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REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Constriction of the digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS) and its contents by the palmar/plantar annular ligament (PAL) is well recognised. However, primary injury of the PAL has not been well documented. OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical features of PAL injury, determine its prevalence with or without subcutaneous fibrosis and/or concurrent injury within the DFTS, and assess response to treatment. METHODS: Horses were selected for inclusion based upon clinical features consistent with PAL injury and the presence of a thickened PAL (> or =2 mm) verified ultrasonographically. A retrospective analysis of case records from 3 clinics was performed. Details of breed, age and use, and results of clinical and ultrasonographic assessments and response to treatment were recorded. Horses were treated conservatively or surgically by desmotomy of the PAL, with or without tenoscopic evaluation of the DFTS. A telephone questionnaire was performed to assess response to treatment. RESULTS: Seventy-one horses were included in the study and middle aged or older general purpose riding horses predominated. PAL desmopathy occurred more frequently in hind- than in forelimbs. The method of treatment, thickness of the PAL or presence of subcutaneous fibrosis did not significantly affect prognosis; however, <50% of horses were able to return to athletic function. There was a trend for horses with PAL desmopathy alone to have the best outcome. Bilateral thickening of the PAL or concurrent fore- and hindlimb injuries had a negative effect on prognosis, as did the simultaneous presence of subcutaneous fibrosis and lesions within the DFTS. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: PAL injury is characterised by a convex contour of the palmar/plantar aspect of the fetlock, associated with thickening of the ligament with or without subcutaneous fibrosis. Bilateral PAL thickening is common in older horses, ponies and cobs; however, bilateral PAL enlargement is often present with only unilateral lameness. Treatment methods used in this study did not appear to influence outcome significantly.  相似文献   

Mature horses that present with flexural deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint and lameness isolated to the foot may obtain long‐term benefits from desmotomy of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon (ALDDFT). This retrospective analysis of medical records and radiographs included 13 horses, aged ≥2 years, presented for lameness isolated to the hoof region and diagnosed with flexural deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint. Radiographic angles of the hoof and distal interphalangeal joint and lameness scores were compared before and after desmotomy of the ALDDFT. Follow‐up data including the ability to perform the intended use were obtained at least one year after surgery. There was improvement in the angle between the dorsal aspect of the third phalanx and the weightbearing surface of the hoof, improved alignment between the dorsal hoof wall and dorsal aspect of the third phalanx, and improved alignment of the distal interphalangeal joint. Lameness was decreased in 9/13 horses and 10/13 horses were performing at their level of intended use. Evidence of improved hoof conformation and lameness following desmotomy of the ALDDFT in lame horses with flexural deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint would indicate this procedure should be considered in mature horses.  相似文献   

This retrospective study describes ultrasound guided desmotomy of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon in 35 cases, and a modification of this procedure using an adapted surgical instrument. The procedure was successful in 97% of cases. Wound healing was excellent in all except 4 cases. Corrective shoeing prior to surgery contributes to success. The procedure can be performed on the standing horse and offers the advantages of minimally invasive surgery which include: reduced incision length, reduced morbidity and improved cosmetic outcome. The adapted surgical instrument can be an alternative to isolate the ligament under ultrasound guidance.  相似文献   

Effective treatments for horses diagnosed with severe deep digital flexor (DDF) tendinopathy are limited. In this study, three Quarter Horses diagnosed with severe bilateral DDF tendinopathy underwent bilateral desmotomy of the accessory ligament of the DDF tendon after failing to respond to conservative therapy. Lameness markedly improved in all three horses. Given that severe DDF tendinopathy is typically associated with persistent or recurrent lameness, desmotomy of the accessory ligament of the DDF tendon might be a treatment option to alleviate lameness in horses with DDF tendinopathy. This treatment option appears promising; however, a larger number of cases is necessary to support the results in these three horses.  相似文献   

A true clubfoot results from a flexural deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint that is characterised by a shortening of the deep digital flexor tendon musculotendinous unit. Flexural deformities are a problem not only in foals but are also responsible for the clubfoot conformation seen in mature horses. Treatment is most successful when the cause is investigated and therapy initiated as early as possible, and when the biomechanical properties of the foot are thoroughly understood. Flexural deformities in foals and mature horses are addressed through appropriate farriery, often combined with surgery.  相似文献   

