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 Increases in stand volume with some currently introduced provenances of Acacia mangium: Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Far North Queensland (FNQ), were projected based on their superiorities in 3-year height growth in seedling seed orchards using the growth model developed for unthinned plantation for pulp and paper production in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The height growth of these provenances was better than that of the local selections from Subanjeriji by 10%–15% at 3 years old and these percentage superiorities would be expected to remain at around 9%–14% until the 8-year rotation. This amount of increase would result in a 7%–10% increase in basal area and hence it would produce a 17%–26% increase in stand volume at rotation age when compared with the Subanjeriji seed source that was being widely used for the plantation establishment of A. mangium in Indonesia. Received: July 24, 2002 / Accepted: December 3, 2002 Acknowledgments The authors thank Mr. Hardjono, the director of plantation establishment at PT Musi Hutan Persada for his permission to use data of permanent plots for the growth modeling of A. mangium. The authors are grateful to the staff at PT Musi Hutan Persada, Research and Development Center for Biotechnology and Forest Tree Improvement, Japan International Cooperation Agency for their implementations of the study. Our thanks are also due to Dr. Yoshida, associate professor at Kyushu University, for his advice on developing the growth modeling work. Correspondence to:S. Kurinobu  相似文献   

概述了国内外马占相思木材解剖性质、化学性质、物理性质、力学性质、加工性能、木材耐久性及功能性改良、树皮化学性质等方面的研究成果,展望了马占相思木材科学方面的研究方向,为马占相思木材和树皮性质的进一步研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   

In Indonesia, Acacia mangium plantations exceed 1.6 Mha contributing approximately 3.5% of the country’s GDP. The viability of these plantations is increasingly threatened by fungal pathogens, insect pests, squirrels, monkeys, elephants and wind damage. Studies indicate that the problem is growing and in some areas, fungal pathogens such as Ganoderma and Ceratocystis species have contributed up to 50% tree mortality by the fourth rotation. Multiple statistical procedures were employed to examine the influence of soil and topographical properties on tree survival (trees ha?1), wood production (m3 ha?1), and mortality associated with Ganoderma root rot, Ceratocystis wilt and by wind. Soil family level was found to be a good indicator of tree mortality. Plots with fine-loamy Typic Kandiudult soils had the highest tree survival and mortality associated with species of Ganoderma and Ceratocystis, but had the lowest incidence of mortality by wind. The degree of association between soil and topographic variables with tree survival, wood production and the cause of mortality were poor and inconsistent. Tree survival was slightly higher on upslope areas away from valley bottoms, and drier mid-slopes, ridges and hilltops, and very low pH (<3.3) soils. Wood production was also slightly higher in drier, elevated locations, away from valley bottoms. Mortality by wind was slightly higher in moist, poorly drained, low-lying valley bottoms and topographically flat areas. Our ability to further pinpoint the influence of topography and soil attributes on wood production and cause of mortality was greatly compromised by the lack of site-specific soil data, and potential misclassification of the cause of mortality. This study could not reliably or consistently relate tree survival, wood production or the cause of mortality to any one, or combination of, soil and topographic variables.  相似文献   

