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To explore which lifestages affect the stock size of young-of-the-year mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in Tokyo Bay, Japan, we investigated interannual variations in the quantitative relationships among egg production, larval density, and juvenile density. We collected adult females, larvae, and juveniles during monthly field surveys from 2004 to 2007. The interannual trend for the juvenile density index differed from those for egg production and larval density; although indices of both egg production and larval density were high in 2004 and 2007, the juvenile density index was high only in 2007, suggesting high mortality during the pelagic larval stage or the early phase of the postsettlement juvenile stage in 2004. We found that larval settlement started at the end of August and peaked in October, although larvae from the early spawning season (May–June) should have settled in August or earlier. Juveniles were found throughout the bay except in areas where bottom hypoxia occurred, suggesting that hypoxia restricts the spatial distribution of juveniles. Our results suggest that mortality during the early life history fluctuates among years, probably because of changes in environmental conditions in the bay, resulting in interannual variation in the stock size of young-of-the-year juvenile O. oratoria.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The reproductive traits and the monthly larval abundance of the mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria were investigated in Tokyo Bay, Japan, in 2002. The goal of the study was to elucidate the cause of changes in the monthly pattern of larval abundance from the 1980s to the 1990s as these changes relate to variation in the stock size of the adult shrimp. Oogenesis was divided into 10 stages by histological observation. The developmental stage of oocytes in an individual's ovary was synchronous, suggesting that almost all the oocytes in an ovary are spawned at the same time. The size at first maturity was estimated to be 7 ≤ body length ( BL ) < 8 cm. Fecundity was expressed as a function of BL , ranging from 19 300 eggs for 8 cm BL to 92 100 eggs for 14 cm BL . Small female shrimps (<10 cm BL ) spawned around August. Most large female shrimps (≥10 cm BL ) spawned around May, and some large female shrimps also spawned until September. Although most large female shrimps spawned in spring, the larval abundance was low before July and high from August onwards. The results suggest that a substantial decrease in the stock size of large individuals causes the low larval abundance before July.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   There is concern regarding a possible decrease in the minimum exploitable size of the mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in Tokyo Bay, coincident with a decline in stock size. To assess this problem, the condition factor, the relationship between body length and processed-meat length, and the estimated body length for each market size category were investigated and compared monthly. The condition factor was lowest in spring and peaked in winter. The difference between body length and meat length was higher in summer and winter than in spring and autumn, suggesting that a high condition factor does not result in an increased net yield of processed meat. The annual mean minimum exploitable size in the present low-stock-size condition did not differ from the minimum exploitable size measured during a high-stock-size period (11-cm body length). However, the minimum exploitable size changed seasonally, which coincided with seasonal change in the net processed-meat yield. Exploitation during the season when net meat yield is high would result in increase of the large-sized meat products of high price.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   We investigated changes in the reproductive patterns of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria concurrent with stock-abundance decline in Tokyo Bay, Japan. Stock abundance was high in the mid to late 1980s but decreased abruptly in the early 1990s. The yearly change in annual mean larval abundance was similar to that of stock abundance. Mantis shrimp in the bay have two spawning seasons, an early season (May–June) for ≥1-year-old individuals and a late season (July–September) for 0–1-year-old individuals. This general reproductive pattern does not differ among different stock-abundance levels. However, the monthly pattern in larval abundance has changed with stock-abundance decline; larval abundance from the early spawning season was highest in the high-stock-abundance period, and it decreased significantly in the low-stock-abundance period, probably as a result of decreased spawning-stock abundance of large female mantis shrimp ≥1-year-old. Correlation analysis on the egg production index and larval abundance suggested that during this low-stock-abundance period the population is supported mostly by late-hatched larvae spawned by small, 0–1-year-old female mantis shrimp. Considering the reproductive pattern and the present status of the fishery, the stock of small female mantis shrimp should be conserved to enhance reproduction of the population for stock recovery.  相似文献   