Solitary osteochondromas are a relatively infrequent cause of lameness in the horse, most commonly occurring in the caudal distal radial metaphysis, with sparse reports in other locations. Their presence adjacent to a synovial sheath frequently results in intra-thecal tendinous laceration and resultant synovial effusion. Surgical excision in combination with arthroscopic debridement of the tendinous pathology offers the best prognosis for soundness. This report details the successful treatment of a caudodistal tibial osteochondroma using a combination of open surgical excision and tarsal sheath tenoscopy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the outcome of horses with "complex" digital tenosynovitis treated by tenoscopic proximal annular ligament desmotomy and resection of synovial masses or adhesions, or both, within the digital sheath. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective evaluation. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Twenty-five horses with a clinical and ultrasonographic diagnosis of palmar or plantar proximal annular ligament constriction and ultrasonographic evidence of synovial masses or adhesions within the digital tendon sheath. METHODS: Each horse had tenoscopic surgery for annular ligament desmotomy combined with adhesiolysis and/or synovial mass resection. Mean follow-up time was 3.4 years. Spearman's rank correlation was used to assess the relationship between functional outcome or cosmetic results and preoperative variables including duration of clinical signs, digital sheath synovial fluid total protein concentration and nucleated cell count, thickness of the palmar or plantar proximal annular ligament (PAL), severity of adhesions, severity of synovial masses, degree of synovial distention, or limb affected. RESULTS: A total of 18 (72%) horses returned to athletic soundness, 4 were improved but not sound, and 3 were not improved. Cosmetic outcome was normal in 10 horses, improved but not normal in 12, and not improved in 3 horses. Cosmetic and functional outcome were significantly adversely affected by the duration of clinical signs and the severity of synovial masses. CONCLUSIONS: With appropriate tenoscopic surgical attention, horses with complex tenosynovitis syndrome characterized by synovial masses, adhesions, or both adhesions and masses, and PAL constriction, have a good prognosis for return to athletic soundness. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Horses with PAL constriction and additional digital tendon sheath pathology such as adhesions and synovial masses have a 72% chance of returning to sound athletic performance, however 60% of horses retain some degree of cosmetic blemish in the affected limb. There is an inverse relationship between the duration of clinical signs and outcome, and therefore, prompt surgical attention is advised.  相似文献   

A Percheron mare was presented for acute, severe lameness and marked swelling of the right forelimb after being cast. The mare was initially diagnosed with cellulitis of the forelimb but as her condition improved and the affected limb was able to bear more weight it became apparent that the limb was hyperextended at the level of the carpus. Widening of the palmar aspect of the middle carpal joint was observed radiographically. During ultrasonographic examination, excessive fluid in the carpal sheath and perithecal swelling were noted and tearing of the palmar carpal ligament was suspected. A dynamic brace was fabricated to prevent hyperextension of the carpus. After discontinuation of systemic antibiotics, the mare became febrile and forelimb lameness worsened. Cytology of fluid from the middle carpal joint confirmed joint sepsis and the mare was anaesthetised for arthroscopic examination. A tear in the palmar carpal ligament, characterised by focal fibre disruption and fibrillation, was identified during arthroscopic and tenoscopic examination. Communication between the carpal flexor tendon sheath and middle carpal joint was identified during these procedures. Both the middle carpal joint and carpal flexor tendon sheath were lavaged with physiological saline solution. Post operatively, swelling and lameness slowly resolved. Four months after discharge, the mare was sufficiently sound to be maintained at pasture. Viewed from its lateral aspect, the limb no longer appeared to be hyperextended from the carpus.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Thoroughbred gelding presented with acute signs of colic and tachycardia. Transabdominal ultrasonography revealed a viscus visible on the left and right sides of the cranioventral abdomen with a mural thickness of up to 1.6 cm. Exploratory laparotomy was performed under general anaesthesia. This revealed that the caecum was incarcerated through a rent in the gastrosplenic ligament, and the caecal apex was in the left caudal abdomen. The ventral aspect of the gastrosplenic ligament was ligated and transected. The caecum was freed, and normal orientation confirmed. The horse recovered uneventfully from surgery. Caecal mural thickness was monitored using daily ultrasonography, until normal. The horse was discharged from the hospital 11 days post-operatively. Five months later, the horse returned to race training.  相似文献   

