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<正>2月份以来,南漳县农机部门充分发挥职能作用,采取"六帮"积极服务春耕备耕。即帮农机工业企业组织生产、帮农机户检修机械、帮农机驾驶员开展技术培训、帮农机服务组织落实作业订单、帮农机经销企业筹集货源、帮农民选购推广新型适用农机具。为落实"六帮"措施,南漳县农机化办实行专班负责制,每个专班由1名班子成员牵头,2~3名工作人员参加,负责帮扶活动的具体  相似文献   

5月18日的山东时风集团,欢歌笑语,喜气洋洋。在当天时风集团举行的成立19周年庆典上,公司隆重举办了时风集团院士工作站揭牌仪式和时风新型D101电动汽车批量生产高峰论坛。会上,中国机械工业联合会副会长、时风集团总经理刘成强  相似文献   

冉佳  张倩  胡峰孝 《农业机械》2011,(25):69-70
怎样实施"蓝海"战略?或许100家企业,有200种做法,最后死于1个原因——"蓝海不蓝"。"蓝海不蓝的"原因,就是他们的"跟随战略"。而真正的"蓝海"战略是怎样的,或许杨春生可以帮我们很好的上一课。  相似文献   

<正>九方泰禾国际重工(北京)有限公司(下称北京九方泰禾)是一家专注于经营进口高端农机具设备并以提供整体解决方案和系统服务为经营特色的公司,具有与欧美外资企业打交道的丰富经验。日前,针对外资企业如何在华更好发展,如何加强中外农机的合作交流、促进国内农机化发展质量提升等问题,本刊记者采访了该公司执行董事、总经理吴建强先生。  相似文献   

中国农机工业现状分析及“十二五”发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年农机工业运行态势分析1.工业总产值持续快速稳定增长2009年受经济危机的影响,欧美及日韩等国农机工业都出现不同程度的下滑,但在我国政府的刺激经济计划和农机购置补贴政策的推动下,我  相似文献   

于帅  珍德 《农业机械》2012,(7):75-78
近年来,农机行业取得了超高速的发展,农机工业和农机化水平都得到了快速的提升。但是,经过2008年全球金融危机的影响,加之2011年以来一系列金融环境的恶化,相关政策也出现了不同程度的变化,尽管面对农机购置补贴资金持续增加的有利局面,许多企业,也包括大企  相似文献   

<正>3月20日,由《中国机电工业》杂志(中国机械工业联合会会刊)主办的"2015装备中国企业领袖峰会暨2014中国机电工业年度人物颁奖盛典"在京举行,作为农机行业杰出企业家代表的天津勇猛机械制造有限公司(以下简称勇猛机械)董事长王世秀荣获"2014中国机电工业年度人物"称号,中国机械工业联合会会长王瑞祥为王世秀颁发了奖项。2014年,在王世秀的带领下,勇猛机械蝉联大  相似文献   

临澧县现有安福拖拉机有限公司、金牛挂车有限公司2家农机生产企业,经历了20世纪90年代的起步、世纪之交的积累和如今的发展三阶段.特别是近些年适遇国家"三农"政策的东风,使县域农机工业从无到有、从小到大、从少到多,农机工业企业已具有生存发展的相对优势及良好的经济效益和社会效益,形势喜人.县农机主管部门始终和企业一起牢牢攥紧发展风帆,持之以恒协助企业做大做强,"三力"递加推动本上农机工业发展.  相似文献   

曲阜市是全国粮食生产先进县、全国粮食高产创建示范县、全国全程农业机械化示范市(县),也是山东省“两全两高”农业机械化示范县。近年来,全市农机装备产业发展迅速,现有各类农机生产企业40余家,可以生产7大类,40多种型号的农机产品,有近20个机型进入国家补贴目录。按照国家和省关于加快推进农业机械化和农机装备产业转型升级的意见要求,结合本市农机化发展实际,曲阜市农业农村局深入抓好农机装备产业发展布局,提高农机装备产业发展水平。  相似文献   

朱茗  筱原 《山西农机》2013,(10):26-27
今年以来,水稻收获机械市场销售形势不佳,除了日本某企业的一款产品销势迅猛外,国内企业产品几乎悉数进入下行通道。作为国内最大的水稻收获机生产企业,江苏沃得农业机械有限公司(以下简称沃得农机)的水稻收获机销量与去年同期相比,在逆境中增长了20%,实现了竞争性增长(譬如湖南、江苏、江西、安徽等主销区域)。相比有些企业下滑近5成的数字,沃得农机的销量更加难能可贵。据了解,截至8月份,沃得农机销售了10 000台各类水稻收获机。最近公司还在按每天近200台的数量往市场发货——这是一个很可观的数字。有的知名企业,最近每天往市场的发  相似文献   

