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去除有机质对土壤光谱特性的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
彭杰  张杨珠  周清  刘香伶  周卫军 《土壤》2006,38(4):454-458
通过野外调查取样和室内理化分析,研究了去除有机质对湖南省几种耕作土壤高光谱特性的影响。结果表明,去除土壤有机质以后,供试土壤的光谱反射曲线形态均有一定的变化,土壤的光谱反射率不管在全波段还是在分波段都有明显的增加;此外,由于有机质是影响和干扰氧化铁光谱特性的一个重要因子,去除土壤有机质以后,几个研究波段的光谱反射率与游离氧化铁、全Fe、无定形氧化铁的相关系数都有显著的提高。  相似文献   

土壤有机质光谱响应特性研究   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
土壤有机质光谱响应特性研究是光学遥感定量化的基础性研究.研究利用VF991地物光谱测量仪对八个不同环境条件下形成的土壤样本剖面上的各个土层进行光谱测量,得到各个土层的反射率光谱曲线,并测出各个土层的有机质含量.通过研究土壤的有机质含量与土壤反射光谱间的相关性分析,发现有机质含量与土壤光谱在紫外区的376.795nm波段、可见光区的616.506nm波段和近红外区的724.0975nm波段附近有较好的负相关性  相似文献   

利用高光谱遥感数据结合统计建模是当前土壤有机质(SOM)含量高光谱估测的主要方法。为了探讨SOM含量高光谱估测适宜的光谱变换方法和光谱分辨率,以黑龙江省建三江黑土区土壤样本为研究对象,采用SR-6500便携式光谱仪在实验室测量土样的光谱反射率。对土壤光谱数据重采样为1、5、10、20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100 nm共12种光谱分辨率,经过Savitzky-Golay光谱曲线平滑处理后,将光谱反射率R进行反射率倒数1/R、对数log R、倒数对数log(1/R)、对数倒数1/log R、一阶导数R′、倒数一阶导数(1/R)′、对数一阶导数(log R)′、倒数对数一阶导数[log(1/R)]′和对数倒数一阶导数(1/log R)′共10种光谱变换;利用多元线性逐步回归(MLSR)和偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)的方法建立SOM含量估测模型。结果表明:(1)1/R和(1/R)′光谱变换对于提高SOM含量估测精度的效果较好,其中1/R光谱变换的SOM含量估测精度R2val均高于0.87,(1/R)′光谱变换的SOM含量估测精度R2val均高于0.90;(2)5、10 nm...  相似文献   

褐潮土的光谱特性及用土壤反射率估算有机质含量的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文通过ASDFR便携式光谱仪对132个风干土壤样品的光谱反射率进行了实验室测定。根据土样光谱反射率变化,获得了褐潮土土壤剖面的不同诊断层反射光谱特征。结果表明,在400~1200nm范围之间,土壤有机质含量与土壤光谱反射率有较好的相关性。利用导数光谱方法建立了预测土壤有机质含量的方程,提出了预测北京地区褐潮土有机质光谱的最佳波段。在波长447nm处采用反射率和A值(反射率倒数的对数)所建立的预测方程的预测精度较高。采用反射率的一阶微分建立的预测方程的最佳波段在516nm处。而A值一阶微分光谱在615nm处相关性最好。作为一项参考指标用光谱分析法评价土壤中有机质含量,以期对精准农业中土壤养分或肥力的预测具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

含水率对土壤有机质含量高光谱估算的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
土壤含水率对有机质(soil organic matter,SOM)含量高光谱估算精度有很大的影响。为了探讨SOM高光谱估算中土壤含水率的影响,该文对烘干土、风干土和质量含水率为5%~40%(按5%递增)的土壤样本进行了室内高光谱测量,对光谱数据进行了反射率、反射率一阶导数和反射率倒数对数3种光谱数据变换,运用偏最小二乘回归法(partial least squares regression,PLSR)建立了相应的SOM估算模型。结果表明,风干土的SOM高光谱估算精度较好;当含水率水平小于25%时,SOM估算模型精度受含水率的影响较大,光谱数据进行反射率倒数对数变换后的模型精度最高;当含水率水平大于等于25%时,水分对土壤光谱反射率的影响要大于SOM,不适宜利用土壤光谱数据进行SOM含量高光谱估算。该研究可为大田环境不同含水率情况下光谱估算SOM提供参考。  相似文献   

