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Data on reproductive traits in a cultured population of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in southern Chile were collected over three consecutive reproductive seasons: 1999, 2000 and 2001, corresponding to the first (at 3 years), second and third spawnings in females. Data were collected from individual females (n=238, 273 and 169 respectively). The reproductive season lasted mainly from June to August. The peak (July) tended to increase with each season (55.46%, 62.27% and 80.81% of total spawning fish respectively). Female body weight (470.8±102.5, 735.0±150 and 1263.9±263.4 g), total fecundity (1182±344, 1904±595 and 2744±605) and egg diameter (4.64±0.11, 4.67±0.27 and 5.24±0.12 mm) increased significantly (P<0.01) over successive reproductive seasons, particularly between the second and third spawnings. Relative fecundity, on the other hand, decreased significantly with each season (3577±471, 2591±900 and 2181±360). Following analysis of the variables over the three seasons, the correlation pattern of female body weight with total fecundity (r=0.91, n=458; P<0.001) and relative fecundity (r=?034, n=451; P<0.001) proved similar to that described in other salmonid females. Fertilization rate and survival to the eyed egg stage were also positively correlated (r=0.73, n=453; P<0.001). The systematically high values obtained for these latter variables over the seasons evaluated (consistently above 90%) are clearly greater than those we registered in other species of salmonids bred in Chile under similar conditions and suggest highly efficient biological variables that determine the gamete fertilization of this species. The brown trout is, therefore, an interesting potential aquaculture resource in Chile.  相似文献   

Abstract. A comparative study of 'mpasa', Opsardium microlepis (Günther), and 'ntchila', Labeo mesops Günther, was made with regard to spawning strategy. While fractional spawning was routinely observed in mpasa, total spawning of ntchila suggests a less efficient survival strategy. Ova and oocyte counts varied from 34510 to 65657 in mpasa of 54-57.7cm total length and were numerically higher than those observed in ntchila, which ranged from 10479 to 47957 in 19-29.3cm fish. Gonadosomatic indices were 3.75 to 10.97 for the former and 9.66 to 16.09 for the latter fish. Because of the breeding behaviour, broodstock and hatchery management is easier with ntchila than with mpasa. This could be a basis for a culture-based fishery which has so far been unexplored in Malawian waters. Possibilities for enhancement of the two fisheries are alluded to in light of these findings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A total of 414 fish (female, 59.3–275.0 mm and male, 61.0–220.0 mm standard length) were collected from December 2000 to March 2002 around Okinawa Island, Japan, for the determination of sex, spawning season, maturity and fecundity. Monthly changes in the gonadosomatic index (GSI) exhibited similar trends for both sexes and the mean GSI maintained a high level between February and May. Furthermore, the percentage frequency of hydrated oocytes and the spermatozoic activity suggested that main spawning occurred between February and May. Some hydrated oocytes were found throughout the year, with a GSI value greater than 1.0, suggesting that sporadic spawning occurred. Length at first maturity was determined for females and males as 120 and 113 mm standard length, respectively. Almost 50% and 100% males were matured at the end of their 0 and 1 year of age group, respectively. In contrast, no females were found to be mature at 0+ age group, and almost 60% of females were mature at 1+ age group. At ages over 2 years, all males and females were found to be mature. Batch fecundity (BF) of 33 females was related to standard length, and the relationship between standard length and BF was expressed by the exponential equation: BF = 269.5e0.020954SL.  相似文献   

Abstract – Fisheries data were collected for six species of 0-group cyprinid fishes from eight sites in the lower reaches of the River Trent, England, between May and October 1999 inclusive, using a micromesh seine net. Recruitment and growth patterns were observed via monthly length–frequency histograms and estimations of mean length. In the cases of roach and dace, growth was approximately linear through the summer, before declining in September and October. In the cases of chub and gudgeon, and to a lesser extent bream and bleak, however, there were suggestions of multiple recruitment events. It is argued that some of the fish species examined in the present study adopt fractional or protracted spawning strategies in the lower River Trent.  相似文献   

