/red ratio indicates that the source is not associated with the Venus ionosphere. An important conclusion is that observation of the green line in a planetary atmosphere is not an indicator of an atmosphere rich in molecular oxygen.  相似文献   

Comparison of ice discharge from higher elevation areas of the entire Greenland Ice Sheet with total snow accumulation gives estimates of ice thickening rates over the past few decades. On average, the region has been in balance, but with thickening of 21 centimeters per year in the southwest and thinning of 30 centimeters per year in the southeast. The north of the ice sheet shows less variability, with average thickening of 2 centimeters per year in the northeast and thinning of about 5 centimeters per year in the northwest. These results agree well with those from repeated altimeter surveys, except in the extreme south, where we find substantially higher rates of both thickening and thinning.  相似文献   

城镇河道生态治理模式研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
赵全儒 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(20):9558-9560
从河道治理中存在的问题出发,对生态河道的相关理论进行系统分析研究,提出了河道生态治理模式及实践中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

为了研究输电线路故障运行时,接地点短路电流对管道的电磁干扰程度,利用防雷接地分析软件CDEGS建立了输电线路杆塔接地网与埋地管道模型,计算分析了不同短路电流幅值、土壤电阻率、管道间距下管道冲击电压的变化规律.提出了两种新型管道防护措施:①通过改变#形和方框射线形接地网形状参数,计算分析了管道冲击电压的变化规律,其表明接...  相似文献   

Monolayers of aliphatic long-chain alcohols induced nucleation of ice at temperatures approaching 0 degrees C, in contrast with water-soluble alcohols, which are effective antifreeze agents. The corresponding fatty acids, or alcohols with bulky hydrophobic groups, induce freezing at temperatures as much as 12 degrees C lower. The freezing point induced by the amphiphilic alcohols was sensitive not only to surface area per molecule but, for the aliphatic series (C(n)H(2n + 1)OH), to chain length and parity. The freezing point for chains with n odd reached an asymptotic temperature of 0 degrees C for an upper value of n = 31; for n even the freezing point reached a plateau of -8 degrees C for n in the upper range of 22 to 30. The higher freezing point induced by the aliphatic alcohols is due to formation of ordered clusters in the uncompressed state as detected by grazing incidence synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements. The diffraction data indicate a close lattice match with the ab layer of hexagonal ice.  相似文献   

玉米生态核雄性不育系的发现与遗传研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用分期播种和混合分群法(BSA)对发现的生态核雄性不育材料春杂的生态学机制、遗传机理进行了初步分析.结果表明,该材料在2 a的分期播种试验中雄花均表现为完全不育,属于花粉败育型雄性不育类型.遗传分析结果表明,该材料的育性由1对隐性基因控制,利用SSR标记将该基因定位在玉米的第2染色体上.位于标记umc 2129和bnlg 1329之间.  相似文献   

为了验证粒子流是否能提高水稻产量,将4个水稻品种经粒子流能量场两个剂量处理后与对照做产量比较。结果表明:4个水稻品种经过粒子流两个剂量处理后,产量性状方面均好于对照,产量有所提高。其中,1.5W.h-1.kg-1表现最好。处理后4个水稻品种增产率:龙粳25增产率为4.40%,龙粳26增产率为7.67%,龙粳31增产率为6.89%,空育131增产率为6.85%。  相似文献   

Seven glaciers from 9 to 26 kilometers in width move 0.3 to 2.3 meters per day. Byrd Glacier is the fastest moving of the known valley glaciers in Antarctica.  相似文献   

Basal till was identified in two sediment cores collected about 69 kilometers southeast of Nantucket Island on the east and west sides of Great South Channel. These are the first samples of till collected on the outer continental shelf off the northeastern United States. The carbon-14 age of the total organic carbon in the tills provides a "no older than" age of about 20,000 years before present and suggests that the tills were deposited during the late Wisconsinan glaciation. This conclusion is in support of the hypothesis of an extensive Laurentide ice sheet that extended to the northern side of Georges Bank.  相似文献   