不同红松种源材质性状和生长性状的遗传变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场,选择了26个17年生红松种源实验林作为研究对象,进行了木材材质性状和生长性状的调查。材质性状包括解剖学性状和物理学性状。解剖学性状测试指标包括,管胞长度、管胞直径和管胞壁腔比。物理学性状指标测定了:生长轮宽度、晚材率和生长轮密度。生长性状方面调查了树高和胸径。统计分析结果表明:各项材质性状和生长性状指标在种源间均存在着显著差异,同时证明各项材质性状均受一定的遗传效应控制;红松的生长性状指标在不同种源间也存在着较大的变异,红松的树高和胸径也受遗传效应的控制;但是,多数材质指标表现为一定的以经向为主的地理变异规律,而红松的生长性状指标如树高和胸径均呈现出一定的纬向变异规律,无经向变异规律。图2表5参6。  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the nocturnal stem water recharge of Acacia mangium. It is helpful to improve the precision of canopy transpiration estimation and canopy stomatal conductance, and to further understand the lag time of canopy transpiration to stem sap flow. In this study, the whole-tree sap flow in an A. mangium forest was measured by using Granier’s thermal dissipation probe for over two years in the hilly land of South China. The environmental factors, including relative humidity (RH), precipitation, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and air temperature (T a) were recorded simultaneously. The stem water recharge of A. mangium was analyzed on both daily and monthly scales. Sap flux density was lower at night than during the day. The time range of nighttime sap flux density was longer in the dry season than in the wet season. The water recharging mainly occurred from sunset to midnight. No significant differences were observed among inter-annual nighttime water recharges. Nighttime water recharge had no significant correlation with environmental factors, but was well correlated with the diameter at breast height, tree height, and crown size. In the dry season the contribution of nighttime water recharge to total transpiration had significant correlations with daytime transpiration, total transpiration, VPD, PAR and T a, while in the wet season it was significantly correlated with daily transpiration and total transpiration. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2007, 26(4): 476–482 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

A study on the preparation of activated carbon from Acacia mangium wood was conducted, and the operating factors, such as activating agent concentration, activation temperature and activation time, were optimized using response surface methodology. In order to determine the effects of the operating factors namely H3PO4 concentration (6.48–48.5 %), activation temperature (364–1,036 °C) and activation time (19–146 min) on the characteristics of activated carbon, a three-level rotatable central composite design was used. The second-order mathematical model was proposed by regression analysis of the experimental data gathered from 20 batch runs. The optimum H3PO4 concentration, activation temperature and activation time were found to be 40 %, 900 °C and 45 min, respectively. At optimum conditions of the operating factors, the percent yield and surface area were 20.3 % and 1,767 m2/g, respectively. The activated carbon was found to be largely composed of mesopores. About 95 % of the total surface area was attributed to mesopores.  相似文献   

以湖南省6个红榉种源(天然种群)为研究对象,对其木材基本密度和径向全干干缩率等物理性质进行测定分析。结果表明:不同红榉种源间木材基本密度的差异达极显著,而种源内木材基本密度比较稳定,变异较小;不同种源间木材径向全干干缩率不存在显著差异,但种源内不同个体间的差异显著。红榉木材基本密度与径向全干干缩率相关性不显著。这2个性状基本上相互独立遗传,且两者与各地理气候因子相关性也不显著。  相似文献   

A simple step-wise procedure for predicting the course of stand development on log–log coordinates of stand density and quadratic mean diameter was presented based on a distance of measurement from the maximum size–density line of Acacia mangium. This procedure first predicts annual increment of diameter with a multiple linear regression having the distance, site index, and current diameter as independent variables, and then the associated mortality is calculated with the rate of reduction in stand density to the diameter growth derived from a fitted trend with the distance. The cumulative predictions, starting at 3 years after planting until 9 years of age, agreed well with the observations of group-age means of measurements calculated for the three levels of initial density. Contrasting trend of basal area growth between the three levels of initial density and those for their site index: the differences were decreasing in the former while they remained constant in the latter, was clearly illustrated with the procedure indicating a good potential for use in yield prediction. The simulations for stand growth under different spacing and thinning options were demonstrated in a stand density control diagram suggesting reasonable flexibility for practical application.  相似文献   

For this paper, we studied the water-holding capacity of canopy, vegetation layer under canopy and litter layer, the water-holding capacity and permeability of soil as well as their changes with growth of stands in Acacia mangium plantations of three different age classes (four-, seven-and 11-year-old). Results show that total water-holding above ground in the order of 11-year stand age (52.86 t/hm2)>seven-year stand age (41.90 t/hm2)>seven-year stand age (25.78 t/hm2), the increment tendency increased with stand age. Similar sequence also obtained on the water-holding capacity and permeation capacity of soil (0–40 cm). The total water-storage capacity both above ground and soil in four-year-old, seven-year-old and 11-year-old of A. mangium plantations were 2,023.0, 2,158.4 and 2,260.4 t/hm2, respectively, and the all value of water conservation were 1,372.70, 1,474.42 and 1,549.91 yuan (RMB)/hm2, respectively. Therefore, A. mangium plantation had a good ability to modify soil structure and good water conservation function. __________ Translated from Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2006, 20(5): 5–8, 27 [译自: 水土保持学报]  相似文献   

