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干旱棉区棉花营养特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对海岛棉和陆地棉叶片营养元素含量测定值的分析,结果显示海岛棉对氮、钾的需求低于陆地棉,对磷、锰、铜、镁的需求高于陆地棉。海岛棉苗期对铜、硼,蕾期对磷、锌、铜,花铃期对镁、锰、铜的需求高于陆地棉。在生育后期,海岛棉叶片养分含量动态变化与陆地棉有差异。因此,在农业生产中海岛棉与陆地棉的施肥方法应有所区别。  相似文献   

Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) is a major threat to cotton production in Asia and Africa. Using marker-assisted breeding can be the best sustainable approach to tackle CLCuD. Identification of new QTLs in the indigenous cotton germplasm is necessary to combat CLCuD. The current study was designed to construct a genetic linkage map of bi-parental F2:F3 populations developed from highly tolerant MNH-886 and highly susceptible S-12 cotton cultivars. One hundred seven CLCuD-associated simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker alleles were identified as polymorphic and three new QTLs were found on chromosomes C11, C19 and C21. Two QTLs on chromosomes C11 and C19 were detected in both F2 and F3 populations in the region flanked by SSR markers CIR316 and BNL4094, and BNL285 and BNL3348, respectively. Whereas, one QTL on chromosome C21 was detected in the region flanked by SSR markers JESPR158 and JESPR135 in both F2 and F3 generations. The CLCuD-associated QTLs identified in this study can help fine-tune the molecular mapping of the QTLs on the cotton genome against CLCuD.  相似文献   

运用包含环境互作效应的ADM发育遗传模型对3年海岛棉亲本及F1代不同发育时期单铃重及发育特点与产量、品质的关系研究表明,海岛棉各时期单铃重对最终单铃重、纤维品质性状选择效果较好;前期(10、20 d)单铃重大,会减少无效铃数,降低衣分;后期(60、70d)单铃重大,会增加无效铃数,提高衣分。而中期(30、40、50d)单铃重对最终单株产量有一定选择效果。棉铃体积膨大期(0~10 d、10~20 d)净增量较大,单铃重增加,其他产量性状降低;纤维长度、反射率、黄度等品质性状改善;棉铃内容物充实期(30~40、40~50、60~70 d)干重增量大,主要纤维品质性状变差。选择单铃重进入快增期较晚、生长速率较大而出现时间较晚的材料将提高单株产量。纤维形成过程中,同化物质较早进入棉铃,经历缓慢增长,使纤维逐渐成熟而形成优良的品质。棉铃发育受到明显的母体效应影响,因而选择合适的母本对改良纤维品质性状较为重要。  相似文献   

[目的]Nudix是一类能够催化各种核苷二磷酸衍生物水解的酶,具有维持遗传物质稳定,响应逆境胁迫等生物学功能.本研究旨在对陆地棉Nudix基因进行全基因组分析,为深入研究Nudix基因家族参与棉纤维生长发育调控机制提供参考.[方法]通过生物信息学方法对陆地棉基因组(ZJU_v2.1)的Nudix基因进行全基因组鉴定,并...  相似文献   

X. F. Zhu    X. D. Wang    J. Sun  T. Z. Zhang  J. J. Pan 《Plant Breeding》1998,117(6):549-552
Paired A- and B-lines, cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS)-lines and main-tainer lines, respectively, were crossed with R-lines (restorer) to produce A × R, R × B and B × R hybrids, which were used in 1993 and 1996 to predict the performance of three lypes of CMS cotton lines available in China. A significant difference in yield and yield components was revealed between paired A × R and B × R hybrids. This difference was greatly influenced by both CMS cytoplasm and the interaction between cytoplasm and nuclear genotypes. It is suggested that there are detrimental effects of CMS cytoplasm on yield and yield components. General combining ability of near-isogenic CMS lines was also affected by this negative effect. The detrimental effect was closely related to an increased number of immature seeds per boll, which might be caused by partial female sterility associated with CMS cytoplasm. The possibility of developing specific combinations of CMS Upland × Upland restorer hybrids that express enough heterosis for yield to overcome the detrimental effect of the CMS cytoplasm is discussed.  相似文献   

Inheritance of time of flowering in upland cotton under natural conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. J. Hao    S. X. Yu    Q. X. Ma    S. L. Fan    M. Z. Song 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(4):383-390
Time to flowering is an essential component of the adaptation and productivity of cotton ( Gossipium hirsutum ) in various agro-ecological zones. This article presents a study of the genetic control of this trait in two crosses obtained from different early-maturity parental lines. In each cross, multiple generations including P1, F1, P2, B1, B2 and F2 were evaluated under two natural field conditions in 2004 and 2005. The data on time to flowering in the F2 populations had a continuous distribution but deviated from normality. A joint segregation analysis (JSA) revealed that time of flowering in upland cotton was controlled by a mixture of an additive major gene and additive-dominant polygenes. The first- and second-order genetic parameters were all calculated based on the mixture of major gene and polygene inheritance models using JSA. These results suggested that there was considerable genetic diversity and complexity in days to anthesis in upland cotton. This variation can be used to formulate the most efficient breeding strategy and to design cotton for a particular environment.  相似文献   

Relationships between lint yield and within-boll yield components are important for genetic improvement of lint yield in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars. F2 plants derived from crosses between germplasm lines and high yielding cultivars were analyzed to determine the contributions of within-boll yield components to lint yield and to select parents with desirable combining ability for multiple within-boll yield components. Forty-five F2 hybrids were planted at two field sites in 2010 and 2011 with 4 and 3 replicates, respectively. There were a total of six yield components analyzed including lint percentage (LP), seed number per boll, lint weight per seed (LW_S), seed surface area per seed, lint weight per unit seed surface area (LW_SA), and lint number per unit seed surface area (LN_SA). The contributions of these yield components to lint yield were analyzed by commonality analysis that separated the contributions to lint yield into the unique contributions of single yield components and the common contributions of the single yield components with one or more other yield components. The unique contributions of the six yield components to lint yield ranged from 1.6 to 21 % of total variation for lint yield in the 2-year experiments. The greatest common contributions to lint yield among all combinations of the six yield components were identified for a combination of four components, LP, LW_S, LW_SA, and LN_SA with 67 and 44 % of the total variation of lint yield in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Results suggest that all four of these yield components should be considered simultaneously in breeding for genetic improvement of lint yield. The germplasm line SP225 was detected as a good combiner with positive general combining ability (GCA) for LP (1.4 %), LW_SA (0.03 mg mm?2), and LN_SA (14.3 no mm?2), and favorable GCA for fineness (?3.1 mg km?1).  相似文献   

张香桂 《中国种业》2016,(12):58-60
通过远缘杂交将棉属野生种蕾蒙德氏棉、松散棉、异常棉的优异基因转育到栽培品种中,经过多年多目标定向选择,选育出3个陆地型中长绒棉品系,其纤维2.5%跨距长度32.35~34.46mm,比强度32.20~40.25cN/tex,马克隆值3.85~4.28,且各品系的长度、比强度、马克隆值三者之间均协调较好,适纺高织纱。产量表现虽不及丰产陆地棉,但其绝对产量已达1050kg/hm~2以上,若能优质优价,则可直接用于生产。  相似文献   

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