针对石油工业中的蜡沉积问题,利用冷指实验装置研究了单相含蜡原油体系冷却液温度、油流温度和同一温差不同温度区间对蜡沉积规律的影响,得到了单相含蜡原油蜡沉积规律的宏观特性,并利用高温气相色谱(HTGC)装置分析沉积物组分的宏观变化。在相同油温条件下,随着冷却液温度的升高,蜡沉积速率减小而沉积物中高碳数组分比例增大;在相同冷却液温度条件下,随着油温从凝点附近增大至析蜡点以上,蜡沉积量先减小后增加最后再减小,沉积物中高碳数组分比例增大;在同一温差条件下,随着温度区间温度的升高,蜡沉积量的变化有波动但油温在析蜡点附近沉积量达到最大值,沉积物中高碳数组分比例一直增大。针对实际管流,环境温度基本恒定,通过升高入口油温减少沉积的发生,因此,在含蜡原油管输中,入口油温的选取对整个管输过程中蜡沉积的形成以及形成后的清理很重要。根据实验结果,入口油温不是越高越好,应保证入口油温低于析蜡点且整个管输过程中高于凝点5℃左右。(图6,参12)  相似文献   

A 420-year history of strontium/calcium, uranium/calcium, and oxygen isotope ratios in eight coral cores from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, indicates that sea surface temperature and salinity were higher in the 18th century than in the 20th century. An abrupt freshening after 1870 occurred simultaneously throughout the southwestern Pacific, coinciding with cooling tropical temperatures. Higher salinities between 1565 and 1870 are best explained by a combination of advection and wind-induced evaporation resulting from a strong latitudinal temperature gradient and intensified circulation. The global Little Ice Age glacial expansion may have been driven, in part, by greater poleward transport of water vapor from the tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

Ice flow of the Antarctic ice sheet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a reference, comprehensive, high-resolution, digital mosaic of ice motion in Antarctica assembled from multiple satellite interferometric synthetic-aperture radar data acquired during the International Polar Year 2007 to 2009. The data reveal widespread, patterned, enhanced flow with tributary glaciers reaching hundreds to thousands of kilometers inland over the entire continent. This view of ice sheet motion emphasizes the importance of basal-slip-dominated tributary flow over deformation-dominated ice sheet flow, redefines our understanding of ice sheet dynamics, and has far-reaching implications for the reconstruction and prediction of ice sheet evolution.  相似文献   

Submillimeter-sized metallic spheres extracted from soil in the Tunguska region of central Siberia contain noble metals in cosmic proportions. The trace element composition and geographical distribution of these spheres suggest that they are from the 30 June 1908 Tunguska explosion and not meteoritic ablation products falling continuously on the earth. Debris from this explosion was also discovered in a South Pole ice core; this discovery indicates that the Tunguska object exploded in the atmosphere with subsequent stratospheric injection and transport of the debris. The celestial body that exploded over Tunguska weighed more than 7 million tons, was more than 0.16 kilometer in diameter, and may well have been a stony meteorite. This discovery offers a new precision time marker in polar ice strata for the year 1909. The steady-state influx of cosmic matter at the South Pole is estimated to be 1.8 x 10(-8) grams per square centimeter per year, which corresponds to a global influx of 4 x l0(5) tons per year.  相似文献   

通过阿利新蓝染色、石蜡切片和扫描电镜,对点纹斑竹鲨晚期胚胎侧线系统的分布、形态和表面结构进行了观察。结果表明,点纹斑竹鲨的侧线系统与多数软骨鱼板鳃类相一致,包括有机械感受功能的侧线管和陷器,以及有电感受功能的罗伦氏壶腹器。侧线管分布呈典型的“七管模式”,其内的管道神经丘位于侧线管内远离体表的一侧,由覆盖细胞、支持细胞和感觉细胞组成。陷器分布于背部两体侧线管之间,单个陷器位于两盾鳞间,深陷在真皮中,由1短管通向表面,管壁不规则,上段由表皮细胞组成,管深40~60 μm。罗伦氏壶腹器由管孔、罗伦管和罗伦瓮3部分组成,呈长颈瓶状,很多罗伦管都较长,从1 mm~50 mm 不等,管壁规则;罗伦瓮由7个罗伦小囊组成,每个小囊直径约50 μm。通过与其他软骨鱼类进行比较,点纹斑竹鲨的侧线系统分布和感受器结构不但印证了软骨鱼类的系统发育关系,同时也与其生活习性相适应。  相似文献   

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