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在果树栽培教学中,果树的整形修剪课是实践性很强的课程。只有依靠具体操作演示才容易理解。在传统教学中,教师上果树课时,只能通过在黑板上画图的方式进行。由于平面图形缺乏形象、准确的实际动态效果,因此学生很难理解;而对文化程度不高的果农更是纸上谈兵。若要进行现场示范,又受限于果园条件、生长季节及树龄等。只能看到整形前后的状态,无法演示从果树定干到选留各级枝条形成树冠的全过程。  相似文献   

目前,在果树生产上,仅树形就有三百多种。虽然有品种特性的差异,但这众多的树形都使果树的丰产成为可能。如果辩证地看,多形,便意为无形。然而,不管树形有多少变化,均能使果树获得丰产。这里必有一主导因素贯穿其中。果树的产量,源于多个因素。就树体来说,叶片是...  相似文献   

果树的树形是多样的,要实现截然不同的树形,整形修剪方式方法的配套应用至关重要,否则很难实现所追求的树形,更达不到丰产、稳产、优质的目的。现将果树一边倒形的整形修剪配套技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

苹果梨两层树形整形修剪技术赵成范,崔浩吉,黄松峰,朴春根(吉林省延吉市空军39001部队)第一作者简介:作者于1960年延边在学院园艺系毕业.先后在吉林农科院园艺系(现在果树所)、延边农科所等单位,曾任过果树育种、栽培课题主持人、研究室主任等工作.1...  相似文献   

论果树整形修剪的改进与深化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
辛培刚 《落叶果树》2001,33(2):12-15
从果树整形修剪的必然性与演化趋势入手,简要论述了相关习性中的干侧关系与极性调节,进而评价了纺锤形和另几种修剪方法,重点阐述了果品提质的树形改造及郁闭密植园群体的改造途径。  相似文献   

果树的整形修剪要做到科学合理 ,必须遵循一定的规律 ,熟悉一定的原理。下面介绍果树修剪的十则原理 ,供广大生产者参考。  原理一终生矛盾 :生长与结果的矛盾。它贯穿于果树的整个生命周期 ,表现为树势强弱、结果多少。遗传规律决定 ,“幼树徒长不结果 ,旺树枝多难结果 ;弱树、弱枝花芽多 ,结果过量树衰弱”。从根本上说 ,整形修剪就是调整这个矛盾 ,促使幼旺树早结果的一切措施 ,都是通过削弱树势达到目的的。  原理二两个动力 :光和水。光是能源 ,决定果树营养的积累水平 ;水是命脉 ,决定果树的生长势力。俗话说“做好水路长树好 ,做…  相似文献   

西班牙果树研究者发明了一种适用于甜樱桃的丛枝树形,适于高密度栽培,采用该树形,树体矮小,果实、丰产、果个大、产量高,整形修剪及果实采收等操作简便。  相似文献   

邹芬 《西南园艺》2004,32(2):40-40
红叶李又名紫叶李,属于蔷薇科李属,为樱李的观赏变型,是良好的彩色观叶树种,在我国各地均有栽培。笔者通过对红叶李的整形修剪及观察总结,认为红叶李采用疏散分层形比较好:现将其整形修剪及树形改造的方法介绍如下。  相似文献   

适于苹果矮化密植的几种树形及整形修剪技术甄灿福一、纺锤形(主干形):1.树形结构特点:①干高40~50cm,树高2~3m,中心于直立。②中心领导干上直接均匀分布10~15个骨于枝组。③骨干枝层性不明显,下强上弱,下层骨干校长1—2cm,往上依次递减。...  相似文献   

桃树"一边倒"树形树体结构简单,通过拉斜将主枝倒向一边,南北行向西倒,东西行向南倒,主枝倾斜45°.露地栽培株行距1~1.3m×2.5m,保护地栽培0.75~1m×1.8~2m.该树形具有结果早、产量高、果实品质好及便于管理等特点.同时介绍了该种树形的整形修剪技术.  相似文献   

甜樱桃乔砧矮化树纺锤形是从苹果纺锤形移植过来的,能解决乔砧与密植的矛盾。选壮苗定植,留80-100cm定干,8月下旬到10月上旬各分枝拉枝开角;第2年春对中心干延长枝留60—80cm短截;第3年春同样对中心干延长枝留60—80cm短截;第4年树高不超过3。5m的继续留60—80cm短截,若已达到高度及时开心;进入盛果期的树,在维持树体高度的同时,及时进行更新修剪和加强肥水管理,并注意控前促后。  相似文献   

郁闭柑橘园改造对植株光化学反应参数及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探明不同整形改造技术对郁闭树体有效光合辐射、叶绿素荧光及果实品质等的影响,为果树冠层微生态环境优化及高产稳产提供理论依据。【方法】以15 a(年)生枳橙砧‘奥林达’夏橙为试材,分别对郁闭植株(CK)进行开心形、篱壁形和变则主干形修剪处理,然后利用CI-110植物冠层分析仪测定植株冠层有效光合辐射分布、利用多功能植物效率分析仪M-PEA测定叶片快速叶绿素荧光的变化。【结果】不同处理植株的光合有效辐射、光合色素含量、快速叶绿素荧光参数在6月至9月差异明显:树体有效光合辐射(PAR)逐月明显下降;叶片光合色素呈先明显上升后略微下降的趋势;在试验测定阶段,植株叶片光系统活性、光能利用率、光合机构性能逐渐提高,叶片放氧复合体(OEC)受到伤害程度降低。几种整形改造方式对树体各项生理指标的影响明显,开心形、篱壁形和主干形等3种处理植株光合有效辐射、光合色素含量、光能利用率及光系统性能等均较对照明显提高。单株产量及果实品质以开心形最优,篱壁形、主干形次之,但均优于对照。【结论】通过树形改造改善了冠层微生态重要因子即光合有效辐射状况,树体的叶片光合色素含量、光合结构性能、光合机构自我保护能力、光合效率、PSI与PSII的协调性等都有极大的提升,明显改善了植株单株产量及果实品质。  相似文献   

