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Under the dynamic load of vehicle, the bridge will vibrate and radiate low frequency noise which is harmful to human health. A method for predicting the low frequency noise is proposed based on the analysis of vibration of bridge deck. The prediction includes the analysis of vehicle bridge coupling vibration considering the bridge deck and the analysis of sound radiation and propagation in the air. By taking a bridge with low frequency noise as example, the vibration and sound radiation of the bridge are analyzed respectively by the current method and the previous method based on the grillage model. The results show that the prediction based on the vibration of bridge deck is more accurate. Furthermore, the measures to reduce the noise of bridge are explored, and the results indicate that a smoother road surface leads to lower noise. But when the condition of road surface is up to the extremely good standard defined by ISO, the effect of reducing the roughness of surface is not significant. Also, strengthening the crossbeam in the bridgehead is a simple and effective way to reduce the low frequency noise of bridge.  相似文献   

By means of noise sources separation experiment of mini car and the surface acoustic intensity measurement of the engine, this paper finds that the main noise source of the mini car is the intake noise. According to the frequency spectrum analysis of the intake noise, the design frequency of the three cavity Helmholz intake silencer is determined. The results of the experiments show that the silencer, which is patented, has a remarkable effect, about 8 dB(A) decrement, on the noise reduction of the mini car.  相似文献   

In order to study the damage characteristics and mechanism of underground water on underground structure, factors of structure deformation and cracks based on a case study had been investigated. Meanwhile, finite element method had been used to simulate the deformation and decrease of stiffness. And structure deformation mechanism had been investigated, together with cracks characteristics and the effect on the structure’s safety. It was found that the underground structure would be swollen up and floated as the float was larger than the structure’s weight. And the uptrend of boundary retaining wall was restrained by soil, which made vertical displacements in columns and concrete walls different and resulted in structure cracks and the decrease of structural stiffness. The general structural damage was depended on the plan size and controlled by the short side. And the damage was more serious in central than that in boundary.  相似文献   

With the study of minbus's accelerated exterior noise control,the principle of sound intensity measurement was applied,the sound intensity of a minbus's surface noise was tested,and the surface noise distribution was presented.Several identification of noise source methods including sound power,sound intensity contour map,frequency spectrum were used together for surface noise analysis and study.Engine radiation noise and exhaust noise was identified as the major noise sources.On the contrary,car body vibration noise,tyre noise,transmission agent noise,air admission noise just occupied a little proportion of surface sound radiation energy.The research provides the reliable basis to determine main projects of minibus's accelerated exterior noise control.  相似文献   

This paper describes the noise mechanism of rotary vane compressor JSS -96 by the method of running independently, spectrum and the measurement of the sound intensity. The noise sources of this type compressor mainly include noise of electromotor, outlet noise and intake noise. Electromotor noise and outlet noise among them have most influence on the compressor noise. This is the further basis of noise control for rotary vane compressor.  相似文献   

Urban rail transit is becoming an important means of transportation and elevated structure is one important part of urban rail transit. So the radiation noise induced by elevated structure attracts more and more attention. Based on the theory of Helmholtz integral equation of BEM and fluid-structure coupling system of FEM, the sound pressure transmission vector reflecting the relation between structural vibration acceleration and radiation of sound pressure is derived and solved by the element radiation superposition method. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data from a viaduct section of the Beijing airport rapid rail transit.  相似文献   

山西运城小麦和玉米苗期地下害虫调查与防控技术研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了解山西运城地下害虫对主要粮食作物小麦和玉米的危害并有效控制,调查了2011年山西南部运城市小麦和玉米的地下害虫发生情况,同时研究植物源农药苦参碱及常用的化学制剂吡虫啉和氟虫腈3种药剂拌种对小麦和玉米种子的出苗率、被害株率、防虫效果以及保苗效果的影响进行统计分析,并对拌种后幼苗的株高、根长及相关的抗氧化酶SOD、POD活性及膜脂过氧化产物MDA进行测定。结果表明,小麦和玉米的苗期地下害虫主要有金针虫、地老虎和蛴螬3种,为害程度因地块变化较为明显;苦参碱对小麦和玉米的种子萌发有一定促进作用,但效果不显著,而对地下害虫的防效和保苗效果相对低于吡虫啉和氟虫腈;幼苗的抗氧化酶SOD和POD活性相对提高,抗性增强,且植物源农药对环境友好,可以在农业中推广。  相似文献   

In this paper, a shaking table test for large-span underground structure is introduced. Based on the test, the frequency of inherent vibration, damping ratio and the dynamic response of the structure are studied. The response of the underground structure for vertical seismic excitation is studied as a key point. With the different imbedding depth, the influence of interaction of soil and structure on the earthquake-resistant capacity of the underground structure is discussed.  相似文献   

Traditional noise octave analyzers consist of filter network and weight network based on hardware. In order to realize a noise octave analysis by software, a digit weight method based on FFT is proposed. Using the method, digit weight and digit system error modification for virtual noise octave analyzer can be realized. Because of digit weight and digit system error modification, precision and stability of the instrument can be improved greatly. As an application, which combines the method of digit weight with the technique of digit system error modification, a low cost and high precision virtual real time noise octave analyzer is developed.  相似文献   