We examined the age and growth of the marbled sole Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae collected from Tokyo Bay, Japan, during two study periods between 2002 and 2008, when the stock size was consistently low. The von Bertalanffy growth equations were found to differ significantly between sexes, and females attained a larger standard length than males of the same age. These results were then compared with those reported for 1974–1983 and 1986–1988, two study periods when the stock size was high. The growth of both sexes of marbled sole in Tokyo Bay during the 2000s was found to be significantly higher than that in the 1970s and 1980s. To explore possible factors causing these changes in the growth, we examined bottom water temperature and population density. We found that the population density decreased and the bottom water temperature increased between the late 1970s and the late 2000s. However, despite evidence of changes in population densities and water temperatures, further study is needed to determine the main factors causing the observed changes in growth.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Age, growth and sexual maturity of the fan ray Platyrhina sinensis in Ariake Bay, Japan were determined from specimens collected from May 2002 to September 2006. Age determination was conducted by vertebral centrum analysis using soft X-radiography. Annual band pair deposition was determined by marginal increment and edge analyses. The von Bertalanffy growth model best described the overall pattern of growth for both males and females (males L  = 455.2, k  = 0.56, t 0 = −1.09; females L  = 555.8, k  = 0.28, t 0 = −1.77; L is the theoretical asymptotic total length in mm, k is the growth rate coefficient and t 0 is the theoretical time at zero length). Parameter estimates suggest that females attain a larger asymptotic total length and grow more slowly than males. The observed maximum ages were 5 years for males and 12 years for females. Age at 50% sexual maturity was 2.1 years for males and 2.9 years for females. The results indicate that this species is relatively fast-growing, short-lived and early maturing compared with many batoid species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The blackspot snapper Lutjanus fulviflammus is one of the most common Lutjanus species landed and consumed on Okinawa Island, Japan. Using 901 fish (29.9–304.2 mm in standard length; SL) obtained from fish markets or caught by angling, the age, growth, maturation size and maturation age were estimated. Each opaque zone formed on the otolith every year correlated with their spawning and was thought to be an annual ring. The main spawning season was estimated to be from April to July, which peaked in May and June, with a few mature fish collected in August and September. Maximum ages were observed as 24 years for both sexes and L (mm SL), K and t0 (years) of the von Bertalanffy growth formula were estimated to be 276, 0.144 and −5.22 for females and 247, 0.227 and −3.18 for males, respectively. First maturation size and age were estimated to be 175 mm SL and 2 years for both sexes. A faster growth rate up to 2 years will allow reproduction at a young age and provide many chances for spawning throughout their long life. Furthermore, the possibility exists that populations would easily recover if regulations were established.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:     Sexual maturity, morphological sexual dimorphism, and reproduction of the goneplacid crab Carcinoplax vestita were investigated in Tokyo Bay, Japan, from November 2002 to October 2003. The puberty molt in males was evidenced by changes in the relative size of the chelipeds and merus of the walking legs, and was estimated to occur at a size range of 13.20–18.85 mm carapace length. Post-pubertal females were identified by the relative size of the abdomen and puberty was estimated to occur at a size range of 12.81–15.46 mm carapace length. Sexual dimorphism in C. vestita was observed in all features that showed secondary sexual characteristics. Monthly changes of gonad index in males, and of seminal receptacle index and occurrence of sperm plugs in females were synchronized, and indicated that mating was intense in spring. Ovaries began developing in March. Ovigerous females were found in all months except December, but were clearly more abundant between August and October. Fecundity ranged from 7800 to 57 000 mature oocytes per female per batch and was highly correlated with body size. The results suggest that some females may spawn more than one batch per year.  相似文献   

Otolith microchemical analyses of the strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in the eels Anguilla japonica and A. anguilla caught in Tokyo Bay were undertaken to reconstruct the eels’ migratory histories. A. japonica in the yellow stage (immature stage) were caught in a bay without any adjacent rivers or streams. A. anguilla was in the silver stage (early maturing stage), and the eel was confirmed to have just begun spawning migration to the open ocean from Tokyo Bay based on the otolith Sr:Ca ratios, which showed a typical catadromous life history with low Sr:Ca ratio values throughout the eel’s life after recruitment. The mean Sr:Ca ratios in A. japonica from the elver mark to the otolith edge indicated the eels belonged to several general categories of migratory histories, including sea eels (average Sr:Ca ratio ≥6.0 × 10−3) and estuarine eels (average Sr:Ca ratio 2.5 to 6.0 × 10−3) based on the criteria reported previously in A. japonica. All eels had a certain freshwater life period, although the period was highly variable among fish. These results indicate that A. japonica has a flexible pattern of migration, with the ability to adapt to various habitats and salinities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The present study dealt with seasonal and interannual variations in the abundance and biomass, and spatio-temporal distributions of the portunid crab Charybdis bimaculata dominant in Ise Bay, central Japan. The abundance and biomass of the crab decreased in summer when the oxygen-poor water developed in central or inner parts of the bay, and then increased through new recruits from autumn (October–November) to the following spring (March–May) when the oxygen-poor water disappeared. Berried females were collected mainly from spring to autumn. Recruits were collected in any season. Particularly in winter, most recruits were located in the innermost part of the bay. According to the cohort separation based on size frequency distribution in carapace width of the crab specimens, the cohorts that were derived from spawning in spring to summer largely contributed to establishing and maintaining the benthic populations for the following year in the bay, whereas those from other seasons failed to recruit because of serious damage caused by the oxygen-poor water. Most crab individuals one year post hatch contributed to spawning and then died by the winter of the same year.  相似文献   