马占相思与厚荚相思树皮抽提物的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对马占相思树皮和厚荚相思树皮单宁进行定性和定量分析,模拟栲胶生产小试并对制取的栲胶进行质量分析。结果表明:两种树皮所含单宁均属缩合类单宁;绝干马占相思树皮含单宁高达36.75%,纯度为85.9%.单宁与非单宁之比为6.10,约2.34t气干树皮可生产1t栲胶,制得的栲胶不仅单宁含量高,颜色浅.而且鞣革渗透速度快,富有弹性.皮质好.证明马占相思树皮是一种优良的栲胶原料;绝干厚荚相思树皮含单宁仅9.56%.生产1t栲胶约需气干树皮4.96t,制得的栲胶含单宁53.32%.含非单宁46.47%.测得栲胶中多酚含量接近70%,可代替部分酚类物质用于制取高分子材料,可见大量的厚荚相思树皮也有生产栲胶的价值。  相似文献   

广东马占相思病害调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章记录了广东省马占相思病害共22种,阐述了为害林木较为严重的心腐病、根腐病、黑心病、梢枯病、根结线虫病、白粉病和立枯病的发生情况、危害症状,并鉴定病害的病原菌。  相似文献   

马占相思木干燥工艺的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马占相思属速生树种,其人工林木材径级小,幼龄材含量高,易干燥,但容易产生皱缩及内裂,宜采用低温软基准,且干燥过程中要增加调湿处理次数,减少表层的干燥应力及塑性变形,采用气干和窑干联合干燥方式时,不仅有效避免皱缩及内裂等干燥缺陷,而且可缩短干燥时间,减少能源消耗,降低干燥成本。  相似文献   

The impacts of wood harvest, biomass removal and inter-rotation site management practices on productivity of Acacia mangium in South Sumatra were studied over 12 years across successive rotations. The productivity measured as MAI increased from 29.4 m3 ha?1 year?1 in the first to 48.0 m3 ha?1 year?1 in the second rotation. Whole tree harvesting (total stem, branches and leaves) caused a 21 % reduction in volume compared to harvesting merchantable wood alone in the next rotation. The rates of nutrients accumulation in trees were highest during the first year of growth, and declined from age 2 years. Significant amounts of nutrients were recycled through litter fall from 1 year after planting. Results highlight the importance of management which promotes nutrient supply on stand growth. Removal of slash and litter lowered soil pH, by about 0.1 unit. A small reduction was also found in soil organic carbon and nitrogen in the top soil during the first 3–4 years but values returned to pre-harvest levels by the end of the rotation. Extractable soil phosphorus and exchangeable cations decreased by the end of second rotation but these measures underestimate the nutrient pools available for A. mangium. These findings along with results from other studies have helped to implement operations which promote conservation of site resources for sustainable production in the region.  相似文献   

对6个不赠地河北杨木材纤维形态、组织比量,木材密度等材性指标进行了研究。结果表明:6个不同产地河北杨均适宜用做纤维原料,其中陕西吴旗,甘肃皋兰,陕西横山地三产地河北杨材性综合评估较估优,可做最佳产地优树。  相似文献   

充分利用木质能源对于缓解我国能源危机,减轻生态负荷有很大作用。为此,对广西省北海市合浦县内桉树、厚荚相思和马占相思三种速生树种的热值进行试验研究。结果表明,桉树的热值为19.782kJ/g,马占相思的热值为20.640kJ/g,厚荚相思的的热值为20.978kJ/g;桉树、厚荚相思和马占相思三树种的各器官中,热值由高到低的顺序大致为树叶和树枝、树干边材、树干心材和树皮,其中,马占相思树皮的发热量界于树叶与树枝之间。  相似文献   

