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The combinationof networked manufacturing and supply chain can integrate the design resource, intelligenceresource and manufacturing resource more efficaciously. Based on the compareand analysisof characteristics of the networked manufacturing and supply chain, the mode of networked manufacturing based on supply chain is brought forward, it combines and integrates supply chain and networked manufacturing to attain the effects of the complementarityof the dominanceof each other, and makes the reality of networked manufacturing more convenience, shortcutand efficiency. Based on the solution, the architecture and an operation mode of networked manufacturing based on supply chain are put forward. Finally, the applicationof networked manufacturing based on supply chain to ceramics industry is studied. Through the implementof the networked manufacturing which is based on the Supply chain dynamic allianceof ceramics industry, the process of from gaining demand information to putting products in the market is finished.  相似文献   

Aiming at the problems in the development and implementation of Networked Sale and Customization system by small-and-medium enterprises, the study on ASP development supporting Platform of Networked sale and Customization system for small-and-medium enterprises has been done. The whole frame of ASP development supporting Platform of Networked Sale and Customization system for small-and-medium enterprises was proposed. Then a series of function modules of this platform was designed. At last, ASP-based service model and development service workflow for small-and-medium enterprises was created. And, this platform has been applied in dozens of enterprises.  相似文献   

Information integrated platform in manufacturing enterprises is a kind of software and hardware platform which supports application development, application integration and system running in complex information environment. The information processing of enterprises relys on this platform. Due to the increasing number of computer security problems, much attention must be paid to the security of information-integrated platform in manufacturing enterprises. The current security condition of information-integrated platform in manufacturing enterprises is introduced and the related countermeasures is also produced. In order to ensure the security, the conclusion that secure management system should be combined with secure management techniques is drawed .  相似文献   

随着市场需求的个性化与多样化,先进制造技术发展的总趋势,是朝着数字化、集成化、网络化、敏捷化、虚拟化、智能化、精密化、柔性化和绿色化的方向发展  相似文献   

The intelligent building design needs a total new method. It is an integration of electronic technology and other related technologies such as structure, system, service and management ones. As for the architecture design itself, it should include the infrastructure accommodating telecommunication, day lighting, lighting and HVAC systems. At the same time, the security, fire safety and operation controls should be considered as well.  相似文献   

The framework of "ITS Virtual Common Information Platform"is introduced,which integrates and shares of data between ITS subsystems by integrating distributed storage and centralized control of data.The distributed data(access) engine of the platform is designed and implemented.Based on the distributed data access engine,the flow of data providing and accessing is addressed in detail.In the end a typical application of the distributed data access engine is presented.  相似文献   

以重庆甜橙和胡萝卜为原料,采用多次配方试验,研究其复合饮料的生产工艺和加工技术。结果表明,甜橙汁与胡萝卜汁的体积比为1:9,以35%的原汁含量和12%的可溶性固形物生产的复合饮料的营养物质损失较少,口味优良、品质俱佳。  相似文献   

Pursuing the green manufacturing of products is beneficial to the alleviation of environment burdens. In order to reap such benefits, green manufacturing is involved in every aspect of manufacturing processes.The optimization selection of tool is one of the important approach to improve environmentally performance of cutting machining. The objective factors of decision making problems for traditional tool selection are usually the following, quality and cost.Based on the main idea of environmentally conscious and decision making framework model of green manufacturing proposed by the authors, an multi object decision making model for tool selection is put forward. The objects includes Time(T),Quality (Q),Cost(C), Resources(R) and Environment impact(E), where T aims to minimize the produce time,Q means to maximize the quality,C means to minimize the cost, R means to minimize the consume the resources and E means to minimize the environment impact respectively. Each object is analyzed in detail and integrated the Fuzzy Clustering Analysis Algorithm together with the expert judging method apply to the model too. A case study in which a practical decision making problem for tool selection in green manufacturing machining is analyzed. Successful application of above model shows the model is practical .  相似文献   

宁夏科技创新平台建设成效及发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技创新平台是区域科技创新体系的重要基础,建设好科技创新平台对于宁夏经济社会的发展具有重要的支撑作用。总结了"十一五"期间宁夏科技创新平台建设所取得的成效,分析了现存的主要问题,提出了宁夏"十二五"科技创新平台建设的对策措施。  相似文献   

在平顶楼房的顶部平台,利用循环水培技术进行蔬菜无土栽培,具有较高的经济效益和社会效益,在南方地区,每年可生产绿叶蔬菜12~16茬,平均每平方米可生产蔬菜52~66kg,每平方米面积创利58元。其栽培关键技术是利用防风墙、防护棚等设施,克服楼房顶部小气候条件变化激烈问题。  相似文献   