We assessed the reproductive cycle of the venerid clam Meretrix lusoria by histological analysis of the gonads. Individuals for study were collected from natural populations on the Shirakawa tidal flat, Ariake Sound, and from populations that had been transplanted from the Shirakawa flat to the Oi flat in Tokyo Bay. In both study areas, the reproductive cycle was synchronized between sexes. Gonads of the clam started to develop in early spring and matured during the summer. Mass spawning occurred in the late summer/early fall. The clam matured at a shell length of 17–20 mm, which is much smaller than previously considered. While trophic conditions and salinity differed considerably in the two study areas, water temperatures showed similar seasonal changes (12°C during the winter and around 30°C during the summer). Thus, temperature probably controlled gonadal development. The coincidence of the period of spawning with the period of frequent intrusion of hypoxic waters into the tidal flats in Tokyo Bay suggests that such hypoxic events interfere with clam recruitment and are at least partly responsible for the disappearance of the natural population at this location.  相似文献   

Compensatory growth following stress is a strategy aquatic animals use to adjust themselves to a variable environment. Studies on the recovery growth of aquatic animals are not only of theoretical value in ecophysiology and evolution, but also important to applications in aquaculture and fisheries resource management. In this experiment, juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis with an initial average body weight of about 3.72 g were exposed to hypoxic water (about 2.08 and 3.11 mg/l of dissolved oxygen (DO) content) for 10 days and then switched to normoxic water (about 5.63 and 5.59 mg/l DO). Compared with juveniles in normoxia, juveniles in the hypoxia period allocated a greater proportion of energy to metabolism and exuviations but allocated less energy to daily metabolism per gram shrimp weight (J/g/day). This reduced feed conversion efficiency and feeding rate. Finally, F. chinensis suffered growth depression. The juveniles completely compensated for hypoxia-induced growth depression in 30 days after being switched into normoxic water and the compensation was achieved mainly by hyperphagia and slightly by improvement of feed conversion efficiency. During the recovery period the hypoxic-stressed shrimp showed higher daily metabolic energy (J/g/day) than controls (P < 0.05). Which means the stressed shrimp had more energy for feeding-related activities. So hyperphagia was observed. Energy analysis indicated that F. chinensis improved feed-conversion efficiency mainly by reducing the percentage of energy lost in feces and exuviations. The results showed that short-term non-lethal hypoxia would not affect the growth of juvenile F. chinensis if there were enough time for the stressed shrimp to recover. This suggested F. chinensis was capable of adapting to DO fluctuation to some extent and short-term non-lethal hypoxia would not have an obvious effect on natural, released, and cultured shrimp stock.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Age and growth of the yellowstriped butterfish, Labracoglossa argentiventris , around Izu Oshima Island were studied using a total of 1450 fish. Age was determined by counting the edge of the opaque zones as a ring mark on sectioned sagittal otoliths. Formation of the first ring was observed during spring or summer, corresponding to 1.5 years after hatching. Thereafter, one ring was formed each year in the same season as the previous year. The growth of the butterfish was rapid until 2 years of age. The maximum likelihood method was applied to the age and length data for estimating parameters in von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, and Logistic growth models. The selected model, based on the Akaike Information Criterion, was the von Bertalanffy growth model, which indicated differential asymptotic length and variance by sex.  相似文献   