湖南省几种主要类型土壤反射光谱的剖面变化特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过野外采样和室内测定,研究了湖南省主要类型土壤反射光谱的剖面变化特性。结果表明,同一土壤剖面中不同土层的反射光谱曲线形态基本上是一致的;经统计分析得出,在每个自然土壤剖面中,各土层420nm处的的光谱反射率均与土壤游离氧化铁含量之间存在着线性负相关性,620-660nm波段的平均光谱反射率与土壤有机质含量呈幂函数负相关性。  相似文献   

绿肥对土壤有机质的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
沈洁  陆炳章  陈正斌  崔芳 《土壤》1989,21(1):32-34

基于人工神经网络的土壤有机质含量高光谱反演   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
研究了土壤有机质含量与土壤高光谱之间的关系,在对原始光谱进行了预处理分析后,运用多元线性逐步回归法(MLSR)和人工神经网络法(ANN)建立了土壤有机质含量的反演模型,并对模型进行了验证。结果表明:人工神经网络所建立的反演模型普遍优于回归模型,网络集成模型优于单个BP网络模型,网络集成是提高反演模型准确性与稳定性的有效途径。网络集成模型为最优模型,总均方根误差为1.31,可以用于土壤有机质含量的快速测算。  相似文献   

东北典型黑土区表层土壤有机质含量高光谱反演研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择东北典型黑土区——德惠市、扶余市和双城市为研究区,利用便携式地物光谱仪获取土壤光谱数据,基于原始光谱值及一阶微分、倒数的对数、连续统去除变换,分别建立了黑土有机质含量的多元线性逐步回归模型、偏最小二乘回归模型和BP神经网络模型。结果表明:高光谱与土壤有机质含量在多个波段相关性较好,其中有机质与反射率一阶微分处理的相关性最好,在光谱584 nm处其相关性最强(r=-0.60,n=81)。光谱一阶微分处理数据在三种建模方法中的预测及验证精度均高于原始光谱值、倒数的对数和连续统去除变换,因此一阶微分为最佳光谱变换形式。偏最小二乘回归分析的预测效果整体优于多元线性逐步回归分析和BP神经网络分析,光谱一阶微分处理的偏最小二乘回归模型呈现出最佳预测效果,决定系数为0.71、均方根误差为2.29 g kg~(-1)(n=53)。  相似文献   

基于高光谱特征指数的土壤有机质含量建模   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以江苏中部的水稻土和潮土为研究对象,采集178个表层土壤(0~20 cm)样品,并测定了土壤有机质含量(Soil Organic Matter,SOM).运用ASD FieldSpec 3光谱仪测量了土壤的高光谱曲线,首先对原始光谱进行倒数对数和去包络线变换,分析了不同SOM含量梯度和土壤类型的高光谱特征.其次,基于原...  相似文献   

Effect of cover crop management on soil organic matter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Characterization of soil organic matter (SOM) is important for determining the overall quality of soils, and cover crop system may change SOM characteristics. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cover crops on the chemical and structural composition of SOM. We isolated humic substances (HS) from soils with the following cover crop treatments: (a) vetch (Vicia Villosa Roth.)/rye (Sesale cereale L.), (b) rye alone, and (c) check (no cover crops) that were treated with various nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates. CPMAS-TOSS (cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning and total sideband suppression) 13C NMR results indicated that humic acids (HA) from soils under rye only were more aromatic and less aliphatic in character than the other two cover crop systems without fertilizer N treatment. Based on the DRIFT (diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared) spectra peak O/R ratios, the intensities of oxygen-containing functional groups to aliphatic and aromatic (referred to as recalcitrant) groups, the highest ratio was found in the HA from the vetch/rye system with fertilizer N. The lowest ratio occurred at the vetch/rye system without fertilizer N treatment. The O/R ratio of fulvic acids (FA) can be ranked as: vetch/rye without fertilizer>vetch/rye with fertilizer>no cover crop without fertilizer>rye alone (with or without fertilizer) soils. Both organic carbon (OC) and light fraction (LF) contents were higher in soils under cover crop treatments with and without fertilizer N than soils with no cover crop. These chemical and spectroscopic data show that cover crops had a profound influence on the SOM and LF characteristics.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the soil components controlling aggregate formation and stability is fundamental to the conservation of soil structure. In this work, the effects of Fe and organic matter (OM) on the porosity and structural stability of aggregates <4 mm of two cropped soils from Galicia (NW Spain) were determined. Porosity was estimated directly, by mercury intrusion porosimetry, and indirectly, from moisture characteristic and shrinkage curves. The three porosities obtained were similar and indicated that Soil 1, with the highest Fe and OM contents, had lower total porosity and a wider pore-size distribution than Soil 2. As regards structural stability, Hénin and Monnier's test, simulated rainfall and dispersion experiments, and determination of textural tensile strength all indicated Soil 1 to be the more stable soil. Oxidation of OM and selective extraction of Fe, which were most concentrated in the clay and silt fractions, indicated both these components to be important soil aggregants. It is suggested that the higher content of Soil 1 in Fe and OM is responsible for its greater stability.  相似文献   