珠江水系大眼鳜的繁殖生物学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王广军 《水产学报》2006,30(1):50-55
为了研究大眼鳜(Siniperca kneri)的繁殖生物学,对珠江水系的322尾大眼鳜性成熟样本进行了生物学指标测量。根据性腺成熟系数周年变化情况和成熟度周年分布,可以推断大眼鳜的生殖季节为4-8月份,产卵旺季为5-6月份。绝对怀卵量随体长、体重、年龄的增加而增加,在11036~106022粒之间,相对怀卵量则不随体长、体重、年龄的变化而变化,而是保持在每克100粒左右。在水温24~25℃时,受精卵经过69h23min孵化出膜。  相似文献   

  • 1. The topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva is a small Asian cyprinid species that has proved invasive throughout many European countries. Following an initial introduction into the wild in 1996, the species is now proving invasive in the UK, with at least 25 infested waters in England and Wales, of which 10 are known to have direct connection to a major river catchment.
  • 2. To demonstrate the threat of P. parva to fisheries in the UK, a case study is presented on a lake located in the Lake District of England where the species was introduced in 2000. The species rapidly established a breeding population that, by 2003, was the dominant species in size classes <70 mm. In 2004, they were the only species in the lake that produced young‐of‐the‐year.
  • 3. Individual P. parva adopted the reproductive tactics of early maturity, multiple spawning, male dominance and male nest guarding; sexual dimorphism was manifested in larger body size of males. These traits were in contrast to the resident, native species of the lake, including roach Rutilus rutilus and gudgeon Gobio gobio, which adopted traits of later maturity and single spawning.
  • 4. This case study, therefore, revealed relatively rapid establishment of a P. parva population, their subsequent numerical dominance of the fish community, and the impediment of the recruitment of native fish. The implications for UK fisheries are concerning: should P. parva continue to disperse and individuals adopt similar traits as those in this case study, there may be few waters immune from their invasion, numerical dominance and subsequent impacts.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The reproductive traits and the monthly larval abundance of the mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria were investigated in Tokyo Bay, Japan, in 2002. The goal of the study was to elucidate the cause of changes in the monthly pattern of larval abundance from the 1980s to the 1990s as these changes relate to variation in the stock size of the adult shrimp. Oogenesis was divided into 10 stages by histological observation. The developmental stage of oocytes in an individual's ovary was synchronous, suggesting that almost all the oocytes in an ovary are spawned at the same time. The size at first maturity was estimated to be 7 ≤ body length ( BL ) < 8 cm. Fecundity was expressed as a function of BL , ranging from 19 300 eggs for 8 cm BL to 92 100 eggs for 14 cm BL . Small female shrimps (<10 cm BL ) spawned around August. Most large female shrimps (≥10 cm BL ) spawned around May, and some large female shrimps also spawned until September. Although most large female shrimps spawned in spring, the larval abundance was low before July and high from August onwards. The results suggest that a substantial decrease in the stock size of large individuals causes the low larval abundance before July.  相似文献   

JUN  OHTOMI  TAKUYA  TASHIRO  SHIN  ATSUCHI  NATSUKI  KOHNO 《Fisheries Science》2003,69(3):505-519
ABSTRACT:   The Yatsushiro Sea and Shibushi Bay are, respectively, located on the western and south-eastern coast of Kyushu, southern Japan. The Yatsushiro Sea is a shallow semi-enclosed inland sea, whereas Shibushi Bay is an open-type bay with a deep and wide mouth facing the open sea. The size at sexual maturity and spatiotemporal patterns of reproduction of the kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus (Decapoda, Penaeidae) were examined and compared between these two regions. In the Yatsushiro Sea, the size at sexual maturity was estimated to be 131 mm body length. However, the estimated size at sexual maturity was considerably larger (154 mm) in Shibushi Bay. The spawning season of M. japonicus was estimated to continue from April to September in the Yatsushiro Sea, whereas it was estimated to be longer in Shibushi Bay, from March to November. It is believed that the warm water temperature due to the strong effect of the Kuroshio Current prolonged the spawning season of M. japonicus in Shibushi Bay. The spawning grounds were estimated to be in areas deeper than 10 m in the Yatsushiro Sea and deeper than 20 m in Shibushi Bay. In Shibushi Bay, body size distribution of mature females was considered to be less affected by water depth in comparison with the Yatsushiro Sea, although older mature females larger than 200 mm body length also spawned outside of the bay.  相似文献   

