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在鱼糜制品的制造过程中,如何提高产品的质量是人们普遍关心的问题。一般来说,鱼糜制品的弹性是直接关系到产品商品价值的重要因素。弹性差的产品,没有商品价值,而弹性过高的产品,似乎也不太受人欢迎。因此,如何不断地提供具有一定物性的商品,对食品工业来说是一件很重要的事情。在鱼糜制品行业方面,由于需要大量处理不断发生性质变化的肌原纤维蛋白质,提供具有一定特性的商品,因此,是一种比较困难的作业。基于这种观点,本文针对鱼糜制品在生产过程中容易发生质量问题的工序,研究探讨应采取的相应措施,同时,在产品质量管理上,不把质量指标局限在凝胶形成能(形成弹性的力)方面,而是应用肌肉蛋白质方面的研究成果,进行探讨。  相似文献   

鱼糜制品应具有良好醣弹性、风味和色泽,其中弹性是主要的。因此,弹性好坏是鉴别鱼糜制品质量优劣的重要指标。鱼糜制品的弹性取决于鱼类肌肉组织的理化性质,同时也受操作工艺、辅料、温度、PH值等因素的影响。本文就有关鱼糜制品的弹性问题进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

复合弹性增强剂对梅童鱼糜凝胶强度的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以漂洗两次,冷藏1个月和冷藏2个月的冷冻梅童鱼糜为试验原料,添加0.5%和1%的复合弹性增强剂,研究不同添加量及不同加热条件对鱼糜凝胶强度和保水性的影响,结果:添加复合弹性增强剂后,冷冻梅童鱼糜的弹性与对照组相比,破断强度提高6-8倍,凹陷度提高2-3倍,凝胶强度提高10-15倍,以40℃,30min-60min凝胶化条件最为适宜,凝胶化时间过长,游离水析水增加,即鱼糕的保水性下降。  相似文献   

马珍影  周秀英 《海洋渔业》1990,12(4):184-188,160
<正> 鱼糜制品的生产过程在鱼糜制品的生产过程中,人们最关心的是产品质量问题,包括产品凝胶能力、水份、色泽等。影响产品质量的主要因素是什么呢?对原材料来说,有鱼体鲜度、大小和捕捉季节等;而在生产过程中则和所用鱼的初加工方式(是鱼片还是去头去内脏的鱼)、鱼的绞碎工艺、水洗条件(水洗时间、水洗容积,肉水比例和水质)、精选工艺、脱水及抗冻剂的添加情况均有密切的关系。  相似文献   

鱼糜制品是以鱼肉为原料,配以一定量的淀粉、水和调味料,经成型加热而成。鱼糜制品的弹性是一项极其重要的感官指标。质量好的鱼糜制品,必须是味道鲜美、富有弹性。鱼糜制品的弹性,主要是由于鱼类肌肉中肌原纤维蛋白质在热的作用下,发生不可逆变性收缩,从而形成富有弹性的网状结构。因此,原料鱼的肌原纤维蛋白质的含量,是决定鱼糜制品弹性好坏的首要条件。  相似文献   

鱼糜生产具有原料来源广泛,不受鱼体大小和种类的限制等优点,适合于广大渔区(尤其是沿海地区)、城市生产。我国从事鱼糜制品生产有着悠入的历史,在市场上销售的鱼园(丸)、鱼丝(面)、鱼卷、鱼糕、鱼香肠等许多品种,都深受消费者的欢迎。发展鱼糜生产不仅食用方便,也能充分利用资源提高蛋白质的利用率,促进相关的鱼粉、饲料、鱼油加工业的发展,所以鱼糜制品在国内外都是一种被重视和有发展前途的制品。鱼糜制品的原料主料:鲜度高的青、草、鲢、媚、鲤、乌鱼及各种小杂鱼等。辅助材料:清水、油脂、调味料(如味精、食盐、黄酒、…  相似文献   

鱼糜和鱼糜制品的加工现状及其展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【提高】本文作者搜集了大量资料,就鱼糜及鱼糜制品加工、销售的现状及展望等进行概述。  相似文献   