生物质炭作为一种多功能的土壤培肥材料被广泛应用,但其与传统有机物料的对比及配施研究还比较少。通过盆栽试验,研究了生物质炭与秸秆、发酵鸡粪单施及配施对壤质潮土和砂土养分含量、酶活性及玉米生长的影响,并采用主成分分析方法对3种有机物料的培肥效果进行综合评价。试验设6个处理,分别为不添加有机物料(CK)、添加生物质炭(BC)、小麦秸秆(WS)、发酵鸡粪(CM)、秸秆和生物质炭(WS+BC)、鸡粪和生物质炭(CM+BC)。研究结果表明,各处理均增加了砂土玉米生物量和株高,3种有机物料的提升幅度排序为:鸡粪生物质炭秸秆,鸡粪还可增加壤质潮土玉米生物量和株高。添加生物质炭和有机物料还可提高土壤有机质含量,其中生物质炭的提升幅度最大。此外,3种有机物料对土壤养分和酶活性的影响各异,单施鸡粪分别增加壤质潮土和砂土的碱解氮22.08%和26.67%,速效磷91.92%和53.65%,脲酶活性40.54%和36.94%;单施生物质炭分别增加壤质潮土和砂土速效磷83.52%和89.91%,速效钾79.38%和127.02%,过氧化氢酶活性3.41%和11.22%,却降低了土壤碱解氮含量,且与鸡粪配施后会抑制鸡粪中氮的有效性;单施秸秆分别增加壤质潮土和砂土速效钾49.48%和63.02%,β-葡糖苷酶活性51.86%和59.09%;生物质炭与鸡粪或秸秆配施可以更均衡地提升土壤肥力。通过主成分分析和相关分析发现,玉米生物量和株高与土壤氮、磷供应正变化的第2主成分(PC2)得分呈极显著正相关关系。因此,3种有机物料中,鸡粪对土壤氮、磷含量及相关酶活性影响最大;秸秆对土壤钾以及纤维素分解相关酶影响较大,而生物质炭对土壤肥力的提升作用更均衡,且土壤肥力综合得分最高。秸秆或鸡粪配施生物质炭可以更全面地提高土壤肥力。  相似文献   

Summary Loss-on-ignition (LOI) and the organic C content have been used to estimate soil organic matter. Organic matter is often estimated from organic C by applying a factor of 1.724. Several authors have examined the relationship between LOI, used as an estimate of organic matter, and C by simple linear regressions. In the present study, this approach was examined in relation to two sets of data. LOI overestimates organic matter in soils with significant proportions of clay minerals because of bound water, and correcting for bound water gives some LOI: C ratios of less than 1. It is concluded that differences in the nature of the organic matter in different soils and horizons make the simple regression approach unsuitable. More attention needs to be paid to studies of the nature of the organic matter.  相似文献   