Abstract – We examined the reproductive characteristics of 38 female longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ) from one of the southernmost populations of this species during two sampling periods in 1999 (ES=March 1999, LS=June 1999). Our data indicated that ES fish had not spawned, whereas LS fish had begun spawning. The smallest mature female captured was 56 mm SL (age 1+). Mean potential fecundity differed significantly between ES (mean±1 SD=1832±572 oocytes) and LS (mean±1 SD=775±415 oocytes) specimens. Potential fecundity was positively correlated with both standard length and somatic mass for both ES and LS specimens. Oocyte diameter frequency histograms indicated that ES specimens possessed two modes of oocytes, whereas LS fish contained two or three modes. Female longnose dace appeared to spawn more than once during a reproductive season. Oocyte number varied substantially both among individuals within periods and between periods. The number of Mode II oocytes in ES fish was positively correlated with both length and somatic mass. Female longnose dace appeared potentially capable of spawning 6+ clutches per year. GSI values for longnose dace ranged from a high of 21.4% (LS specimen) to 2.4% (ES specimen). Regression analysis demonstrated that there was no evidence of differential reproductive effort between longnose dace of different size in this population.  相似文献   

A reliable breeding technique was developed for the mangrove red snapper, Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskal 1775), to help sustain the aquaculture of this immensely popular species in Southeast Asia. Using standardized indices of female maturity (based on mean oocyte diameter of ≥0.40 mm), time of injection (1000–1130) and sex ratio (one female to two males), a single injection of 100 μg kg?1 luteinizing hormone‐releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa) (n=16 fish), but not 50 μg kg?1 (n=five fish), successfully induced egg (62.5% success rate) and larval (43.8%) production. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) at 500 IU kg?1 (n=five fish) also failed to induce spawning, but doses of 1000 (n=22 fish) and 1500 IU kg?1 (n=15 fish) gave spawning (77.3% and 80.0% respectively) and hatching success rates (72.7% and 60.0% respectively) that were not significantly different from those of 100 μg kg?1 LHRHa. No spawning was observed in saline‐injected controls (n=seven fish). While mean spawning latency, egg diameter, egg production per spawn, percent egg viability, hatching rate, percent of normal larvae and cumulative survival of eggs to normal larvae did not differ significantly among the effective hormones and doses, 1000 IU kg?1 hCG had a higher percentage (76.5%) of total spawns with egg production per spawn in excess of one million than those of 1500 IU kg?1 hCG (50.0%) and 100 μg kg?1 LHRHa (40.0%). Mangrove red snapper spontaneously spawned from March–April to November–December with a peak of egg collection and spawning in May–June. Egg collection per spawn ranged from 0.05 to 6.35 million. Spontaneous spawning of mangrove red snapper exhibited lunar periodicity with spawns mostly occurring 3 days before or after the last quarter and new moon phases and occurred consistently between 02:00 and 04:00 hours. High fecundity and good egg quality, coupled with the ability to respond to induce spawning or natural spawning in captivity, provide a sound basis for improving the sustainability of red snapper aquaculture in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus (Walbaum), have multiple traits that confound measuring reproductive potential: they are protogynous, relatively long‐lived harem‐forming fish that spawn daily for months. Additionally, recent evidence demonstrates that size, age and timing of sex change vary on a spatial scale within the study area (West Florida shelf, USA). This study investigates the effect of this spatial variation on hogfish reproductive potential by evaluating spawning seasonality, spawning frequency and batch fecundity using an indeterminate egg production model. Offshore females were larger than nearshore females, and batch fecundity was related in a log‐linear manner to female size. Gonad histology demonstrated a more protracted reproductive period for females offshore (8 months) than nearshore (4 months). Spatial variations in size coincide with ontogeny because hogfish move offshore with growth; however, even after accounting for fish size, offshore females spawned more. In areas where male removal rates are elevated, spawning harems are disrupted; thus, greater fishing effort nearshore may further reduce the reproductive potential of these females. These nearshore and offshore spawning components of the population are not genetically distinct, but instead represent two contingent spawning strategies that likely enhance total population stability and resilience of this stock in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