陈道 《福建水产》1988,(3):79-83
日本是个渔业经济大斟,有着丰富的渔业资源及先进的鱼品加工技术。特别在鱼糜制品的生产方面,历史悠久,品种多样,历来是日本人民喜爱的传统食品之一。日本的鱼糜制品生产不论在工艺流程,或是生产设备及检测手段等方面,都比我国同行业先进得多,不少技术经验值得我们学习、借鉴。现将日本鱼糜制品生产的原料、工艺、设备及产品作简略介绍。  相似文献   


In this study, we determined the nutritional properties, flavor characteristics, color, and texture of surimi gel (SG) and surimi/crabmeat mixed gel (MG) to evaluate their edible value. The results showed that the addition of crabmeat to surimi significantly increased fat content, some mineral contents (Na, Mg, Ca, Cu, Fe, and Zn), yellowness (b*) value, and altered the volatile profile (aldehydes, esters, and some heterocyclic compounds). The essential amino acid/total amino acid ratios of SG and MG were both 0.41, consistent with the recommended value, indicating the high quality of protein. Texture profile analysis of MG showed similar values of hardness, chewiness, and gumminess to SG. Principal component analysis of electronic nose data showed that the addition of crabmeat to surimi altered the flavor characteristics of SG. Therefore, the utilization of crabmeat for surimi can be a feasible and promising method for fortifying the nutritional and flavor characteristics of surimi products.  相似文献   

陆基水产养殖 (Land- based fish farming)技术是一种全面摆脱自然海、淡水水域 ,采用全封闭式水循环 ,运用高新技术组装的环保型、集约化养殖技术 ,其养殖产量是自然水域产量的数十倍至百余倍 ,且具有节能、节水、节约土地等特点。这种集智能化、产业化、效益化于一体 ,摆脱了传统水产养殖受自然环境的制约 ,保障了水产品产量的稳定、品味上乘、安全健康的新型水产养殖技术 ,属我国水产养殖方式的一次革命。该技术水平居国内领先 ,达到国际先进水平。一、我国水产养殖业的背景情况我国水产养殖业经历了 80年代~ 90年代 2 0年的快速发展时…  相似文献   


Setting and thermal treatment effects on texture and color of tropical tilapia surimi gels were compared to Alaska pollock and Pacific whiting gels. Heat treatments that most favored intrinsic gelling factors of a fish species exhibited strong gel formation. Whiteness values increased as total thermal inputs increased, which reflect the increasing opacity of the gels. Pollock gels were generally the strongest and whitest. Tilapia gel quality was generally second to pollock gels, however, in heat treatments using setting temperatures ≥ 40 °C, tilapia gels were comparable (60 °C setting) or superior (40 °C setting) to pollock gels. The optimum heat treatment for tilapia surimi appeared to be a 40° C setting for 1 hr followed by a 90 °C cook for 15 min. SDS-PAGE patterns of gels prepared with 60°C setting followed by 90 °C cooking elucidated the various degree of protein degradation depending upon the species in a descending order of whiting, tilapia, and pollock.  相似文献   

凝集素是一类不具有酶催化活性的蛋白或糖蛋白,能特异性地识别并结合微生物表面的糖蛋白或糖基复合物而启动先天免疫反应[1-3]。根据糖的结合特性和钙离子依赖性,鱼类凝集素可分为C-型凝集素、F-型凝集素、半乳糖凝集素和鼠李糖结合凝集素等[4]。其中C-型凝集素在鱼体感染致病微生物的过程中发挥重要的免疫功能[2,5]。各种类型的C-型凝集素在诸多鱼类中已被发现[6-25],如斑马鱼( Danio rerio )[7-8]、大菱鲆( Scophthalmus maximus )[9-10]、斜带石斑鱼( Epinephelus coioides )[11-12]、斑点叉尾( Ictalurus punetaus )[15]、松江鲈( Trachidermus fasciatus )[16]、大黄鱼( Pseudosciaena crocea )[22]、许氏平鲉( Sebastes schlegelii )[23]、黄颡鱼( Pelteobagrus fulvidraco )[24]及尼罗罗非鱼( Oreochromis niloticus )[25]等。笔者综述了鱼类C-型凝集素的特征、亚家族、蛋白结构及免疫功能等方面的最新研究进展,以期为深入研究C-型凝集素分子结构、调控表达以及鱼类免疫和疾病防控等提供参考。  相似文献   

