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3月玉米市场概述一、现货市场: 2006年3月,全球禽流感疫情阶段性出现,全球特别是欧盟国家养殖及饲料严重打击,部分地区畜禽需求下降20-30%,饲料及养殖受到打击严重,国内玉米市场在禽流感及口蹄疫疫情的双重打压下,3月国内  相似文献   

王长梅 《饲料广角》2004,(24):19-22
12004年我国玉米市场走势2004年以来,玉米市场承接了2003年走势,今年上半年国内玉米现货市场维持强势格局,9月份前玉米市场仍在高价徘徊阶段;9月份后国内玉米振荡下行,供应增加,价格一路走跌。1.12004年玉米市场先扬后抑区间波动剧烈2004年我国玉米市场经历了一场波澜起伏的价格走势,禽流感后玉米价格开始走高,之后出现长期振荡下跌的行情,其中主要表现为2003年玉米产量低,玉米市场后市普遍看涨。去年玉米收购后,玉米市场出现反季节上涨的行情,从整个价格走势看,上涨幅度超过20%;至今年2月末3月初,玉米价格下跌后,市场又出现一个强劲上涨的…  相似文献   

近日,国内玉米现货市场在深加工企业停收限购、产区农户供应增加、禽流感疫情持续、外贸出口暂停以及饲料需求恢复缓慢、期货价格回落的背景下,价格出现弱势回调,这种态势自去年秋粮上市以来并不常见。从各地区趋势看,东北地区玉米价格逐步回落、空间不大,关内地区玉米价格基本稳定、后期继续看涨,广东等沿海销区价格以弱市为主。现货价格总体走弱的背后正是市场心态逐渐恢复理性,市场心态恢复理性有利于稳定当前的市场购销活动,也有利于后期东北玉米价格继续稳步上涨。1东北产区玉米市场出现新特点春播前农民售粮力度加大,产区玉米上市量增…  相似文献   

1 2月国内玉米市场回顾 2月份国内玉米市场稳中趋弱,现货市场压力相对偏大.产销区弱市行情略有抬头。而东北地区暖冬市场也减缓了深加工企业采购玉米的步伐,春节期间大量畜禽开始集中出栏,空栏率相对增加,虽然春节前有备货需求,但从国内现货看2月玉米市场仍处于调整阶段。国内玉米市场显示,2月份国内现货均价为1544元/t,环比有3元/t的跌幅,大连期货市场和CBOT相关性不强,跟随基本面振荡走弱。截至2月1613,[第一段]  相似文献   

自二月下旬以来,随着禽流感疫情在国内得到有效的控制,销区玉米价格开始启动回升,步入三月份,在销区市场不断高企的带动下,产区玉米价格出现小幅上扬。随着禽流感疫情的进一步控制,养殖信心的恢复,玉米需求将呈现恢复性增长势头。而销区企业库存水平的不断下降、市场价格的节节上涨,采购积极性将会不断增强,市场发展环境将会日趋看好。根据目前市场形势分析,三月份国内玉米市场将开始出现第一轮上涨行情,具体分析如下:  相似文献   

正本月国内玉米市场购销持续平淡,全国均价环比下跌。从长期来看,玉米大库存将横在玉米市场化道路上,玉米价格长期偏弱运行的趋势暂时难有改变。3月,在政策面等待明朗及供需双方博弈下,市场购销相对平淡。行情方面,国内玉米余粮数量依然较大,玉米现货市场供应状况依旧良好,现货市场购销主体态度均较为谨慎,需求方多为随用随买,库存普遍维持偏低水平,市场购销持续平淡,报价持续趋弱,全国现货均价月环比下跌58.44元/t,跌幅为3.11%。  相似文献   

一、2006年玉米市场回顾2006年姑且叫玉米市场的转折年。回顾2006年玉米市场划分为两个波峰和一个波谷,在谷底的时间短且不深,而在高峰时期却有冲击历史高点的迹象。在2月份虽有禽流感疫情的大肆爆发,但玉米市场仍在深加工需求的放大效应下一路走高,其中玉米0605合约最高上升至1600元/吨。在需求未被放大的理性推动下,玉米市场一路走低。进入9月份,玉米市场出现微妙的变化,澳大利亚小麦大幅减产,幅度超过1/3,农产品一路狂涨,玉米同样被带动,同时10月份美国农业部报告调低玉米库存而我国东北地区玉米因季节原因上市延迟,内外盘玉米乘势上扬,11月份玉米0705轻松超过年初的高点,直逼1700元/吨的大关。现货价格因供应出现暂时性短缺,紧随期货价格在年底交上一份满意的答卷。  相似文献   