以2012年9月(秋季)与2013年3月(春季)在南海中南部采集的4 016尾鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)样本为基础, 对南海中南部鸢乌贼繁殖生物学特征进行研究分析。结果显示, 春、秋两季鸢乌贼雌雄个体比例均为1:1; 性腺发育为春季Ⅰ、Ⅱ期所占比例较高, 秋季Ⅱ、Ⅲ期所占比例较高; 性腺成熟度指数(GSI)表现为秋季高于春季, 雄性高于雌性的变化规律; 在成熟雌性个体中, 当胴长141 mm或 150 mm时, GSI 均随胴长的增长而升高, 其中121~140 mm胴长组GSI最高, 高达9.71; 春、秋两季鸢乌贼个体绝对繁殖力变动范围分别为63~97 074粒和24~60 378粒, 均值分别为8 635粒和10 234粒, 秋季鸢乌贼繁殖能力较春季强; 鸢乌贼个体绝对繁殖力与胴长、体质量、纯体质量均呈显著正相关关系(P0. 01)。鸢乌贼成熟卵径范围为400~1 200 m, 均值为(769261) m。结果表明, 鸢乌贼的卵径小, 属异步成熟、分批产卵类型, 具有较强的繁殖潜力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   To determine the spawning season and reproductive cycle of the yellow sea bream, Dentex tumifrons , in Wakasa Bay, in the Sea of Japan off central Honshu, seasonal change in the gonadosomatic index ( GSI ) was examined and histological observations of both ovaries and testes were conducted. The female GSI gradually increased from May, maintained a high level between August and October and then rapidly decreased. The histological observations of the ovary showed that vitellogenesis began from May and developed until September. Spent fish began to be observed in October and all the fish collected in December were spent. There was only one peak in the seasonal change in GSI of males and females in Wakasa Bay. Thus, yellow sea bream spawn only in autumn in Wakasa Bay. Differences in the reproductive cycle and number of spawning seasons were found between the two different latitudinal areas, Wakasa Bay and the East China Sea (low latitudinal area) where the spawning seasons were spring and autumn. An increase in water temperature is an important factor to initiate gonadal maturation (recrudescence) and is terminated by the short day-length in Wakasa Bay.  相似文献   

