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通过对桤木薪材特性及薪炭林栽培经营技术的研究,结果表明,桤木前期生长快,尤以萌生林为显著,4年生高达5.93m,单株地上部分生物量9.32kg,平茬后单株萌条数多为6~8株,干、枝、叶的热值均在4000kcal/kg以上,是一优良薪材树种;适宜桤木薪炭林的造林密度为10000株/ha,造林后第3年即可首次平茬,轮伐期4年,在一个轮伐期内可获薪材17.758t/ha·a,桤木薪炭林宜采用矮林平茬作业。  相似文献   

刺槐(Robinia pseudo——acacia L.)是豆科阔叶落叶树种。根系发达,耐瘠薄、耐干旱,适生于山地、平原和沙地,它生长迅速,萌发力强,作为薪炭林可以通过平茬,一次造林,多次采薪。其薪材易燃烧,且热值高。在缺乏烧柴的地区营造刺槐薪炭林,效益非常显著。刺槐作为薪炭林,平茬高度不同,对更新生长的影响也不同,本文以生物量为指标,就不同的平茬高度,萌蘖更新后生长情况进行探讨。  相似文献   

最近,“薪炭林造林技术研究”在和林格尔县通过了自治区级鉴定。该课题是由和林格尔县林业局、林工站经过4年多的努力完成的。它提出了成本低、产量高、经济效益显著的薪炭林系统栽培技术措施,并研究了平茬利用技术,提出了主要乡土薪材树种的初茬年限。专家们认为:这项研究对  相似文献   

薪炭林是一项生物能源工程,与矿物能源比较,薪炭林能源可以再生,只要掌握永续均衡利用的经营原则,就不会有能源枯竭问题。 1986年我们受林业部造林经营司委托,承担了一项薪炭林树种和造林密度试验,通过薪炭林树种的遗传研究,确定其潜在的生产力,提高短轮伐期集约培育的薪炭林产量,选择和推广用于试验的优良乔、灌树种品系。试验分两阶段,即育苗  相似文献   

博白县既是重点产粮区之一,又是重点缺柴区之一。在该地区进行营造薪炭林试验,可以引导人们把农业区附近的宜林低丘台地用本地树种造林绿化起来,调节农区的生态环境,另一方面又可将薪炭林单独经营,促进其它林种恢复和发展,并对薪炭林的单独经营摸索出系统的经营管理方法。博白县薪炭林造林试验研究是中国科学  相似文献   

本研究的试验地布置在红壤和灰化红壤土类、中等偏下立地条件丘陵地区。1982年以来对薪炭林的造林、育林技术问题进行了历时10年的探索。先后选择了21个主要薪材树种,共营造各种试验林13.6hm2。经过多年多点试验和连续测产分析比较后,已筛选出丘陵区薪炭林造林的最优树种、适宜的密度、最佳的混交方式和造林类型,结果表明,采用本试验方法造林,薪材产量可提高4.5倍。此外,本试验还对参试树种各部分的比重,含水量、燃烧值进行了测定。本研究成果为丘陵地区营造薪炭林,规划与建设薪炭林基地提供了重要的科学依据,对教学、科研具有重要的参考意义,在生产中具有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   

在四川盆地通过引进国内外薪材树种和选择乡土薪材树种,进行栽植密度、始伐年龄、轮伐期等试验研究,结果表明:从引进的8个新材树种中,选择出任豆为适宜生长的树种,新银合欢、黑荆、荆为为适宜部分地区生长的树种;从13个乡土薪材树(草)种中筛选出桤木、刺槐、麻栎、栓皮栎、马桑、卵花甜茅等为比较优良的薪材树(草)种。桤木、刺槐、马桑等薪炭林的合理造林密度为10000株(丛)/ha;麻栎、栓皮栎为6000~7000株(丛)/ha;印花甜茅以行距1m为宜。桤木、刺槐、麻栎、栓皮栎等薪炭林,始伐年龄不超过5年,轮供期3~6年;马桑薪炭林始伐年龄为3~4年,轮伐期2~3年、印花甜茅栽植1年后平茬,以后每年采收。合理的造林密度、始伐年龄、轮伐期,能使选择的几个树种提高生物产量1.0~2.5倍。  相似文献   