进入12月份之后,国内禽流感疫情开始出现好转迹象,截至12月13日,已连续15天未接到新发疑似高致病性禽流感疫情报告,全国23个疫区已经解除封锁.随着禽流感疫情影响的减弱,国内市场又迎来两节前的消费高潮期,国内大豆和豆粕现货需求有逐渐放大的趋势,抬升了国内现货大豆价格.……  相似文献   

2004年,受禽流感疫情的影响,玉米市场暂时出现一定的下滑迹象,受国内大米、小麦价格快速上涨的拉动,以及国内北粮南运运力的限制,加之食品价格整体上扬放大效应的影响,国内玉米价格延续了2003年的高价位.价格继续攀升。尤其是  相似文献   

1.2月国内玉米市场回顾2月份国内玉米市场稳中趋向弱市,现货市场压力相对偏大。产销区弱市行情略有抬头。而东北地区暖冬市场也减缓了深加工企业采购玉米的步伐,而春节临近,大量畜禽开始集中出栏,空栏率相对增加,虽然春节前有备货需求,但国内现货看空气氛使得2月玉米市场仍处于调整阶段。  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1984   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1984, 1853 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1984 and 35% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 97,794 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1417 dogs (1.45% of those tested) were found with heartworm. Another 34 dogs were amicrofilaremic, but were diagnosed as having heartworm disease, to give the total number diagnosed in 1984 as 1451 (1.48%). Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland but most (1310) of the cases were in Ontario. In Quebec, 126 cases were reported mostly from west of Montreal.

Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 27% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 72% had a history of not having left Canada. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1983   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1983, 2 800 veterinarians across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of heartworm disease in Canada in 1983 and 26% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 59 504 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 771 dogs (1.30% of those tested) were found with Dirofilaria immitis. Heartworm disease was diagnosed in all provinces except New Brunswick and Newfoundland but most (733) of the cases were in Ontario.

Heartworm disease was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 31% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 64% had a history of not having left Canada. Southwestern Ontario continues to be the focus of the infection and most of the dogs there had not left the province previously.


In late November 1991, 1883 clinics in Canada were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs in 1991 and there was a 60.0% response. There were 344,031 dogs tested for heart-worm (HW), 627 were found infected and the prevalence of HW infection was 0.18%. There were 417 dogs with HW in Ontario, 116 in Manitoba, 38 in Quebec, 53 in British Columbia, three in Alberta, and one in Nova Scotia. In British Columbia, all of the infected dogs but one were from the Okanagan valley which, as from 1991, is a new focus of infection in Canada. Most dogs with HW had not been on preventive medication in 1990, and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 0.59%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Companion dogs, over three years of age and maintained primarily outdoors in rural areas, were most frequently infected. One cat was diagnosed with D. immitis and 33 dogs had Dipetalonema reconditium.  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1985   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1985, 1485 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1985 and 44% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 137,300 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1210 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 36 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number diagnosed in 1985 as 1247 (0.91%).

Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Saskatchewan but most (1126) of the cases were in Ontario. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. From Quebec, 91 cases were reported mostly from and around Montreal. From Manitoba, 19 cases were reported from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 28% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 78% had a history of not having left Canada.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1988   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1988, 1581 small and mixed animal clinics and institutional veterinarians across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1988, and 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 181,577 dogs were blood-tested for heartworm disease and 367 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 60 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1988 as 441 (0.24%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1989   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1989, 1732 clinics and institutional veterinarians were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis, and 51.7% responded. Of 247,716 dogs tested, 394 had D. immitis microfilariae and 51 were amicrofilaremic for a total of 445 cases and heartworm prevalence of 0.17%. Most (408) of these dogs had no preventive medication and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 1.01%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Thirty-seven dogs with heartworm had preventive medication. Heartworm was most frequent in companion dogs over three years of age maintained outdoors in rural areas. About 75% of the cases had never left Canada, 26% had clinical signs and 125 were not treated.

Heartworm was reported from British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, but 383 cases were in Ontario. South-western Ontario was the primary focus of infection. There were 33 cases in Quebec and 24 in Manitoba, mainly found in and around Metropolitan Montreal and Winnipeg respectively.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1987   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1987, 1246 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1987, and 50% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 165,428 dogs were blood tested for heartworm disease and 511 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 78 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1987 as 589 (0.35%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1986   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1986, 1224 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1986; 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 150,989 dogs were blood-tested for microfilariae and 869 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 65 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease and one was found with heartworm at necropsy to give the total number diagnosed in 1986 as 935 (0.62%).

Heartworm was reported from Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec, but most (810) of the cases were from Ontario. South-western Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. There were 103 cases reported from Quebec, mostly from and around Montreal, and 21 cases from Manitoba, from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 33% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 81% had a history of not having left Canada.


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