Individual silver kob Argyrosomus inodorus (Griffiths and Heemstra) first mature at just over 1 yr of age and the median age at maturity is approximately 1.5 yr. Spawning of silver kob was observed in the southern and central region of the stock's range, but little spawning activity was found in silver kob sampled from the northern region. The spawning period is protracted over 6 months (October–March), which coincides with warmer water temperatures (>15 °C) and the occurrence of large-sized spawning silver kob in the southern and central part of Namibia. Implementing a minimum size limit for the silver kob fishery is not recommended as it will have serious economic implications for the coastal communities. The protection of the spawning areas, Meob Bay and Sandwich, should be continued and a strict bag limit on large-sized silver kob is recommended for the Namibian silver kob recreational fishery.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Centroberyx gerrardi (Günther) was investigated across ~2,000 km of its southern Australian distribution, encompassing different jurisdictions and varying environmental features. Greater gonad mass and prevalence of spawning fish, along with lower ratios of lengths at maturity:maximum lengths and ages at maturity:maximum ages, were identified at the western‐most (Capes) and eastern‐most (Great Australian Bight; GAB) regions. Across the study region, spawning peaks in summer/autumn, when water temperatures are warmest. Regional differences in potential “reproductive output,” while not consistent with the eastward decline in mean monthly water temperature, may instead be related to summer upwelling in the Capes and GAB, driving greater oceanic productivity prior to peak spawning, supporting larval survival. In autumn, the prevailing southward and eastward flowing, downwelling Leeuwin Current (LC) strengthens, providing a dispersal mechanism along the west and south Australian coasts, but limiting upwelling effects. Predicted changes in environmental conditions and their potential impacts on C. gerrardi are discussed, in particular how these factors may affect recruitment to stocks and fisheries, requiring a better understanding of source‐sink relationships for this species. As environmental changes occur, management strategies to sustain fish resources must adapt to spatially variable and changing reproductive output and be collaborative across jurisdictions.  相似文献   

东海海域船蛸的形态、分布与繁殖力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨林林  徐杰  林楠  严利平 《海洋渔业》2015,37(2):107-113
为了解船蛸(Argonauta argo)在东海生态系统中的地位和作用,根据1999~2014年连续16年东海渔业资源调查期间所获的76 ind船蛸样本,研究其形态、分布、资源密度、繁殖力等基础生物学特征。调查结果显示,船蛸的形态较为特异,有别于其它八腕目。雌体具有石灰质的外壳,既是浮游工具又是孵化袋。船蛸分布于东海南部海域和北部外海,范围为26°30'N~32°00'N、122°00'E~126°30'E。在出现船蛸的网次中,春季占40.38%;夏季占36.54%;秋季占21.15%;冬季仅占1.92%。船蛸在东海海域的资源密度较低,仅为0.92~32 ind·h-1不等,且主要分布在100 m左右的水深。作为暖水性种类,船蛸在东海的出现主要是受黑潮暖流和台湾暖流势力的影响。船蛸体质量随胴长呈现出显著的幂函数增长趋势。胴长和体质量的关系为BW=0.001 9ML2.409 4。个体绝对繁殖力范围为7 111~48 576 egg,平均为22 976 egg。胴长相对繁殖力范围为245~838 egg·mm-1,平均为441 egg·mm-1。体重相对繁殖力范围为521~975 egg·g-1,平均为698 egg·g-1。卵径主要分布范围为1.1~1.3 mm,平均(1.125±0.118)mm。  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical distribution of myctophid fish larvae is described based on discrete depth sampling from the surface down to 200 m at seven stations on a transect crossing the Kuroshio Current on 6–9 July 1977. A total of 7819 larvae was collected. Myctophid larvae accounted for 72% of the total fish larvae and included 18 species or types belonging to 12 genera. Based on horizontal distribution patterns these species (or types) were categorized into three groups, i.e. Kuroshio-axis group ( Myctophum asperum , M. orientale , Lampadena luminosa and Symbolophorus evermanni ), Kuroshio east group ( Hygophum reinhardtii , Lampanyctus alatus , Diogenichthys atlanticus , Lobianchia gemellarii , M. nitidulum , Benthosema suborbitale , Lampadena sp. and Ceratoscopelus warmingii ) and Pan- Kuroshio group [ Diaphus stubby type (mostly D. garmani ) and D. kuroshio ]. Larvae of the subfamily Lampanyctinae were distributed in shallower (0–30 m) waters than those of the subfamily Myctophinae (50–150 m), while this relationship was opposite of the night-time depth distribution of adults of the two subfamilies.  相似文献   

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