The heartwood of Acacia mangium is vulnerable to heart rot and this is the first study to investigate the role of heartwood extractives in its susceptibility. Acacia auriculiformis was compared with A. mangium because it is rarely associated with heart rot. The heartwood extracts of both species were dominated by three flavonoids (2,3-trans-3,4′,7,8-tetrahydroxyflavanone, teracacidin, and 4′,7,8,-trihydroxyflavanone), which were purified and identified by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The latter compound has not been previously reported in A. mangium and evidence for melacacidin is also newly reported. The mass spectrometric (MS) behavior of these compounds is given, for example teracacidin does not form molecular ions by either electrospray ionization or atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization. The nature of Acacia tannins was compared to quebracho tannin (composed of profisetinidins) using oxidative cleavage to enable MS detection but a negative reaction was obtained for both, which suggests the Acacia tannins may also be of the 5-deoxy proanthocyanidin type. The concentration of flavanones was less when A. mangium heartwood was decayed but the amount of proanthocyanidins was only slightly reduced and therefore these compounds may be more resistant to degradation by heart rot fungi. We found that the total phenol content of A. auriculiformis was about fivefold that of A. mangium, and, while preliminary, this provides evidence for a role played by phenolic extractives in heart rot resistance of these Acacia species.  相似文献   

用10~1000 mg/L稀土溶液对马占相思和大叶相思浸种24 h后的试验结果表明:适宜浓度的稀土溶液可促进马占相思和大叶相思种子内含物的转化,从而促进种子的萌发和幼苗生长,但同一稀土溶液对不同树种的适宜浸种浓度不同。马占相思以10 mg/L处理有利于提高种子发芽势并缩短发芽时间;大叶相思10~30 mg/L处理显著提高种子发芽率和发芽势,但没有显著缩短发芽时间。200 mg/L及以上浓度浸种对2种树种种子萌发有抑制作用。考虑指标多重比较差异及经济因素,10 mg/L处理较利于马占相思和大叶相思幼苗高和根系生长。  相似文献   

马占相思树干液流的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
采用ICT-2000TE树干液流测定系统,对华南地区的主要造林树种马占相思的液流变化进行了为期1a的观测,并对树干液流变化特征、液流量日变化、各位点液流及全年液流量的变化进行了深入研究。结果表明:马占相思的树干液流量日进程呈单峰型曲线,雨、旱季的全天总液流量分别为10.988×103、5.082×103g,全年总液流量为2238.265×103g;马占相思木质部不同部位输水能力差异较大,液流速率最大的位点位于木质部15mm处;马占相思单位边材面积日累计液流量在雨、旱季分别为85.203×103、57.463×103g·m-2左右,整个过程呈"S"形。  相似文献   

通过对8年生马占相恩人工林生态系统养分积累与分配的研究,结果表明:林地土壤0-50cm土层内全c积累量为69090kg·hm^-2,全N积累量为3725kg·hm^-2,全P积累量为647kg·hm^-2,交换性K积累量为648kg·hm^-2,交换性Ca积累量为987kg·hm^-2,交换性Mg积累量为63kg·hm^-2;凋落物养分积累量N为58.764kg·hm^-2·a^-1,P积累量为1.608kg·hm^-2·a^-1,K积累量为9.021kg·hm^-2·a^-1,Ca积累量为22.898kg·hm-2·a^-1,Mg积累量为4.079kg·hm^-2·a^-1;人工林林分各元素积累量N为277.04kg·hm^-2、P为7.72kg·hm^-2、K为57.21kg·hm^-2、Ca为93.22kg·hm^-2、Mg为10.24kg·hm^-2;林下植被养分积累量N、P、K、Ca、Mg分别为35.40、2.67、29.47、22.38、4.00kg·hm^-2。  相似文献   

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