Textural characteristics of silver carp surimi gel prepared from acid- and alkali-produced protein isolates were investigated and compared to the surimi gels derived by conventional methods. The acid-aided method showed the most efficiency to recover proteins (86.2%) in comparison to the alkaline-aided (79.8%) and conventional (76.7%) methods. In the washing of fish mince, every step resulted in reduction of sarcoplasmic protein, and consequently the myofibrillar fraction became more concentrated, as shown by the protein patterns in wash water. Some myofibrillar proteins (mainly actin and myosin) were removed along with sarcoplasmic proteins during washing, reducing yield efficiency during the conventional method of making surimi. During the pH shifting process, myosin heavy chain (MHC) was degraded during low (2.5) pH solubilization, whereas there was only a minimal loss of MHC by either hydrolysis or proteolysis during alkaline solubilization. The breaking force and breaking distance of surimi gel prepared in the pH-shifting processes were significantly (p < 0.05) greater than those of surimi gel made by conventional methods, as were expressible moisture, cohesiveness, and springiness. In conclusion, the pH-shifting technique can be considered as an efficient alternative process in recovery of greater quantities of functional protein from silver carp fillet.  相似文献   

孙云章  杨红玲 《水产科学》2008,27(5):257-261
鱼类生活的环境和鱼类消化道中存在着大量的微生物,在鱼类生长发育过程中,鱼类消化道逐渐形成了一个由好氧菌、兼性厌氧菌和绝对厌氧菌组成的动态正常菌群。正常情况下,鱼类消化道的  相似文献   

The effects of varying concentrations of salt and pH on the gel strength of Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) surimi were investigated. Surimi gels were made with and without the protease inhibitor beef plasma protein (BPP). Gel strength was measured by torsion and reported as shear stress and shear strain. In general, surimi gels increased in gel strength with increased pH. Stress increased to a greater degree than strain about pH 7. Water holding capacity values increased up to pH7 and than leveled off. Surimi gels made with low salt (0.9%) or not salt had greater stress values that the higher salt surimi gels in the alkaline pH range. The results demonstrated that the effects of salt and pH are interactive on gels strength for Pacific whiting surimi  相似文献   

我国观赏鱼种类概述与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>观赏渔业是水产养殖业的一个分支。据农业部渔业局统计,我国观赏鱼规模已发展至2013年的36.9亿尾[1],是我国发展潜力巨大的新兴产业之一[2]。世界上有数千种观赏鱼,淡水观赏鱼类约有750种[3],观赏鱼的种类繁多且发展较快,了解观赏鱼的种类及其特点对发展观赏渔业具有积极意义。2014年笔者在对广州花地湾越和市场、天津中环市场、鞍山三台子市场、北京十里河市场及观赏鱼养殖基地品种调研和查阅大量资料基础上,对  相似文献   

Aquaculturists typically report growth using absolute (g/d), relative (% increase in body weight), and specific growth rates (%d). Less frequently, von Bertalanffy Growth Functions (VBGF) are used. Each of these rates is a numerical representation of growth which assumes a specific relationship between size and time (linear, exponential, or asymptotic). Aquaculturists typically determine size at time throughout their experiments. Unfortunately, the intermediate data points are usually ignored when computing growth rates (except for VBGF) and the appropriateness of the method for calculating growth for a particular data set is not tested. This paper reviews the basis and computation of each of the growth rates in an effort to encourage aquaculturists to use the appropriate growth rates.  相似文献   

鱼类葡萄糖耐量研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>糖类又称碳水化合物,是自然界存在最多、分布最广的一类重要的有机化合物[1]。陆生哺乳动物通常是以糖类作为主要能量来源,对糖的利用能力较高;但鱼类主要以蛋白质和脂肪作为主要能量来源,对糖的利用能力较低,是先天性的"糖尿病患者"[2]。适宜的饲料糖水平可以起到减少蛋白质供能、提高蛋白质沉积、促进鱼类生长及节约饲料成本的作用[3]。如果饲料中糖类水平超过一定限度,鱼类生长缓慢、抗病力低、死亡率高[4]。糖耐量最  相似文献   

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