为给科研机构创新能力评价决策者提供一个科学、便捷的软件工具,研究立足系统科学和管理科学理论,分析了农业科技创新过程,构建了适合农业科研机构的指标评价体系和模型,并研发了基于多源数据的农业科技创新评价分析平台。然后利用该平台将评价指标体系应用于国家级农业科研机构的评价,并根据评价结果将科研机构划分为科技创新型、科学创新型、技术创新型、经营主导型、基础实力型、相对劣势型,并针对每种类型提出了相应的管理措施。  相似文献   

基于Sakai平台的农技推广人员远程培训研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业现代化的发展和农业的创收在很大程度上取决于广大农技推广人员的科技水平,面对急需培训的农技推广人员队伍,该文在分析现有农技推广人员培训模式基础上,提出通过构建Sakai平台来开展农技推广人员远程培训,从而解决现有培训模式中存在的时空限制、规模有限、互动性不强等问题。  相似文献   

专业镇技术创新平台具有准公共物品属性,在建设与运行过程中容易产生搭便车、投入不足等低效率问题,直接影响着创新平台的建设、发展以及功能的有效发挥。本文从公共物品的视角,以福建省为例,在深入分析构建原则、途径及存在问题的基础上,得出研究结论,并提出推进专业镇技术创新平台建设的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

Architecture of Logistics system is the interior operation environment and business platform for Logistics companies, which is to steer to build special logistics system and tactics frame-saw to realize the company's objectives. Further more, characteristic and design principle of architecture are mentioned. There are 4 levels in this article to discuss the architecture of TPL system. Six elements contained in the architecture are mentioned: information platform, tech-equipment platform, knowledge platform, organization platform, business platform and functional platform, Furthermore, the mutual connection among which is analyzed as a whole. In conclusion, measure of the transfer from traditional storage and transportation to modern logistics is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the Concurrent Engineering (CE) idea, we have established the development and manufacturing process model of the ceramic products and its supported environment, through studying the development and manufacturing of ceramic tableware in the ceramic industry. The key technology will be discussed in this paper. The achievements of researching, which has shortened product lead time and improved product quality, have been applied in ceramic enterprise.  相似文献   

农业专家系统开发平台的研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在中国,特殊的国情造成农业专家一般对计算机及其相关技术十分陌生,知识工程师对于农业知识知之更少,使得开发农业专家系统十分困难。专家系统开发平台的出现,使这个问题得到了缓解。农业专家无需掌握过多的编程知识就能建造性能良好的专家系统,而知识工程师只需研制开发平台,并根据领域使用要求,修改完善平台,无需掌握领域知识,两者相得益彰。在此,综述了近几十年国内外农业专家系统开发平台的研究及应用现状,提出了存在的问题,并介绍了农业专家系统开发平台的发展趋势,为农业专家系统开发平台在中国农业信息化中更好地服务提供参考依据。  相似文献   

分析中国农业标准化生产现状,发现其中存在的问题,提出与农业信息技术结合是解决问题的途径之一。而专家系统开发工具(平台)是农业信息技术的关键技术之一,它作为一种开发专家系统的通用工具,使农业领域专家无需掌握过多的编程知识就能建造性能良好的专家系统,从而能有效克服目前农业标准化生产中存在的问题。基于此介绍了将农业标准化生产和专家系统开发平台结合起来建立农业标准化生产管理系统开发平台的建立基础、设计思路、技术路线以及平台功能,并阐述了农业标准化生产管理系统开发平台的应用前景。  相似文献   

孟猛 《中国农学通报》2011,27(30):275-279
在国家高度重视农业信息化和中国主要热带作物产业发展的背景下,提出构建中国主要热带作物产业信息服务平台,同时对该平台建设的背景、意义、内容及系统开发等进行阐述。认为该平台对推进中国热带农业信息化建设和科技水平的提高,推动新阶段中国热带农业产业和农村经济发展,促进农业增效、农民增收和农产品竞争力增强,统筹城乡经济社会发展,实现全面建设小康社会的目标,具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

The paper presents the systematical structure with client/server taking the information management system of Chongqing Science and Technology Commitee background.Discuss the design and implementation of the system platform wth client/server based on Novell Local Area Network (LAN) and Sybase Database Management System(DBMS).  相似文献   

从英国皇家兽医学院办学模式看中国兽医人才培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英国伦敦大学皇家兽医学院以其独具魅力的校园风格、合理的学科机构设置、务实创新的教学科研风气、严格的竞争管理机制、产学研结合的办学思路等,给我们以众多启示。中国兽医专业办学应以特色优势立校,明确培养目标和配套措施,尽快与国际兽医高等教育接轨,促进创新性兽医人才的培养。  相似文献   

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