Watersprout occurrence and growth were investigated over a two-year period in an early maturing peach cultivar (Alexandra) under different intensities of dormant pruning for fruited and defruited trees. A preliminary study focused on identifying the laws that determine the probability of presence and occurrence of watersprouts in relation to watersprout-bearing shoot (WBS) length. The increase in watersprout probability of presence and occurrence resulting from greater WBS length illustrated the high capacity of peach for sprouting. Watersprout lengths were measured, as well as the lengths of young shoots, one-year-old fruit-bearing shoots (FBSs) and older branches considered as WBS in order to evaluate total shoot growth within the tree. Watersprout number and total length tended to be higher under severe dormant pruning and in fruited trees than under light dormant pruning and in defruited trees. This stimulation of watersprout length appeared to compensate for the concomitant lower total length of young shoots, resulting in a constant overall vegetative growth rate for the whole tree. In the second year of the experiment, watersprouts were either removed by summer pruning or not in order to evaluate watersprout incidence on the rest of the tree. After light and severe watersprout removal (WSR), the annual diametrical growth of FBS tended to be higher and lower, respectively, compared to trees not submitted to summer pruning. Light WSR might favour light interception in the centre of the canopy, thus improving assimilate production and allocation to FBS, whereas severe WSR could prevent carbohydrate export from watersprouts to FBS. Under our conditions, the limit at which WSR intensity became detrimental for FBS diametrical growth appeared to be after approximately 75% of the watersprouts were removed. Severe WSR appeared likely to improve fruit diameter, whereas it had no significant impact on the percentage of soluble solids.  相似文献   

《果树栽培学》是都市型园艺专业的骨干课程。为强化学生实践能力培养,以金陵科技学院为例,从改革思路、保障体系建设和方案实施3个方面探索并实施了《果树栽培学》的实践教学。  相似文献   

Effect of pruning intensity on peach yield and fruit quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Light, medium and heavy pruning treatments were used with one unpruned as check (control) in Flordasun, Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches. Fruit yield decreased with the increase in severity of pruning in Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches, whereas, medium pruning treatment gave highest yield in Flordasun peach. Pulp weight, stone weight, pulp-stone ratio, ascorbic acid, sugar acid ratio and moisture content were not affected by pruning levels. However, fruit weight, size, TSS, sugar and acid content were significantly increased by pruning in Flordasun peach. Almost all the physico-chemical characters were significantly affected by pruning in Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches, in which medium and heavy pruning treatments performed better, respectively.  相似文献   

我省盛果期苹果树树形以纺锤形为主,生产中果农对纺锤形树形结构不是很了解,受传统三主枝邻近半园形整形修剪技术的影响,修剪手法以短截和回缩为主,逢枝必截,枝枝必剪,存在着主枝低、背上直立枝和竞争枝多、多头延伸、主次不分、交叉严重等现象,树体通风透光条件差,果实品质低,管理费工费力。对目前我省盛果期纺锤形苹果树整形修剪中存在的问题及产生的原因进行总结,并提出相应的解决对策,以指导我省果树整形修剪。  相似文献   

Urban trees provide a wide range of ecosystem services for city residents, with tall, mature trees with wide crowns generally regarded as preferable. The tree biomass which is responsible for shading, pollution removal, rain runoff retention etc. gets periodically reduced by the municipal tree management practice of pruning. This is a necessary activity, which reduces the risk of infrastructure damage and falling branches, but many estimates of ecosystem service provision in cities do not consider its impact explicitly. Tree mortality is also higher in cities, preventing trees from attaining and remaining at large sizes. This study used extensive field measurements of tree structure to estimate the impact of pruning on 8 tree species in two Italian cities: Taranto and Florence. Crown widths were reduced by 1.6 m on average, however there is large variation between species variation with branches more often being removed for thinning crowns resulting in larger gap fractions, which increased by 15% on average. No significant differences were observed for crown widths or gap fraction between trees pruned 3 and 4 years previously, suggesting that tree crowns structurally recover from pruning after 3 years. A deterministic model revealed that current urban forest pruning rates (every 6 years) and mortality (1%) may create a situation in which a city dominated by the species studied benefits from 93.5% of the maximum ecosystem services possible. This work will allow more nuanced estimates of urban forest services to be calculated.  相似文献   

果树种质离体保存   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨青 《福建果树》2005,(4):26-29
本文综述了果树离体种质保存技术近年来的进展,对种子保存、组织培养技术保存,特别是对超低温保存做了介绍。  相似文献   

不同整枝留果方式对甜瓜产量与品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在海南采用简易竹木大棚进行哈密瓜类甜瓜金海蜜品种不同整枝留果方式试验,结果表明,采用双蔓单果(主蔓留果)方式,甜瓜单果重、网纹、可溶性固形物含量、产量等表现最好;建议生产上使用该种整枝留果方式栽培。  相似文献   

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