Study on Surface Noise Distribution of Three ring Reducer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The three ring reducer is a kind of gear drive developed in the past decade. Adopting the new conception of "parallel and movable axis" of multiple mechanisms, this kind of gear drive has many characteristics such as large transmission ratio, high efficiency and so on. As the three ring reducer has been invented only for ten years, up to date the design of the gear drive is only made with analogue method, no design theory can be followed, there exist serious vibration and noise in transmission, which limit its wide application in industry. In this paper, the transmission principle of SHQ50 reducer is studied, the surface noise distribution of the reducer, transmission ratio 49.5 , is measured and analyzed by means of sound intensity method. The 3D distribution maps of noise on top of reducer, input side and output side of reducer, and left side and right side of reducer are drawn. With the sound intensity frequency maps of each measuring point, the sources of giving out noise are analyzed. The reducer of low vibration and noise can be designed rightly according to the analysis.  相似文献   

分析了消费结构变化对产业结构的影响,在此基础上用信息熵的方法研究了中国消费需求结构的变化,又具体分析了国内水产品消费不断高级化、不断复杂化的特点,结合渔业产业结构的现状,指出了我国渔业产业结构在消费结构的引导下,虽然已经朝着比较合理的方向进行了调整,但是相较于消费结构,渔业仍然存在着第三产业的比例相对较低和水产品加工程度不够等问题,文章据此提出了引进水产品加工的技术和设备以及大力发展渔业相关的旅游、服务和医疗产业等对策建议来优化中国渔业产业结构。  相似文献   

To research the mechanical and influence factors of noise of valve train of engine, noise-distinguishing test is taken with one certain 125 mL engine valve train. The result reveals that the valve train noise mainly results from impacting between rocker and valve stick, impacting of valve seating. With the way of model set up and simulating calculation of kinematics and dynamic of valve train, the influence factor of rocker impact force and valve seating acceleration of valve train is studied, which reveals that the acceleration of valve and impacting force between rocker and valve stick are mainly relied on cam buffer segment lift, cam buffer segment wrap angle and coefficient of accelerating segment of cam buffer segment. Choosing these parameters reasonably is helpful to decrease the acceleration of valve and impacting force between rocker and valve stick, and then reduce the noise of valve train.  相似文献   

结实期低温对杂交水稻胚乳结构的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以两系和三系杂交稻组合两优培九、103S/郑粳2号、丰优香占和汕优63为材料,分别于花后0~10 d、11~20 d和21~30 d 3个时期设18℃的低温处理,以常温(24~27℃)为对照,用扫描电镜观察了胚乳结构形成过程。结果表明,灌浆期不同时段的低温处理,对籽粒的粒型、垩白面积、胚乳结构三者的影响趋势基本一致,使籽粒外形异常,垩白面积提高;复粒和单粒淀粉体的体积变小且彼此差异变大,排列变疏松;复粒淀粉体变少,单粒淀粉体变多。低温处理愈早,对胚乳结构的影响愈大。灌浆前期进行低温处理、以后在正常温度下灌浆成熟的籽粒,其强势粒的粒型、垩白面积、胚乳结构均无明显改变,但弱势粒的变化较大。  相似文献   

On the basis of analysis and research on an automobile exhaust noise, the theory and test combination method was adopted to improve the muffler, and then the acoustics performance of muffler was validated by doing some experiments with the engine. On different speeds of the engine, the inserting loss and spectrum characteristic under several muffler methods were studied. Finally the best muffler method was confirmed, and the purpose of reserving was achieved.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the available organization related to informationalization, a new organization structure of enterprise information engineering that suits the situation of China is presented. This organization structure is composed of the leader group of enterprise information engineering, the chief information officer, information center and the group of specialist. The CIO is responsible for information management and knowledge management. The specialist is come from the enterprise and other organization. The responsibility of CIO and information center is also discussed. The organization structure presented in this paper is useful to the enterprise in china.  相似文献   

It's necessary to process position and gesture of rocket on real time within the flight of rocket. This work should base exact data. But much noise has been found in the data and the noise recognize is regarded as a focus. A speedy online arithmetic recognizing noise is proposed based on wavelet transform. The computing complexity measured by time of this arithmetic is a constant which is greatly reduces the works of calculation of wavelet transform. It can recognize the noise fast when the signal is gathered. The applications in these problems show that the effective arithmetic satisfies the needs of real time and can handle the real time data measured in other yields.  相似文献   

The paper analyses many forms of power supply noise interference in the high frequency PCB and the relevant reasons. Combining several formulas with the relevant engineering experience, the authors bring forward a lot of related means; finally conclude the chief principle that controlling power noise should abide by.  相似文献   

棉田地下滴灌土壤水分变化及需水规律初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大田实地观测的基础上,对地下滴灌水分变化、棉花各生育阶段蒸腾量进行测定,同时取棉花根系观察,结果表明:地下滴灌棉田土壤水分变化深度主要在20~60cm;棉花根系分布在10~80cm范围,主要集中在15~50cm,并且有两个明显的根系层;博乐垦区棉花日均耗水量苗期为1.4mm/d,蕾期为2.3mm/d,花铃期为3.8mm/d,絮期为1.5mm/d,并由此制定该地区的灌水制度。  相似文献   

魔芋葡甘聚糖(KGM)是提取自魔芋的天然大分子多糖,大量的KGM分子链能在凝固转变过程中形成高度有序的链结构,探讨链状结构稳定构象与功能性质的相关性,可以深入认识并揭示KGM纯化机制。综述了KGM微观构象与其链状空间结构的相关性,揭示KGM链状空间结构的微观机制。有助于深入认识KGM的复杂结构,为KGM链状空间结构的形成与调控提供理论指导,为KGM及其他天然植物多糖的深加工提供重要的依据。  相似文献   

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