黧蒴是华南地区分布很广的优良乡土速生用材林、水源涵养林和薪炭林树种。文章介绍了该树种的生物学特性、速生丰产性能、生态价值以及人工造林技术。  相似文献   

窿缘桉是我国华南地区比较速生的薪炭林树种之一。为了探讨造林密度与产量及其经济效益之间的关系,从中找出最佳经济效益的最佳造林密度,为发展薪炭林提供科学依据,一九八四年我们营造四十亩窿缘桉薪炭林进行观测,对不同的造林密度的产量及其经济效益进行初步研究。一、试验地概况  相似文献   

<正> 柳树是东北农村传统的薪材树种,但长期以来,人们对它利用有余,研究不足,致使原有柳树林面积逐年减少,产量降低。为适应薪炭林发展的需要,我们于1981年开始,进行了薪炭林的研究工作,先后建立了试验点三处,共营造试验林618.2亩,包括柳树评比试验林、密度试验林及造林方法和经营技术试验林等,同时,对省内的薪炭林进行了调查。通过试验  相似文献   

目前我国将森林划分为五大林种,"薪炭林"是其中之一。分析"薪炭林"的概念及其与其它林种关系,结合林业生产经营管理实际,笔者认为,"薪炭林"作为一个林种划分并不妥当,且"薪炭林"作为一个林种在森林区划、经营管理中存在问题,"防护林、用材林、经济林、特种用途林"四大林种即可涵盖如今森林经营的各种模式,传统划分的"薪炭林",应该隶属于用材林,或是用材林中的一个亚林种。  相似文献   

Community forestry is an approach for mitigating deforestation and forest degradation by managing the forest resources for benefitting neighboring communities. Monetary benefits and costs are associated in a community forest during conservation and management of a forest. For sustainable forest management, the benefit should be more than cost which is a contesting issue of research. So, this study was conducted in a community forest of the central part of Nepal with the help of 80 household surveys and a focus group discussion. The firsthand information collected at the site is complimented by forest product harvest and cost-related secondary information. It was observed that the total annual harvest of timber was 60 cubic feet, pole was 8 cubic feet, firewood was 1,110 Bhari,1 fodder was 4,388 Bhari, and leaf litter was 590 Bhari. To manage a forest, people were involved in fencing, thinning, and meetings. Management cost was six times higher than administration cost. The benefit from firewood and fodder was more due to the dependency of people in a forest for enhancing their livelihood. The higher value of benefit cost ratio indicates that the Community Forest User Group benefited from community forest management.  相似文献   

宣威市石漠化治理模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析宣威市土地石漠化的成因主要为地质、气候等自然因素以及陆地开垦、过度樵采等人为原因.根据石漠化土地具有的区域性特征,提出了分区治理的基本思路及针对不同治理区的具体治理措施,对封山育林(草)、混农林业、生态型薪炭林营造等石漠化土地治理模式进行了阐述,并列举了成功的案例.  相似文献   

Forest management policies in tropical countries have undergone a paradigm shift in the 1980s. International environmental policies have recommended redirecting natural resource management from state control to approaches giving responsibilities to local people. In Niger, forest cooperatives and firewood rural markets characterized the transition in forest policies toward the integration of rural people in forest management. Forest management principles have been progressively adapted to the social and ecological context, since the establishment of the first cooperatives in 1986. Changes in forest policies concerned two fronts: forest management governance and forest management technical instruments. In this paper, the impact of governance and technical instruments on forest management is studied in two types of firewood rural markets found in Niger. Both rural markets have been designed to bring about a governance shift in favour of rural people. In one type of rural market, rigorous technical instruments were added, consisting in a rotational system among several plots to be harvested in the forest. This paper shows that in the implementation of rural markets, the shift is mainly on governance of forest management, and not so much on technical instruments. The general management principles remain based on scientific knowledge and are not enforced by rural people. These principles have been shown to be inappropriate with regard to Sahelian people’s representation of space, but because they are scientific, they cannot be questioned. The study suggests that sustainable forest management will be better served by interesting rural people in the rural markets, and thereby promoting their appropriation of forest resources, than by defining rigorous technical rules.  相似文献   