Avulsion of the proximal attachment of the proximal digital annular ligament (PDAL) was identified in five horses based on characteristic radiographic findings and supported by ultrasonographic examination in four horses. In two cases, PDAL avulsion was associated with acute onset lameness based on physical examination (both animals) and diagnostic analgesia (one animal), and was the only lesion identified. Both horses became sound after a period of rest. Radiographs repeated 11 years later in one animal showed minimal change in the appearance of the lesion. PDAL avulsion was associated with a substantial tear of the deep digital flexor tendon in another horse and in the remaining two cases PDAL avulsion was not associated with lameness. A dissection study found that the proximodistal extent of the proximal PDAL attachment, expressed as a proportion of the length of the proximal phalanx, was significantly (P = 0.011) greater in hindlimbs (11.48 ± 1.01%) compared with forelimbs (8.55 ± 1.06%). This finding may explain why hindlimbs appear at greater risk of PDAL avulsion. In conclusion, while PDAL avulsion can be a cause of acute lameness which, in uncomplicated cases, responds to rest, it can also be an incidental radiographic finding.  相似文献   

Head trauma is a common injury in young horses. This case report describes a 10‐week‐old Thoroughbred foal with an open wound following trauma to the poll region, showing abnormal head carriage and depression. A computed tomography (CT) study was performed under general anaesthetic (GA). This identified a complete avulsion of the nuchal ligament (NL) and partial avulsions of the left and right semispinalis capitis (SS) tendons. Following diagnosis and conservative treatment the foal made a good recovery and 18 months later the filly had no detectable neurological or physical abnormalities. Computed tomography enabled an accurate and rapid diagnosis of a novel injury.  相似文献   

Impinging/overriding dorsal spinous processes (DSPs) of the thoracolumbar vertebrae are a common cause of poor performance in horses. In the last five decades, numerous surgical treatments have been reported on, from transverse transection of the affected DSPs, and endoscopic resection of the affected DSPs, to transection of the interspinous ligament. Until recently, cosmetic outcomes have been reported as good to excellent in studies. However, a previously unreported complication of neurogenic atrophy of the contralateral epaxial muscle following desmotomy of the interspinous ligament has been recently reported. The authors hypothesised that this was because of a more lateral approach than previously described, resulting in the scissors being too far across midline and transecting a nerve in the region. Considering this finding, we have reviewed the literature on the neuroanatomy of the thoracolumbar region in the horse. Literature on the neuroanatomy of the horse is lacking when compared with that of humans and companion animals, with most of the work extrapolated from companion animals. Based on the current literature, we hypothesise that transection of an intermediate branch of the dorsal spinal nerve supplying the m. longissimus is potentially the cause of the post-operative neurogenic atrophy. The lack of detailed knowledge of the neural anatomy of the equine back has resulted in the role of local anaesthesia in localising pain in the equine back being poorly understood. The wide variation in techniques used for localising back pain may explain why some horses suffering from poor performance or an abnormal gait because of back pain improve to local anaesthesia of the back while others do not. This review article highlights a lack of anatomical knowledge regarding the equine thoracolumbar region in the literature despite diagnostic local anaesthesia, medication, and surgery in this area being relatively common.  相似文献   

During a laparotomy for colic signs in a 2-year-old male Thoroughbred, a portion of approximately 7 m of the jejunum was found entrapped in a fibrous band originating from the nephrosplenic ligament. The entrapped jejunum was necrotic and was removed. Two months after the first surgery, a laparoscopy was performed to close the nephrosplenic space and it was possible to identify several fibrous bands bridging from the renal capsule to the splenic capsule and a fibrotic plate over the spleen. This is the first report of a strangulating obstruction of the jejunum in the nephrosplenic space and of fibrous bands bridging from the nephrosplenic ligament to the spleen. The fibrous bands were likely due to inflammation caused by previous, multiple left dorsal displacements of the bowel, which resolved spontaneously.  相似文献   

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