郭飞  陈坤  孙艳丽 《南方农机》2021,(7):140-141,151
为了适应高等教育多样化的发展,充分调动学生在学习材料力学课程中参与教学的积极性,本文通过探讨分组讨论在材料力学教学过程中的存在的问题及优势,提出相应的解决方案,以提高该课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1986,19(2):111-125
The profitability of establishing commercial poultry enterprises supplying the main urban markets in Zaire was evaluated in this study. In 1982 data were collected from eight layer farms, ranging in size from 80 to 150 000 layers per production period, located in Bas-Zaire and areas surrounding Kinshasa, Zaire. In addition, data were also collected from three farms that produced broilers as well as eggs. These poultry enterprises were analyzed, based upon their current level of production capacity, input costs and annual net returns.The results indicate that the profitability of layer farms appeared to be influenced by the rate of mortality, the rate of laying and the high cost of imported supplies such as hatching eggs, baby chicks, medications, vitamins, minerals and protein feeds. A low-cost poultry feed ration that met the requirements for both broilers and layers was developed using mainly Zairian ingredients. Access to lower cost medical supplies, better management practices and cheaper feeds appeared to be the key to expanding commercial poultry enterprises in Zaire and other developing countries.  相似文献   

The system of rice intensification (SRI) developed in Madagascar in the 1980s has been promoted as an integrated crop and resource management approach to rice-cultivation, especially for resource-limited smallholder farms. While advocates have claimed that SRI could boost rice yields with less external input, many criticisms have challenged its effectiveness regarding yields and applicability to larger-scale rice farming systems. In this study, we conducted a field survey and on-farm experiments to assess rice yield performance and key management practices on a few of the early SRI-practicing smallholder farms in the central highland of Madagascar.Rice grain yields at the survey fields were 9.9 t ha−1 maximum without using mineral fertilizer. Deep plowing to the depth of 25–30 cm as well as SRI practices have been conducted continuously since the early 1990s. In addition, an effective drainage system facilitated intensive water management at these high-yielding fields. On-farm experiments demonstrated some yield increases with no interaction for the examined SRI practices, though the effects were not great enough to explain the high yields at these fields. The soils of these high-yielding fields contained relatively large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC) from the surface to the deep soil layers, and the soil mineralizable nitrogen was closely correlated with rice grain yields.The results indicated that the high yields at the fields of those who were early to adopt SRI were mainly due to the soil fertility associated with great nitrogen-supplying ability, rather than ‘synergetic effects’ of the SRI components. This high N-supplying ability of the soil and accumulated SOC from surface to deep soil layers were attributable to the long-term combined practices of extensive organic applications and deep plowing. Soil hydrology could be another key factor stimulating high rates of soil N-mineralization.These management practices were, however, only applied to the limited numbers of fields within less than 1.0 ha of total landholdings of these farmers due to the great demand in labor and organic resources and the difficulty in controlling irrigation water. Intensive weeding and widely spaced transplanting of young seedlings were also performed in the fields with irrigation and drainage systems sufficient to avoid yield losses from flooding and drought. Although extensive and long-term systematic research is further required to fully assess the benefits of this sort of intensive management as opposed to conventional methods, the preferential allocation of intensive management by the successful SRI-adopters might be the implication of its location-specificity and difficulty in scaling up even within the resource-limited smallholder farms.  相似文献   

This is the first of a series of papers dealing with a survey of the agricultural climate as it pertains to the beef cattle industry in northern Australia. Beef cattle production here, as in most of the tropics, is characterised by an annual periodicity of weight gain and loss in train with seasonal water supply and temperatures. Trends in a weekly growth index derived from a simulated water budget and mean daily temperatures were found to correlate with trends in liveweight changes. Criteria for estimating the start and cessation of a ‘green season’ and a ‘dry season’, corresponding to the main liveweight gain and loss periods respectively, are derived and validated using cattle liveweight data from seven locations and both native and improved pastures. Linkage between cattle liveweight change and climate was close on native grass pastures but not on legume-improved pastures.  相似文献   

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