Regular samplings of the Japanese sand lance Ammodytes personatus were carried out between 1991 and 2003 in Ise Bay in central Japan to estimate the number of adults, egg production and the number of recruits. The estimated minimum and maximum number of adults was 0.48 billion and 37.64 billion (78.4-fold variation). Age-one adults dominated in each year, and they comprised more than 80% of the total population in ten years out of the twelve years of observations. The total egg production ranged from 0.5 to 22.2 trillion (44.4-fold variation), and the total number of recruits ranged from 3.36 to 102.83 billion (30.6-fold variation). These interannual variations were both smaller than the interannual variations in the number of adults. As the total number of adults increased, the total egg production gradually became asymptotic at the saturation level, and the egg production per adult female decreased. In addition, the number of recruits per egg decreased as the total number of adults increased. It was suggested that both egg production and the initial process of mortality before recruitment exhibit density dependency.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The age, growth and maturation of the redbelly tilapia Tilapia zillii introduced into the Haebaru Reservoir on Okinawa-jima Island were studied using 2197 specimens ranging from 7.3 to 168.0 mm standard length (SL). The spawning season was estimated to be from April to August, with a peak in April and May. The first maturation sizes of females and males were estimated to be 38.1 and 33.0 mm SL, respectively. The opaque zones in otoliths that form annually were found to correlate with the spawning season. Maximum ages of females and males were 7 and 6 years, respectively. The von Bertalanffy growth formulae were expressed as: L t  = 99{1 − exp[−0.67( t  + 0.09)]} for females and L t  = 155{1 − exp [−0.36( t  + 0.12)]} for males. Males grew to be larger than females from the first year onward. Populations of this species are characterized by early maturation life history parameters and are thought to adapt and become established quickly after being released into new water systems. Furthermore, extermination activity in winter is thought to be an effective strategy before the newly recruited fish begin breeding in the warmer months.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The life history and ecology of the glowbelly Acropoma japonicum a commercially important fishery resource, were investigated in the Uwa Sea, Japan. Newly settled juveniles (0+) appeared at the end of the breeding season and reached maturity in the next season, i.e. when they became yearlings (1+). The yearlings made a gametic effort comparable to that of older fish. During the breeding season, the somatic conditions were more deteriorated for males than for females. That the deterioration of male somatic conditions was not attributable to a sexual difference in energy gain from feeding suggests that the males incurred higher energetic costs of reproduction despite their relatively low gonadosomatic indices. Such an energy depletion may increase the mortality risk, resulting in female-biased sex ratios in the older age classes. Most of the 1+ fish disappeared in winter following their first breeding. For A. japonicum , the observed precocity and short life span is notable because it is a higher consumer that is generally expected to show later maturation and longer life. As possible explanations for their disappearances, predation and postbreeding emaciation were less likely. While fishing is one of the most influential factors, the possibility of age-specific migration toward deeper waters remains to be examined.  相似文献   

Seasonal habitat use by nigorobuna Carassius auratus grandoculis Temminck et Schlegel and gengoroubuna Carassius cuvieri (Temminck et Schlegel) in Lake Biwa was investigated using acoustic telemetry. Twenty-three nigorobuna and 11 gengoroubuna specimens caught using set-nets in the lake’s south basin were surgically fitted with acoustic transmitters and then released. Signals from the fishes were recorded by 23 receivers installed around the lake. Between April and June 2007, the first spawning season after release, signals were received from all tagged fishes. Thereafter, until the second spawning season, signals were collected from 26 and 45% of released nigorobuna and gengoroubuna individuals, respectively. Seasonal habitat preferences for these species were studied by distance-based analysis. The analysis revealed that nigorobuna tended to stay near their spawning area in the south basin of the lake throughout the year, whilst gengoroubuna tended to show a seasonal migration pattern between the north and south basins. After the spawning season, the latter species migrated to the north basin where it remained until the next spawning season, when it returned to the south basin. This is the first report of seasonal migration of nigorobuna and gengoroubuna in Lake Biwa.  相似文献   

To find an appropriate method for age determination in the marbled sole Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae in Tokyo Bay, Japan, sagittal otoliths of 1,343 individuals were observed by surface-reading and cross-section methods and the results were compared. Opaque zones occurred once a year and were regarded as annuli in both methods. The surface-reading method sometimes provided a lower count of the number of annuli than the cross-section method, and the frequency of this discrepancy was highest in older fish (males above 5 years, females above 4 years). The oldest female fish was estimated to be age 10 years by the cross-section method but 8 years by the surface-reading method. The cross-section method could provide a more accurate estimate of age and is therefore likely to be indispensable to estimations of longevity. In contrast, the surface-reading method is superior in terms of cost and time efficiency but is likely to underestimate the ages of older fish. However, growth equations based on age estimated by the surface-reading method were sufficiently accurate if males ≥5 years and females ≥4 years were combined as specific, single age groups of 5+ and 4+, respectively.  相似文献   

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