Soil moisture characteristic curves were determined in long-term trials at the agronomic research center of Saria (latitude 12°16′ N, longitude 2°09′ W) in West-central Burkina Faso. The agronomic treatments combined soil tillage with organic and chemical fertilizers. The twin values for soil moisture and water potential showed that on ploughed plots, moisture content was higher at low suction and lower at high suction than the hand hoed plots. Moisture contents were higher for extreme suctions (pF < 1.5 and >3) on plots that received high dose of animal manure. The bush fallow plots behaved as a ploughed plot at low suction and like a hand hoed plot at the high suction. Field capacities were around 9.50% (g/g) and 8% (g/g), respectively, for hand hoed and ploughed plots, while the wilting points for both were of 5–6% (g/g). Organic matter input improved field capacity and soil water content at wilting point but not the useful available water (UAW). The UAW ≥10 mm on the fallow and the control, while it was <9 mm on the other treatments in 0–20 cm soil layer. Soil structural modifications induced by tillage and organic matter input explained these differences in soil hydrologic regime.  相似文献   

 Soil organic matter level, mineralizable C and N, microbial biomass C and dehydrogenase, urease and alkaline phosphatase activities were studied in soils from a field experiment under a pearl millet-wheat cropping sequence receiving inorganic fertilizers and a combination of inorganic fertilizers and organic amendments for the last 11 years. The amounts of soil organic matter and mineralizable C and N increased with the application of inorganic fertilizers. However, there were greater increases of these parameters when farmyard manure, wheat straw or Sesbania bispinosa green manure was applied along with inorganic fertilizers. Microbial biomass C increased from 147 mg kg–1 soil in unfertilized soil to 423 mg kg–1 soil in soil amended with wheat straw and inorganic fertilizers. The urease and alkaline phosphatase activities of soils increased significantly with a combination of inorganic fertilizers and organic amendments. The results indicate that soil organic matter level and soil microbial activities, vital for the nutrient turnover and long-term productivity of the soil, are enhanced by use of organic amendments along with inorganic fertilizers. Received: 6 May 1998  相似文献   

Tillage has been reported to reduce organic matter concentrations and increase organic matter turnover rates to a variable extent. The change of soil climate and the incorporation of aboveground C inputs within the soil lead to no unique effect on biodegradation rates, because of their strong interaction with the regional climate and the soil physical properties. The periodical perturbation of soil structure by tools and the subsequent drying–rewetting cycles may be the major factor increasing organic matter decomposition rates by exposing the organic matter that is physically protected in microaggregates to biodegradation. This paper reviews the assessed effects of tillage on organic matter, the scale, extent and mechanisms of physical protection of organic matter in soils.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reviews current understanding of soil structure, the role of soil organic matter (SOM) in soil structure and evidence for or against better soil physical condition under organic farming. It also includes new data from farm case studies in the UK. Young SOM is especially important for soil structural development, improving ephemeral stability through fungal hyphae, extracellular polysaccharides, etc. Thus, to achieve aggregate stability and the advantages that this conveys, frequent input of fresh organic matter is required. Practices that add organic material are routinely a feature of organically farmed soils and the literature generally shows that, comparing like with like, organic farms had at least as good and sometimes better soil structure than conventionally managed farms. Our case studies confirmed this. In the reviewed papers, SOM was generally larger on the biodynamic/organic farms because of the organic additions and/or leys in the rotation. We can therefore hypothesize that, because it is especially the light fraction of SOM that is involved in soil structural development, soil structure will improve in a soil to which fresh organic residues are added regularly. Thus, we argue it is not the farming system per se that is important in promoting better physical condition, but the amount and quality of organic matter returned to a soil.  相似文献   

The properties of soils affected by salinity and processes involving degradation of soil structure have been partly recognized. However, the effects of saline and sodic conditions on mechanical and physical properties of soils have been studied to a lesser extent. In this research, the effects of electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) on soils possessing various amounts of organic matter were assessed under laboratory conditions. The soils contained a uniform clay type, predominantly Illite. The major difference of the soils was their amount of organic matter content. The treatments consisted of solutions with definite EC and SAR (two levels of EC: 0.5 and 4 dS/m and three levels of SAR: 0, 5 and 15). The amount of tensile strength was dependent on organic matter, EC, and SAR in a way that with the increase of SAR, the tensile strength decreased. In similar SAR, treatments with higher EC exhibited greater tensile strength. Also, the soils with higher organic matter showed greater tensile strength. The analysis of variance showed the significant difference (at 1%) between the mean of parameters analyzed (soil type, sampling depth, EC, and SAR). The order of averages of tensile strength were: permanent pasture (Agropyron elengatum)Festuca arusdinaceae)相似文献   

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