Community dependence on forest resources for diverse needs has high implications for long term management of forests. Sustainable extraction of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is considered best feasible strategy for forest conservation in biodiversity rich areas. This paper examines the heterogeneity of NTFPs use by tribal communities in northeast India, a global hot spot by examining diversity of NTFPs at-large, its consumption pattern, and contribution to rural income and forest revenue. A total of 343 NTFPs recorded used for diverse purposes by tribal communities. When species choice grouped as per use category, utilization for medicinal (163 species), edible fruits (75 species) and vegetables (65 species) purposes was reasonably high. Community dependence on forest resources was 100% for firewood and house construction material. 76 plant species were sold in three major local markets while an additional 22 species traded at commercial scale mainly outside the state. NTFPs contributed 19-32% of total household income for different tribal communities, which was significant. Illicium griffithii, Rubia cordifolia, Oroxylum indicum, Swertia chirayita, Litsea sebifera, Taxus wallichiana, Valeriana jatamansii, Thalictrum foliolosum, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Everniastrum cirrhatum, Cordyceps sinensis, Aconitum fletcherianum, Nardostachys jatamansi, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Gymnadenia orchidis, Calamus, Quercus and Pinus roxbughii were important commercial species. NTFPs also generated substantial revenue to the State government, though it is falling year after year, which is alarming. To meet community livelihoods, income and forest revenue from NTFPs, it desires a thorough management plan and policy guidelines for these resources from all line departments. The knowledge on diversity, its consumption pattern, and contribution to rural income and forest revenue may enable planners to accurately plan sustainable management of NTFP resources and community development in near future.  相似文献   

After Kyrgyzstan gained independence in 1991, the importance of the primary sector for food-and energy-supply increased significantly. This has led to a discussion about the sustainability of current f...  相似文献   

Community forest management helps in mitigating deforestation and forest degradation by addressing the negative aspects of rural livelihoods such as poverty and social exclusion. It is important in regulating global climate by encouraging sequestration of carbon in shoots, roots and soils. We studied the status of community forest management, forest resource harvest and carbon stocks in two community forests of the mid hill region of central and western Nepal. The study was based on primary and secondary data collected through carbon stock measurement from field visits and allometric equations, household surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and review of past studies. Socioeconomic variables such as gender, age group, livestock and landholding status were related to resource utilization, conservation, and management of community forest. Forest resources such as timber, firewood, fodder and leaf litter were harvested in sustainable ways. People were involved in forest thinning, co-management meetings, guarding and planting trees for forest conservation and management. Density and carbon stock of trees increased gradually in comparison to a previous study. We recommend further research on other community forests for more accurate and better results.  相似文献   

蔡福水 《福建林业科技》2002,29(1):76-78,86
分析了邵武林区发展薪炭林基地的必要性和有利条件 ,提出了基地建设的对策与措施  相似文献   

温茂元 《桉树科技》2005,22(2):36-40
海南种植桉树对国家、集体、个人、企业都有利益,有许多功绩。海南引种种植桉树88年历史,海南生态环境仍然保持良好生态环境,仍然成为世界人居好环境。海南种植桉树为海南经济发展,保护好天然林,保护好环境,保护好橡胶林,促进平原绿化,增加海南森林覆盖率,丰富森林资源,在短时间内为社会提供大量的木材和薪炭材,保持林业可持续发展,起到非常重要作用。海南种植桉树具有生态效益,社会效益,经济效益。但我们发展桉树同时必须讲究科学规划,适地适树,选用良种,讲究科学种植、合理密度、科学管理,科学施肥,桉树一定能获得高产,又有良好的生态效益。但不能盲目经营,绝不能砍伐天然林,次生林来种植桉树,海南人民有能力把桉树产业这篇文章做得更好。  相似文献   


Forest management is directed to attain one, or a combination, of the following three goals: stability of the physical environment, productivity of the physical environment and equity of the social environment. For the management to be sustainable, four aspects have to be addressed: the ecological, technical, the socio-economic and the institutional. All of these four aspects are equally important, and inadequacy of practices in any of the aspects could mar the sustainability of a forest. In India, where the rural population overwhelmingly depends on firewood for domestic energy, where the fodder for millions of cattle comes from forests, and where customs and traditions are as important in forest management as the considerations of ecological laws, a minimum of socio-economic data is a must for sustainable forest management. For India, this data must comprise:
  • per capita annual requirement of firewood at a reasonably efficient level of utilization;

  • carrying capacity of a forest unit in terms of its use as grazing land;

  • per capita annual requirement of small timber for agricultural implements and for housing;

  • per capita annual requirement of non-timber forest products (NTFPs);

  • customs and traditions prevalent in a community in terms of the use of forests;

  • rate of growth of population, both human and cattle.


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